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"You sure you want to do this?"

Roman asked and I nodded. He opened the door to the gym and I rolled in. I looked around and there were a few superstars and divas. I rolled around.

"I didn't tell Melanie I was bringing you here so don't get hurt. I have to explain so I get in trouble. "

I smiled. I went and picked up so weights and started lifting them. Roman just looked at me. I shrugged and kept going. He turned and went to some different weights. After three sets of 25 I stopped. I rolled around until I found a boxing bag. I smiled when I found some tap and tapped my hands. I locked the wheels on the wheelchair and pulled out my headphones and started my music. I hopped up and went punching the bag.

Roman's pov
I was lifting weights when I turned not seeing Jesse Glynn where she was. I sat the weight down and walked around. I saw Randy, Dean, Seth, Nikki, Brie, and Naomi looking shocked.

"What are you looking at?"

Nikki pointed. I looked and it was Jesse Glynn standing on one leg punching the bag. She didn't notice any of us standing there.

"Someone needs to record this."

Nikki said and pulled her phone out.

"How long has she been doing this?"

I asked.

"A good 10-15 minutes."

Dean said. We all pulled up a seat watching her for at least 30 minutes. She stopped wiping the the sweat from her forehead. She looked at her phone changing songs and pulled up her hoodie sleeves. She turned back to the bag starting again.

"Alright we should probably leave her or she'll start swinging at you."

I said and we all went to do our own thing. I turned watching Jesse and smiled.

I was punching for a good 45 minutes when I got bored and my throat got dry. I hopped back in my chair and went to the vending.

Roman's pov
I sat down the weights in a full sweat. I looked around and Jesse Glynn was no where to be found. The door swung open and she rolled in with water bottles. She went around giving everyone one. She came up to me and handed me the last one.

"Thanks, but don't you need one?"

She nodded. I opened it taking a drink and held it out to her.


She took the water bottle taking a sip giving it back. I pulled out a dollar.

"Go buy you one."

She nodded. I put the dollar in her hand.

"Water bottle. Now."

She turned wheeling out and a few minutes came back with a water bottle.

"How do you so that?"

I turned and Dean and Seth were standing there.

"Do what?"

"You tell them to do something and they automatically do it."

Dean said. I shrugged.

"They were just raised that way. "

I shrugged. Jesse Glynn came over.

"Hi Jesse."

Seth and Dean said. She gave them a small smile and waved.

"You ready your mom wanted you home before lunch."

She nodded. She gave a small wave to Dean and Seth and rolled to the door.

I waited on Roman. He came and opened the door and I wheeled myself out to his car. He opened the door and helped me in. He sat my wheelchair down in the back and got in.

"You know everyone was shocked when they saw you in there punching that bag."

I just got really excited when I saw it. I miss boxing and knowing that it may be an end to my career I just want that one last rush.

He kissed my head.

"It isn't the end."

He said and drove home.
"Come on Jesse!"


"You need to get back out there. You two would be so cute together. It's been three whole month since you and you know who broke up."

Jacey whined.

"Don't you want to go and have double dates with Brooklyn and I. He wants to do it."

She begged.

"Jacey what are you going on about?"

Mum and Roman walked in sitting down.

"Mum it's been an entire three month and it's like she swore off every guy on this planet."

I shrugged.

"Jesse, Cody has liked you for a long time now. Why don't you just give him one chance and if it doesn't work out you can punch me, but not in the face and not hard."

I rolled my eyes.

"Why is this so important? I think it's great she doesn't have a boyfriend if you ask me."

Roman said. Jacey gave him a look.

"You're only saying that because she's the youngest."

"No I say the same thing about you in my mind, but you're with that Brooklyn kid."

"Jesse please!"


"Will you at least think about it."

I shrugged.

"I'm taking that as a yes."

She smiled and hugged me running upstairs.

Why do I have a feeling that was only the beginning of this discussion?

"Because you know your sister love."

Mum said kissing my head.

Alright. I'm gonna go shower and get some sleep.

"Goodnight. "

Mum said walking into the kitchen. Roman came up to me.

"So where we went is our little secret right?"

I nodded and he held out his pinky. I wrapped mine around his and he smiled.

"Sweet dreams baby girl. "

He said kissing my head. I went to the room and got some pajamas. I striped from my clothes and got in the shower. Once I finished I got dressed and got in bed. There was a knock on the door and Brody walked in closing it behind him. He came climbing in the bed.

"Can I sleep with you tonight?"

I nodded and kissed the top of his head. He snuggled closer and I heard his small snores instantly. I sighed getting comfortable with my leg and closed my eyes. I laid there for a few minutes then I fell asleep.

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