'Then I thought that to get into your family , there was just one fool proof way and that was feigning love with you. So I pretended to love you , when each moment I felt like killing you. After this my work became easier. I chose the day to murder your brother on our proposal day because I knew no one will think that a girl would ruin her moment of love. Killing your moron brother was very easy. I just had to mix cocaine in his drinks, and I could do that because I had to visit your house often. Now, he never had done drugs, so the effects were drastic. He didn't notice it at first and then when he drove his car , he lost control and rammed into a tree. I told your dad that he was always a drug addict & who is to question doctor. Now for Jhanvi , I had made a special watch for her. I replaced it with her original one during our engagement. No one noticed me going to her room. See , this watch makes little sparks after every hour. Very minor sparks. And what happens when a spark is made near a car full of inflammable petroleum? It bursts. And it did , causing Jhanvi to die with those flames. For your dad , I chose a drug which causes heart attack but would not be found in blood. People like secret agents use it. And you know what made my plan so easy , the fact that you all would never go to the police because you , yourself are involved in illegal things.'
Shivaay said 'But why did you kill Mri? She was never involved with us.'
Annika nodded , 'True, but the only flaw in my plan was that , you didn't love your family like I did. So their loss didn't cause you pain. Only Mri's death and my betrayal would give you pain before I killed you. And yes , those figurine breaking, I did that for the effect. It seemed satisfactory to see everyone of you scared by that. And also that priest was set up by me. Just to give you all a small warning.'
Shivaay smiled as if they were talking about the weather and said 'I don't have any complaints with what you did because we deserve it. You could have left Mri , but I understand your view. But I can't believe that you were never in love with me. You are lying about that. Because you were, and you still are. You are fighting yourself not to love me. I know this because I loved you so much that it is impossible not to fall for me. My love was pure and I know you couldn't resist it. I know when you kissed me , it was true. You can't deny that.'
Annika said 'Are you out of your mind? I am here to kill you and you are talking about love. I hate you Shivaay Singh Oberoi.
Shivaay came closer and held her and said 'No you don't. Look at me in the eyes and tell me that you didn't fall in love with me while you spent time with me this year. Tell me that when you married me , you didn't let go of your hate.Tell me when I held you in my arms the night we got married , you believed that you didn't hate me. If you can look me in the eye and answer these questions with a no then I will walk away.'
Annika said 'Don't you dare do this to me Shivaay. I came for revenge , you will not let me back down.'
Shivaay said 'I got my answer. You love me and that's why you can't kill me even when I am right in front of you with nothing to defend me.But I promised you that I will support you in whatever you do and I meant anything and everything . So if killing me gives you peace then go ahead.Go on , Annika kill me but before that allow me to use my gum and shoot the traitor behind you.'
Annika looked behind her and saw Ayan standing there with a gun in his hand, pointing it straight at her.
He smiled cruelly and said 'A traitor, absolutely. Since everyone is making confessions before they commit a murder , let me do mine too.Shivaay is right my darling sister Annika. I did betray you. Who do you think told the Oberois where our secret safe house was? I did. And you know why? Because our father thought that you were much more capable than I was at handling our business. He wanted you to rule the Shekhawat Empire after him, and me to work below you.Now you see, I am a power hungry moron. I don't deny it, I am proud of it.
So when I was sitting in a bar, upset about everything I met Aditya Oberoi. We became friends and I told him my woes. His father gave me an offer.He told me if I betrayed my family , he would make Aditya and me equal share holders, because Shivaay was never interested in his business.So I agreed. But unfortunately you survived that attack. So I knew I had to hatch another plan to get me out of this mess.
But you my sister made everything so easy. You seeked revenge. You wanted to finish the Oberois. Now, if you killed Harsh and Aditya Oberoi, the business would immediately be owned by Shivaay. And if you married Shivaay , which you did , and he died, the business would come to you. But what happens when you die ? I become the owner of everything because I am the only living relation that you have. So, although I hate it, I have to kill you and then I will finish your unfinished job of killing your husband as well. Good Bye sister . It was nice meeting you.'
He pulled the trigger but a shot was fired much before him by Shivaay. Ayan got hit and he crumbled on the ground.
Annika was in tears and shouted 'Why? Why did you have to do this?'
She turned to Shivaay and said 'How did you know about him?'
Shivaay said 'I saw a photograph of yours and his. I recognised him immediately.'
He paused and then said 'It hurts when someone this close to you betrays you. I know exactly what you feel.'
Annika stumbled and Shivaay caught her in his arms and said 'Lets finish that unfinished work of yours shall we. I want to die Annika because you think it would make you happy and also because after all this , even if I love you , forgive you and we begin afresh ,I would see guilt in your eyes when you see me. I don't want that. I want your eyes to see happiness and show love. So it's better I die. I making it easier for you. I have this cyanide capsule. I will do it myself. And Annika , take my gun. I am sorry I handled a gun again even when you asked me not to. Take it , destroy it yourself or use it when it seems very friendly to you.'
He kissed her on the lips and whispered 'Alvida, Meri Khidkitod Annika.'
He bit the capsule. Annika shouted 'NOOOOO, SHIVAAY NOOOO.'
She pulled him , tugged him and screamed at him ' Shivaay get up , please get up. Shivaay, I am so sorry. I am really sorry. Yes I love you . Of course I do. Please come back..'
Her wails were unheard. She understood that the only man who had ever stopped the tears flowing from her eyes was gone forever. But she wanted to be with him. Her hatred was justified but her betrayal to Shivaay was not. She looked at the gun and knew what Shivaay. The gun did look really friendly to her. It would take her to Shivaay again. She wasn't afraid of death today , because she knew it would lead her to the only place where she would find peace. She smiled and held Shivaay's hand. A shot was heard by the bright stars which were the witnesses of this tragic love story from the very beginning.
Epilogue tomorrow.
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