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Is it me that you desire? 

Your eyes grew wide.

You don't know what to respond to him. You don't know whether you're too embarrassed or just too coward to admit your true feelings. You just don't know. 

There were silence between the two of you. Jungkook also waited to hear your replies but your action already tells him otherwise. He already know how you felt. Everyone knows how you and Jin felt for each other. It's just that the two of you were too dumb to realize it or just didn't want to acknowledge your feelings.

"(Y/n)?" Jungkook called your name.

"A-ah y-yes? What a-about me and J-jin?" You stuttered.

"So it's true.. you and hyungnim really does like each other.." He said in a low voice and a hint of sadness was hidden behind it.

"W-what do you m-mean Jungkook!? Oh god t-that's just funny haha-"

"(Y/n), you used to say that whenever I lie, I always stutter and I think now, you're adapted to my habit too" He smiled a little. You blinked many times at him and fake a cough. Then, silence filled in the atmosphere again.

"(Y/n).. I know this is very crazy of me but.. I just didn't want to keep in so.. I wanted to let you know that.... I've liked you since the day that I first saw you" He confessed to you as he sits up straight and stares deeply into your eyes. You were speechless and nothing comes out of your mouth.

"But.. I'm willing to give you up to hyungnim.. I-I mean.. I wouldn't give you up to anyone else but if it's him then it's okay.." he smiled at you. "I know that hyungnim likes you too.. I can see it in his eyes and action. It was too obvious"


"You know.. hyungnim was always so gleeful when his mother was still here. But when she passed away, he was never the same. He never leave the castle unless something urgent came up nor does he ever got attached to any woman before.. that is, until you came. You turned him back into his old-self" Jungkook said.

You actually know a little something about this part of the history. It says that Jin was always so cheerful and joyous as a child but when his mother passed away, he became mysterious and hidden, to the point where everyone became scared of him. But now that you finally meet him yourself, you'd have to argue with the book one day when you return.

"(Y/n).. I would be more than glad for you and hyungnim to be together" He spoke in a very soft tone as he touches your hair. "Please remember that I will always like you no matter what.. and that I will always remain as your good friend that you can rely on"

"Jungkook.." you began to shed tears as he smiled so genuinely at you. You know it for sure now that he really does mean what he said just by his lovely smile alone. You gave him a hug to let him know that you're very thankful for all his kind words, help and honesty. It was enough to make you feel like you were home with (best friend name).

"Thank you so much Jungkook.." You whispered.

"It's my pleasure (y/n)" He replied as he closes his eyes and hug you back. 

And what a coincident it is that Jin had to come at the exact same time as you two were hugging. 

'There it goes again.. my aching heart' Jin thought to himself as he hid behind the tree to look at you and Jungkook.

'Why are they always together? Could it be that they- n-no way it can't be..'

'Namjoon was right.. I should've told her earlier.. oh what do I do now Namjoon?'

'Was I too late (y/n)?'

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