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Roman's pov
"She's sedated, but you are allowed inside."

"Why did she do that?"

Melanie asked.

"Usually when something like that happens with a patient it's shock other times it's due to Post traumatic stress disorder, due with her predicament it wasn't shock that caused that sudden outbreak to happen to her. We did a physical exam and we have to wait for the results to come back. We'll let you know as soon as we get them."

I sighed and kissed Brody's forehead.

"Is sissy sick?"

"No bubby. Sissy is just tired and the only way she can get sleep is if she's here."

"When can she leave here?"

"We don't know yet, but hopefully it will be soon."

We all walked in sitting down looking at Jesse Glynn sleeping.

"How about I go get everyone something to eat?"

Melanie said.

"I'll go with you."

My mom said and they both left.

"You good man?"

Dean asked sitting by me.

"Yeah. I just... how does she not remember me? I mean we were together almost everyday and I made sure that I called and text when I left."

"She'll get through this. You're Her father. You're the only one she has. She'll remember you. "

He said patting my shoulder.

"Look at them."

I looked and Jacey was in the bed beside Jesse Glynn and Brody was in Jesse Glynn's lap and they were all asleep. I smiled.

"They're inseparable. "

I said.

"I kinda figured when I met Jacey and Brody."

I nodded.

"What am I going to do if she doesn't remember me. Melanie and I talked about working things out to be together. Brody and Jacey talk about me all the time. Jesse Glynn she's just like me. She could seriously be me. Now what she's never gonna know who I am because of some shit she got pulled into after I did everything I could think of to keep all of them safe."

"Roman you can't give up on her."

"I'm not, but Dean as much as I try not to lose her, I lose her even more. What if they were right. I'm not ready to be a dad. Especially not to two teenage twin girls and a little boy."

"You're seriously going to listen to them! Roman fuck what they have to say. You're one of the best father's that I have seen. You do any and everything for them. They're are happy to call you their dad. Hell I wouldn't mind you being my dad."

I smiled.

"Just give her time. "

I nodded.

"I'm going to get coffee. You want one?"

"Nah man I'm fine."

He stood up and walked out.

I woke up and felt something on my shoulder and something in my lap. I looked and Brody was in my lap and Jacey was laying on my shoulder. I looked and my dad was there.


"Baby girl."

He rushed over to me and kissed my forehead.

"What happened?"

"I'm so sorry baby girl. I shouldn't have left."

"What are you talking about?"

"I'll tell you some other time, but right now you need to rest."

"But I'm not tired. Where's mum and grandma, and Dean?"

"Your mom and grandma went to get something to eat and Dean went to get some coffee. They'll be back soon."

I nodded. He kissed my forehead.

"Why are they on me?"

He laughed.

"They couldn't stay away."

He said.

"Yeah to much cutest."

I said smiling and he laughed. The door opened. I looked and it was mum and grandma.

"Hey honey."

"Hi mum, hi grandma."

"What are you two doing?"

"Just talking about my cuteness and how it's addictive. "

I said putting my hand under my chin.

"Well you do look like me."

Dad said.

"Daddy everything can't always be about you."

I said and he gave me a look.

"You're lucky you're cute. "

He said kissing my head. I smiled. Dean walked in.

"Hey you're awake."


"Um Roman I got a call. We have to be back at work Raw next week and they want us to talk about what happened."

"When do we have to leave?"

Dad asked grabbed my hand.

"The next flight we can get."

"Where you going?"

I asked looking at dad.

"San Jose."

He said.

"When will you be back?"

"I don't know. "

I nodded.

"I have my laptop you can use it to buy plane tickets."

Mum said.

"They sent the company jet."

Dean said.

"That means we have no choice, but leave tonight."

"Why can't we leave in the morning? It's just a..."

"3.98 hours."

I said and he looked at me.

"How did you know that?"

"I would always find the distance of places when I got bored and memorized it just in case."

I said sounding like a nerd.

"Alright. I'll call and tell them we leave in the morning. "

Dean said walking out. Dad looked at me.

"How many place have you memorized?"

He asked raising his eyebrow and I lowered my head hiding my blush. He laughed kissing my head.

"You hungry love?"


"Baby girl you need to eat."

"But I'm not hungry. "

"Please. I'll go get you some fruit."

I nodded and he stood up walking out.
Grandma came and grabbed my hand.

"He still has you spoiled like he did when you were a baby."


"Anything you wanted he got it."

Mum said.

"He loves all of you so very much."

"I know."

She smiled and kissed my forehead. I gave her a small smile. I looked at Jacey and poked her cheek.

"Poke, poke."

She stirred.

"Brody knock it off."

"It's not me."

He answered back. They both woke up.

"Finally your head is huge and you're heavy. "


They both hugged me and I hugged them back. A flash went off and we looked and mum had her phone out.

"Don't look at me like that. I can take the pictures if I want to."

We all shrugged.

"Where's dad and uncle Dean?"

Brody asked and they walked in.

"Here baby girl."


I got the fruit and slowly ate them.

"Mummy I'm hungry."

Brody said.

"Come on. You and Jacey have food."

They both got out the bed. Dad sat by me. I finished the fruit.

"I'm done now."

I said and he took the cup throwing it away. He sat back down and I laid down on him and grabbed his hand. He kissed my forehead and another flash went off. We both looked at mum. Her and grandma were looking at it.

"I like that one send it to me."

I looked up at dad and smiled. He smiled back hugging me.
Everyone was asleep except for dad and I. We were both in the bed watching cartoons.

"Jesse Glynn. "


"I want you to understand me. I have to go to San Jose, but I will be back okay?"

"Okay. "

"No. I don't want to call and hear that you aren't eating, sleeping, or anything except for crying and getting sick. Tell me you understand."

"I understand daddy. You have to go."

"Pinky promise?"

"Pinky promise."

I said hooking my pinky with his.

"Get some sleep okay?"


I moved around making myself comfortable. I laid on him and closed my eyes.
Roman's pov
I woke up and it was 5:00. I quickly turned off my alarm so no one else woke up. I went flicking Dean on his head.

"Dude what the hell?"

"We got to get ready. The plane leaves at six."

He got up rubbing his eyes.

"I'll go warm up the car."

He said walking out. I went to my bag and made sure I had everything in it.

"Ro what are you doing?"

I turned seeing Melanie. She got up walking to me.

"We have to go. The plane leaves at six."

There was a knock on the door and the doctor walked in.

"Sorry for coming so early, but we got the results of Jesse Glynn's test."

"What does it look like?"

Melanie asked and I wrapped my arm around her.

"She does suffer from PTSD. It isn't a mild case, but worse. I prescribed her two selective serotonin reuptake inhibitors which are zoloft and Paxil. Those are both antidepressants. Prozac which is anti-anxiety medication. Prazosin is a sleep aid to help her sleep through the night. Since there isn't a medicine that can help with her anorexia I was suggest that you don't let her isolate herself. Exposure therapy would help with her PTSD. It will help with her behavior and to overcome her anxiety. We would like to keep her for a few more hours by herself to monitor her actions. If we get a positive result she will be able to leave by tonight."

"Thank you."

Melanie said and the doctor left.

"I can't believe my baby has ptsd. "

Melanie said. I pulled her in a hug.

"I'm sorry. "

"Ro you don't have to apologize you did everything to keep them safe."

"I didn't try hard enough. Melanie our daughter is in that hospital bed. She's depressed because of me. She has anxiety because of me. She cried everyday because of me. I don't want to lose her, but everything I do pulls me away from her. All of this is because of me."

She kissed me.

"Roman stop blaming and beating yourself up because of this. You know as good as I know and the kids know that what you did was to keep them safe and you wouldn't bare to see them hurt. Roman they love you and they know you're doing it for them. Jesse knows that you just want to keep her safe and away, but you can't go blaming yourself for what is happening."

"I just don't want to lose her."

"Ro you would never lose your daughter."

I nodded and kissed her forehead.


I turned and Jesse was waking up. I went to her rubbing her head.

"It's alright baby girl I'm right here go back to sleep."

"Are you leaving?"

"Yeah uncle Dean and I have to go. You pinky promised me that you understood."

"I do."

"Now be good for your mom okay?"

"Okay. I'm going back to sleep. I'm tired."

I smiled kissing her forehead.

"I love you baby girl. "

"I love you too daddy."

She mumbled and went back to sleep. I smiled kissing her head again. I went and kissed Jacey and Brody's foreheads, and my mothers.

"Come on I'll walk you down."

Melanie said. I nodded grabbing my bag and her hand. We walked out the room quietly and went down the halls.

"Call me if something happens with her. I'll come."

"Roman you've missed to much work already. "

"I need to be there for them."

"Roman they know you're there for them. We'll see you when you get off. I know you call or Skype them every night."

I nodded.

"You should go before you're late."

I nodded and kissed her one last time.

"I love you Melanie."

She smiled pecking my lips again.

"Go before you're late."

I smiled and went walking out to the car. I got in and Dean was drinking coffee.

"Here got you a coffee."


I said taking it. He bagged out and drove to the airport. We quickly went in and got on the jet. After a few minutes we took off to San Jose.

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