Chapter 10 | Change of Heart

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I don't own Digimon, it belongs to its respective owners, and this applies to music, videos, and images used in this fanfic.

Back with Y/n...

Y/n, Palmon, Gomamon, and Leomon were staring at the threat of Imperialdramon who then flew into the air, and headed straight towards them.

"Positron Laser!" Imperialdramon yelled as he charged up a later on his back and fired it at Y/n and the Digimon sending it back.

"I'm starting to not like our chances!" Y/n cried as he fell to the floor, while Leomon punched Imperialdramon in the face.

"Do not worry Y/n! As long as I am here you have nothing to fear!" Leomon said as he then looked at Ken holding Meicoomon. "Hang on Meicoomon! I promise I'll save you-" Leomon said as he then was on the floor once again clutching his head as he turned purple.

"Damn it... Ken what do you want with Meicoomon!?" Y/n yelled at Ken who just showed a smile, and said nothing. "Answer me damn it!"

"Y/n watch out!" Palmon said as Imperialdramon then show a fireball towards Y/n from its mouth, sending Y/n tumbling. Imperialdramon then sent another fire heading towards Palmon sending her back as she then began to Digivolve.

"Palmon Digivolve to..."

"Togemon!" Togemon then started landing a barrage of punches to the face of Imperialdramon which seemed to do nothing.

"Needle spray!" Togemon said then she spun around and sent an array of needles towards Imperialdramon that did absolutely nothing, as then Imperialdramon then sent Togemon in the air with one of its claws before sending Togemon back down.

Back On The Other Side...

"They're getting crushed out there!" Tai said as they watched Y/n get back up from the floor Ludomon then went up to Izzy.

"Izzy! Is there any way for us to go through this computer?" Ludomon asked Izzy as he watched his partner get up.

"I'm afraid not," Izzy said as they then looked back at the screen.

"But we can't just stand here and watch! Togemon, Gomamon, Leomon, and Y/n are gonna get pummeled if we do nothing!" Kari said with her hands covering her mouth as he watched the screen as Imperialdramon let out a monstrous roar.

"If we're gonna win this fight we need Gomamon to evolve, but..." Matt said as he remembered that Joe was not here with, as then Kari got up and started to go look for Joe.

Back with Y/n...

As Y/n got up he saw Gomamon head straight up to Imperialdramon.

"I won't let you guys down!" Gomamon said, but as he got close he got slammed down by Imperialdramon before then getting flung across by its tail.

"Gomamon!" Y/n cried out as he then caught Gomamon in his hands.

"You okay," Y/n asked Gomamon who then shook his head, as he then nodded.

"How embarrassing..." Gomamon said as the two looked over, and saw that Imperialdramon was charging another fireball, but stopped midway as he was then punched by Togemon, interrupting it. 

Although Togemon stopped Imperialdramon stopped the fireball from hitting Y/n and Gomamon, he was then chomped down on by Imperialdramon and tossed away. While on the other hand, Leomon was still struggling to fight against the infection that was running rampant throughout his body.

"Damn it, Joe... Where are you..." Y/n thought to himself as he held Gomamon in his arms, as Imperialdramon was beginning to prepare another fireball.

With Joe...

"Drat! Why does this have to happen?" Joe yelled out as he was fixing the chain to his bike, which came off.

"Joe," Kari said as he walked up behind Joe.

"It's Gomamon, he's fighting right now," Kari said Joe looked surprised.

"What?" Joe asked.

"Joe, you said you wanted a reason, right? A reason for what? For fighting? Or a reason why we're the DigiDestined? Joe... You've forgotten something important. You and Gomamon were chosen together as partners. Do you need a reason for that?" Kari asked Joe who looked surprised at what she had just said. While on the other side, Gomamon and Y/n were being destroyed by Imperialdramon.

"Who cares about being an adult or a child? You two are friends, and that's all that matters..." Kari said to Joe who seemed to calm down. 

"Kari... Thank you..." Joe said as he then started to rush to where the rest of the group was.

Back with the group...

"G-Gomamon... I think we're done for..." Y/n said as both he and Y/n were on the floor, as Leomon was still trying to fight the infection, while Imperialdramon was looking to finish them off.

"Y/n! Please get up!" Kari said with tears in the corners of her eyes while looking at the computer to see Y/n had gotten up.

"Y/n! Gomamon! Run!" Matt said as Joe then arrived right behind them.

"Gomamon!" Joe cried out as Gomamon then looked up as he somehow heard Joe's voice. "I'm here now," Gomamon was then filled with determination.

"I was waiting," Gomamon said excitedly.

"Go Gomamon!" Joe cried out as his digivice then began to glow.

"Damn it... I have to get up before..." Y/n said to himself as Imperialdramon then sent out another attack towards him, as he closed his eyes waiting for his end he then saw a Digimon he saw a huge Digimon standing in front of him.

"Gomamon?" Y/n questioned as the big furry Viking creature then nodded.

"It's Vikemon now," The Digimon known as Vikemon said to Y/n who then nodded

"I'm gonna assume you got this I'm gonna go help Leomon," Y/n said as he ran towards Leomon and tried helping him.

"What's that? I've never seen that evolution before," Izzy said looking at the fight on his computer.

"Joe," Mimi then said as she looked towards Joe.

"I didn't need a reason. Yet, I made Gomamon wait forever, and kept pushing him off," Joe said as he stared at Vikemon who was fending off against Imperialdramon.

"Jikochuu, I guess?" Mimi asked Joe with a smile.

"I think you're fine that way too. Mimi" Joe said to Mimi with a smile, as Mimi then looked at Togemon with determination.

"Togemon!" Mimi said to Togemon who was still laying on the ground.

"Mimi?" Togemon said weakly as she suddenly forced herself to get up.

"Give it all you've got!" Mimi yelled so loud that everyone nearby had to cover their ears.

"Leomon! Are you okay? Think happy thoughts!" Y/n said to Leomon attempting to help Leomon who suddenly got up and roared.


Y/n then looked over at the battle that Vikemon was having with Imperialdramon and saw there was a new Digimon that he hasn't seen before.

"What Digimon is that?" Y/n asked as Leomon got up putting his hand on Y/n's body using it to get up.

"That's Rosemon!" Leomon said as he got into a fighting stance.

"Leomon! Are you okay now?" Y/n said as Leomon then grabbed out his sword.

"Yes, I will be fine enough just to be him!" Leomon said pointing to Imperialdramon who had now changed forms and was charging an attack through its chest.

Leomon then jumped onto the face of Imperialdramon, as he then started jabbing his sword into his face, causing Imperialdramon to fall over and miss his attacks.

"Now!" Leomon cried out to Rosemon and Vikemon who then nodded and sent their final attacks.

"Forbidden Temptation!"

"Arctic Blizzard!"

The attacks then hit Imperialdramon who then started to fade away as digital code, as Vikemon and Palmon then reverted to their in-training forms Bukamon and Tanemon.

"Ken It's over! Let Meicoomon go!" Y/n said as Ken then floated down and let go of Meicoomon to the surprise of Y/n and Leomon.

"See you later... Old friend," Ken said with an early smile as he then disappeared Leomon then picked up, Meicoomon, Bukamon, and Tanemon

As Leomon exited the portal. with the partner Digimon in hand, Y/n had the feeling that something was not right he couldn't tell what is what was thought. But those thoughts were out of his head fast, as Kari tackled him into a hug

"You okay? You not hurt or anything" Kari said as she looked up to her boyfriend who just smiled back at her.

"Yeah, just a few scratches and bruises won't hurt me," Y/n said as he looked at his body to see that there were a few injuries due to him getting flung around like a ragdoll, but shrugged it off as the Tanemon and Bukamon started going to their partners.

"Mimi!" Tanemon said as she jumped into Mimi's arms from Leomon's arms.

"Joe!" Bukamon said as he floated over to Joe.

"Bukamon, you were amazing," Joe complimented his partner who thanked him.

"Nice to see you back Joe, but how did you guys make them evolve to mega? It's been years since some of our Digimon did anything new," Izzy said as he then went to a notification earlier this morning through his laptop.

"Could it be... "Know the darkness, and go beyond". Could this be the prophecy to Mega digivolution? " Izzy thought as he read the message on his computer then looked over at Joe and Mimi.

"Do I have something on my face?" Joe asked Izzy who then shook his head, and turned back to his laptop.

"No it's nothing," Izzy said, as he began to think to himself.

"But why did Ken come back?" TK asked confused as to why Ken is back, but not why Davis and the others were not with him.

"I don't know, but I'm gonna go look for Davis, Ken, and the other's apartments tomorrow. You wanna investigate too?" Y/n asked as TK then nodded his head, but Y/n then felt a sharp pain in his side.

"What about our date tomorrow?" Kari asked with an unamused look on her face, as she then pinched Y/n's side harder.

"Ok! Ok! Ok! We'll go on our date tomorrow, please just let go!" Y/n said clutching the side of his body.

"Good~," Kari said with a smile to Y/n as TK just sheepishly laughed at the two.

"Meicoomon!" Meiko said as she went to go grab her partner from Leomon, but Meicoomon then just hid by snuggling into Leomon's chest confusing Meiko.

"What's wrong, Meicoomon? Everything's okay now. Chip up!" Leomon said trying to comfort Meicoomon as he then lifted her in the air.

"C'mon there's nothing to be afraid of," Leomon said with Meicoomon staring down at him as she then began getting flashbacks of Leomon turning from the infection, but suddenly in Meiko's pocket her Digvice began turning black as it flashed red.


Everyone stared in silence, as they saw Meicoomon floating in the air with red claws, and Leomon fall to the floor.

"Leomon!" Y/n said as Leomon clutched his chest.

"What's happening?" Sora asked as they saw the huge gash through Leomon's chest.

"What's wrong? It's... Fine now..." Leomon said staring at Meicoomon who then flew up in the air, as everyone gasped including Mr. Nishijima, but through the corners of his eyes Y/n saw Maki smiling, but he couldn't focus on that as he turned his attention back to Leomon and Meicoomon.

Meicoomon then came dashing towards Leomon as she then slashed with her claws he then turned into code, as everybody stood wide-eyed.

"What's going on!?" Tai said as a distortion all of a sudden opened up.

"Meicoomon!" Meiko cried out as then Meicoomon went through the distortion Meiko then fell to her knees as the distortion then closed.

"What the hell just happened?" Y/n asked quietly the group just stood there in silence.

"Meicoomon!" Meiko then cried out as Mr. Nishijima and Maki began to walk away.

"You're just going to leave things as they are now?" Mr. Nishijima questioned Maki who continued walking.

"The distortion has closed, we have no point being here. We must consider the next course of action," Maki explained to him.

"Don't you think we should comfort them?" Mr. Nishijima said as he stepped in front of Maki who just pushed him aside.

"Your going soft Daigo," Maki said as Mr. Nishijima then followed her to their vehicle.

"This is something that they have to go through. Heartbreak, love, friendship, loss..." Maki said as she stopped at the door of the car and stared at the sky while the group was still standing there not knowing what to do.

"This is what it means to be DigiDestined..."

To Be Continued...

-T1 Agu Signing Out

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