Walking through the city streets, the female skipped alongside Dazai. His eyes watched her childish form. Her feet spun around in circles as the two walked their way towards the agency. The warmth of the sun coating their exposed skin. The sky was relatively clear today, a handful of clouds appeared here and there, but other than that there were only the sun and blue skies. "Wanna stop to get breakfast?" (Y/n) called out. Looking back to Dazai as she stopped outside a bakery window, she glared a pleading look. Dazai shrugged, resting his arm on her head.
He didn't really care about getting food on the way, considering there was a cafe on the first floor of the agency's building. "Sure, I don't see why not."
Smiling, the female pulled him into the building. Ordering herself a milk-tea and a coffee for Dazai, she hesitated for a moment before ordering a croissant and a few other pastries to go. Grabbing the bag and paying herself, she pulled out a croissant. "Want one?" she hummed watching him shake his head, before leaning down to take a bit from the one she had just bitten into.
Looking away, she clicked her tongue. "So, you said you had found all these new suicide methods. Are you ever going to share them?" Dazai leaned back as he awaited her answer.
"Oh, I almost forgot!" grinning as an idea popped into her head, she snickered. "We can annoy Kunikida all day with a talk on why they wouldn't work for us or if it's worth trying!" she was about to go into more detail when her phone rang. Fishing it from her pocket, the (e/c)-eyed female glared at the contact.
"Who is it?" Dazai asked peeking over to the phone. When he saw the contact name set as Chibi bestie, he rolled his eyes swiping her phone from her, he answered.
"Yo, are you free later. We need to talk." the voice from the other side sounded drunk, just slightly intoxicated.
"She'll be busy later tonight." Dazai hummed, his face unreadable as the two walked.
"Eh? Dazai? The hell are you doing on her phone! Bastard!", swiping her phone back, (Y/n) stuck her tongue out and shot him a playful glare.
"What do you need Chuuya?" she huffed, handing Dazai the bag of pastries, so she could properly hold her phone.
"We should talk. I was only mad because you were lying to yourself. How about the bar tonight?" her chest gave a soft tug as her hand tightened on the phone.
"Yeah, sure. Right after I'm off work, we'll talk then. I'm apparently busy later so you better be ready because I won't be staying long." she didn't let him reply. Hanging up, she pocketed her phone.
Stepping inside the bar, she took a seat and ordered a small glass of wine. When Chuuya walked in, he took a seat beside her. Running his hands through his hair, he sighed. "Look (Y/n), I don't care what you do. You know I kill too, I'm a mafia executive. What does bother me is when you lie to yourself and me." he held a finger up for a glass of wine. When it was slid to him he chugged it down.
"Chuuya... do you hate me for what I became?", Chuuya nearly spit the wine out as the words ran into his ears. Coughing lightly as he forced himself to swallow the red liquid, he shook his head grabbing her hand.
"Hate you? How could I ever hate you? God, you're such a fuckin idiot (Y/n). I'm pissed but I don't hate you. You keep leaving and breaking promises. You can be so frustrating but, hate you? I could probably never." her heart pounded as the male spoke. Her fingers grasped her cup as she looked over to Chuuya. Downing the glass she sighed.
"I think I called you at least twenty times while I was drunk last night," she mumbled embarrassed. Chuuya snickered holding up his phone.
"My phone was dead, I picked up the first time you called, then my phone lost charge." face-planting to the bar she groaned. "Were you out drinking?" he asked, observing the female's expression
"Yeah, Dazai took me home." (Y/n) mumbled as she refilled her glass. This time she sipped it trying not to get drunk. Chuuya got another glass for himself, not caring to savor the flavor, he took rather large sips to cope with the sudden silence.
"You wanna go to the beach where we fooled around as kids?" his tone was soft as if he was unsure he had the right to ask. "I won't say this ever again alright dumbass? I feel like shit for being a damned hypocrite. I was pissed, you went to Dazai first. You probably didn't even think anything through. Though with your dreadful intelligence you probably knew nobody would have been hurt had you not lain low." he was rambling now. The female sitting next to him had to press a finger over his lips to make his tipsy mouth stop talking.
"God, I hate how damn talkative you get as a drunk Chu. Even if it can be adorable." the last part went unheard within her mumbles. "Come on, let's go to the beach for a bit." smiling she added to her tab and pulled Chuuya out towards the beach.
The reason they picked this bar for their meetups was its close proximity to the beach. As kids, they had stumbled into it and gotten away with drinking at 15. Standing on the beach beside her friend brought back good memories. Tossing off her shoes, she reached to untie her dress. Like he usually would, the ocean eyed ginger looked away. Giggling the female let the clothes drop. Pulling down the underskirt that gave the dress's skirt its shape, she twirled. The bandages covering her arms and now her legs were on full display. The choker around her neck remained, covering a scar. "Tell me you're modest." Chuuya grumbled listening to the female snicker. Her arms wrapped around him as she set her head on his shoulder.
"I do work for a detective agency, Chu. You never know when you'll have to drop the layers. Of course, I have things on under the dress. A simple tank crop-top and compression shorts. Does that count as modest Chu?" clicking his tongue, he spun around looking into her eyes. His lips curled to a half-smile as he watched her pull away and yank away his coat. Tossing it to the pile of her own clothes, she took off his vest. Leaving his gloves to match her own, she smiled softly.
"It's a little chilly to play." Chuuya grumbled listening to yet another giggle leave the petite female. He noticed the bandages and how snugly they wrapped her body. They were wrapped in a similar way to how Dazai did his. He made no comment as if to ignore them. Without having time to react, his feet hit the water. Pulling water into her hands, the female splashed him.
"If I remember, it was even colder the first time we went here to play." rolling his eyes, the male splashed water at her. She squeaked, shivering at the cold feeling of the water. Smirking, she ran head-on and bear-tackled him into the water. Just as expected, her position was flipped. Her clothes become soaked in the salty water. The bandages came undone as the two flailed for the top. Splashing one another, they lost themselves within the flow of time spent together. Rolling over the smooth, shell-less sand, chuuya planted his arms on either side of her head laughing.
How long had it been since they both laughed? Felt this happy? There was nobody to stop them from their feelings. Do you love Chuuya? The question suddenly ran through her head as the two of them stared into each other's eyes. A blue that sparkled like the ocean on a clear summer day, and a (e/c) that could reflect the light of a thousand lights to look like stars. Rosy cheeks from the cold nipping at the warmth generated by their joy. I think I do love him. I don't want to choose. The thought passed her mind, but she disregarded it. Her heart thudded and fluttered within her chest as chuuya grew closer and closer to her lips. "Consider this a return, for the one you gave me before leaving for London." Chuuya's lips pressed over hers. His lips were softer, his kiss gentle compared to Dazai's. For a moment she forgot what she'd done this morning. Her eyes fluttered shut as she lived out her dream. The beat of her heart became louder as her cheeks flushed a brilliant pink.
Do you lo....care for me? Her body froze up, her hands flew to his chest, and shoved him away. "Oh god..." the words left her lips as she touched her lips. "I... I'm so sorry Chu. We can't... I didn't." Chuuya looked at her confused before clicking his tongue.
"Did you not like it?" he asked setting aside pride for a small fraction of time.
"N-no! I loved it... it's just... Dazai kissed me this morning!" she blurted the words out, unaware of the tears that welled behind her eyes. "Fuck! I don't know what to feel anymore."
"Do you love him?" Chuuya's hands tightened into fists as he glanced away.
"I... I don't know! I've always had it out for you. I can't tell if you've changed too much or if I'm still in love. Dazai's like me, I don't know what I have with him. I'm so sorry." Chuuya stood up grabbing his clothes, he kept his face looking away. Slightly under the influence of alcohol, his emotions were not something he held back. Trying not to tear up, he continued to walk away.
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