A Facade (1)

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Shivaay was numb. He couldn't say a thing and then he mumbled a small 'Why?'
A voice , so familiar to him, so close to him was horribly distorted , it was sending chill down Shivaay's spine as it said 'This questions has many answers Shivaay Singh Oberoi.'

She emerged from the shadows and said 'What made you guess it was me?'

Shivaay said 'I read the book that inspired you.'
She said 'Oh , yes that one. I had misplaced it you know.'

Shivaay said 'You  read it a thousand times didn't you ? Just to make yourself sound convincing .

She smirked and said 'Yes. It was such a normal sad story. Strong enough to make people sympathetic and realistic enough to make believe in it. "Cocaine addict mother , pathetic father, struggled childhood", it works like a charm.'
Shivaay said 'But I still want to know , why?'

She said 'Well that's a long story and since I am going to kill you soon enough , you deserve to know the whole truth. So let me start by introducing myself . I am Dr.Annika Singh Shekhawat.'
Shivaay said 'Singh Shekhawat ?'

Annika said 'Oh yes , that surname rings a bell doesn't it ? That's why I changed it. And your guess is right , I am the daughter of Mr.Randhir Singh Shekhawat, your father's best friend and his sole competitor in the drugs and arms business. My dad made a huge name for himself in the illegal dealings. People were scared of him but respected him too. Your dad was his only friend. And he trusted him way too much. But your dad was a fraud and scheming man.

You are right when you say that your dad could stoops down to any level for the betterment for his business. One night when my dad was a bit too drunk, Harshvardhan drugged him and made him sign papers that said that he his whole business's heir was Harshvardhan Singh Oberoi if something happened to him. After a few weeks our whole family was going for a secret getaway to one of our secret safe houses. We did it every year to spend my birthday there. And then we were attacked by your clan, The Oberois. I managed to get out of the car without anyone noticing me and found a corner where no one could see me but I could see everything. I saw your dad and mine get into a heated argument and your dad was laughing at my dad's stupidity. I saw your pervert of a brother , sexually harassing my elder sister and then stabbing her to death, I saw your mother and the mistress team up and shoot my mother. I saw everything but I was so scared and timid and I couldn't do anything. I couldn't shout for help, I couldn't fight them.

I was feeling terrible to be in hiding when deep down I felt even I should have been with them and died but I didn't move. And I saw you Shivaay Singh Oberoi, standing outside your car and waiting for your family to finish with their deed. You were standing there calmly smoking a cigarette and watching them. You didn't harm my family but I had such a surge of hatred for you , for doing nothing to stop your family. And then your father put my family in the  car and pushed it down a gorge. I didn't come out from my hiding hole for two days. And when I did , reality hit me. I didn't have a family. I had nothing. I didn't have money or a house. After a few days of roaming in the streets like a ragamuffin , I met my brother. He too was searching for me. He was bruised but otherwise unhurt. I couldn't believe my luck that I finally got one part of my family back. And together he and I worked. He was an engineer already, so after a few months he got a job in a small company and I worked as a waitress to pay for my coaching for a doctor.

She paused for a breath and Shivaay held out his hand to comfort her and she flipped it away. There was so much anger in her eyes and her voice quivered

' I was a mere teenager when you took everything away from me. I was just two years younger than you at that time, but you got an ideal childhood but I lost my family on my sweet sixteen. When you are teenager, you are supposed to be carefree and enjoying your life , going out for parties , falling in love , going for first dates , getting ready , getting pampered by your parents but I scrubbed tables for a living when I was sixteen. Everything made me seek revenge. I wanted to kill everyone of you. And I wanted to give you the same pain that I had while seeing my family killed.

So I waited till I was a full fledged doctor. I worked on my plan for years and then I finally executed it. Your father didn't meet me by a coincidence, I planned it all. You see, while I was planning I learnt hacking and became an expert on it. I could  hack anything. So I hacked into our traffic control system and I made your father take the route that led his car to pass my hospital. And then my brother hit his car and he met with an accident. I knew your dad wanted a family doctor , so I made sure that the first face he saw when he conscious was mine. And then my plan flowed like river

.And the best part was that I understood you liked me. I heard you and Mri taking about me and your feelings about me. I improvised my plan. I thought that if I wait long enough , I could gain everyone's trust and also make you fall in love with me. I got to know , your mother was a patient with many health issues including sleeplessness. I prescribed her the medicines and then when she fully trusted me , I changed her medicines. She didn't die of carelessness that night , she died because I had told her to have those medicines. She obviously didn't doubt me.

To be continued.....

Firstly my readers , I am extremely sorry for making Annika behind all this I know you didn't want me to separate Shivika , but I had planned this from before. Secondly all you guys , you have been a source of joy for me, the way you all waited for me to reveal the whole story is so overwhelming. Thank you so much. Now do tune in for the next chapter , it has another twist. Lots of love .

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