II- thirty

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Natalia started to wake as she squeezed Bellamy's hand. "Hey," He whispered, brushing the bright red strands of hair from her face. She smiled, looking around as she attempted to sit up. "Mhmhg," She groaned, falling back into Bellamy's lap. 

"Where do you think you're going?" Bell laughed, rubbing his thumb up and down over Natalia's arm. She groaned, "I wanna go outside. It's so dark in here." Bellamy looked around seeing Finn and Clarke talking lowly, Octavia lying on Lincoln even though he could still awake at any moment and try to bite her. He chose to ignore that possibility and let her mind have peace for a little while. 

"Okay," The brunette boy nodded, "Wrap your arms around me." Nat did just that, latching her hands together behind Bellamy's neck as he picked Natalia up. She grunted, the pain from her injury straining as her body moved with the man holding her. 

"Where are you going?" Octavia questioned, her voice scratchy as she had just woken up from her sleep. Bellamy lifted the hatch to below, keeping a tight grip on Nat, "Just to get some fresh air, stay with him." Octavia looked at her best friend in concern. "I'm okay." She accepted Natalia's words, lying her head back down on Lincolns chest as Bellamy descended the ladder with Nat. 

He swatted away the covering from the drop ship, sitting Natalia down on a log as he settled in next to her. The only sound that could be heard was the distant animal noises. Muffled hoots from owls, an occasional branch snapping. Of course noticeable to Bellamy as his head snapped in the direction, making sure it wasn't a threat coming their way. "Hey," Nat mumbled, placing her index and forefinger on Bellamy's chin and moving his face to look her in the eye. "Where's your head at?"

The brunette gulped, feeling her soft touch on his skin, a feeling he had taken for granted one too many times. "What if we can't stop the attack?" He glanced to the destroyed transport ship behind them, "What if Clarke can't convince them to back off?"

Nat softened her gaze, releasing Bellamy's jaw from her hand as she picked up his own in her palm. "My sister may not be the most..easy going negotiator." Bellamy stifled a laugh, squeezing the red heads palm. "But she's Clarke." Natalia shrugged, "Even her being herself might just get us out of this." 

Tension grew between them. The air was suddenly warm and the forest noise drowned out. Natalia let Bellamy slide his hand around her waist, pulling her closer to him as their chests touched. Nat ignored the throbbing pain in her body, clutching onto Bellamy's coat. Yet before their lips could touch, Clarke and Finn rushed out of the drop ship, making Bellamy and Natalia jump back in shock. 

"We're leaving for Arkadia." Clarke nodded to her sister, "Sure you don't wanna come?"

Natalia shook her head, leaning into Bellamy's side. "Don't feel like making the trip just to be possibly slaughtered." Her comment made Bellamy shake his head, dropping his forehead in his palm. "I'm kidding!" Nat laughed, rubbing his thigh with her hand comfortingly. 

"Not something to joke about Griffin." Finn snarked, walking off into the dark of the woods. Clarke looked to her sister, "Ignore him. He's in a mood."

"You should've heard how Murphy described him." Bellamy looked over to Nat, however speaking at Clarke. "He went crazy." The blonde shook her head, "That's Murphy's word against Finn, who has saved us multiple times."

"Yet his one decision might mean the end of us." Natalia snapped, ignoring her sister's glare as she snuggled into Bellamy's side. Clarke gulped, "I'll be back as soon as I can." She looked to Bellamy, silently nodding as they made an agreement. He knew, protect Natalia. Of course, she could protect herself. She had while the rest of the hundred had been taken. Bellamy hugged Natalia tighter to him, "We'll be there soon." Clarke nodded, looking at her sister one final time before venturing after Finn.

"Don't be so hard on him." Natalia lifted her head, scoffing. "He massacred an entire village, Bell." She gulped, "We should've given him to the grounders when we had the chance." Bellamy shook his head, "He's one of ours..we protect our own."

"That's it," Natalia mumbled, pulling Bellamy's attention down to her, "What?"

"They can't kill Finn if we join the clan's." She met Bellamy's eyes, standing even with the pain in her side. "We gotta get to Clarke." She gathered her bag, sliding her knife into her holster. "Hey!" Bellamy shot up, grasping Nat's arm. "How do we know we'll get there in time? They could be slaughtered as we speak and we'll be running into an un-winning battle!" 

Nat shook her head, "You said to give Finn a break!" She gestured to the camp, "I'm trying to!" Bellamy groaned, his hands on his hips as he thought. "Please, Bell. We might be able to help."

He drug his hand though his hair, thinking on the idea before finally nodding lowly. "Fine," Nat let out a breath, about to start limping into the woods. "I don't think so," Bellamy shot forward, picking up Natalia in his arms. A hand on her back, an arm under her legs. "We're not gonna get there with how slow you walk." Natalia shrieked as he picked up her, a smile creeping onto her lips at his playful teasing. 

"Fine," wrapping her arms around his neck, "But once I'm able to walk I'm never letting you carry me again." Bellamy stifled a laugh, "I don't see that happening."


"I am elected chancellor of the Ark." 

"Yet Abby is the current chancellor and she makes the decisions." Natalia interrupted Jaha's sentence, the whole room gaining attention to her and Bellamy. Nat limped in, holding onto the wall, choosing not to rely on Bellamy's embrace when she wanted to make a point. "This doesn't concern you." Jaha snapped, his hand pointed in the redheads direction. 

"She is the chancellor's daughter," Clarke snapped, "She has an opinion." Natalia looked at her sister in admiration, a swell in her heart as she was accepted. She finally gained what she had wanted her whole life, a family. 

The ex-chancellor ignored the girls words, "I am not going to let one delinquents words risk the lives of our entire people."

"Delinquent?" Nat stepped forward, "I'm a delinquent for being born?" The room went silent, "For having red hair.." She gulped, "For being the sibling no one would recognize." Jaha went silent, "I did what I had to do-"

"You did what you wanted to!" Nat shouted, the guards stepping forward incase Natalia had ill intents toward Jaha. "See," she pointed to Major Byrne who had her hand on the baton on her waist. "I'll always be a criminal to you."

Jaha met Natalia's eyes, looking around to Clarke, Finn and Bellamy as they stood behind her and Abby. He stepped back in subtle shock, understanding he had no authority. Moving past Abby he addressed David. "Sergeant Miller, Major Byrne."

The major stood taller, awaiting the words of her past Chancellor. "I am relieving Dr. Griffin of her command." He turned back, "Place these five into custody, but make sure their ready to leave with us at evacuation."

"Well look at that," Natalia stepped into Jaha's eye-line, "Locking us away. Doing what you always do." Bellamy stepped forward, gripping Natalia's hand as he settled against her back. 

Clarke looked to her mother, as Jaha continued. "We leave within the hour." Major Byrne hesitated, causing the older man to shout back in anger. "Right now! Or the blood of everyone in this camp will be on your hands too!"

"Major Byrne, Sergeant Miller.." Abby stepped forward, "Place Chancellor Jaha in the stockade." Jaha squinted his eyes at the Major, as if taunting her. The blonde lowered her eyes, "Yes ma'am."

Yet before she could place her hand on his arm, Jaha pulled his arm from her grip and turned back to Abby. "Everything we did to survive." He looked around, "You're just throwing it all away and for what? Dignity? Why?"

Abby looked at the Chancellor, "Because I have faith too," she paused, "In my daughters." The two eyed their mother as the door opened, Major Bryne escorting Jaha out as he went silently. 

"Thank you." Clarke spoke to her mom, Natalia coming to sit down at the table they were all crowded around. Abby turned back, "I'll send a guard detail with you."

"No," Clarke shook her head, "They'll see it as a threat."

"Then let me go with you." Natalia offered making Bellamy's head shoot over in her direction. "What?! No!"

"I've been in their camps, I've seen their customs and fighting patterns." Natalia looked to her sister, "I'm not a guard. I'm not considered a threat. I'm only someone standing by their family in support." Bellamy pulled Nat to the side, attempting to convince her to stay. 

Clarke nodded to Abby, "Finn will take you to Lincoln." 

"If you're wrong." She interrupted, Bellamy going silent as Abby looked to her two daughters. "All of us are going to die."

Natalia stood, dropping her knife on the table with a bang, echoing through the room. "Then we better do a damn good job at convincing the Commander."

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