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I opened my eyes slowly and I was laying on Roman.

"Yeah she wanted to stay with me. She didn't want to be with Bianca and Jacey. Melanie she's okay. I'm gonna make sure nothing happens to my daughter. She's sleeping. I'm gonna let her rest for as much as she needs. I'll call you if something changes. Goodbye."

I lifted my head looking at him.

"Good morning baby girl."

I gave him a small smile.

"You feeling okay?"

I nodded. He sat up and helped me.

"Dean brought you some clothes."

I nodded. He got up getting the bag. He unzipped and pulled out the clothes.

"I'm going to go shower, Dean is at the gym, I'll let you get dressed and we can go down for breakfast."

But we just ate earlier this morning. I nodded and he went to the bathroom. I waited until the shower was running and changed. I brushed my hair out and put on the beanie. I put on my ring, watch, and necklace. Roman walked out of the bathroom dressed.

"You need help?"

He asked.

I held up my sock and shoe. He nodded and put them on me tying my shoe. I gave him a small smile.

"Alright let's get you in your chair so we can got eat."

I got my notebook.

But I'm not hungry. I'm still full from earlier.

"Can you please eat something. It can even be one small bowl of fruit."

I nodded and he pushed me out the room. We went down to the lobby into the little restaurant that was in there. It was filled with WWE superstars and divas. Roman pushed me to a table and locked the wheels.

"I'll be right back okay?"

I nodded and he walked off. I opened my notebook drawing in it.

"Jesse Glynn?"

I turned seeing Randy. I gave him a small smile.

"What are you doing here?"

Waiting for Roman to bring me some fruit.

"You don't call him dad?"

I nodded.

"Mind if I keep you company?"

I shrugged and he sat down.

"When will you be able to talk again?"

Hopefully soon I can eat food food now so I guess I'm getting closer.

"Did you do me that favor?"

Little bit. Not so much.

"What's up?"

My sister has been hanging out with my ex best friend who is dating my ex boyfriend who cheated on me with her. I hate her being in my house so I came with Roman last night.

"Sorry about that. "

I shrugged.

"I got fruit."

I heard Roman.

"What's up Randy?"

"Nothing much. Talking to Jesse Glynn she looked lonely."

I shot him and look and he smiled.

"I gotta go. See you guys later."

He said walking away.

"You making friends?"

I shrugged.

He's one of my favorite wrestlers.

He nodded.

"I have something I've been meaning to ask you."


I said and started eating my fruit.

"How did you get my old boxing gloves."

Those are yours?

"Yeah. I gave them to your mom when we were dating in college. I didn't know she kept them."

So the RR on the inside are your initials?


One day Jacey and I were playing and I found them in a box. I kept them since I had first started boxing and when mum found out she let me keep them.

He nodded.

I call them my lucky gloves because every time I used them I won a match. I take them to every fight, press conference, even signing. They were just always special to me.

He smiled and kissed my head. We finished eating and we just sat talking. I learned alot of things about him and vice versa.

"Wait so you punched her down the stairs and the next day she pushed down the stairs and you both had to get stitches in the same spot?"

I nodded smiling.

I told her not to take my clothes out of my closet, but she did it anyways.

"How bad did you get in trouble. "

Mum yelled at me, but I didn't care. She asked me what I had to say about it and I told her that Jacey wasn't in a coma, had a concussion, or wasn't dead so she'd live. That got me in even more trouble.

He laughed.

" You and Brody get into any fights?"

No we double team Jacey since she's taller and older. He just gets upset when we're playing tag on the porch and he gets caught. He'll throw a temper tantrum and complain, but he'll get over it in like five minutes.

"I wanna know how you felt when you found out about me."

I didn't know how to feel. I felt empty. The way mum put it when she told us, it was like she was saying you walked out on us. I hated you so much. I didn't know what to think. I thought it was just some sick joke you both were pulling on Jacey and I.

He nodded.

" I would never walk out on you or your mom. When I found out she was pregnant and then found out it was twin girls I was so happy. I couldn't wait. Has she told you the story about why you get called miracle baby?"

I don't remember it.

"Well when we found out your mom was pregnant the doctor only found Jacey. You were there, but we didn't know. So we went buying things for one girl. We had decorated a room and everything. The entire nine months we planned for a little girl. We were stuck with the name Jacey Grace and Jesse Glynn. Well when your mom went into labor and had Jacey she said she kept having pains in her stomach so the did another ultrasound and there you were. You went a full nine months without a heartbeat, but it's like you knew it was time so you woke up. Jacey was born at 11:49 and you were born at 11:59. You were ten seconds of not being twins. Since your mom named Jacey I named you Jesse Glynn Reigns. You were so tiny. You barely weighed four pounds. The doctors didn't know if you could survive since you had such a little heart beat, but you did. That day I started calling you miracle baby. I said it so much people thought that was what your name was. Everytime someone saw me it was with you. I held you so much that your mom thought I was gonna spoil you. That eventually happened because I went buying you a bunch of clothes, a crib, Jacey had a changing table, but I wanted you to have one. You both had your own things except she wouldn't let me buy your own stroller because she wanted to get one with the two seats. We didn't know how we could handle twins, but we did. You and Jacey did everything together. Both said your first words at the same time, walked your first steps together, potty training, I remember when we found out both of you had a thing for music. You were both two. You sat in the kitchen with a pasta strainer on your head sitting in your diaper and had two wooden spoons banging on a pot. Jacey was there nodding her head and bouncing saying words we didn't understand. Right from that moment both of you learned to play instruments, your mom insisted on you two being in dance. So she put you in dance. The singing came easily. It was like you two would listen to a song one time and the next time you heard it you knew every word. You both would walk around singing songs you both made up. There was so many videos that we had to buy a video camera so we didn't miss anything. Buy the time you both turned three I ended up having to play football in Canada. It was always leave always come back. Canada, Pensacola, London, over and over until your mom couldn't take it. She didn't want you two seeing me one moment and then not seeing me so I moved back to Pensacola and worked at a family business with Jimmy and Jay. We would put together this heavy furniture. I had this picture of you and Jacey and I had it copied. One in the living room and one in my room. Whenever someone seen it the first thing they would point out was how much we looked alike. I missed you and Jacey so much. I called your mom no matter the time difference just to make sure that all of you were okay. When your boxing career took off and Jacey started her singing career I went back to London to see your mom. I wanted to be in both of your lives again. I started wrestling and it paid good. I was crushed when you and Jacey weren't there. Then Brody was born. It was like a flashback hit when you and Jacey were born. I was so happy. I thought I had my family back, but I did something stupid and ruined everything. I counted down the days of you and Jacey coming home and with one day left I got mixed in the crowd of my old friends from boxing and I went to a bar. I knew how much your mom hated alcohol and she didn't want anything to do with it. Well I had one to many shots and beers. I came stumbling in the door at early hours of the morning being loud and I broke a vase that I replaced. Well we started arguing. We were already having disagreements over Something's dealing with you, Jacey, and Brody. That night I remembered watching your mom cry when I told her I would leave. I knew I messed up and lost my chances. Well we got back in touch and we talked about me calling to make sure all of you were okay. I sent money even though I knew your mom made a good amount as a nurse, but I knew she was going back to school to become a doctor and it wasn't cheap. Farther on we talked about me coming to visit and explaining everything, but we could never figure out how. So when I went came a few weeks ago I knew it was time. I saw you, Jacey, and Brody so I knew all of you were together. I just want to start over. I want to be in your lives. It's only two years left and you and Jacey will be 18. Brody will be seven. I've missed so much. All I need is a chance to prove to you that I'm staying this time and I'm not leaving."

I can give you a chance, but I've never been that person to fully trust someone. They have to earn it. I trust you so don't lose my trust. It can easily go away with just a snap of a finger. If you can't keep your promise of staying then don't bother calling, texting, or Skype because you won't ever get an answer. Brody is excited about you being our father, but if you ever hurt him I will end you and ship your body back to America to your front doorstep.

"Did you just threaten me?"

Brody and I have an unbreakable bond. We're always there for each other so if one of us gets hurt so does the other.

"That's why he took it so hard when the accident happened."

I nodded. I looked around and we were the only ones here.

How long have we been here?

"We made it at 9:00 and it's now 4:00. We've been talking for six hours."

I guess we got caught up talking about our lives.

He nodded.

"How about I take you for ice cream?"

You don't have to.

"I want to."

He stood up and unlocked my wheels. We went to the elevator and went back up to his room.

"About time."

Dean said.


"Stephanie and Hunter announced that we were having a meeting at the arena six hours ago."

"Are you serious?"

"Yeah. You missed it."


"They want to see you at their office."


He went getting his wallet and keys.

"Come on Jesse Glynn. "

He said and we left.

You can go meet with them. We don't have to get ice cream.

"How about I swing by and see what they want and then we go get ice cream. Afterwards we can do whatever you want okay?"

I nodded. He put the car in drive. We pulled up at the O2 arena getting out. We went to the office and Roman knocked.

"I'll be right back okay. "

I nodded and he went in. I was sitting there and I heard Hunter's voice get louder. I can't let him get in trouble. I knocked on the door. It swung open.

"Jesse Glynn?"

Hunter asked. He helped me in. I quickly wrote.

Please don't be mad at Roman. It's my fault. I've been having a hard time with the accident happening and he came at 3 in the morning getting me. We were in the restaurant and he missed the meeting because we were talking about life and he explained to me something that was misunderstood on my part. I was just trying to get to know who my father is so if someone should get yelled at it should be me and not him.

I handed them the notebook and they read it. Stephanie looked up at me. She stood giving me a hug.

"Roman just forgot about all of this. We'll just send you what we talked about. I need a tissue. "

Stephanie said about to cry. Hunter handed me my notebook back and I closed it.

"You can go."

She said wiping her eyes. Roman stood up and we left to the hallway.

"What did you tell them?"

I opened my notebook showing him.

I couldn't let you get in trouble for something I had a part in too.

He looked at me and kissed my forehead.

"You are seriously the greatest daughter ever."

He smiled and then started pushing me. Greatest daughter ever huh? Maybe hanging out with him won't be as bad than I thought.

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