Poseidon x Hanahaki! Reader

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Summary: Y/n falls in love with Poseidon, but flowers end up flowing in her lungs

"Hanahaki disease is a fictional disease where someone begins coughing up flower petals because they have unrequited feelings for someone. The flowers can grow in the stomach, lungs, or heart, though it is most traditionally in the lungs. Hanahaki Disease is a painful, slow disease that often develops over months, if not years, and begins with coughing up a few petals, and grows in intensity and pain until the victim is coughing up entire flowers, at which point the disease has reached its final stages. If not treated, the disease is fatal."

I didn't mean to fall in love. It wasn't my plan to do so.

It happened slowly: the way his blond hair fell on his head; the way his eyes crinkled slightly in amusement after a particularly good joke; how his perfect rose-pink lips pursed when angered; how he gripped his trident like a lifeline when he was stressed...All those things, all of him, dug me in.

I didn't mean to fall in love. But it happened anyway.

I think I first realized it in spring when the daffodils started to bloom. The greenery was everywhere, and the world seemed much more alive compared to the winter.

I remembered the daffodils clearly, as we had walked beside a few as we made our way towards home.

Daffodils are unique in that they represent rebirth and new beginnings, but also symbolize unrequited love.

I didn't mean to fall in love. Falling in love hurt.

Especially with someone as cold as him.

Poseidon was known as "the Most Fearsome God" for a reason, after all. He was apathetic to nearly everyone, and I have never ever seen him smile, once.

We talked as friends, once. Before all of this happened.

Before just the sight of him would make another flower bloom in my throat.

I didn't mean to fall in love. And how could someone like Poseidon have such a weakness for someone like me?

He was...perfection itself, and who was I? Not nearly as perfect.

And he wouldn't like me in such a way, for he barely saw me as an acquaintance.

All of this I explained to the doctor, not telling her the name of whom I longed for.

"Well, you could always go the surgery route. I could schedule a date for three days from now?"

Before I get the chance to respond, the door opens, revealing Poseidon.

My heart ached at the sight.

The doctor, whose nametag I couldn't see, explained to him what ailment I was suffering from.

"Hanahaki. We were just scheduling a date for the surgery, weren't we, Y/n?"

She looks over expectantly, as does Poseidon.


The doctor looks surprised.

"You're sure? You were just telling me how you don't think they return the feelings."

Again, I nod, knowing he doesn't return my feelings.

"And- And you know what that means, right? You're okay with that?" The doctor stutters, eyes flicking back and forth between me and Poseidon, who seems to be getting angry - judging by the way his lips form a near-perfect line.

Who am I kidding? He was perfect.

"I'm sure. Thank you, doctor." My voice doesn't shake, despite the panic rising in my chest.

The doctor makes her leave, and I'm left alone with him.

I cannot name the emotion present on his face. Trying to take normal breaths, the silence is interrupted by him.

"Who was it?"

I laugh nervously.

"I'll kill them for you." He promises, and I think to myself:

No, you wouldn't. You wouldn't dare.

He leaves the room soon after.


Seven days, thirteen hours, and twenty-one minutes.

That's how long I lasted before fainting.

All I remembered was the look on Poseidon's face as I fell down.

I awake in the same doctor's office as before, and I take in my surroundings.

This is where I'd first been told I wouldn't make it.

"You had a nasty fall there," Poseidon speaks, and I jump, not realizing he was even there. I look up at him.

I take in his face, and his eyes hold a strange semblance of relief as if he were glad I was alive and kicking.

I seize up, recognizing the tell-tale signs of another flower growing in my heart.

He steps back and calls for the doctor.

Quickly, she scurries in, dainty hands dancing around various medical equipment.

As she runs about, attempting to keep me alive, he starts to speak.

"I asked this before, and I will ask again. Who is it?"

There is a fury present around him as he waits for my answer. I do not bother to give him one, instead of turning away from the King of the Seas.

My lack of response seems to make him angrier if anything.

"Are you trying to keep them safe? Are you that scared of me? I thought you were different, Y/n."

"I- It's not that..." I whisper, curled in on myself.

I don't want him to know.


"IT WAS YOU!" I shout, not noticing the widening of his eyes, nor the gasp of the doctor.

"I...I love you, Poseidon."

I wince at the feeling of yet another daffodil pushing its roots into my heart.

The room becomes silent, waiting for Poseidon's answer.

With every second that ticks by, I feel the roots dig in a little deeper.

"Out." He commands everyone, and I'm left alone with him.

Then, in a much gentler voice than before, he asks me why I didn't tell him sooner.

"I knew you wouldn't return my feelings, but I couldn't bear to live without mine." I breathe, staring into those lovely silver-blue eyes of his.

My eyes flutter shut, and I prepare to take what feels like my last breath.

"I wish you could have told me sooner, love. So that I might have spared you from this hurt."

He trails off, then continues.

"I'm so sorry, y/n. You should've told me sooner, because I love you, too."

The heart monitor goes silent.

I didn't get to hear Poseidon yelling out my name and begging me to come back.

I didn't mean to fall in love. It killed me in the end, and it also hurt my Beloved Poseidon


More angst for y'all! >:D

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