T R A C K L I S T ; 0 4

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moonie: taeil
dadsapastor: mark
tannedboi: donghyuck
icecream: jaemin
realrapunzel: hendery
stupidposes: doyoung
handsanitizereater: jeno
moominbitch: renjun
furry: taeyong
tallasstree: lucas
grandma: kun
goodboygonebad: yangyang
chenlookatmysexyface: chenle
jisuckurmom: jisung
buffjasmine: xiaojun
winwow: sicheng
belieber: ten
yutaxesuck: yuta
shoteup: shotaro
sungsimp: sungchan
peachyass: jaehyun
johnnyjohnnyyesdaddy: johnny
thatsawetasswoo: jungwoo

nct 127


furry: yall
furry: let me beat ur asses

buffjasmine: WHAT


handsanitizereater: yeah none of us actually did so

tallasstree: what he said

jisuckurmom: wow i'm so like flattered

icecream: stop talking like a brat

johnnyjohnnyyesdaddy: tf were u doing in the bus anyways
johnnyjohnnyyesdaddy: making out???

jisuckurmom: ew no

chenlookatmysexyface: i wouldn't dare
chenlookatmysexyface: we were waiting for u guys because we are organised unlike some people
chenlookatmysexyface: aka a certain tanned boy and his baby lion

furry: oh shit
furry: markhyuck went to ask the staff

stupidposes: well who's going inside to get them

furry: yk what
furry: ive been through so much shit for u guys
furry: so
furry: not it

moonie: oh this game
moonie: not it

belieber: not it

yutaxesuck: not it

winwow: not it

jisuckurmom: not it

chenlookatmysexyface: not it

thatsawetasswoo: not it

peachyass: not it

johnnyjohnnyyesdaddy: not it

icecream: not it

tallasstree: not it

handsanitizereater: not it

moominbitch: not it

buffjasmine: not it

realrapunzel: not it

goodboygonebad: not it

grandma: not it

shoteup: tf is going on
shoteup: not it??

sungsimp: honestly
sungsimp: i have no idea
sungsimp: not it i guess?

stupidposes: r u serious
stupidposes: i was getting my fRICKIN FRUIT SHOOT OUT OF MY BAG

belieber: well
belieber: we need two people to go
belieber: so the last person aka doyoung
belieber: and then let's go with the first person

peachyass: well
peachyass: since taeyong hyung has worked too much for us
peachyass: let's go with taeil hyung

moonie: ill slit ur throat

goodboygonebad: u can't do anything u twink

yutaxesuck: anYWAYS
yutaxesuck: doyoung and taeil hyung
yutaxesuck: leave the bus

stupidposes: u all are dead when we get back

shoteup: farewell

sungsimp: adios

furry: well we're gonna turn off our phones so goodbye

moonie: ok doyoungie
moonie: let's do this

stupidposes: yeah
stupidposes: where tf would they be tho

moonie: i have no idea
moonie: wait
moonie: check the reception desk

stupidposes: not here

moonie: the spa

stupidposes: nope


stupidposes: YES I AM
stupidposes: I SWEAR

moonie: wait
moonie: they're online

stupidposes: hopefully they see how much their hyungs care for the both of them
stupidposes: no lies

moonie: truly

tannedboi: sorry about that

dadsapastor: yeah
dadsapastor: we got lost

tannedboi: markie
tannedboi: do u wanna walk to the bus together

dadsapastor: yes <33

stupidposes: wHAT THE FUCK

moonie: im scared im scared im scared im scared
moonie: someone save us

stupidposes: are u two ok in the head

tannedboi: ofc

dadsapastor: why wouldn't we be

moonie: they are definitely not sober
moonie: they both reek of alcohol
moonie: u two suck ass

stupidposes: get in the bus
stupidposes: we'll deal with u later smh

tannedboi: yes sir

furry: why the heck does it smell like alcohol

moonie: ahem
moonie: our dear dongsaengs

stupidposes: have been drinking

furry: wHAT

johnnyjohnnyyesdaddy: why though
johnnyjohnnyyesdaddy: i don't understand

tannedboi: markie suggested it
tannedboi: so ofc i would accept

icecream: this sounds so cursed

shoteup: it is

dadsapastor: don't worry
dadsapastor: i asked for consent first

peachyass: woah woah
peachyass: wait just a damn minute


handsanitizereater: i don't like where this is going

winwow: mark
winwow: answer the question
winwow: consent for what

dadsapastor: just a quick peck on the lips
dadsapastor: aka hyuck's first kiss

belieber: ok let me get this straight
belieber: u stole donghyuck's first kiss
belieber: whilst u were drunk

dadsapastor: pretty much

belieber: i can't believe u
belieber: hyuck always wanted his first kiss to be someone he truly loved
belieber: not a drunk person

yutaxesuck: even i won't go that low

winwow: what he said

dadsapastor: he didn't mind it tho

handsanitizereater: because ur both drunk
handsanitizereater: ofc he wouldn't mind it
handsanitizereater: just wait till u turn sober
handsanitizereater: ull regret every single thing

furry: well that changes everything
furry: first of all
furry: im removing u two from the group for awhile just to sort some things
furry: second of all
furry: the tent arrangements when we get there
furry: are gonna be changed

belieber: 'm still kinda pissed

johnnyjohnnyyesdaddy: aren't we all
johnnyjohnnyyesdaddy: it'd be great if we'll get an apology
johnnyjohnnyyesdaddy: dont u think u two

dadsapastor: apology for what

johnnyjohnnyyesdaddy: nvm
johnnyjohnnyyesdaddy: u two rest for now

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