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It's not the end.

"No... way.."

"Jin..?" You called his name ever so softly.

Looking at his state, he was all bruised up, blood everywhere on his clothes, he was breathing heavily and he seemed so tired while being carried by Yoongi. However, he was still able to gather up his last bit of energy to look up at your face and smiled at you sweetly.

"(Y/n).." he called your name with his last bits of energy and then passed out in Yoongi's hold.

You, Jimin and Yoongi were so alarmed by him suddenly losing consciousness. Jimin quickly rushed to Jin's side and helped carry him inside along with Yoongi. You followed behind with your heart still racing out of fright.

While you were taking care of Jin, cleaning up his bruises and patching up his open wounds, Yoongi was searching through the aid kit box for some band-aids and medicines whereas Jimin was making some porridge and soup for when he wakes up.

"Jin..." You wipe away the sweats on his forehead and moved his hair to sides.

"(Y/n)?" Yoongi called you.


"Here" He said as he handed you the band-aids and medicines.

"Thank you"

There were silence between the two of you for about two minutes. Yoongi decided to speak up first after that.

"You must be wondering where I was all day right? and how I ended up home with Jin"

You looked at Yoongi and met his eyes. You nodded your head at him slightly, silently thanking him for actually bringing up the story about this before you could even ask him.

"I was out looking for our essentials and food this morning, I'm pretty sure Jimin told you that already but.." He stopped for a bit and turned to look at Jin fully. "I took the risk and went to find everyone back at the castle.... that's the reason why I was taking a long time"

"I... actually found everyone except for Taehyung"

"You found everyone? Then where are the others beside from Jin?" You asked him quickly as you were very eager to know the answer.

Yoongi looked down to his feet and sighed. You can clearly see his lips quivering, seeming as if he didn't want to talk about it any longer.

He sighed once more and said, "I found Namjoon's and Hoseok's body.. they are... leaving to a better place now"

You gulped in that big lumps in your throat and fell flat to the cold floor. You didn't expect to hear about this. Your eyes, once again, swelled up with tears and it instantly leave your eyes. You cried. Your voice was cracking up and it kept on stuttering. Jimin heard your cry and came running out of the kitchen to check on you.

"(Y/n)? What's wrong!?" He panicked. "Yoongi? What happen!?"

"Taehyung's missing and... Namjoon and Hoseok.. the both of them are...." Yoongi stopped midway and cried as well. Jimin understood right away by what he means.

"No.. it can't be.."

Jimin just laughed in disbelief but then he shed tears as well. He had stayed strong for too long for him to suddenly hear about this. It was heartbreaking. It truly was.

"I can only find Jin. I thought he was.. gone too but luckily, his pulse were still running" Yoongi continued. "Don't worry (y/n), Jimin, I already buried them along with Rina" 

"Thank you Yoongi for doing all this" You said as you tried your best to put on a smile.

"Thank you Yoongi" Jimin did the same.

Later that night, you decided to sleep by Jin's side, making sure that he gets a good rest and proper treatment for his wounds. You couldn't really sleep peacefully because one, you were still very heartbroken from the news of Taehyung, Namjoon, Hoseok and Rina and two, Jin's still lying unconscious on the sofa. You were sad but also glad at the same time.

You were about to fall asleep once more when out of the blue, Jin started muttering, shouting for you and moving around. You were surprised by this and tried to calm him down by telling him that you're here with him. It took a few good minutes to be able to get him to relax in place again and seconds later, he started to open his eyes. 

"(Y/n)..." Jin called your name; his voice were small and weak. Your heart pound rapidly at his voice and you quickly turn around to meet his eyes. He smiled at you and you dropped the cloth to the floor. You were astound.

"Jin..." You smiled at him, tears falling down on your cheeks.

He got up from the sofa slowly and opened his arms, signaling for a hug. You run into arms without a doubt. You didn't hug him tight as you were afraid you would hurt his bruises but he didn't care about any of it and just hug you tight to his chest as if he was afraid to lose you again.

"I missed you so much.. I missed you so so much" He said while crying with you.

"I missed you too Jin.. I really.. miss you"

"I'm glad were able to meet again (y/n)"

"Hmm.. me too Jin"

He broke away from the hug and cupped your face with his hands. He wiped away your tears with his thumbs and kissed your forehead softly. Your heart raced and your smiled to yourself unconsciously. Without saying anything else, he moved in to kiss you on the lips slowly.

"Jin, go back to rest please" You giggled and moved his chest down slightly.

"Ouch" He yelped.

"I'm sorry! I'm so sorry!" You started panicking at the thought of hurting him. He chuckled at your expression and you sigh in relief once you knew he was only pretending to get hurt.

"Don't do that.. I was so scared of hurting you" You shake your head.

"I know.. I just want to kiss you so I had to find a way for you to repent it"

"Really Jin? At a time like this? You're so childish" 

"Can you blame me? I missed everything about you" He touched your cheeks with so much care.

"Fine.. I'll let you then, only because I felt the same way too"

He respond you with a smile, keeping his eyes locked still with yours and then moving in to continue kissing you.

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