Ch. 23

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"Dude, calm down" Warren insisted as I paced his room.

"How can you expect me to calm down? This is my first date in like forever" I stated and slumped down on his bed. I them got up and started raiding my clothes.

I was freaking out. I was going on a date with Angelo and I had nothing to wear. Our first date had been a bust because of miscommunication and impatience and I really didn't want this date to be like that. I had no idea how these things worked. Usually, I'd just plug 'n' go, and it was mostly the other person doing all the other work because they wanted to impress me.

Now, it was up to me. I wanted to impress Angelo. I wanted him to know that I was better than the play boy he had come to see. I wanted to be better for him. And I had no idea how.

I had taken all my clothes to Warren's place for him to help pick out what I should wear for the date and honestly, I was better off on my own. My friend didn't know jack shit about relationships. He had never been in one before and he always claimed he was waiting for the right person.

My thoughts; if you don't give people a chance, how are you gonna find the right person?

Ah, well, it was up to him. I had found my one, the one person who had changed me. The thought of him being sad tears me apart, it's the worst place I could ever be in my head. I always wanted to see him smiling, happy and safe. I didn't know why, I just wanted that for him.

"Okay, why don't you try this?" Warren asked, holding up a simple white button up shirt. I looked at him like he was crazy. I wanted to look as good as I could.

"Trust me" he insisted. "It goes well with your brown eyes" he smirked at me making me roll my eyes.

"Fine, but if he hates it, I'm coming for you".

"Bitch please. That boy will roll at your feet no matter what you wear. He might even prefer you naked" he laughed.

"Haha, very funny. Now get out".

"It's my room!"

"And I'm changing!" I shouted. "Out!"

Warren just laughed and shook his head as he made his way out of the room. I didn't mean to sack him from his own room but he was pissing me off.

"Don't worry, it'll be fine" he said.

I sighed. I really hoped it would.

When I saw Angelo that night, my jaw dropped to the floor. I rode my motorcycle from Warren's place to our dorm to pick him up. He was waiting for me at the entrance. He had his hair styled short, looking like a rich and hot business man. He wore a nice royal blue button up shirt, the sleeves rolled up to his elbows and a black tie to match. His tight black jeans didn't do me justice.

Angelo walked with such confidence that made me strain in my jeans. How was he so hot. And damn, his ass in those jeans was to die for.

"Hey" he smiled and kissed my cheek.

"You look handsome" I said to him and I meant it. I don't know how he did it. Angelo was beautiful.

"You're not so bad yourself" he whispered, running a finger on my chest. I shuddered. The things this boy did to me. I handed him a helmet and we rode to our destination, with Angelo's arm wrapped around my torso.

I could tell Angelo was confused when we got to the building. Why would our date be at a hotel? Even I would be confused but I quickly held his hand and led him into the building. We walked past the reception and towards the private elevators for the owners.

"Um, Evan, it says Mr. Lycidas only".

"Don't worry" I smirked. Angelo just shook his head as the elevator doors opened. It reminded me of the first day I met Angelo. He had just arrived in school and bumped into me. We both walked in.

I don't know what it was about elevators. Maybe it was because it was a small space, secluded from prying eyes and because it was just the two of us. I really wanted to kiss Angelo right there and then. Hell, I was ready to forget about our date and just take him into my arms and then make love to him over and over again. With how hot he looked right now, his small frame in front of me, and his beautiful eyes looking at me intensely, I wasn't sure I could contain myself.

I reached out, cupping his face in my hands. "I really hope you like our date" I whispered to him, because if I ruined this for him, I wouldn't be able to live with myself.

"Please kiss me" he moaned and I gladly placed my lips on his soft ones, pressing gently against them. He opened his lips for me and our tongues moved together calmly. I wasn't fighting for dominance forcing to make this sensual. I just wanted to feel him against me, I wanted to make sure he was here and not leaving me.

The doors to the elevator opened, announcing that we had reached the last floor and I heard Angelo curse, making me laugh.

"Oh my god" Angelo gasped when we walked out to the roof, taking in the scenery. "I've never seen the city at night before" he said, looking at the view in awe. He run over to the railing. "That's the Hollywood sign" he pointed excitedly. "I didn't know you could see it from here. It's beautiful" he laughed.

I felt my heart flutter at the thought of giving him this view to cherish. I guess I picked well.

"How did you get us to come here?" he asked when he turned to me, his hands resting on the railing.

I shrugged. "Just pulled a few strings. No biggie" I smiled. Actually, it was all Warren's doing. This building was owned by Warren's family so I had no problem in getting this space for Angelo and I.

"I love it" he smiled at me.

My heart fluttered again. What was this feeling?

"Wow, you managed to set up a picnic here? You're full of surprises" he said, walking towards me. I was glad that Angelo loved it. If he had thought otherwise, I wouldn't know what to do with myself. When he got to me, he stood on his toes and placed a kiss on my cheek making heat rush to my face.

Only he could make me blush, only Angelo. I reached out to take his hand and he let me. Placing a kiss on the back of his hand, I looked up at him and said, "May I?"

He nodded. I helped him sit down on the mat I had laid cause I was doing this traditional picnic style. I don't know what made me decide this was the way to go and not the usual dinner and a movie. Angelo seemed to like it and that sated my heart.

I opened the basket that I had made Warren prepare and poured him a glass of Ariel Cabernet Sauvignon non-alcoholic red wine. Non-alcoholic because I needed Angelo in his right mind for this. I knew how he got when he was drunk. If I wanted to tell him what I had planned, I had to make sure he understood me perfectly with no alcohol clouding his judgement.

"Thank you" he whispered and took a sip. Then he laughed. "There's no alcohol in this".

"We're riding the bike back" I shrugged with a smirk making him nod.

I then served him some soft cheese, and crackers with honey and jam. He took a bite and sighed with a smile on his face. "Did you make this?" he asked.

"I had a little help" I smirked.

Honestly, I was dreading this date. I was freaking out that Angelo would hate it but somehow, for some reason, he loved everything I put in front of him. What did I do to deserve this angel?

When we were done, I laid the other mat and we both laid on it. Angelo cuddled into my side, resting his head on my chest. He was right where he was meant to be, beside me, for me to hold and cherish.

"Do you come here often?" he whispered.

I nodded. "Yeah, when I want to get away for a while" I replied.

"Why would you want to get away?"

"Mostly because being alone over here helps me to think. But sometimes, it's nice to just look out over the city and dream".

Angelo chuckled at my response. "And what do you dream about when you come here?"

What did I dream about? When I looked down at everything from up here, seeing all these people doing about their daily lives, cars driving by with no care in the world, I feel like I'm just a small fragment of the world. I felt as though I wasn't put on a pedestal for people to look at, that people didn't expect anything from me.

"I dream that I can be anything I want to be" I answered honestly. Because when you realize that you're only a small portion of what makes up this world, you know that you can do whatever you want, be who you want to be, live for yourself.

"What do you want to be?"

I sighed, thinking. What did I want to be? "An architect, an advocate for Human Rights, hell, I could even be a poet" I chuckled, "I want to be independent, I want to be a good person" I told him and without thinking, I turned towards him.

I took his hand in mine, looked into his eyes and when I had all his attention, whispered, "I want to be your boyfriend".


I gasped. I felt goosebumps rise on my skin, on my exposed arms. A shiver run through me, heat spreading across my cheeks. I couldn't hear the sounds of the crickets, or of the cars that passed by occasionally for the hours we had been here. All I could hear was the sound of his breathing, his husky voice asking me the thing I have been wanting to hear for as long as I've known this side of him.

He said he wants to be my boyfriend.

Where did I go from there? What did I say?

I searched his eyes for any sign that said he was lying, or making fun of me, or if he was really being truthful, genuine. Did he really want me? As much as I wanted him?

I found no trace of lies. There, in his beautiful hazel eyes, the only thing that stood out was his boldness, courage, honesty and I couldn't help what I did next.

I pressed my lips to his and kissed him gently. He gasped, I took that as permission to continue and licked his bottom lip. He said nothing, I could tell his heart was beating just as hard as mine was. I licked his lip again, and this time, he smiled against my lips and whispered, "is that a yes?"

I didn't trust myself to answer, I couldn't trust my voice. I was so into him that I didn't want to ruin the moment. Instead, I nodded and kissed him again. This time, he took control and plunged his tongue into my mouth, meeting mine. He was tasting me, I smiled at that. His hands found their way to my back and caressed me there, it made me move in closer to him. He sent his hands down to my ass, squeezed me there and made me jump. He laughed, his lips still on mine. I laughed too.

"You're beautiful" he whispered against my lips.

Did I say thank you? I shook my head and climbed on top of him such that I was straddling him. "You're fucking handsome" I smiled, pulling back from him. He smirked at me, running his hand through his hair and showing me those sexy muscles of his. I don't know what moved me to do what I did next. Maybe it was the boldness I caught from him, or maybe it was in the heat of the moment.

I took hold of his shirt and began unbuttoning it, one by one. He didn't stop me, I wanted him to. He didn't, not when I was finished unbuttoning it. Not when I run my fingers along his toned chest, taking in every bit of him. Not until my fingers reached that sweet spot between his waist and that damn belt that held his jeans in place.

He held my wrists just when I took hold of the belt and I looked into his eyes. He raised a brow, as if asking me if I knew what I was doing. Of course I did. I felt him against him the moment I sat in his lap. I knew he felt me too, there was no hiding it. We both wanted this. I nodded to him and he sighed in relief. Before I could decipher what that even meant, he had slipped us over and I was lying on my back, with him straddling me.

He traced kisses on my neck, biting and sucking, leaving me a moaning mess. All the while, he removed my tie, and then unbuttoned my shirt just as I had done his, and then he kissed me on the lips. His hands found their way to my jeans and he looked up into my eyes. I nodded again, moaning and rubbing myself against him.

Don't stop.

I wanted to say.

It'd kill me if you did.

I licked my bottom lip, biting it in the process when he finally took off the stupid belt. He undid the flap of my jeans but he didn't touch me where I needed him. He only rubbed his hand on me. I moaned at the friction. I hated that there were clothes in between us.

"Please", I moaned, shutting my eyes closed.

I didn't see what he did next, only felt him moving around, until, I felt him take me completely into his mouth.

I melted.


"What did you mean when you said you wanted to be independent?" I asked him. It was late into the night, the stars were appearing above us now. We laid on the roof, my head on his chest, his arm around me and his hand rubbing mine to keep me from the cold. I was content.

"I don't like taking things from my dad" he said.

"Why?" I couldn't imagine being so independent in my life. I always took things from my dad. Everyone did. He was the alpha. He was our leader, our protector. I looked up to him. He had done everything for me since I was small and even though he hadn't done what I needed him to do, I still looked up to him. But in a way, was that not what I was doing? I runaway from home and I'm living on my own. I wasn't in a place where my dads watchful eyes would be on me at all times. I was on my own.

"He likes to attach strings to everything he does. He sees everything as a favor. So, him paying my fees, my bills, its all a favor to him and he expects me to repay him someday" he said and then sighed, as if thinking about it hurt him. "I don't like feeling the burden of that on my shoulders. Of course, I would repay him someday but I wouldn't want him to blackmail me" he said.

I wondered, "do you think he's capable of doing that? Blackmailing you that is". Which father would do that to their own child? Wasn't it the parents duty to take care of their child?

"My dad is not a saint. I wouldn't out it past him, honestly". He replied. "He's a business man. Business men don't give away free things. You think I'm studying architecture just because I want to?" he chuckled and I looked up at him. "I do want to be an architect but he wants me to design buildings for him, free of charge because apparently, he paid for me to be an architect".

"Wow. He seems like an asshole" I stated. I couldn't imagine a father doing what he's supposed to do for his child just because he wanted something in return. "But in a way, it is kind of a good thing" I said.

"How so?"

"He'd be your first client. If you do a good job, he'll recommend you to other employers. You're all set" I laughed.

"Yeah, but I wouldn't have done it myself" he stated.

"You'd have designed the building yourself, with your own instinct and not because your father said so. He's the client, sure, but you know what will be right or wrong for a specific piece of land".

"Who knew you were so wise?" he laughed and I slapped his chest, but not painfully.

"Asshole" I grumbled.

"Aww, baby, but I'm your asshole" he teased making me smirk.

"Are you saying you'd bottom for me?"

"If you want me to. I'd do anything for you Angelo" he whispered and kissed me deeply.

When he pulled away, I pouted at the loss of him and kissed him again. "The sun's coming up" he smiled against my lips.

"Will you kiss me like this when we get back?"

"More than this, for as long as you'll let me".

I'm back!!! Lol

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