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"Jesse Glynn Reigns what on earth are you doing?"

I turned my head and and saw mum and Roman looking at me. I slowly took the back stratcher from out of my cast and dropped it. I unlocked my wheels and tried to go.

"Not so fast missy."

Roman said holding me.

"Come on."

He said and walked outside. It was raining so I put my hood on. He wheeled me out to the car helping me in the backseat. Brody came getting in. Roman got in the drivers seat and mum got got in the passenger seat. Roman bagged out and drove to the hospital.
"There we are. You have to keep the stitches in your eyebrow for a few more weeks and then we can take them out."

I nodded at the doctor.

"Any questions?"

"I have one."

Mum said.

"Lately her attention span has been cut short. She could be writing and she drifts off. She'll write it when someone is reading it to her, but that's it."

The doctor looked at me and started looking at my head.

"It could be possible brain damage, but not so bad that it could harm her in the future. The impact her head had in the mat."

He went and got a little kid book and some paper.

"Jesse Glynn can you write this sentence for me?"

I nodded. I started writing the sentence. There was a tap on my shoulder. I looked and it was Roman.

"You stopped writing."

No I didn't. I wrote the entire sentence. I looked down and he was right I only wrote some of the words.

"I want to do a scanning on her brain. See why this is happening. For the meantime it would be best to read what she's suppose to write to her so she won't have to strain so much."

"Thank you. "

Mum said. The doctor shook mum and Roman's hand and gave Brody a high five walking out.

"How about we go grab lunch?"

Roman said.

"Why not."

Mum said.

"Jesse can I push your chair this time?"

Brody asked. I nodded and he smiled. He went unlocking the wheels and pushed me out the door.

"Careful Brody don't hit anything. "

Mum told him. We made it to the car getting in.

Can we get lunch and eat it at home. The paps know I'm going places and I don't want them following me.

I showed mum and Roman. They both nodded. I laid back in the seat and closed my eyes.

"Jesse Glynn wake up. We're here."

I heard Roman. I looked and we were home. I lifted my arm and he picked me up. I laid my head down in his neck. He closed the door then rested his hand on my back rubbing it. He walked in the house and sat me down on the couch.

"You hungry?"

I nodded.

"Your mom got you fish and chips. "

I nodded. I started eating. I finished eating and looked at whatever cartoon Brody was watching. Mum came in and sat some magazines down on the table.

Jesse Glynn Reigns DUMPED!

I poked Roman and pointed at the magazine. He reached out handing it to me. I opened it finding the page.
I read it and it was filled with lies. I took the book and threw it on the floor. I laid back closing my eyes.

"It's gonna be okay."

Roman said kissing my head. I nodded and laid down on him.

"Hello everyone."

Jacey said walking in. She sat by me.

"Jesse can you help me."


"You don't even know what I was gonna ask."

I don't care no.

She groaned and got up walking out.

"That wasn't nice."

I knew what she wanted and I didn't want to.

He nodded. We sat watching cartoons until it got late. I closed my eyes laying on Roman still falling asleep.

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