We Stay Together

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But the kraang came back

Kraang: we are not done yet

The fight continued but this time outside spaceship until Lizzie mikey Donnie and Raph were take by the crying so hard they started falling towards statenIsland. Raph used hit powers to protect them from the impact of the fall

Raph: where are we? StatenIsland?

Donnie: oh gross!

Lizzie: hey! Sophie was born here

Raph: Leo's still up there.

Lizzie: then we have to go after him!

Mikey: how? We don't have a way of doing that!

Leo (on the communicator): Casey when I get on the other side close that door

Lizzie: Leo! No! Please!

Casey (on the communicator): sensei No!

Leo (on the communicator): they're not going to stay on the other side unless I keep them there

Casey (on the communicator): there has to be another way!

Lizzie: I can't lose you Leo!

Leo (on the communicator): We've tried everything this is the only way

Lizzie: Leo you'll die! Get out of there!

Leo (on the communicator): I love you Lizzie

Everyone saw the portal close Mikey tried opening his own portal but nothing was happening

Raph: Mikey it's over

Lizzie: there's nothing we can do

Mikey: Leo never gave up on us. I'm not giving up on him

The portal actually started to open

Raph: Mikey whatever you're doing don't stop!

Lizzie: it's working!

they all started to help him keep the portal open

Raph: we're here Mikey together

Lizzie: nothing can tear as a part not even another dimension!

The portal opened completely and they saw Leo

Leo: Took you guys long enough

Raph created a mystic hand and grabbed his brother but the Kraang was about to leave to the portal to

Lizzie: stay away from my boyfriend!!

Lizzy created the biggest lightning bolt of electricity ever and used it on the kraang making them pass out giving Leo Time to go through the portal.

Mikey winked at the kraang then closed the portal permanently then checked on his brother

Mikey: Leo?

Leo: hey. Wait are we in statenIsland?

Lizzie hugged him

Lizzie: Leo...

Leo: miss me?

Lizzie: oh come here you big hero

Leo: I'm all yours

They both kissed on the lips romantically and Raph and Donnie covered Mikey's eyes

Mikey: hey why can't I see?


The turtles and Lizzie met up with the girls casey and splinter on a roof of a building. Lizzie was holding Jack

Kim: Raph!

She hugged Raph and he blushed

Kim: i'm so glad you're not hurt!

Raph: I'm fine. Nothing can hurt raph!

Mikey: wait! Casey it's time for your first pizza!

He gave Casey a slice of pizza

Casey: so this is grabbing a slice of pizza? I don't get it.

Mikey: wait for it!

Casey took a bite and loved it

Casey: this is so much better than rats!

Splinter: hey!

Leo: the rest of the world we saved is pretty great to.

April: all right everybody look up here!

They all took a selfie together as a family and Casey looked at it until he saw the text message from someone

Casey: April you just got a text from someone named Cassandra.

He gave back her phone in April saw pictures of Cassandra fighting the kraang and showed them to everyone

April: looks like our friend Cassandra has been busy!

Casey: wait that's my mom!

Donnie: there goes the space time continuum

Rebecca burst out laughing.

Lizzie: hey Casey there's something I've been thinking about

Casey: what's that?

Lizzie: in the future when you and my brother went on missions together was it just the two of you?

The girls tried not to laugh

Casey: what do you mean?

Lizzie: I saw the way you talked about jack. You like him don't you?

Casey: *blushes* we were fighting a war! Not dating!

Sophie: OMG you like Jack in the future!

Kim: That is so cute!

Rebecca: I ship it

Then Raph and Lizzie sat next to Leo.

Raph: I really did it Leo. I'm proud of you

Lizzie: so am I

Leo: this wasn't about me it was about all of us doing what needed to be done because we're hero's. Your mom would be proud of you to Lizzie

Lizzie: I know

Raph: wait Leo you said heros!

Everyone took a bite of pizza and looked at New York City. Lizzie and Leo held hands

Donnie: There it is. Our home. What a town

Mikey: Beautiful

Leo: and if it needs defending we'll always rise to the challenge

Lizzie: hey that's the tile of this story

Leo: what do you mean?

Lizzie: if I had to get this whole adventure a title It would be Rise to the challenge.

Leo: I like that idea

Raph: speaking of which you know what challenge I'm gonna rise to? Beating that record!

Leo: no way! Ok fine

Raph picked up 125 boxes

All: Raph Raph Raph Raph Raph Raph Raph Raph Raph!



Lizzie walked on a stage a took out a microphone

Lizzie: I give you the Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles!

The curtain open to reveal the turtles

All: rise of the teenage
mutant ninja turtles
teen age mutant ninja
turtles teenage mutant
mutant turtles heroes
in a half shell

meg donnelly as Lizzie

Mikey: turtle power!

Donnie: rising up against
evil paint the city green

Anna Akana as Rebecca

Raph: raph is ready for a fight

Leo: leo's making a scene

Mikey: mikey's got skills

Donie: donnie rocks machines

andrea libman as Sophie

All: with each other
we discover our destiny
and rise!

Raph: cowabunga!

Janet Varney as Kim

All: rise of the teenage
mutant ninja turtles
teenage mutant ninja
turtles teenage mutant
ninja turtles heroes in
a half shell!

Leo: turtle power!

Susan Egan as Alexa

All: growing up in the
shadows new york city
under ground uncover

the power that's been
hiding all around the
city needs heroes when
there's trouble on the
prowl four brothers
from the sewers rise
to take the villains out
rise of the teenage
mutant ninja turtles
teenage mutant ninja
turtles teenage mutant
ninja turtles heroes in
a half shell!

Katerina Alexandre as April

Donnie: turtle power!

Mikey: In shadows
splinter trains us

Donnie: in darkness
we find their fate

Leo: better with each

Eric Adrian as splinter

Raph: we've gone from

green to great

Donnie: each one with
our own power

Leo: making their own
rules to the game

Mikey: mikey!

Brandon Mychal Smith as Mikey

Donnie: donnie!

Josh Brener as Donnie

Raph: Raph!

Omar Benson Miller as Raph

Leo: and leo putting
bad dudes to shame

Ben Schwartz as Leo

All: four dudes from
ooze throwing down!

Donnie: cowabunga!

Leo: rise baby rise baby!

Donnie: rise baby rise baby...

All: rise! Rise! Rise of the

Raph: turtle power!

Haley Joel Osment as Casey jones

All: teenage mutant
ninja turtles teenage
mutant ninja turtles
rise of the teen age
mutant ninja turtles
heroes in a half shell
turtle power teenage
mutant ninja turtles
teenage mutant ninja
turtles rise of the teen
age mutant ninja turtles
heroes in a half shell
turtle power! Rise!


Lizzie finally went back to the lair found A video ready to be played on her TV

Lizzie: huh?

She pressed play and it was her mom

Alexa: I think it's on. Ok. Hi Lizzie if your watching this then that means something bad happened to me but I won't be gone I need you to know that every moment you love being yourself that's me loving you. Take care of them Lizzie

The video ended and Lizzie shed a single tear of happiness

Lizzie: I used to think I was never good enough for anything or anyone but my family showed me that's not true. I'm more then enough and there is nothing that will get me to doubt myself again. I'll make it through this and when I get back on my feet I'll work just as hard... and I'm going to make you proud

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