Neji, Shikamaru and Kiba were guarding the Uzumaki. Meanwhile Yamato and Haruka were standing next to Killer Bee. Eying the fellow Akatsuki members.
Kisame slashed his sword to the ground, making it rumble. "Don't look directing into Itachi's eyes." Haruka said, knowing if they do they'll be stuck in a genjutsu and it will slow down the mission. "[Name], stay behind me at all times." Neji told the Uzumaki, truth be told, the Hyūga has always admired [Name].
Shikamaru noticed his words, and scoffed. "As if that troublesome women would ever listen to you." He thought, rolling his eyes. But he's also really devoted into guarding his long time friend. Ever since they were little kids, he always felt as if he needed to be next to her at all times.
Itachi started fighting Yamato, as Killer Bee and Haruka were stalling Kisame.
Itachi getting closer to them, Neji activated his Byakugan. [Name] got in fighting stance. All the training with Jiraiya she managed to master the Rasengan, chakra control, Taijutsu, and he taught [Name] how to enhance her speed even more than it already was. She was blessed with her fathers speed. [Name] basically takes over Minato's abilities.
The island started to tremble even more as they fought. Kisame and Yamato were still at it. But Kisame slashing sword hit the ground once again.
Making [Name] and the rest lose their balance.
Forgetting all about Itachi's eyes.
She looked straight at them.
Kisame did exactly what Itachi told him to do. Their leader didn't send them to any mission. Well not yet.
Simply Itachi had some unfinished work with this red haired Uzumaki, And it was all about Sasuke.
[Name]'s POV:
A field of beautiful flowers, and a stunning sunset was all I saw. I was sitting at the porch of a traditional house. One thing I noticed, I saw the Uchiha Crest everywhere.
"Im in a genjutsu." I thought out loud. "OH NO. IM IN A GENJUTSU! YA KNOW THIS ISNT FUNNY ITACHI!" I yelled. My red hair was down, and not the way Haruka left it. I looked at the sweater I was wearing.
"Why am I..... 13 year old me?!"
I was wearing my old clothes, which I recently found out it was my fathers old clothes, in which he saved my mother in. Taking a better look of my surroundings, I started walking around the lonely Uchiha Clan's household. I stepped inside the house and it was tidy, picture frames were everywhere. I analyzed them.
"Oh! This is Sasuke!" I said, picking up a picture frame. I didn't even notice I was smiling. "We miss you, split ends." I felt my smile lessen cause I feel as If I failed Sasuke not only as a comrade, but also as a friend. Though very few memories we held together. I remember the times he would save me from my clumsy moments, and also from squirrels.. which I'm somewhat afraid of.
Laughing it off, I put the frame back where it was placed, taking a better look around the place. I eyed a small family picture and I couldn't help but see how beautiful Sasuke's family is. His mother resembled Sasuke a lot and very slighted resembled his father. But, my eyes didn't focus on that for long.
"Wow Sasuke, your brother is.... Good looking!" Was all I could say. But beside was a wide open door, and the sunset was gone and it was all dark.
"Do not fear.. I know, this is the path you've chosen. But compared to you, our pain will be over in an instant. I am proud of you, even though we differ quite a lot." I heard a deep voice speak, "you are truly a kind child.."
A small black haired boy walked in that door. I followed after him.
"That's Sasuke...?" I thought. And I peeked into the room.
"Brother!" The piercing screech echoed all across the room. All infront of my eyes were two lifeless bodies laying infront of Itachi Uchiha.
"This is where is vengeance came from..?"
I felt the scenery quick change. No longer a younger version of myself, but the present me. I am at a training field, where Kakashi-Sensei took us to test our capabilities to become a Genin. I was sitting on a bench, and I see the same male from the pictures.
Itachi was walking towards me, his Akatsuki cloak was slightly undone so his arm would rest on top of it. I could feel myself get nervous, and slightly shy. Trying to contain my feelings together, I tried my best not to blush. "Kurama, Kurama help help help."
Itachi took the open spot next to me. And I slightly scooted. "I hope I didn't offended you! I scooted over cause, uh... Cause i respect people's personal space-! Don't get me wrong I don't think you're- My hair tends to get in peoples way!" I nervously said, holding onto my long red hair.
"How was Sasuke to you? And Naruto?" Itachi asked nonchalantly.
"Huh? Sasuke?" I said, letting go of my long hair. "Well.. Sasuke treated me well, ya know? He kept my brother down to earth, grounded. Sasuke is a very soft spoken person.. in my opinion at least. He's gentle towards Sakura and Naruto.."
I saw Itachi's face slightly soften, and his eyebrows became less arched.
"I'm glad to hear that...
Cause that's the little brother I always had.. you're gentle, Sasuke."
"But, I don't understand why I'm getting this weird Genjutsu. Instead of a nightmare or a torture."
"You're right. But I don't really have no intention of knowing what you think about my reasons for coming. I came to tell you something. Perhaps something to keep you motivated to save Sasuke." Itachi said, crossing his legs. His eyes avoiding any type of contact with me. "Sasuke is gentle, [Name]. He's in the path of doing anything for more power. He seeks the one who first gave him the power he wanted."
Who is Sasuke seeking..?
"I feel as if Sasuke would want to hear from you the most out of your comrades." Itachi added on, "Don't forget any words I've told you."
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