"Right there!" I said to Jason, my golden wings cutting through the light drizzle falling from above. Jason flew besides me, holding Gwen in his arms.
We dived towards the front, my heart pounding within my chest. Below us, our army was being battered. The front had been broken by a bronze bull three times the size of a normal one. Saturn's army trounced on the opportunity, beating down the first demigods they could come in contact with. Sam acted quickly, slamming his sword into the ground and creating a sink hole between the two armories, which halted the oppositions advance, but would only hold for so long.
Clarisse elegantly dodged the mechanical bulls charge, roaring insults at it. "C'mon! This isn't my first roadeo!"
The bull pounded its hooves and charged again.
While diving down, I shouted orders to Jason and Gwen. "Jason! Help Sam keep the army at bay. Gwen! I need arrows lodged in its weak points. I want every shot to land. Every single ONE!"
On "One" I spread my wings to slow my descent and front kicked a demigod trying to stab Sam in the back. Sam whistled. "Nice save, hermana." Sam shouted, slicing a wild harpy in half.
Jason floated above us, a powerful gust of wind pushing back Saturn's army. "I can only hold this for so long!" Jason shouted. "Take that bull down!"
Sam joined him, beating down strangler demigods and killing monsters that had made it past his sinkhole. Jason continued pushing back Saturn's army with powerful gusts of winds and random lightning strikes, all while dodging flying seal-dog hybrids.
They weren't actually flying, Cyclops from the other side of the cavern Sam created started throwing smaller monsters in a attempt to overwhelm us. Most of them happened to be those weird dog-seal hybrids.
I slashed one of them in half while charging towards the bronze bull. Clarisse was on its back, holding on for dear life. Gwen fired super heated arrows into the gaps of the bulls armor, never missing a shot.
I slid beneath the giant beast, stabbing my sword within the gaps in its armor. The bull roared, stomping its hooves wildly. I managed to roll out the way, thanks to Clarisse's quick thinking. She pulled at the bulls horns, forcing it to go in the general direction she wanted.
The legion and camp half -blood watched on, uncertain of what to do. Some tried to charge, but were discouraged by the bulls rampage across the fields. Ahead of me, Jason and Sam struggled to hold back Saturn's army. We would be overwhelmed soon.
Unless we did something. I performed a kip and surveyed our ranks. To my right about fifteen to twenty feet away, a squadron of legionnaires helped each other up. I recognized them as cohort three centurions, armed with Javelins twice their size and large shields. I scanned around, trying to find their centurion Rebecca, but she was no where to be seen.
I ignored the possibilities of what might have happened to her. I marched towards them, extending my strength to them. I spotted Nick, descendant of Mercury. He was a tall and lean guy in his late teens, with dark brown skin and wavy black hair. He was the closets to a second in command for the 3rd cohort, behind Rebecca. "Nick!" I shouted.
Nick head snapped around, trying to locate my voice. His coffee brown eyes locked on me and he smiled. "Reyna! Thank gods!" He rushed over and gave me a hug, which surprised me. We hardly knew each other. The only time we've ever interacted was when Rebecca tried tap dancing for me and he had to drag her away when I rejected her advancements.
But sharing my strength with him and the others helped me get an understanding of how they were feeling. Battered, demoralized and tired, these legionnaires were just happy to see a familiar face not covered in golden dust and blood. And, more importantly, they saw someone they could put their trust in. Memories of the Principia fire incident incited hope within them. They trusted me to lead them.
I know, I was having a hard time believing that too, but I had to roll with it. My eyes glowed purple while I provided them instructions. "Legionnaires of cohort three! Its your time to shine!" I pointed towards the mechanical bull, which buckled from its hind legs as Gwen fired an arrow into its right knee. "Flank the bull! Stab into the gaps between its armor and HOLD! No matter how much it squirms! Are you ready!?"
The legionaries of cohort three roared. "WE'RE READY! FOR ROME!"
A dozen legionnaires, with renewed vigor, charged the bull. Before charging along with them, I did a double take of my surroundings. I recognized campers from Camp Half-blood, specifically Jake Mason, head of cabin nine. He was holding a young boy in his arms while a group of dirty campers in overalls gathered around him. I rushed over to them. If anyone could stop a giant mechanical bull, it's the children of the blacksmith god. I extended my strength to the group, hoping they would understand what I was about to do.
"Jake!" I yelled. "I need your help! We need to stop the bull!"
Jake raised his head slowly. "My brother." He sobbed. "They got my brother."
I pushed past the group and forced myself into Jake's face, careful not to touch the boy. "Jake, look at me. Your brother is gone. He will receive a proper burial. EVERYONE who's fallen in this battle will receive a proper burial. But that can't- THAT WON'T happen if we lose. Do you understand!? I want you to take your brother and retreat to the backline, but before you do, you WILL tell how to stop that bull!"
Jake blinked a few times, his eyes bloodshot. He glanced at the bull and then at the battlefield. He closed his eyes and took a deep breath. "Drakon acid." He said, his eyes still closed. "It's the only thing corrosive enough to melt celestial bronze."
He opened his eyes and pointed his gaze towards one of his sisters. A young girl, maybe twelve years old, with light brown eyes and blonde hair. "Sherry, give her the last acid bomb we have."
His sister obliged and handed me the acid bomb. The bomb was a hard plastic sphere containing green sizzling liquid. "Shake the bomb before you throw it." Jake continued. "You have five seconds to throw it before it sets off. My suggestion, aim for its hind legs. You can take it out from there."
I held the bomb tightly and looked into Jake's eyes. "Thank you."
I pointed my gaze towards the young boy in his arms. He was small, maybe nine to eleven years old with a small face and brown hair. An arrow was lodged in his stomach. I cried out suddenly, covering my mouth, trying to restrain myself from breaking down.
I placed my hand on the boys head. "Thank you." I said softly.
Before I could go, Jake gripped my wrist. I turned around, his head pointed towards the ground. "Please. Put an end to this."
My eyes flashed purple and brimmed with tears. "On my life!"
Reyna was everything we hoped for and more. A true leader in every sense of the word, she mobilized and energized our forces with frightening speed. From up here, I could see her lead the charge against the mechanical bull. A minute ago, the bull was an unstoppable force that threatened to turn the tide of this war.
Now? It was a footnote. I risked another glance at the battle behind me and saw half dozen legionnaires hold the mechanical bull down with Javelin's stabbed into its hindlegs while Reyna charged from behind, shaking something in her hand furiously.
I crashed to the ground, something large and heavy slamming into my stomach. Whatever was on me rose up, revealing the sharp, toothy grin of a husky with the body of a seal. The monster snarled. "Oh. My luck day!"
Before it could rip my throat out, Sam stabbed it in the chest and it burst into golden dust. I coughed, accepting Sam's hand. "You look good in gold." He smiled.
I used the winds to clean myself from the golden dust, out of breath. "Focus, Sam! We need to keep them at bay. I'll keep pushing them back with the winds, get the stragglers!"
Sam gripped my shoulder and squeezed gently. "We did do our job. Look."
I focused on the armies ahead of us and realized they weren't advancing. The angry cyclops had set large metal planks to cross the chasm Sam had created, but Saturn's army were hesitant to cross. Large monsters and demigods in heavy armor, who I assumed were captain of their various divisions, roared at their ranks and pointed their blades towards us. They were trying to re-invigorate their army.
A few seconds went by before I realized why they were hesitant. Behind me, I could feel pressure building. A sensation that made the hair on the back of my neck stand up, similar to when I summoned lightning. A surge of strength coursed through my veins. Another sensation I recognized.
I turned around, shocked. That shocked morphed into excitement as I cheered out loud. The cheering changed to crying, as an emotion that had eluded me for a long time overwhelmed me.
Camp Half-blood and Camp Jupiter marched together. Perfectly in synch with each other, our army roared with renewed energy, eyes flashing purple. Reyna led the charge alongside Clarisse, a blazing purple aura engulfing her. Clarisse herself was engulfed in a fiery red aura, but unlike Max, who used his power to enrage his enemies. Clarisse's terrifying aura struck fear in the hearts of our enemies.
Reyna stopped marching in between us, her eyes never leaving Saturn's army ahead of us. "Jason. Sam. Go help Percy take down Epimetheus."
Almost on cue, Epimetheus roared in laughter. The titan swiped his hand, Percy narrowly dodging him. "You might as well tickle me, son of the sea god. Is that all the fight you have left?"
"GWEN!" Reyna called out.
Gwen appeared from behind Reyna, brimming with pride. "Yes, ma'am!"
"Join them. No matter what happens down here, the three of you have one job." Reyna ordered, pointing up at Epimetheus. "Take him down."
Clarisse joined us to my right. "My aura can only do so much. Kronos's army is mustering there courage. We need to move."
Sam sighed. "You heard the lady. But if I'm going to fight at my best...."
Sam unclipped his praetor cloak while walking behind Reyna. "I always hated fighting with this thing."
Legionnaires banged their shields, whooping and hollering. The Greeks joined in on the celebration. Sam gently clipped his cloak around Reyna's shoulders. "And I know a perfect place to put it."
Sam stepped aside, allowing the praetor's cloak to flow behind Reyna. Reyna kept her eyes closed, breathing in deeply. Now that she was fully armored, glowing within her purple aura, and adorned with the cloak of a praetor, she reminded me of her mother. Regal, powerful and beautiful. A goddess.
The army of Saturn roared, over a thousand monsters and demigods echoing across the battlefield. Epimetheus roar overshadowing them all. They raised their weapons, waiting for their superiors to give the order.
Reyna opened her blazing purple eyes. "Demigods! Let me hear you roar!"
Our army roared, five hundred strong willed demigods rivaling the cry of twice as many monsters. Reyna drew her sword. "Legionnaires! Are you ready!?"
"I'M READY!" The legion roared.
Clarisse slammed her electric spear into the ground. "Camp Half-Blood. Are you ready!"
"I'M READY!" The Greek demigods roared.
Reyna raised her sword. "Then its time! Time to be greater! Greater then this cruel world has ever expected from us. No matter what happens, WE HOLD THIS LINE!"
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