Poseidon x reader angst

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Summary: Poseidon's human wife finds out that Poseidon is dead

Your honeymoon was short, your wedding even shorter. There were no witnesses, except the priest, from the God realm of course, to make the marriage official. He had kissed you so longingly in the sunset. The sun shone on your beautiful white dress, the soft material blowing softly in the ocean's breeze. The wind blew through your hair, the shortest strands brushing gently across your face. His lips were so soft, the kiss full of genuine love, something you knew he felt, just didn't show often.
Dressed in his Godly attire he couldn't have looked more handsome than he did on this day. Your heart ached for him. All the short visits you had with him were worth it now being his wife. One of his hands was holding your face, rubbing the skin of your cheek gently, his other arm was holding your waist, ensuring you were kept close to him.
The rings exchanged were exquisite, beyond description. It laid on your finger as a reminder that he was the only man for you.
He was ashamed of himself for his previous thoughts about humans. Though he was much too prideful to admit it and show you off to the other Gods as his wife. He had to keep your past brief visits and your wedding ceremony on land. He was annoyed by most humans, yes, though his main issues with them was their constant selfish antics and lack of respect they had for the Gods. They provided everything for the humans and no one seemed grateful as the generations aged. His sea was destroyed by humans everywhere. Soiled with oil and debris, man made waste, chemicals, and of course the sea creatures over hunted, some into extinction, or for fun. It infuriated him to watch his watery kingdom be spit on like that. Generations before there was not so much sin and he was given more credit than ever. He was more pleased back then. Even liking most of the humans. Now in the modern world, there was no one that paid him any attention. Only 'myths' his stories were labeled.

Then there was you. A human who knew there was more to the ocean than it's appearance. You fled your home, family, and friends for the ocean. Something drew you here and you wouldn't leave. Everyday you would pray to him and never forget to thank him for everything from the sea creatures, to the beautiful waves you loved to walk through. In awe of the genuine feelings and prayers he felt from you, you collapsed to your knees and averted your gaze from his eyes when he made his presence to him.
How you spoke to him, you knew he was leagues above you. That a mere mortal did not deserve to look at him. He was too pure while you, though a more pure being than others, were a sinner. After a few moments of watching you, the waves he had calmed gently washing over your hands and legs with your head still down, he finally knelt down to your level, something he never did for anyone. He pushed your face up and was met with beautiful eyes. Innocent and pure you looked to him. Your eyes widened at his gaze struggling to look at him.
He helped you rise and took your hands. The words he uttered to you never seemed to leave his mouth before. Words of love and sincerity. This wasn't the first time he had come to see you, only the first time you saw him. You felt intimidated but close to the God and spoke your thoughts to him. You thanked him properly, telling him how he saved you from a life of greed and hate.
The God had strong feelings for this mortal. After multiple visits with you, eventually it led to your marriage. And here you were kissing your now husband in front of the beach you praised, fell in love, and married on.
When the kiss that confirmed your marriage broke, you stared at your now husband. His eyes were gentle and...happy. Whenever you first saw him the God always looked annoyed at first. You were the only one that could bring that out of him. To everyone else he seemed mundane. But to you, he was your loving husband. His touch was gentle, his grip soft in contrast to his grip he usually had with his trident.

The rings glittered in the last rays of the sun, your husband's face bright, his pale skin almost blinding. He kissed you once more. The time you spent with him on your honeymoon was perfect. This was the longest time you had ever spent with him and when it was over and he returned you to the beach you were wed, you were heartbroken for your husband to leave you.
You followed him to the waves. The water splashed up your dress soaking the material some spots landing as far up as your thigh. When you reached the shelf and could go out no more, you watched your husband sink into the ocean. Before he was completely underwater, he looked back at you, your reddish tearful face, and he stared at you for a moment.
The beauty you had was unmatched by any other being. You both held eye contact for a few minutes before he was fully submerged. Your heart squeezed seeing the last of him. How you yearned to go to his kingdom with him, for everyone to know you were his wife. More than anything you wanted to feel that warm, strong touch everyday.
You were never worried about your husband's faithfulness. He loved you. He would never be unfaithful like his brother he endlessly told you about. But now being married, there was far more of a need to be with him than ever before.
You saw him quite often. His touch was as loving as always. Your love grew for him though you were eager to ask him when or if you could join him in the realm of the Gods.

You asked him finally on his last visit. He was taken aback by your question and looked at you sadly. It pained him just as badly to leave you, though his pride and fear held him back. Once you entered the God realm, you would technically die. Your mortal body gone, though with your deep religious views, you may rise to the same enlightenment status as Heracles or Buddha. It wasn't your death that was fearsome. It was the fact that if he didn't act soon enough and bring you home, in the coming days you could die before he came back. It was bound to be inevitable. Such things he didn't discuss with you. He wanted your passing into the God realm to be peaceful and not full of pain and fear at the horrifying destruction.
He promised you there would be a day when you would join him and be the queen in his kingdom.
You kissed on that promise. You felt lighter knowing your day would be soon for you to sit next to your husband overlooking the gorgeous ocean that had brought you both together.
You held his hand as he waded towards the deeper part of the ocean this time.
He kissed you, longer this time and squeezed your hands.
'Goodbye my dearest love' he said to you. When he parted the love in your heart kept you smiling though he was heading back to his castle.
For the next few days your happy heart kept you from being so upset about your missing husband. But as the days passed, your happiness faded and was replaced with dread. Surely he should have visited you now. He never went so long without seeing you. As the weeks passed, you were depressed and filled with paranoia that your husband still hadn't returned. Your health was depleting as your stomach was expanding, and the weight you carried was heavier.
Your appetite changing with the seasons and your discomfort growing as well.
No one came to tell you your husband was dead. No one knew you were his wife. You stayed on that beach for months waiting for his return aching to see him rise up from the ocean. The waves had been horrendous for months without the  God stilling them for you as he had done since you first came to the beach.
It was a while before he came. Not your husband, but a different man descending from the sky. He looked at you with sorrow as if he already knew you. His eyes noticed, without looking, the expanse of your stomach.
Lady (Y/N)'  He said looking upon your sunken eyes.
You didn't say anything.
'I take it, you are the wife of Lord Poseidon?' At his name you perked up and you couldn't do anything to contain your tears.
'Yes. Yes! Please! Tell me! I've been waiting for my husband for too long. W-Where did he go?' You didn't care about the identity of the man in front of you. You only cared about any of the information he had about Poseidon.
'We found this letter addressed to you.' Was all he said. He handed it to you to read, but remained in front of you.
You unfolded it carefully not wanting to risk tearing your husband's words.

My dear (Y/N). The love of my life. The only woman that I would ever want to take as my own. As I am writing this I am hoping that fate is on our side and this will never have to be sent to you. Though if it is, please forgive me my darling. Oh how I have longed to bring you to this world, I shouldn't have been so careless thinking this time nothing would stand in our way.
I'll try to explain as well as I can. Humans, because of their endless sin and without hope for redemption, the Gods were planning to end all of humanity. Except you. I was going to bring you here after only that damned Valkyrie brought up Ragnarok. Giving your people the possibility of sparing themselves. I know they are your people, but you are almost pure enough to be a Goddess. I will not class you with them. I am fighting for the Gods to bring humanity to an end. And after I wanted to bring you home finally. To rest on your place as my queen.
If this was sent to you. My love, I have failed. More horribly I failed you. I should have brought you to the sea when you became my wife. It's too late to worry about that now. My heart is forever yours my beautiful wife.
I will bring you home as I will the child you carry. I knew it that last time on the beach. I should have just brought you down then. In case I cannot go on to protect and care for you, I shouldn't have left you. I shouldn't have done a lot of things. To tell everyone your my wife. To finally get that insufferable Amphitrite off of me. Though more importantly to have you here with me, forever beautiful and forever mine.
(Y/N) I love you. More than any God or mortal could love anything. If you received this letter, please do not be angry with me. I did everything I could to be with you, but I do not know that Brunehilde has that clever head of hers. Pray for me my love. Pray I return to you.
I will return to you one day.
Before you had finished the letter your knees already sunk to the sand, your eyes made it almost impossible to keep reading. The mental effect it had on you was worse than being killed. You husband. The love of your life. He. He was dead. You didn't know how, but you knew it was so. The man in front of you kneeled to help you stand. You collapsed into him and cried. All the memories of him were going through your head at a dizzying pace. Your mind stopped on one particular memory.
Your marriage. You didn't open your eyes, you wanted to keep seeing him in front of you, smiling at you. You could feel him as much as you could see him. You felt his touch and his kiss from that day.
You were broken inside. The man you were supposed to be with forever, whom you barely had any time with, no. It wasn't fair for that to have happened.
You fainted, your body weak with pregnancy and grief. Herme's had taken your body carefully and brought you back to Olympus. The other Gods in awe at the most human hating God's, human wife. You were above your fellow beings. You were the wife of a God and the future mother of a demi God.
Here is where you belonged, where you always belonged. Though perhaps there was something to be done about your deceased husband. Until then, your child and your health was the top priority, while the ocean raged on without it's king, the sea creatures in deep mourning with the loss.

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