II- twenty-nine

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Lincoln was laid on the ground, held down by chains and makeshift restraints from seatbelts and bag straps. "We have to stop the bleeding and get the bullet out." Clarke looked to Octavia, "Hold his leg down." Nat reached forward, attempting to help until Bellamy pulled her back. "Nu-uh." Her brows furrowed in confusion, "What?"

"You're hurt. Go to the corner and sit down." Natalia scoffed, pushing off the ground as she kneeled in the corner. "Don't think I haven't forgotten." Bellamy stilled, gulping when the topic had been brought up. Clarke eyed her sister, still holding down lincoln as Octavia snapped to get her attention. "Stop your lover's spat and get the hell over here."

Natalia motioned to the writhing man on the ground, "Go."

"We'll talk later." Bellamy rushed to hold lincoln down. 

Nat rolled her eyes, falling onto the ground as she let out a breath whispering, "There's nothing to talk about."


A little while later Clarke secured the restraints as Octavia went to gather some more water that Lincoln had spilled. Bellamy continued to eye Natalia, watching as she pressed her side, biting her lip to stop the pain from becoming vocal. 


Bellamy was interrupted by the hatch door swinging open, Octavia stepping up as an unknown grounder stepped in behind her. Bellamy ran to gather his gun until Natalia and Octavia shouted, "Bellamy don't, he's Lincoln's friend!!"

The redhead gained enough strength to stand, "He's their healer!"

Lincoln started to groan once again pulling on the restraints as commotion sounded around him. Clarke turned back, watching him start to shake on the ground. "He's seizing again."

Octavia silently pleaded with her brother until Bellamy let up, dropping the gun and letting Nyko through. "I'll take that." Nat snatched the weapon from his hands. "Hey!" The brunette shouted, earning a shake of the head from Natalia. "You don't trust people enough."

Nyko unwrapped bottles, pulling a certain one from its pocket. "What is that?" Clarke questioned, not receiving an answer from the grounder. 

Natalia stepped forward at the silence, listening closely as Nyko whispered to Lincoln. "Yu gonplei ste odon."

"Stop!" The redhead shouted, kicking the bottle from his hands without hesitation. Nyko pulled out a knife, pointing it at Nat until Bellamy grabbed the gun from the floor, instantly cocking it at his head. "Stand down! Now!"

Nyko eyed Natalia as she backed the grounder away from Lincoln, Bellamy behind her as a backup. "What? What's wrong?" Octavia questioned, Clarke, looking to her sister, wondering as well. 

"Yu gonplei ste odon." Natalia repeated, "It's their final omen before death." Octavia's head snapped up as Nat held her hand out. Clarke handed her the bottle, allowing her sister to smell it before smashing it to the ground. "Poison."

Bellamy held his weapon trained, ready for any sudden movement. "Nyko," Octavia pleaded, "Is it true?"

"Yes." The grounder confessed, "Death is the only way."

"Hold on," Clarke spoke up, "There could be another way."

"None that I've ever seen." Nyko threw down his knife, Natalia placing her hand on Bellamy's gun as he slowly allowed her to lower it. 

"We have to go," Finn silently climbed the ladder to the third floor of the dropship, "The camps leaving."

"You!" Nyko shouted, standing once again with the knife tightly in his hand. "Ripa!" He shouted, tackling Finn as he held him up against the wall. (Murderer)

"Get off him!!" Bellamy lifted the gun once again, pushing Natalia behind him. 

"You slaughtered my people!!" Nyko sneered, "Elders, children."

"Stop it!!" Bellamy boomed, still holding the rifle, his finger pressed tightly against the trigger. "Stop it, you're killing him!" Octavia tried to reason, only resulting in Nyko strangling Finn even more. 

"Blood must have blood!" Nyko shouted, about to take the last air from Finn's chest when Bellamy shouted for Octavia to move. "You're not shooting him!!" She cried, holding a hand in her brother's direction. Finn's eyes were starting to drop as his windpipe cracked. "Natalia please don't let him shoot!" 

The redhead tried to hold a hand up, only receiving a glare from Bellamy. 



Suddenly a guard's baton was shoved into Nyko's back as he dropped to the ground, releasing Finn. Everyone went silent, deep breaths being inhaled and exhaled from the tension. Clarke killed the power from the weapon, dropping it to the ground. 

Natalia held a hand to her side as she dropped to lean on the wall. 



Octavia ran over to the unconscious grounder as Bellamy held an arm under Natalia. 

"Clarke!" Both siblings shouted in sync, the blonde instantly running to her sister's side. "Clarke, he's not breathing!" Clarke ignored Octavia, focusing on her sister wheezing below her. 

Bellamy looked down at Natalia, noticing her weak state, her skin starting to pale. "What's wrong with her?"

The older boy shook his head, lifting the hem of Natalia's shirt until Clarke saw the damage. "Oh my god." She mumbled, placing a shaky hand on her sister's wound, "I can't be in two places at once." She closed her eyes, trying to figure out how to save Natalia and Lincoln when both were fading. 

"Octavia, can you feel his pulse?" The brunette placed two fingers on his neck. "No."

"His heart stopped," Clarke quickly and carefully removed the makeshift bandage from Natalia's wound while guiding Octavia on how she was going to save Lincoln. 

"Place the heel of your hand on the centre of Lincoln's chest, then place the palm of your other hand on top and press down by 5 to 6cm at a steady rate of 100 to 120 compressions a minute." Octavia looked at Clarke like she was crazy, but after seeing how distraught her brother was over Natalia, she shook her head and followed what Clarke had said. 

The blonde listened as Octavia performed CPR, as well as focusing on bandaging Natalia's wound correctly. "Here," Nyko limped over, holding a small container. Bellamy held his hand up, prepared to attack until he heard Natalia wheeze even harder than before. 

"What is it?" Clarke asked, not taking any chances on Natalia being poisoned. 

"Medicine." Nyko assured, "Anti-biotic cream for the infection." Clarke and Bellamy looked up at him skeptically until he screwed open the cap, spreading some of the medicine on his skin. "I've seen her with Ivar in my village. I want to help."

Bellamy gulped, grabbing the container from his hands. "If she dies, I won't hesitate in killing you." Nyko lifted his hands in surrender, "If it was poison, I'd be dying as well."

Clarke looked back at Octavia, noticing the way she leaned over him, not moving. "Octavia?" She could feel the dead air in the room. No one was moving, the only sound being Natalia's heavy breathing as she gripped onto Bellamy. "Octa-"

With a gasp, Lincoln's chest started to move once again making everyone release the breath they were holding. Clarke held a hand to her sternum, "One down, one more to go."

Bellamy held Natalia's shirt up as the blonde spread the cream all over the now-dry wound. Clarke reached over to grab some spare cloth, creating a makeshift bandage after she had poured some of Monty's moonshine on there as well. "How do we know it'll work?" Bellamy questioned, holding Natalia close to his chest as Clarke slid her sister's shirt to cover her stomach. 

"We wait, if the infection goes down then we know it worked." She took a deep breath, "Her breathing will even out and the pain will lessen." Placing a hand on Natalia's she stood, "We just have to wait." Bellamy nodded, his rough hands embracing Nat's body from behind as she leaned her head back to look into his eyes. "I forgive you." She mumbled, earning a shake of the head from the man above her. 

"We don't have to talk about this right now, please just rest."

Nat reached up, placing a hand on Bellamy's face which was covered in blood and dirt. "I forgive you, Bellamy..." She dropped her hand, gripping Bellamy's as she rubbed her thumb over his skin. "I forgive you." Natalia closed her eyes, still holding onto Bellamy's hand as she slipped into a peaceful slumber. "Thank you, red." He whispered above her, placing a soft kiss on the crown of her head. 

"He was dead," Nyko spoke up, "How did you do that?" Clarke moved as Octavia placed a cold rag on Lincoln's forehead. "You've tried to bring reapers back before?"

Nyko nodded making Clarke look back to Lincoln, "And they died like this?" He nodded once again. Bellamy looked between the two, making sure not to wake Natalia as he spoke, "What is it?"

Clarke stood, "I know how to stop the attack."

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