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"Home sweet home. "

Mum said as we pulled up. We all got out going in. I went up to my room and took of my boot slipper. There was a knock on the door.

"You feeling okay?"

"Yeah mum. I'm just tired from the flight is all."

She nodded.

"Have you talked to your father?"

"He text me earlier. Who is the Wyatt family?"

"No one why?"

"He said something about it."

"It's nobody love."

I nodded.

"You should get some sleep. Jacey and Brody are already in bed."

I nodded getting in. She pulled the covers over me and kissed my forehead. I closed my eyes and I heard her close the door. My phone buzzed and it was a text from dad asking if I could skype. I quickly got my laptop and ear buds logging on.
A few minutes later he popped up.

"Hi baby girl."

"Hi daddy."

"What are you doing? "

"We just got home. I laying in bed."

"Where are your brother and sister?"

"They're already sleeping. We got here at 6:00."

He nodded.

"How you feeling? "

"I'm tired. I had to take a lot of medicine. "

" I know, but that medicine is gonna help you get better."

"But I already have to take a lot for my epilepsy. It's so many. "

"I know. Guess what?"


"I'm coming back to London soon."

"You are?"

He nodded.

"Yes. We come back and them we head to Australia. Then SummerSlam."

I nodded.

"I have a question. "

"What is it?"

"Earlier when you text me you said something about a Wyatt family. Who are they?"

"Sorry baby doll. I meant to send that to your uncle Dean."

I nodded.

"Baby girl get some sleep. I'll call you later okay?"


"Remember your promise okay?"

"Okay I will."

"Sweet dreams baby girl. "

"Sweet dreams daddy."

"I love you."

"I love you too. "

He waved and I waved back. We both hung up. I sat my laptop down and cut on my small lamp. I closed my eyes and fell asleep.

I was in a dark room. I heard laughter. I looked and I was wearing a white dress. It looked old timey.


"Anyone but you."

I looked around.

"Anyone but you."

The voice said louder.

"Anyone but you!"

"Anyone but you!"


I dropped on my knees covering my ears trying to stop the shouting.

"Stop! Stop please stop!"

"Jesse! Jesse please wake up!"

I shot up covered in sweat and tears streaming down my face. I looked and mum was there. She pulled me into her and I started crying.

"It's okay love it was just a nightmare."

"The voice kept screaming. It wouldn't stop."

"It's alright you're safe. You're safe."

She wiped the tears away kissing my forehead. My laptop started going off and it was dad.

"You gonna be okay?"

I nodded.

"I'm going to go get your medicine okay?"

I nodded and she walked out. I clicked the answer button.

"What's wrong?"

"I had a nightmare. "

"I'm sorry baby girl. "

"The voice wouldn't stop."

"Who's voice?"

"I don't know. It sounded so familiar. It kept getting louder and louder. It wouldn't stop."

I said starting to cry again.

"Shh baby girl don't cry. It's okay. I was just a nightmare. No one is there."

Mum walked back in.

"Here love."

I got all of the medicine and took every pill with the water. I handed her the glass and she sat it down.

"You gonna be okay?"

I nodded. She kissed my head walking out.

"When will you be here?"

"It's gonna be really soon baby girl. As soon as I land I will be on my way there to be with you."

I nodded.

"Okay. "

"Do you want to go back to sleep?"



"No, no more nightmares. No. No . No. No."

"Jesse Glynn baby girl calm down. Please you don't have to go back to sleep I will stay up with you okay. Just calm down take deep breaths. "

I nodded. I wiped the tears away.

"There you go. Dry your tears everything will be okay baby."

I nodded.

"Where's uncle Dean?"

"He just walked in the door with Seth. You wanna say hi?"

I nodded.

"Hi Jesse Glynn!"

They both said.


"What's wrong? "

Seth said.

I nodded my head.

"It was just a very bad dream. "


"It's okay. "

"Did Roman tell you we were coming to London?"

Dean asked and I nodded.

"Yeah he told me. "

I said sniffing.

"Sorry guys I gotta go. "

Seth said.

"Where you going? "

Dean asked.

"I have to go to a meeting about this whole storyline with John."

They both nodded.

"Bye Jesse see you when we get to London. "

"Bye Seth."

I said and he walked out.

"I'm hungry."

Dean said and got up.

"Baby girl you should rest."

I shook my head.

"What if I have the nightmare again?"

"You just took your medicine. It won't happen."

"I don't want to. "

"Jesse Glynn you promised. "

"But the voice."

I said starting to cry again.

"Jesse please don't cry. How about this we stay on Skype and I'll make sure you're okay until you fall asleep. I'll make sure nothing happens okay?"

I nodded and sat it on my pillow. I laid down.

"Sweet dreams baby girl. "

"Sweet dreams daddy. I love you."

"I love you too."

I closed my eyes and fell asleep.

Roman's pov
I made sure Jesse Glynn was sleep until I hung up the skype call. I got up and walked to my room.

"Jesse okay?"

I turned around and Dean was there.

"Yeah. She's just trying to get use to the fact that I'm not there."

He nodded.

"The nightmare what was it?"

"She said it was a voice and it kept saying something and it got so loud that she started to cry. She didn't tell me what the voice was yelling, but she said it sound familiar. "

"Maybe ask her next time you talk to her."

"Yeah I will. I'm gonna shower and sleep."

"Me too man. Good night."

"It's 1 in the afternoon. "

"Like I said good night."

Dean said walking out. I got some clothes and headed to the shower.

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