Chapter 1

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'...' Thoughts
"..." Speaking

3rd Person POV~
'Why does it feel so sticky? Where am I?' Aline thought as a million questions raced though her mind. Suddenly a strange pressed against her body and Aline felt air rush against her skin. Sudden wails of cries filled the air and Aline felt a cloth wipe of the sticky substance on her body. Then she felt a warm blanket wrap her small frame and she was passed to someone.

"Congratulations Lady Phantomhive. It's a girl!" a strange voice sounded out.

Aline's wails quieted and was quiet now. She hear a door open and someone stepped in.

"Rachel! Are you alright? Where's our child?" A frantic voice sounded out in the room.

"I'm alright Vincent. So is our little girl," A feminine voice quietly said, all soft and smooth.

Footsteps sounded and Aline felt herself being picked up by a different figure.

'Wait, Phantomhive? Rachel? Vincent? IM IN BLACK BUTLER?! Ciel's parents are my parents?!' Aline panicked.

"Awww. She's so precious. What should we name her?" Vincent's, now her fathers' a voice said, now all calm and collected.

"I think, Cheryl. Cheryl Rosaline Phantomhive," Rachel's, now her mother's soft voice whispered, like trying to talk to Aline, now Cheryl.

"That's perfect my love. I'll bring in the boys now," Vincent said, as he placed Cheryl in her mother's arms.

Vincent walked out and soon enough two boys, that looked about 5, and him came back into the room. The boys eyes widened as they saw the small bundle of dark blue blankets in their mother's arms.

"Mother, who's that?" Both boys voices spoke out.

"Ciels, this is your new little sister, Cheryl. Be careful with her, she's very fragile," Rachel answered, looking up at the boys, now Cheryl's new older brothers.

'THE Ciels are my brothers!? This like a dream come true!' Cheryl internally fangirled, (or fanGRELLED if you know what I mean).

She held the small bundle of dark blue blankets to the boys and they held Cheryl carefully, not wanting to drop her. Rachel then fell asleep, tired from giving birth to the now living bundle of joy. Cheryl had her father's dark hair, and once she opened her eyes, they were the rich sapphire blue like her mother's, and her brothers. Cheryl gurgled out a few baby sounds and giggled as she looked up at her brothers. They gasped and quickly called their father.

"Father! Cheryl open her eyes and giggled!" The older Ciel quickly but quietly shouted, not wanting disturb his little sister.

"Really! Let's see. Ah, she has your mother's eyes, and you boys too. She also has my hair which is also quite interesting," Vincent quickly mumbled out.

Cheryl then yawned and fell asleep in the younger twin's arms, quietly snoring and moving her chest up and down. Her finale thoughts for that day were, 'I'm glad they're my family now, I love them already.'

Time Skip- 3 Years Later~
Cheryl's (Aline) POV~
Life here has been wonderful! I love my family and they love me! I get to see Lizzy today! We have to play dress up and eat sweets together! Maybe we can have a tea party! Oh I'm rambling again. The sun up and shining through the large window of my room.

My personal maid (Sahaana) walked in and said, "Good morning lady Cheryl. I have your outfit ready for today."

Sahaana walked over to my closet and grabbed a dark blue dress, perfect for my liking.

A/N: (Ignore the outfit In the second photo, Cheryl's hair is supposed to look like that)
I swung my legs over the side of my bed so she could dress me and I stood up. Sahaana dressed me, and did my hair up in curls, then escorted me to the dining room where my parents and brothers were waiting. I bounced eagerly to the dining room for breakfast and Sahaana opened the door for me. Sahaana has been there for me since I was born, and I'm grateful for her to be there for me.

"Good morning Mother, Father. Morning brothers," I said, my voice full of energy.

My mother replied, "Good morning Cheryl. Sit down for breakfast, my Sapphire."

Sapphire, a nickname my parents gave me when I was very little. It was because my eyes shined like sapphire when they were hit with just the right amount of light.

"Morning Cheryl " each of my brothers greeted.

I sat down next to my brothers and Tanaka brought in breakfast like usual. I ate my breakfast like a lady would, since my parents insisted that I started my lessons to be a lady early, and since I had such an high intelligent mind. Like, I started walking when I was like, what, 8 months old? And started talking once it was my 1st birthday? Yeah, that's because I was a 23 year old stuck in a 3 year old's body. I still remember what happened in my previous life. I also decided not to say anything about my past life since
1) I wanna forget about it
2) I don't want my family now to think I'm crazy

So yeah, my life has been awesome so far. And Lizzy is coming later so yay! I quickly finished my breakfast as my brothers did as well so we excused ourselves and we went out to the garden. They also found out I had asthma so I have to take it easy. We played around a bit until we heard a carriage pull up to the front of the manor and we ran up to the front, ready to greet our cousin and aunts. Lizzy, Aunt Ann and Aunt Frances came out of the carriage and the entire family of Phantomhive was there, ready to greet. Me, being the youngest and the shortest was at the end of the line of the greeting line. My parents greeted them and so did my brothers and I. Lizzy squealed and ran to come and hug the older twin, since he was her fiancée.

I pouted and said, "Lizzzzzyyyyyyy! Don't forget about us~!"

Lizzy then ran over and grabbed me, lifting me up and twirling me around, "Oh of course I wouldn't forget my favorite, and only, female cousin!"

"L-Lizzy! My asthma!" I squeaked out, making sure it didn't pop out after my loss of breath from spinning me around so much.

Aunt Frances now scolded Lizzy for being so unladylike, but Father popped into the conversation saying that we should all relax in the garden. And everyone agreed.

To Be Continued~
Word Count: 1104 Words
Date Posted: May 23rd, 2019

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