Chapter 7

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'...' Thoughts
"..." Speaking
... Narration

Cheryl's POV~
1 week later~
I was woken up the next day by Sebastian opening the curtains to my windows. I was unfamiliar with his presence in the room when I was used to Sahaana waking me up in the mornings.

"Good morning young mistress," Sebastian said, as he poured me a cup of tea.

I yawned and said, "Good morning Sah-Sebastian," fixing my mistake.

"What was that young mistress?" Sebastian asked, as he heard my mess up.

"It's nothing. I'm just used to my old personal maid Sahaana waking me up," I explained, "I hope she made it out of the fire, I miss her."

"Ah, I understand young mistress. Please, let me go find her for you," he said, bowing his head.

"Y-you don't have to, but if you insist you can!" I said, waving my arms around a bit.

"It's fine young mistress, but first, let's get you changed."

He grabbed a blue and white dress and stockings. He also took out a black eyepatch with blue gems embodied into it and pink gloves to cover my scars.

He tied the eyepatch over my right eye and helped me get dressed into my stockings and dress. Sebastian then tied up my black ballet flats. I pulled on my gloves and walked out of the room for breakfast. I went down to the dining room to see my big brother awake and also with a black eyepatch on his right eye as well. I bid him good morning and gave him a hug. He said good morning to me as well and returned the hug.

"Glad to see your awake Cheryl. I wanted to tell you that I'm going to return as the queen's guard dog and wanted you to accompany me to the queens castle for my coronation," he explained as Sebastian brought in our breakfast.

"I would be delighted to go with you Ciel! I always wanted to go to the queens castle," I exclaimed with little enthusiasm, due to me being a bit emotionless after the incident.

"Alright then, it's next week so maybe today, we can go visit our parents grave and ours?" He said, taking a bite of his breakfast.

"Sure, I'm fine with that," eating my breakfast with manners.

We finished up breakfast and Ciel called Sebastian over to clean up. Then we put on our jackets and left to go to the private Phantomhive graveyard. It was a small drive by carriage so we got there quickly. As we arrived, we saw Lizzy bending down by our graves. We all had an emotionless face as we stood, me hiding behind Ciel. Lizzy gasped as she looked to us, she stood and ran over to see if we were real probably. She gave us a hug and whispered dozens and dozens of comforting words. Ciel and I said nothing, as we were now in shock Lizzy was here and I was just silent, not wanting to talk to anyone for a while.

We brought her back to the manor and we all sat down at the living room, Ciel explaining what will happen sooner or later. I stayed silent and then excused myself to back in my room. I knew she didn't know that that was the younger Ciel and not the older one, since they were betrothed. Now, my now only older brother had to carry the responsibility of marrying our cousin. I then made it back to my room and remembered I wanted to do ballet. I changed into a ballet dress.

I also remembered a song from when I was still alive in my other life. Dernire Danse, by Indila, my favorite song sung in French. I sung out the melody and and danced to my singing.
Play Song Up Top Now~
I made a random routine while I sung, not noticing the audience I had since I had my eyes closed. I did turns, assemblés, pirouettes, plies, leaps, and many more moves. When I finished singing and dancing, I finally opened my eyes to see Ciel and Lizzy eyes and mouths open.

Ciel said in French, "Je ne savais pas que tu ressentais ça, ma soeur." (I didn't know you felt this way sister)

I replied with, "C'est ce que j'ai ressenti, Ciel, mais je veux le surmonter pour l'avenir, pour nos parents et plus encore pour vous." (I did feel this way, Ciel, but I want to overcome it for the future, for our parents, and more for you) I had tears streaming down my face.

He looked shocked and went up to give me a hug. Lizzy, not knowing what we were saying, figured out the context when Ciel went to give me a hug and went to give me one as well. Lizzy stayed the night and Sebastian prepared me for bed, taking off my eyepatch, and closing the curtains and blowing out the candles leaving me to sleep in darkness.

To Be Continued~
Date Posted: June 6th, 2019
Word Count: 843 Words

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