"So, anyone have any ideas on how to take down an immortal titan?" Sam asked Gwen and I while dangling from my left arm.
I had scooped up Sam and Gwen and took off into the air just before Saturn's army crashed into our own. The sounds of metal clanging and monsters roaring echoed throughout the valley. It took every ounce of will power to ignore it and focus on the task at hand.
"They'll be fine." Gwen said confidently, kicking a harpy away from us. "Reyna's leading the charge."
I used the winds to avoid a wild griffin. "Yeah, focus. We need to focus."
The titan Epithemus stared at Percy above, who circled on the back of Scipio. We were making slow progress, forced to dodge multiple monster and flying arrows while on the way to the looming titan.
Sam slashed a harpy in two. "Jason, I don't want to sound judgmental or anything but can you go a little faster?"
My breathing was labored. "I'm.... trying. My fight...... with Max took a lot out of me."
Gwen scanned the battlefield. We were close to passing the backline of Saturn's army. The backline was mostly comprised of demigods. From up here, I could recognize a few familiar faces. Former legionnaires that had gone missing over the past months.
Sam stuck a middle finger out to a few of them. "I see you George! Your welcome for saving your ass in the everglades!"
"You went to.... the everglades? Like in Florida?" I asked Sam between my labored breathing.
Sam scratched his head and laughed nervously. "Yeaaaah. That was a few years back. Ben and John chewed me out for a week because I was gone for over a month. Saved that guy from a pack of hungry gators controlled by an evil witch. Long story."
Gwen punched Sam. "Shut it, Sam. Jason, veer to the right. Towards that hill, underneath that tree. We need a plan of attack."
I followed her lead, descending a lot faster then I intended to. "Uh, Jason! Are we crash landing?" Sam shouted.
I groaned, using every ounce of my energy to slow our descent. Our landing was more of a brutal tumble then a crash landing. We rolled over each other until smashing into a tree. Sam groaned. "Oh my back."
I rolled to my back, exhausted. Gwen groaned while rising to her arm and knees. She spit some dirt out of her mouth and crawled over to me and touched my head. "Hey, Jason. Your still with me?"
I groaned. "Barely."
Gwen dug into her phanny pack, pulling out a Ziplock of unicorn shavings. "If i had a can of Monster energy drink, this would have worked a lot better. Open your mouth."
She sprinkled the last of her unicorn shaving into her mouth. "I know, its dry, but you have to swallow it for me."
I swallowed it, coughing a few times before it went down completely. "That was, unpleasant." I groaned. I sat up, feeling just as exhausted as I did a second ago. The only difference was my body could move and my heart was pounding a million miles a second.
Sam stretched his back and surveyed the titan Epimetheus. Epimetheus snorted, which sounded like a boom going off. "YOU CAN'T STAY UP THERE FOREVER SON OF THE SEA GOD!"
Sam sighed. "What's with bad guys bringing up our parentage?" Sam muttered then turned to us. "So I thought about it and I still have no ideas. Come on, any ideas?"
The titans voice made my hair spark. Gwen bit her lip, playing with her necklace. "Um.... The bigger they are, the harder they... fall?" She said. She sounded more like she was asking a question rather then making a statement. " I don't know. Reyna usually comes up with the plans."
Sam snapped his fingers. "Dam. Jason?"
I steadied my head with my hand, having difficulty keeping it steady. "Maybe Gwen's on to something. We can try to.... Gods, we can try...."
"Hitting him really hard." Sam finished for me. "Like... Really, REALLY Hard."
Sam scratched his chin, then his eyes it up. "Oh! How about we have Jason hit him with a lightning bolt.? Right in the chest. And then.... We like.... Tip him over. Gods, I'm going somewhere with this but I don't know where."
Gwen joined in. "I shoot the back of his knees full of arrows?"
Sam snapped her fingers. "Bingo! And I can break the earth beneath him, while Jason pushes him back! Percy can help too. One of us for each of his feet!"
"Each foot, you mean." Gwen jumped up next to me, excited. "Yes! That might work!"
I raised my hand and then placed it on my chest. "Um... Couple of things. First, this plan feels very haphazardly put together. Second... I don't know if I can do my part."
I sat there for a few seconds, rubbing my chest. My head was buzzing and my heart was pounding. I would never admit to it, but I wanted to pass out. Leave the fate of the world in the hands of the others and drift off into the black void of my mind.
The thought disgusted me. The black void in my mind deepened, beckoning me to fall into it again.
Epimetheus scoffed, which sounded like a canon firing. "WHAT DID YOU SAY ABOUT MY MAMA?"
Gwen's excitement diminished immediately, her hand drifting to her necklace. Sam marched over to me and placed his left knee in the dirt so we were eye level. With a serious expression, he placed his right hand on my shoulder. "Jason...... That's tough, but we need you. Like, now. So get you ass up."
Gwen kicked Sam in the butt. He yelped. "Ow!"
"Can you be more insensitive?" Gwen yelled at him.
Sam rubbed his butt. "Hey! We're in the middle of a war right now. No hard feelings, but we need to finish this. Our two camps working together won't mean anything if their crushed to death by that titan dude."
"Sam, you saw the kind of fight Jason and Max had." Gwen argued. "He's at his limit, we push him any further he'll-"
"Die!" Sam finished for her. "I know! We can all die before todays over. Jason!"
Sam whipped his focus towards me. "Tell me, with a straight face, that your going to sit here and watch while we fight that thing on our own!"
I swallowed, but Gwen stepped between us before I could answer. "No! He's done enough. We can do this without him!"
Sam stepped to the side, trying to lock eyes with me. "He can speak for himself." Sam responded, directing his focus back to me. "Jason, will you stay back and watch!?"
Gwen rushed Sam and grabbed him but his armor straps. Her tone incredulous. "NO! I WILL NOT LOSE MY BROTHER! NOT AGAIN!"
Gwen pushed Sam back and instinctively tapped her necklace. The bow gifted to her from Ben appeared and she prepared to notch an arrow, but stopped herself. She stood there, her hand a few inches from an arrow in her quiver. She dropped her hand and gripped her bow with both hands. "I'm sorry. But.... But I can't let him kill himself. I can't."
Sam stood up and dusted himself off. "I understand, Gwen. I really do. But that's not your choice to make."
"I don't care." She said quietly. "I .... It doesn't matter! He said it himself, he can't even meet his end of the bargain."
Sam's eyes focused on me. "Like I said, Gwen. Its not your choice to make. I may not be close to him like you are, but Jason's an open book. Doesn't take long to figure out what this guy's made of.
"Isn't that right-" I rose to my feet and flipped my coin, catching the golden javelin in my hand before it could fall into the dirt. Electric sparking around it. "Jason?" Sam asked me.
I took a few labored breath's. Gwen spun around, still crying. "Yeah.... Your right. We have a titan to take down and we need all hands on deck."
"JASON! GWEN! SAM!" Someone shouted to us from above.
Gwen swiftly notched an arrow and aimed above us, but immediately dropped her bow. "Rachel?"
Rachel spread her emerald green wings and skirted to a stop a few yards away. Sam whistled. "Nice landing."
She rushed over to us. "Guys! We need to hurry. Percy and Scipio can't keep this up for much longer. Their at their limits!"
Sam directed his gaze towards Epimetheus and Percy. "Is Scipio okay?" He asked.
Rachel nodded quickly. "Yes. They both are, for now. Percy is taunting him, but he's almost out of juice."
Suddenly, Sam's head snapped to the his left. "Whoa, did you guys hear that?"
I shrugged. "If your talking about Epimetheus, then yeah, of course we did." I said.
Sam shushed me. "No. No. No. You don't hear that voice? Someone whining about..... Doughnuts?"
A horse neigh called from behind us. We all backed away, making room for a black pegasi to land in front of us. Sam rushed over to greet it.
Rachel gasped. "Beautiful."
She then raised an eyebrow "Uh, why is he moving around like he's talking to it, but not actually saying anything?" She asked.
Gwen pulled her bow string, the bow and quiver behind her morphing back into her necklace. "He is talking to the pegasi. It's a son of Neptune thing, since Neptune created horses."
Rachel was taken a back. "Really? That means Percy can too?"
Gwen and I nodded out heads. I stepped forward. "Uh, are we interrupting something?" I asked Sam, leaning on my spear.
Sam had a huge grin on his face when he turned around. "Man, that Annabeth girl has noggin on her. She sends her regards. She called Blackjack here to help us out."
Blackkjack bumped Sam's shoulder and snorted. Sam shook his head. "I'm not saying that. We can work on your nickname later." He said to Blackjack, who neighed in annoyance.
Rachel began unclipping her straps for her wings. "Gwen help me out of these, I don't need these anymore. The three of you are more help then I will ever be."
I sighed. "Thank gods, you all can finally carry your own weight."
That got a chuckle out of everyone. But we were all cut short by the thunderous stomps of Epimetheus.
"Legionnaires! Hold those shields!" I roared to the demigods on either side of me, my voice echoing across the battlefield.
"YES MA'AM!" The shield bearers roared. Our legionnaires had better coordination then the campers of camp half-blood. Clarisse and Annabeth's siblings, the children of Ares and Athena, tried their best to hold their ground solo. The legionnaires held strong and helped struggling the struggling greek demigods join their ranks.
"Archers! Why are those harpies and griffins still in the air! Shoot them down!" I called to our backline.
"YES, MA'AM!" The archers of Camp Jupiter and, the superior, archers from camp half-blood let loose another volley. The children of Apollo were far more proficient archers, capable of firing in unison and letting off a few extra between volley's. I thought, if we make it out of this, I'll go to bat with Gwen on expanding out archer lessons and, hopefully, the kids of cabin seven would help out.
"Clarisse! You're going to let that Cyclops run shop on our right flank!" I shouted to Clarisse.
Clarisse pounded her chest and then laughed manically. "HAHA! You really know how to push my buttons, you big purple grape!" She said to me before roaring and charging the cyclops solo.
Clarisse swiftly stabbed the cyclops's knee with her electric spear, stopping the beast in its track. Her fiery aura blazed, stopping a wild group of centaurs in their tracks. Clarisse roared and pulled the spear towards the right, popping the cyclops knee cap in the process. The cyclops roared in pain, and instinctively leaned down to grab its knee.
Clarisse swiftly pulled the spear out and stabbed it in the neck. Turning the twelve foot tall monster into dust in less then a minute. She roared, sending waves of fear into the ranks of Saturn's army. "IS THAT ALL YOU GOT!"
I realized during our battle with the mechanical bull that Clarisse was in a league of her own. She was like a laser targeted missile, capable of facing down any threat. All I had to do was point her in the right direction.
We were grossly outnumbered, but with careful coordination and will power, we managed to hold back and even gain ground against Saturn's army. The children of Demeter/Ceres ensnared centaurs in webs of vines. The Children of Venus/Hephaestus built bombs and traps on the file and passed them off to kids of Mercury/Hermes to plant in between the ranks of Saturn using their incredible speed.
Through our success, hope persevered. Using my gift, I'd pass that feeling on amongst our ranks. Fueling the most eager to fight to fight harder. As well as inspiring those of us who felt fear in their hearts to join them. The sensation made me powerful, giving me the clarity to guide our army in the right direction. I used to think my gift was just to share my own strength, but now I realized it was something far greater.
But none of that would matter if we were crushed to death.
The ground beneath us shook as Epimetheus repositioned himself to face our army. "FINE," The titan said, his voice revibrating over the battlefield. "YOUR NO FUN ANYMORE. I GUESS I'LL HAVE TO MAKE DO WITH CRUSHING THESE ANTS!"
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