"That's so sad, mom.. But, look. Naruto and I ended up great. We are currently training with Master Jiraiya and Killer Bee! Also, I'm training with this lady named Uzumaki Haruka." [Name] said, making Kushina raise her eyebrow. "Wait.. You know Haruka-San?"
Looking at the two red heads, a confused Naruto sweatdropped. "Who's Haruka?"
"Is that why your hair is in two buns? When I first met her she made me put my hair like that too!" Kushina said, laughing. "Haruka-San is somewhat a Sanin. She is a friend of Jiraiya and Tsunade. She's the niece of the First Hokage." Kushina explained, making her daughter cringe at the thought of the First Hokage. With a vein popping out of her forehead.
Sticking his tongue out, Naruto showed off the necklace Tsunade gave him. "Ha! I still have the necklace, believe it!" The First Hokage's necklace was enough to trigger [Name]. Snickering, "Granny Tsunade told me it was cursed. I don't want any business to do that with that necklace." [Name] said. With her hair slightly raising into Nine Tails.
Sighing, the twin's mother stood up. Making [Name] and Naruto look up, in confusion. "It seems my Chakra has ran out. Don't worry, I'm sure you'll become much more than what you are right now." Kushina said, and grabbed their hands, pulling them close into a hug. "I know you'll become something much more greater. Like I said before, have a dream and have the confidence in making that dream come true!" She said, as she slowly began vanishing. "I love you! Remember that, ya know!"
"Thank you so much for letting me be your mom, and thank you for letting Minato be your dad. Thank you, for being born to us! I love you."
Kushina's presence faded, and [Name] smiled to herself, but soon heard Naruto crying. "What you crying for tf grown ass mf-"
With the Nine Tail's cloak taking over [Name]'s meditating body, Yamato, Killer Bee and Haruka had a eye on the Uzumaki. "It seems [Name] stopped the Nine Tails." Haruka commented. "Even so~ Red Rapunzal and Nine Tails are locked in a enteral battle. All we must do is have faith in [Name]!" Killer Bee sang, making Yamato and Haruka deadpan.
But as they stood by, they saw [Name]'s Tailed Beast's cloak vanish, and [Name] started smiling. Making Killer Bee cheer. "Well done, Rapunzal!"
"What about the Nine Tails?" Yamato asked, as Haruka started getting closer to [Name], "did you get it under control?" She asked, making the red head nod. "Yes, I've got it all on my hands, ya know?
Connecting all the chakra [Name] has gotten from the Nine Tails, she quickly turned into the tailed beast's chakra mode. Chuckling, Haruka couldn't help but smile at her. "Quite proud of you, [Name]!"
"Wait! Are you sure we are well hidden? Ya know, I can sense someone's chakra." [Name] told the group. "It feels really familiar.. I don't know who it is, but just feels familiar!"
The male with a familiar red patterned cloak chuckled while the other stayed still with a plain face. Of course, it was two members of the Akatsuki. "This mission will be a piece of cake, wouldn't it, Itachi?" The blue colored with shark-like features said. "Kisame, you shouldn't doubt them. Remember we are going against two jinchurikis and Sanin." The Uchiha said, as the two looked around the island.
"If you say so." Kisame said, slashing out his beloved sword, Samehada. "Seems like Samehada is hungry."
Itachi couldn't help but the think about the words he is waiting to tell the red headed Uzumaki. The words he failed to tell her when they first encountered each other when she was still a young child.
"I do sense a chakra different from the rest. Doesn't seems like it's none of the kiddos." Haruka said, looking around. Yamato and Killer Bee obviously sense the chakra as well, but didn't think much of it. "Let's go check it out!" I said, walking out of the room. The rest following behind me.
As we were walking out of the cave full of headless statues, and suddenly felt the whole island tremble. Hearing familiar voices running towards us. "What's happening?!" Shikamaru said, as he got closer to me, Neji and Kiba following. "Seems like we have an intruder." Neji commented as Akamaru barked.
"Don't forget our mission, we must protect [Name] at all costs!" Kiba said, getting into mangi formation. I couldn't help but feel special. "Aw! I feel like a princess!" I said.
Haruka saw the a tide began to form, and getting near to the island.
"I'm pretty sure this is the Akatsuki's doings." Haruka said, walking closer to the tide. "Huh?! What do you mean?" Yamato and Killer Bee asked. "I'll explain it to you. The Akatsuki are after Jinchuriki's, such as Gaara the Kazekage. They were after him for his tailed beast. I'm guessing since we have two Jinchuriki's in the same location. They must be after both of you guys. Killer Bee."
"Huh? Wait, [Name]-Chan, you're a Jinchuriki?" Kiba asked, confused as Shikamaru, Neji and I face-palmed. "This is such a drag.."
"Man, I miss Kakashi-Sensei, Sakura and my sister.." Naruto told the toad as they waited for his wife to prepare food for both of them. Ever since Jiraiya said he was gonna go collect information from the Akatsuki, both him and [Name] have been in hiding. In two complete different locations.
Obviously this was their first time being separated. They do literally everything together. "I miss [Name]'s cooking, I wanna go home! But I know that in order for me to get strong and to bring Sasuke back. I have to do this training."
"Just eat your food, no one got time for Sasuke anyways." Fukasaku, the toad training Naruto said as his wife came out with food.
We all stared at the two men in front of us, well it seems that Haruka wasn't wrong. Itachi and Kisame, Who last time tried to snatch Naruto and I from the village. But this time, they are gonna snatch Killer Bee and me.
"We are here for the Jinchurikis." Kisame said, smirking as he took out his famous sword. "Good luck with that, buddy" I said, yawning.
I know with the luck and all of Konoha's ninja abilities we can easily beat out two members from the Akatsuki, right?
Killer Bee started a cringe worthy rap about him not letting the Akatsuki getting near him. "What do you guys want from us anyways? Ya know, you aren't gonna get a single scratch on us." I said, trying my best to sound tough.
Until a little giggle left my mouth.
"You can't sound tough even if your life counted on it, rapunzel." Kuruma said, "I know shush It."
Kisame chuckled as he got closer to me. "Trying to sound tough huh?" He said, his bead-like eyes starring right at me as Kiba and the rest started getting closer to me. "You already know it." Was all I could say, trying to hide my nervousness.
"Yeah I'm doomed. I'm tired, I wanna go home, I wanna sleep. Ya know, Kuruma-!!"
"Look I'll make this quick for you, we'll match. Whoever wins haves the Jinchuriki. Samehada is hungry." Kisame said, grinning towards me and boys direction. "You're not getting anywhere near [Name]." Neji said calmly with confidence, standing his ground.
"We don't know that for sure." Kisame slyly said.
Even though I would hate to admit this, I could feel Itachi's glare on me, the last time I've seen him or heard of him was when I was twelve years old.
Sasuke and Itachi..
They're lowkey hot!
Not so much Sasuke, he kind of irrates me but his brother don't, ya know?
Before I knew it, I was snapped off my thoughts as soon as i felt the island tremble. We are fighting no matter what. And I'll put all the hard training to work.
I'm stronger now, and I can control my tailed beast better than ever.
I'm no longer just some beast to the village, I'm [Name] Uzumaki. Daughter of the Forth Hokage, Minato Namikaze and Kushina Uzumaki.
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