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Tonight is the night.


As soon as you heard your name being called by many familiar voices, you turned around and was immediately attacked with a bear hug.

"Jimin! Hoseok! Yoongi!" You called their names. "I really missed you guys!"

"We missed you too (y/n)!" Hoseok shouted in happiness.

After parting from the group hug, you quickly ask them, "B-but how did you guys knows about this and-"

"His highness wrote to us" Yoongi responded.

"What? But why? and how did he-"

"I actually planned everything from the beginning" Jin replied.

Your brows knitted and you gave him a look of confusion and curiosity. Jin noticed how impatient you were so he just held both of your hands tightly to assure you that everything is fine now and began explaining about what really happens.

"You see, while they were travelling at the countryside, Yoongi happened to see lady Seol-Hee by accident and so he followed her tracks and he reported to me right away"

"Just to let you know, I've known Seol-Hee for a pretty long time too but she doesn't seem to recognize me" Yoongi added.

"And that's why he was able to follow her around and tries to find out what she's up to. So, I started planning all of these and act like I know nothing when she finally shows up and threaten me. Seol-Hee actually bribed my royal servant as well but he also reported to me right away luckily"

"I-is that why... you tried to avoid me?" You asked him; your tears beginning to shed again.

"Hmm.. that's why.. I'm sorry (y/n). I'm only hiding this from you because I wanted to protect you"

Your heart races as you thought of how much he cared about you and how much he had gone through just to keep Seol-Hee away from hurting you. You cried and he pulled you into chest, telling you to cry as much as you want. He slowly and gently, patted down your head and hair, making you feel so relieved and calmed with his touch.

Rina, Taehyung, Jimin, Yoongi, Hoseok, Jungkook, and Namjoon gathered around the two of you, cheering happily for the troubles that has finally fade away.

While you were getting ready to go to bed, someone came and gave a light knock on your bedroom door. You were kind of getting used to this familiar sound of knocking so you instantly knew who it was. You opened the door for that person and you were right, it really is him.

"Jin!" You called his name as you ran into his arm in which he had already opened wide for you to run into.

"Were you missing me?" He chuckled softly. You also did the same.

You hit his arm slightly and said, "No.. of course not"

"Ah.. don't lie, I know you miss me every hour and second" He replied to you as he moved you inside and kick the door close.

"How can you be so sure?" You smiled at him.

"Because I felt the same way too" He smiled back at you and his eyes focuses on yours very intensely. You were a bit taken back by his words but you can't deny the fact that it made you feel happy.

"W-why are you coming here at this hour?"

"I come here so I can be with you of course"

"Wha- what do you mean by that?"

"I know it's wrong for a king to do this but I'm breaking the rules just for this just once okay? Then we can continue again after our marriage"

"What? Jin what do you mean break the rules? Are you- no wait!" You gasped. "Y-you're not trying to-"

You remove yourself from him and tries to cover your body with your bare hands. Jin was weirded out by you but once he gets the message of what you mean, he opened his eyes wide.

"(Y-y/n) that's not what I-I meant!!" He panicked.

"T-then what do y-you mean?" You were getting quite shy so you didn't make eye contact with him.

"What I was trying to say is that, I wanted us to sleep together, for just today"

"What!?" You shouted; still surprised by his words.

"N-no I- I didn't meant sleep together as in.. I mean that I-I wanted to be with you for tonight, something like hugging"

"O-oh.." you averted your eyes around the room.

'Did I just make the situation between us more awkward than this? What am I going to do? What if she refuse?' Jin thought to himself

"Hmm.. okay.." you answered him in a small voice and red cheeks.

After that, you both went silent for a few seconds, not knowing what to do next because of what happened earlier. Jin sighed and then just grab you; carried you in a bridal style out of no where. He smiled at you in a teasing kind of way and made his way towards your bed. He put you down gently on the mattress and starts scooting in next to you. You wanted to face the other side of the bed because you know it yourself that your face is probably turning so red due to all the shyness that you held. But you didn't get the chance to do so because Jin stops you from turning around and hugged you to his chest tightly. You felt so small inside his hold and well, you didn't regret a thing since his cologne really attracts you in.



"You heard what I was saying in the meeting right?"

"About what?"

"About the marriage of us"

"H-huh.. yes.. I heard"

"I really mean it" he said in a serious tone. You moved out of his grip and lock eyes with him.

"So it's true..?"

"Yes.. it is.." he moved in closer to you as he speaks. You then froze in spot.

"I've been meaning to tell you this, to straightforwardly confess to you many times but everything just got in our way.. it hurts me because I thought that you might think I lost my love for you"

"What? Jin I-"

You couldn't believe what he just did to cut you off in the middle of your sentence.

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