Chapter 3: How to handle your feelings

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Y/N pov

The alarm spooked you this morning. For some reason you were just so jumpy. Oh wait. Oh yeah.

Your half awake self turned it off and sat up in bed. The sun dimly lit up the room from the blinds being shut. Mornings in New York were not near as bright or warm as mornings in Florida.

While your mind awoke, you felt the memories from last night hit you like a truck.


You smacked yourself with your pillow.

Don't you dare admit that he was handsome.

Makes it real.

You look over at the Red Bull can on your nightstand.

He was real. Hollyyy cow.

How do I just go about my day after that?

New York what a town.

I need to talk to April.

You open your phone while you put your glasses back on. You send a text:

Y/N: April can we pls talk ab what happened last night? After classes prob lol

April🐱: yes of course! See you soon! We can go to my place.

Y/N: perf

You hop down from bed and get ready for the day.

Every time you saw the color purple you were thrown into a whirlwind of thoughts.

Donnie's pov

It was early that morning and I was on my- 17th cup of coffee. I flipped my goggles off my eyes and slumped in my worn down chair. Rubbing my eyes I yawned. After a while staring at all these monitors hurt.

But it wasn't like I was working on something in particular. On the contrary I finished my initial project hours ago. I was just avoiding letting my mind wander. Feelings... I avoided them. They muddy my genius. Probably.

After giving myself a two minute break of resting my eyes I smelt something delicious.

Omigosh is Mikey cooking?? On a Friday morning??

"I must have it." I mumble, scrambling down my chair and slowly exiting my lab. It had become a second bedroom of sorts. I quickly adorn my glasses, not enough time to change to contacts. I left behind my gear, besides my trusty purple bandana which I only took off to sleep. So... not often.

Sure enough all my brothers were in the kitchen. Mikey was singing a song from Jupiter Jim while flipping pancakes and Raph and Leo were echoing. When Mikey cooks we all suddenly do anything he wants.

Everyone's eyes turn to me.

Before I can get a word out Leo pounces on me.

"Good morning brother, I'm so glad Mikey's cooking brought you out of hibernation because we need your help eating this feast!" Leo sings as he climbs my back.

"Ow- Leo get off!" I complain, struggling.

"Raph could eat it all. I don need help." Raph mutters.

"What's the occasion dear Angelo?" I ask, finally detaching Leo.

Mikey expertly stacks pancakes on a plate. "I need the practice for Christmas breakfast! It's soon and I want to make it perfect for you guys! So, tell me whatcha think hm?"

The three brothers don't waste time and scarf down the food, while Mikey takes his time to enjoy his creation.

"Ahhh sweet sweet Angelo these pancakes are nothing less than divine." I swoon, tossing up my empty plate before catching it again.

Leo raises an eyebrow at me. "All you ever eat is coffee and pizza you aren't hard to impress."

I smack him with the plate and he whines.

"The perfect breakfast to give us energy for a day of training huh fellas?" Raph says, looking at us expectantly.

We all look around innocently.

Raph frowns. "Get suited up we're sparring today."

"FINEEEE." We all whine, slumping to our prospective rooms to get geared up.

I enter the lab with newfound energy. This is what I need, another distraction. Perfect!

"Sheldon I'll be right back I'm just going to train." I say matter of factly while I attach my battle shell and pick up my tech Bo.

Sheldon whirls circles around me.

"Bro you said we would do some laps around the city this weekend! Well it's the weekend when are we going!"

I palm my face. "Ughhh yes you're correct." I mutter pulling up my projection calendar and seeing I had written it down.

"Tonight, when it's dark, we will go."

I leave and join my dumb dumb brothers for a sparring session.

After a few hours, the four of us pant, exhausted and bent over.

"What's going on with you Dee? Did you actually sleep last night?" Leo pants.

I wipe sweat off my forehead and straighten up. "Actually I did not sleep dearest brother, I just-" I catch my sentence and pause.

What do I even say? They can't know they'd make it weird!

"I um- it's-" I stutter, and they grow their confusion.

"Donnie is always good with hand to hand stuff you guys, it's just today he had more of a spark!" Mikey exclaimed, hating the silence as much as I.

"Yes it was your pancakes no doubt." I quickly recover, avoiding looking my skeptical brothers in the eyes.

Raph walks over and puts a huge hand on my shoulder. My knees almost buckle.

"You need to be getting sleep Dee. I know you hate hearing it but it's true. It worries Raph." He said calmly.

I squirm away from his hand. "Uncomfortable with touching!" I say, not commenting on the matter.

They're right. I know I should sleep more. There's just so much to be done! So much to... ponder...

"TOUCH THIS!" Leo shouts as he body slams me to the ground.

"Leo! GET OFF!" I snap, wrestling my 'twin' until we both give up, too exhausted.

"Save the rest of your energy guys, after dinner we need to go on our nightly patrol." Raph grunts.

Mikey cheers and runs to the couch to watch tv. Leo, easily excitable, gets up and follows.

I stand up and approach my oldest brother.

"Raph, I know we only have a certain number of excuses when we can't go to patrol-" I gesture to the wall of sticker stars- (I have second most) "tonight I made a prior commitment to do some test flights on Sheldon. I hope that's okay." I say, giving him my best 'please' look. Always works on em.

Raph nods, surprisingly. "You've earned it Dee. Im proud of how strong you've become."

I feel my knees get weak again. Ah the sweet sweet praise from an older respectable figure. I almost hug him.

"Thanks dearest brother! I will see you tonight!" I say, eyes wide. We both leave the training room and I head to my lab to see Sheldon.

"I'm so ready~ I'm so ready~!" Sheldon sings as soon as I step in.

I roll my eyes characteristically.

"Give me just a moment to get everything set up and I need some hydration." I say, putting my contacts in.

Sheldon zooms around the room.

"You act like a caged animal." I mutter, equipping myself with all my gear. I also grabbed a scarf for the chill.

We left the sewers, scaling the buildings of New York.

The nightlife was buzzing. It always put a sinking question in my mind, if I could ever be one of them.

Accepted as normal.

I think about Y/N's shock as she saw me. Did she think I was a monster?

Sheldon snaps me out of my thoughts as we reach our starting line: Atop April's apartment. I sit on the edge of the roof and pull up my hologram timer with my arm.

"Ready go." I say unenthusiastically. Sheldon takes off.

I swing my legs over the city of New York. I watch my breath fog in front of me.

With nothing else to do I pull out a small notepad. I keep a record of what happens everyday. It's more like data entry than a journal. I flip to yesterdays page.

Y/N. My cheeks flush.

I groan and rub my eyes, flipping to the next one.

I begin to log today.

Just as I was, I get a call from Sheldon.

I answer. "You're conversing with Donatello." I practically whisper.

"Uhhhh bruh I messed up. I accidentally ran into someone. And it's April's friend? She's pretty mad at- both of us so you probably need to come here. I'm on the fire escape in front of April's window."

Sheldon hangs up.

I'm speechless.

Great Galileo, the girl I'm trying to protect I just injured with my tech??

I wanted to see her again but not in these circumstances. She'll hate me no doubt. I've blown it.

I'm not speechless for long though.

I fling open April's apartment window. A common occurrence.

"SHELDONNNN!" I yell. Another common occurrence.

Sheldon and April are huddling together by Y/N who lays on the couch with an ice pack on her head.

Sheldon hides.

April storms up to me.

"Now what did I tell you about-" April shouts, pointing her finger as I receive a lecture about how I'm the reason she has no friends.

My eyes, along with my thoughts, drift to Y/N.

She's awake, she slowly sits up to call April off.

"I-It's okay April it was my big noggin that got in the way." She says weakly.

April stifles a laugh and I feel myself ache for her.

"Y/N." I say calmly, moving closer to her. She doesn't flinch.

"It's not your fault. It's ours. Don't say that it was yours." I tried to sound comforting but I felt a tinge of protection in my voice. I sounded like my papa.

"How did you manage to hit her anyway?" I bark at Sheldon, spinning on my heel to avoid looking at her any more.

She was so cute.

Sheldon ducks back behind the chair. "I was trying to do some parkour around the fire escapes and- and April and Y/N were outside on one and- yeah I didn't see them. I won't do it again dude!"

April and I both face palm.

"I apologize on behalf of my dim witted invention." I say through gritted teeth.

"This wasn't how I wanted to see you again." I sigh, hand rubbing the bridge of my nose.

Y/N sits up more. "You created that drone?? Donnatello that's amazing!! April said you're a tech god but wow I'm impressed!"

April shakes her head and I feel my cheeks heat up fast.

Oh banana pancakes it's the one thing that gets me. Praise!

"Don't blow his head up it's already too big as it is." April says snidely.

"If you're ever keen on hearing more about my undeniable and prestigious genius-" I pause slamming the blanks on my thoughts.

Be cool! Be cool!

"Feel uh- feel free to text me." I end nervously, regretting not thinking over it more. April and Y/N laugh as I blurt out my cell number.

"Okay captain smooth whatever ya say." April teases.

Sheldon whirls to Y/N and gives her a gentle head nudge. I tense up, seeing him so close.

"And I'm sorry for ramming into ya dude. Won't happen again!"

Y/N pets his head.

Ugh dumb dumb drone save some for the rest of us.

"How bad did he hit you anyway?" I quizzically ask, inching towards Y/N again.

Y/N removes the ice pack.

Aw geez.

A brown purple bruise nearly the size of the ice pack paints her forehead.

"I simply cannot apologize enough. Please if there's anything I can do for you let me know." I say, more comforting this time. A hard tone for me to muster.

Y/N smiles and April takes this as her moment. "Yeah I got a suggestion. Sheldon get your robo butt outside my apartment." As she shoos Sheldon out the window, I bend over and reach for the ice pack the same time as Y/N.

Our fingers brush.

My knees get weak and I drop my tech bo. It clanks on the ground and we both pull our hands back.

"Sorry!" We both say, her blush nearly as bright as mine.

She's blushing?? I've embarrassed her more!

I scoop up my tech bo and nervously play it off. Gotta keep up my bad boy image.

I won't look at her anymore! I can't do this.

"Great idea April. Lets go Sheldon." I say back in my monotone voice. I turn my back to Y/N, and march out the window.

At this point would I even know how to use a door?

Sheldon and I begin the flight back to our lair. I needed to get busy I needed to get to work. I couldn't afford to think of Y/N any longer. She was a distraction to me. Why did I even care so much for her?

Was it her cute smile? Her lovely voice? Her soft hair? Her pretty eyes?

"OMIGOSH SHUTUP." I snapped out loud.

Sheldon turned towards me. "You like Y/N don't ya dude."

"I won't even entertain that dumb dumb question." I growl.

"How long has it been since you took interest in a woman? Splinter would be so proud to marry you off first bro!" Sheldon continues.

I toss my tech Bo back and forth. Not turning towards him."Again, I will not influence this buffoonery."

"Just don't lock yourself in your lab for days because you can't handle your own emotions."

I nearly drop my tech Bo. I turn to Sheldon, my eyes wide and attentive. "Wh- I don't do that."

Sheldon rolls his eyes. "You know a lot of stuff Donnie. You're incredibly smart and gifted. But you choose to block out certain things and it hurts you because you do have a soft side that is often neglected. I see it because I'm with you 24/7 dude. For real. It's okay to have a crush."

I just blink at him for a moment. "Sheldon did I upgrade you and I just don't remember?"

Sheldon half heartedly laughs and goes back to concentrating on navigating.

Do I have a soft side? I've never addressed this. I guess I do love hugs from papa. I love spending time with my family. I want to know more about Y/N.

The last thought echoes loud.

We both touchdown in the lair, which is empty. My brothers are still on patrol. Sheldon goes to the lab to recharge. I hesitate.

I haven't slept in 48 hours.

Against my better judgement of avoiding my feelings and my thoughts alone, I slink towards my bedroom.

As I fall asleep, I allow the thoughts and feelings Y/N gives me to flow. It felt good. It felt... correct.

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