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A little something.

"He did what!?" You yelled after hearing the sudden news.

"I don't know how it happen either my lady. He just, suddenly make an announcement about the royal meeting and none of the people in the castle know about this" Rina explained.

'Does this have something to do with.. Seol-Hee?' You thought. 'It has to be.. right?'

"Did he mention anything else?" You asked her with curiosity in your eyes.

"Hmm.. I don't think he says anything else, he said that its urgent and everyone that's invited should be in the meeting before noon"

"Oh.. um, then, let's just wait and see what it's all about after it ends" You nodded your head.

"B-but my lady, his highness said that you must attend this meeting too, it's an order and that you must be there no matter what" Rina said.

You were left dumbfounded by this, thinking about what might be the plan is, that you need to be there too. But of course, you didn't question any further because you thought that he may need your help for even just a little bit.

"Okay, I got it.. let's get dressed then"

When noon arrives, the announcer immediately make notice of the royal meeting that it's going to start soon.

You were putting on the last touch of the jewelries when, right exactly at the same time, a servant came and escorted you to the meeting. As soon as you got there, Namjoon quickly led you to where Taehyung was and told you to sit near him without telling you any reasons why.

"Taehyung! I can't believe you're here too!" You excitedly spoke to him in a lowered tone.

"I can't believe it myself too" He giggled. "I'm very glad that I could be a part of the meeting"

While you were happily chit-chatting with Taehyung, all the people that was in the room murmured something to others next to them and glances at you and Taehyung every second. You didn't care about them; however, as soon as Seol-Hee's name was called, your expression fell. Both you and Taehyung no longer had the feelings to have any more talks. A lot of people greeted Seol-Hee as if she was their master but the ones who was the most excited to see her was the king's royal courtier and the prime minister.

"Here comes the future queen of the Sky Kingdom, welcome lady Seol-Hee, we were expecting you to be here" The courtier said cheerfully.

After everyone heard of the words 'future queen', they all started whispering to one another.

"I can't miss any important work like this, you know that" Seol-Hee laughed.

You can feel your heart about to drop to the bottom of your feet anytime soon but you kept yourself strong. Sure, your facial expression fell but you managed it otherwise. When you look at Seol-Hee, you can see her burning glare and evil smirk at the same time. She made her looks toward you to seem as if her plan is really working.

"(Y/n), don't let her get to you" Taehyung whispered to you. You didn't respond to him but only nodded instead.

A few minutes later, when everyone has finally gathered in the room, including Jin, the discussion began right away. They were all talking about planning and gathering something which mostly involves politics and the economic issues. You didn't fully kept your ears open on their conversation though, because you were still feeling down.

After the meeting finally came to an end, everyone was preparing to leave the room and you did so too but the courtier and the prime minister suddenly announces a certain something that makes the whole people stays put in their seat. Taehyung held your wrist and pulled you back into your seat. You were about to questioned him but his eyes were telling you something that makes you stop.

"Sire, I think it's about time for you to get married" the courtier said.

"Oh not this again, Mr. Leo" Jin opposed.

"But sire, you're still very young. You have to get married and have a child to ascend the throne to protect your family's name"

"My brother, prince Namjoon will take over it"

"Sire, for many years, the Kim's royal family has already divided three main lands for each of their child to rule over. Soon, prince Namjoon will be the one to take over one of the land to the west" He explains. "The third land is still under your name and you'll need to have at least two child to rule over the north land while the other one rules the Sky Kingdom"

"I definitely agree with Mr. Leo, your highness" The prime minister said.

Jin went silent for a minute, probably thinking of the courtier's and the prime minister's words.

"Alright then, I'll get married" Jin replied to them; his face clearly showed excitement. 

Everyone in the room gasped and starts whispering to one another as well as questioning the king about whoever the bride might be.

"That's- that's great news your highness, her majesty will be so delighted to hear of such news in heaven!" They all cheered.

"Your highness, must we pick out a suitable partner for you? We know a lot of royalty wom-"

"That won't be necessary" The courtier raised his hand. "As we've talked earlier, lady Seol-Hee will the one who fits perfectly for his highness"

"Of course Mr. Leo, I've known Soel-Hee for quite a long time now and I can definitely say the same about that too, besides, her family and her late majesty has a very good connection with one another" the prime minister added.

The whole people in the room cheered again and starts congratulating on Jin's and Seol-Hee's marriage. Seol-Hee got up from her seat and starts bowing to everyone, thanking the all for their blessing for her and Jin.

"Taehyung.. I-I... want to leave" You whispered to Taehyung. You couldn't hold in your tears any longer so you wanted to leave the room as fast as possible.

"(Y/n), it's okay... trust me.. please wait a little, you'll see what's about to happen soon" He gave you a reassuring smile.

"Hmm.. okay then" You wiped bits of your tears away and sat back down on your seat.

"We'll know who works beside Seol-Hee's soon, don't you worry"

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