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"Jesse you look wow. "

Jacey I haven't even got dressed yet.

"I know, but your makeup. You've always been very beautiful. With or without makeup. You're just wow."

Well we are twins.

She smiled.

"Come on we need to get dressed. "

I nodded and rolled out.

"There you two are what are you doing not dressed yet?"

Mum asked fixing her watch.

"We're going now mum."

Jacey said.

"Hurry. You have to be there in 45 minutes. "

Jacey nodded running to get dressed.

"Now for you. They want you to do your own red carpet walk so I got these for you."

She went and came back with crutches. I raised my eyebrow.

"Just for tonight please?"

Mum I can stand up without the crutches. It doesn't hurt to take small steps.

"You're not suppose to be walking or standing on your cast Jesse Glynn. Look how about you take the crutches and when you stop to take pictures you'll put them away deal?"


"Good now go get dressed."

I nodded rolling to the room. Jacey was standing there with her royal blue long dress.

"What do you think?"

It's beautiful.


Where's Brooklyn?

"Getting ready."

I nodded and went getting my dress.

"Wait. This moment causes for a selfie."

I rolled my eyes and she pulled out her phone turning on the camera.
(Jesse Glynn poses like Kylie - Jacey poses like Kendall)


I nodded. She got the dress and got dressed.

"Alright I have to go. See you at the red carpet?"

I nodded and she smiled hugging me.

"I know you don't want to do this, but thank you."

She said and rushed out closing the door. I opened the zipper of my dress cover and looked at my red gown. I took it out and got dressed. I dressed and stood from my wheelchair looking in the mirror.

"Wow love you look beautiful."

I turned and smiled at mum. She walked over with the crutches.

Can we take my wheelchair just in case?

She nodded.

"Lets hit the road. LA traffic is absolutely horrible. "

I nodded crutching out. We went getting in the car waiting for us. I sat fumbling with my fingers. This would be the first night in two months that anyone has seen me in public and it's a red carpet event.

"It's alright love. Everything will be okay?"

I nodded and looked out the window as we drove down the roads of Los Angeles. We pulled up at the red carpet and I looked out the window. Reporters and cameras everywhere. Come on Jesse you can do this. My door opened and the driver helped me out. I got my crutches and waited on mum.

"Oh my god Jesse!"

Fans screamed. I smiled. I went to the carpet and handed my crutches to a someone and posed for pictures. I looked around and Jacey was looking at me. I smiled and she smiled back walking over. We both took pictures.

"You look beautiful Jesse."

She whispered in my ear. I got my crutches and went on down the carpet. I spotted Roman with Brody. Roman was wearing a grey suit with a black button down, and a red tie. His hair was brushed back into his man bun. Brody had on a black suit with a white button down and a royal blue bow tie that matched Jacey's dress. I stopped and posed for more pictures. As I turned Roman walked up to me with Brody.

"You looked absolutely stunning baby girl. "

He said kissing my forehead as cameras still went off.

"Jesse and Roman over here!"

He wrapped his arm around me and we took pictures with Brody doing random stuff in the front.

"Wait I want in on this too!"

Jacey said and came standing on the other side of me and posed. Mum came and Jacey pulled her in the pictures. We went down the rest of the carpet doing our own thing. I took pictures with Cody who was in the movie with Jacey, I took more with Justin Bieber, One Direction which was quite the joy, and Kendall and Kylie Jenner. We went in and went sitting down in the front row. Roman was sitting by me when he grabbed my hand.

"You really do look breathtaking."

I smiled and turned back to the screen for the movie to start.
The movie ended and everyone clapped. It was about this girl who had to move all the way across the world with her aunt in America after her parents and little sister died in a car crash. There she met a guy name Wyatt (played by Cody) and he helped her see that there was some living in the small town. They instantly grew closer until Wyatt was hurt in an motorcycle accident and was in a coma. Kennedy (played by Jacey) stayed with him the entire time and confessed her found love for him and he woke up telling her how he felt and then it was a small kiss and it fast forward to years later with Kennedy and Wyatt still living in the small town with their own family while Jacey did the monolog, which turned out to be Kennedy writing in her diary she got from her mother as a birthday present before she died. The stars of the movie stood up and waved thanking everyone. Afterwards we left out of the theater. I was going back to the car when I heard someone call me.

"Jesse wait!"

I turned and it was Cody. I gave him a smile.


I waved.

"Still can't talk huh?"

I shrugged. He smiled.

"I just want to say that you look very beautiful tonight."

I smiled. I looked around and found my notebook.

Thanks. You look quite handsome yourself.

"Thank you my mom picked it out."

He said smiling.

"So how long you in LA?"

I actually leave tonight. I have to go back to London to get this cast off my leg.

"Oh. Well nevermind."

What was it?

"Um nothing. I was just wondering if you would like to hang out, but your leaving. "

Maybe when you come for the London tour we can. I'll actually be able to walk then.

He smiled.

"I would like that. Um I'll text you yeah?"

I nodded and he smiled.

"Great. Um did I say you looked beautiful already?"

I nodded smiling.

You finally cut your hair I see.

"Yeah. Had to for the movie."

I nodded.

"I have to go, but I'll text you later yeah?"

I nodded. He smiled.

"Right. Bye."

I waved. He turned walking away almost tripping. I smiled and he laughed nervously walking away. I turned around and Roman was waiting outside the car with Jacey who had a smirk on her face. I went over.

"Who's your friend?"

Roman asked.

"That's Cody."

Jacey said excited. I just went opening the door. Roman helped me in and then got in on the driver side. Mum was in the passenger seat and Brody was in the back back in his booster seat. Jacey got in still smiling. Roman drove back to the house. We made and Roman helped me out. We went in and I went straight to the shower. I changed and cleaned my face. I came back out and everyone else was changed sitting around. There wasn't any seats left so Roman pulled me in his lap. I decided to make myself comfortable and lay back on his chest. He kissed my forehead and wrapped his arms around me. Jacey was sitting in the chair with her selfie stick taking pictures. The doorbell rung and mum got up answering it. She came back with pizza boxes.


Brody cheered.

"How many pieces you want Jesse?"

Mum asked. I held up one finger. She handed the plate to me. I picked up the pizza and held it up to Roman. He took a bite and I started eating. Mum gave him some since I was laying on him and I was already comfortable so I wasn't moving anytime soon. My phone buzzed.

What I call a celebration. Pizza, Movies, and Family.

I don't run my twitter account. Mum does it because I don't like all of that stuff. It even says in the bio that I don't run it, but she does. I just have the notification on my phone when Jacey mentions me in stuff. I cut off my phone and laid back on Roman. I've been thinking about if I wanted to start calling him dad instead of Roman. I don't know. I know he was me to call him that, but I just don't feel comfortable with doing that yet. I've known him for a few months now, but those months don't make up for the sixteen years, well thirteen years since he left when we were three. I grew tired and yawned. I was already wrapped in a blanket since we were looking at movies.

"Sweet dreams baby girl. "

Roman said kissing my head. I closed my eyes falling asleep on his chest.

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