

8,536 626 33

Not the normal unexpected things you expect.It really is the cause of Unexpectancy.I just moved in for educational reasons...Not use to this place that much though. Maybe its because I'm used to Australia, my home country rather than here. In Korea. Tsh. I hate how I had to leave my best friend. My one and only friend... Yes. I am so very unsocial. Gahd dammit. I like next door to this guy who has a dog thay barks 24/7!!!! It does not know how to shoosh when people are trying to sleep!!! I've never tried to complain before. Mainly because I might embarass myself by talking in English and he replies back in Korean... And we'd be there in front if each other awkwardly... He has friends who come over every now and then. I see them come by themselves at times. But then I hear barking again. And its usually more than one dog barking when he has a friend over. Its weird... Because... Where did the dogs come from? BUT, my past looks forward to my future. Because you can not believe on how much of a connection my past, present and future has with each other... Especially the part where I fall in LOVE.…



460 9 12

la historia tratara de amor y se tratara de ti y tus amigas ..para q tus amigas tambien lo vivan asi que leelo xq se pone weno >:v que sera a base de toda la saga mas el omega sera largo pero no importa…

Love Promise

Love Promise

3,633 290 26

The thing is, it wasn't just a normal promise.They called it a Love Promise.14 years ago, they promised each other that when they are around 25 years of age, they'll get married. They liked each other ever since they were 11 years old and they planned everything out; where they'll meet, and when. But one of the two forgets all about it and because of that, another character comes in and takes that chance to sweep them off their feet. But their promise was quite strong. Stronger than any Love Promise ever made because they locked it, and sealed it.But a love story with no competition and no complex problems to it, there's no such thing right?Especially if one day, both of them forgets everything.…

Dream Fear

Dream Fear

905 18 26

Dreaming happily and unrealistically?More like Dream Fear.Byun Baekhyun; a detective who has had the same dream every night for the past 14 years of his life. Same girl; same dream; same death. Baekhyun originally became a detective to find the girl but it was also a dream job for him.He doesn't know if the girl is alive; he just knows that on the 18th of July 2003, there was a death. He doesn't know who the person who died that day is, besides the fact that the way he died is stuck in his dreams. Who knows maybe the death isn't even real. But he attempts to think it is and its something his memory wants him to dig up. Lee Ah Jia is the only name he knows; its the name of the girl. When her father died she was 8 years old and Baekhyun dreams of her losing her father every single night. He's gone to so many psychologists and therapists and he's officially given up.Baekhyun's dream are so clear, he remembers every single bit of it. All the blood, the detail that happened that day is stuck in his mind as he sees it once he closes his eyes at night. But ever since that night, he's also developed a fear from the trauma - A fear of dreaming. So as the days go by, he sleeps less and less so not feel as much pain.There are a group of people in the society who have... Let's say "powers". They are able to control anything that they are born with. They're called Dream Fears.…

hershey // a shea one shot

hershey // a shea one shot

230 5 1

what if lea didn't want to go to Hershey? what if she had second thoughts? small au, please forgive me because this is my first Good Doctor fic…

EXO's Spy Gang { EDITING }

EXO's Spy Gang { EDITING }

17,820 572 15

But it wasn't a normal gang that spies on bad people.It was EXO's Spy Gang, from EXO Planet.A mission to go to Earth. A mission to get the most powerful weapon in the universe. A mission... That Baekhyun and Luhan were assigned to do. It was time. The time that only comes in 100 years and this time, it's Baekhyun's and Luhan's turn. This is when EXO Planet gets to destroy one of the planets out there with a weapon they built. Because.. That's part of the EXO tradition. To destroy a planet out there and then make another planet to replace it. The thing is... They have something to replace the planet, but nothing to destroy it. And they had no more scraps to build anything. So they have to choose a planet to go to and steal their weapon. And they chose... Planet Earth. The king of EXO Planet, Kim Joon Myeon, assigned their top mission workers. The ones that had the most power and can control their power better than anyone else. Luhan, and Baekhyun. At the same time, a girl name Lin Sook and her friend Kim Lee were doing their science project. Which was to build a powerful weapon. A laser beam. And that being said, EXO could use a laser beam to destroy a planet. But when Baekhyun and Luhan come to Earth, they fall in love. Kim Joon Myeon, always said that you can never fall in love with an Earthling. But they did. 2 years ago, Baekhyun left Lin Sook. And now he's back... Not to explain to Lin Sook why he left, but to destroy her.…

This Thing Called 'Love'

This Thing Called 'Love'

7,379 629 28

It wasn't your typical Love Story or Love Topic.It was This Thing Called 'Love'.They say falling in love is the best part of life. I think its just a waste of time. Instead of falling in love then going out doing shizz lovers do, you can stay at home and do things you love. But, then I met this guy. A guy who is nicer than all those normal guys out there. HE, was the person who showed me how love really felt like. HE, was the person who made me know love. HE, was the person I fell in love with. But there was a problem between the both of us... I found out the real him. The real FAMOUS him. Which caused some problems as well as time. I also thought he understood me though. Instead, he took it the wrong way. Somewhat found out about a guy from my past... Who... Basically doesnt exist anymore... But he doesnt know that. Because he jumped to conclusions. Either way, he learnt more about LAVEV, and LAVEV learnt more about EXO. But LAVEV werent normal teenage girls. They were more than just that... They werent immortal, just had powers normal people didnt have. And thats what made LAVEV special. Then someone else popped up. Someone who was long forgotten and we thought she forgot us too. Thats what made this fanfic and the relationships in this fanfic special. Thats what made This Thing Called 'Love' special.…

An EXOtic Adventure

An EXOtic Adventure

80,889 3,411 59

An Adventure was about to start.But not just a normal adventure, an EXOtic Adventure.She was chosen to live with EXO-M for 3 years. She didn't think this would happen... But it did. She got close to all of them, even ones she didn't want to get close to. And to think that her best friend wouldn't do anything to her. Psh! As if. She came tracking her all the way to Korea! Meeting other people along the way who fall in love with her so its competition for everyone. But then... EXO-M suddenly had their last schedule before her birthday, so the manager brought in... EXO-K. 'Fell in love at first sight' they say. So at her birthday party, she has to choose between Luhan or (Member from EXO-K). Then Jin, (From BTS) comes back from 5 years ago. 5 YEARS AGO! He came back.... Because he was originally........ READ TO FIND OUT *^* xD Then EXO reveal their secret... Their secret that they have been hiding from Alyshia this whole time.... But they only reveal it because.... 'They' are back. But the question is, who are 'they'? ~Read to find out~ *^* Then Alyshia finds out about who she really is. And the thing was, she was also immortal like EXO. But.. She wasn't a wolf. She was something else.…

The Royal Mishap [book 1] [editing]

The Royal Mishap [book 1] [editing]

18,162 301 22

"Everybody wished to be one of the Princesses in some fairytales, but guess what? This is not a fairytale for you to have a happy ending. So stop dreaming."-unknown…

The Chase Of Light

The Chase Of Light

4,649 425 26

It wasn't just a normal chase when you run after someone in tag games.But it was the Chase Of Light.Transferring to a school in Korea wasn't the problem. It was the running away. If having the power of light caused this much problem, why did my father keep it and pass it onto me? Well. Because it could generate ANYTHING. Do ANYTHING. It has been passed from generation to generation. From my great great grandfather who first got this power while he was exploring. Back then, he had an enemy. I dont know the real story because it can't be told now, but either way I do know that the people after the light, is the dark. The dark is a whole new story. They had enough power to make the whole world dark. Thats why theres something called 'night'. So basically without me in this world, the whold world is dark and if the dark ever got a hold of light, we'd all be doomed. Then I found something out. There was also someone else in this world that had the power 'light'.…

Opinions of Pokemon Shippings

Opinions of Pokemon Shippings

12,811 342 54

My opinions on different shippings…



50,149 1,735 48

But it wasn't just a normal competition between girls and boys.It was EXO and LAVEV.EXO? Or LAVEV? 99.9% of you guys would choose EXO. But the other 0.1% would choose LAVEV. Why? Maybe because they're special. Special enough to at least be CALLED LAVEV. They were ordinary girls who worked at a night club as a band. Worked at the night club for money. But they weren't just there normally, they were disguised. Who the poop wants your schoolmates knowing you work at a NIGHT CLUB? But once EXO saw you perform, one thing popped in their mind. 'We have competition around here.' They have girls chasing them around everywhere! Girls giving them presents they just throw in the bin! But they don't care about girls chasing them. They're chasing girls who aren't interested in them. But working for money, isnt because you want to buy this or you want to buy that. They work hard for it, for their parents in hospital. ALL their parents in hospital because of the one same reason. And its also LAVEV's job to get a cure to stop that reason people are getting into hospitals for. EXO VS LAVEV starts now. Let the competition begin!…



1,855 101 20

"If you want cliche,you've come to the wrong place"Full of Thriller, Mysteries, Adventures, Curiosity, Supernatural, Humour, Plot Twists and Romance.Let Alyshia begin.BBH- Byun BaekhyunKJI- Kim JonginPCY- Park ChanyeolOSH- Oh SehunWYF- Wu YifanKJD- Kim JongdaeZYX- Zhang YixingDKS- D.O KyungsooHZT- Huang ZitaoLH- Lu HanKJM- Kim JoonmyeonKMS- Kim Minseok…

My Thoughts

My Thoughts

250 13 22

Ito yung poetry works na nagagawa ko sa mga oras at panahon na wala akong makausap at gusto kung mailabas lahat ng mga nasa puso at isip ko.Sometimes kasi parang sumasabog ang puso ko sa mga emosyon na di ko nailalabas kaya naman gustong gusto ko na naisusulat. Feel free to comment down pero sana po no harsh comments. Thank you.…



0 0 1

a birthday poem as reminder to self…

Who Am I?

Who Am I?

5 0 3

All about Me Myself and ISeenandUnseenPs: No Kj / Green minded Please XoXo…

To the Best Me

To the Best Me

1 0 1

Words of Affirmation…



6 0 1

𝐿𝑖𝑓𝑒, 𝑠𝑒𝑙𝑓, 𝑐ℎ𝑜𝑖𝑐𝑒𝑠, ℎ𝑎𝑝𝑝𝑖𝑛𝑒𝑠𝑠,…

I myself

I myself

4 0 4

All about me…

The World She Wishes To See

The World She Wishes To See

265 6 2

This will be a younger!Levi x fem!Eren fanfic so yes a Levi and Eren. Basically what everyone wanted but never had the guts to do it!!!!!!!Yeah! Your Welcome!Levi (age): 18 Eren : 16 barley There be some smut be later, this is my first fic so go easy on me.…