Yo! Hi! Have a nice read!
Also, don't hesitate to point out mistake whenever you find them :D
[Start Chapter]
It was already quite late when Sans finally arrived home. Instead of entering through the door like a normal person, he simply teleported straight to his room.
Sans walked towards a corner of his room and threw himself at the bed. As he fell on the soft mattress his bones felt the joy of comfort it so desperately longed for the whole day. And what a day it was - waking up at the screams of his brother and the sight of Bliss' broken arm overnight. Then being summoned to the castle and thrown in jail, followed by the castle crumbling down and Bliss coming to their rescue and break them out of prison... And then when he finally had a taste of sleep after the whole mess, the guild just had to call for business.
While it was nice to meet an old friend and the walk through the forest of death with her was quite relaxing, it did little to relieve his tired bones. What he needed was a big nap.
As his body joyfully embraced the soft bed, an worn out old diary slipped out of his pocket. Sans lazily glanced at the diary. So much had happened today that he had almost forgot about it.
He grabbed the diary and lazily threw it under the bed, then he buried his face on the pillow. 'Not today, I'm too tired to deal with it today...'
Not a minute later, Sans sleeping like a corpse.
In the living room, Bliss was sitting on the soft carpet, surrounded by paper and colorful crayons, although he didn't seem interested in neither of them. But quietly stared at the talkative Papyrus.
Papyrus on the other hand was very exited and enthusiastic as he drew colorful shapes as well as letters and numbers on the paper. - After finally having gotten the baby's attention, Papyrus had started a fun and educative game with Bliss and Mister Puppen while at the same time establish important rules, so that the baby will grow up to be an good adult and exemplary citizen, just like him! Bliss also wasn't mad at the doll anymore as the babybones held it in a hug, wrapping his little arms around it, which looked extra cute because the doll was almost the same size as the baby.
Papyrus was felling proud as he saw the babybones watching him with such intensity and unwavering attention. Although, for some reason Bliss seemed reluctant to play with the crayons, perhaps he simply wasn't interested in them -all the more reason to buy some toys for him to play with!
Papyrus was such a great father already! At times he even managed to have Bliss repeat after him some important words, although it all still sounded like baby babble, but some almost sounded like words. Like for example. "Now Bliss, repeat after me!" Papyrus said with a bright smile. "Fun rules!"
The babybones stared at him in silence for a few seconds and then babbled in a emotionless tone. "Fwuk wules."
Papyrus' excited smile immediately crumbled down, he faked a dry cough as he looked away a bit embarrassed... he had come to understand that, indeed, at times Bliss accidently babbled out words that sounded like... bad words. Perhaps he owned Sans an apology.
Bliss' cautious eyes lit a for a fragment of a second when he saw papyrus look away. 'Now it's my chance!' His eyes glowed with cruel intent as glanced the the puppet in his grasp, his small hand grabbing one of the oversized buttons on its dammed face. With careful calculation, Bliss had managed to retrieve the dammed puppet from Papyrus and was now very discretely trying to reap out one of his button-eyes, the dammed thing is not using then anyways. 'Don't worry, I will sew it back on you after I find those knitting needles.'
But to his dark amusement, the puppet simply stared back at him arrogantly, unmoved and unfazed. Seriously, where does this thing get its personality from? It was supposed to be a puppet made in his image.
Papyrus, after finally recovering from the shock, turned his attention back to the baby. It had barely been a few seconds since he took his eyes off Bliss, but that was enough time for the baby to reap out one of the dolls' button-eyes and stab a crayon in its place. Fortunately, the doll was quite resistant to the abuse, whoever made that doll is probably very talented, although with quite the unique taste and technique, as the doll looked quite strange compared to other dolls.
Feeling the Papyrus' gaze on him again, Bliss stopped his violent behavior and cleverly shifted the puppet so its abused face would be hidden away from the tall Skeleton.
Witnessing the baby nonchalantly hug the doll, Papyrus blinked, he understood that it was normal for babies to break toys and make a mess of things, and any other day he would just laugh it off, but after the mess of today, he felt somewhat responsible to make sure such violent behaviors did not reflect the way Bliss treated people. It was fine for a baby to break a toy doll when playing, but would a baby know the difference? Even if his cute Bliss was the smartest baby in the whole world! It was especially worrisome because Bliss had actually killed someone before, from what Sans had told him - bad people but still, people nevertheless.
Seeing his teaching fail to reach the babybones, Papyrus felt himself slightly lose confidence in his parenting abilities. But! He shall not give up! This had merely been one day of educative games, the first of many more to come! For Bliss' bright future! And also for the possibility of Papyrus bragging to other parents about his cute son' many qualities! He shall do his best and reach the pinnacle of parenthood. His cute Bliss shall receive the bestest of educations.
With newfound confidence and motivation, Papyrus jumped up on his feet. "Yes! Starting today, every day we shall have a special play time dedicated to educative games!" He put his hands on his hips as he announced his decision.
"And Mister Puppen will be my little helper!" He added with a confident smile. After all, although Bliss treated the doll with rough love, the babybones seemed to really pay attention when the doll 'speaks', surely some kind of emotional bond, one formed before the baby had meet his new family. And as so, Mister Puppen was a respectable member of the family!
Bliss' emotionless face twitched a bit at the announcement. He narrowed his eyes at the puppet's smug face. 'What are you playing at?'
"Sans will also join us!" Papyrus decided, but then he seemed to remember something. "Speaking of which, it appears your uncle Sans has not arrived yet." He rubbed his chin in thought. "And it's almost time for dinner..." Should they start dinner or wait for his brother, he would rather the family dine together from now on, especially now that he wont need to worry about his job schedule.
Bliss blinked, then looked up. Just recently he had felt Sans' presence arriving home. Last time the lazy Skeleton brother had fainted in Papyrus' arms, so he decided to go check on the guy.
Papyrus was still trying to decide if they should wait for Sans. "What do you think Bliss?" He turned to ask the baby for his opinion, only to notice that Bliss was nowhere to be seen...
Only Mister Puppen stood there on the ground staring back at him with its one remaining button-eye.
Bliss appeared in Sans' room, and to the surprise of no one, the place was the same mess as it's always been. The lazy Skeleton was lying down on his bed like a true corpse.
He decide to leave Sans be and inform Papyrus that his brother wont be able to attend the daily eating ritual called dinner.
Just as Bliss was about to return downstairs, something caught his attention. Under the bed was an important looking book, he felt an annoyingly familiar feeling from it, but couldn't remember where he had seen it before. Well, if it was so poorly kept and laying around on the floor like that, maybe it just wasn't something significant? Although that seemed to be the case, in truth, Bliss had so easily noticed the book under the bed because he was so small now, and a taller person probably wouldn't have seen it.
Bliss reached out and picked up the book, although it looked ridiculously big in his small hands, he had no trouble lifting it. He looked down at the worn out book in his hands and immediately frowned as he saw the cover. He narrowed his eyes, then he opened the book to see the inside, and just as he had suspected, he couldn't read a damn thing... The small words were hard to read.
Bliss sat down with the old book laying on his lap, he had an annoyed expression. It was funny actually, even though all his broken bones were healed and glitches were gone, his bad sight still remained -his multicolored eyes were the product of what seemed like eons corroding in the Anti-void, much like the rest of his body and SOUL, the ever bright white had forever ruined his eyes- it was just part of him, it always had been, and so it remained even after the 'healing' that VOID had so mercifully bestowed upon him.
Perhaps his sight had worsened even, since now one of his eyes was pure darkness, it was surprising he could see anything at all with it. Bliss could feel the VOID's presence from it, which was concerning but also curious. Probably just a mark, like the one Fate had put on him to bind him forever as her puppet.
Bliss looked at the old book, his eye sight wasn't as bad as to see everything completely blurry, actually, he saw people just fine... mostly. But he especially had difficulty identifying things that were a bit far away, or seeing small things in front of his eyes, which made almost any kind of reading impossible.
First of all, Bliss had always depended more on his magic to sense things around him or far away, even normal eye sight was too limited during a fight since you can always be attacked from behind. He was used to depend more on his instincts, so he never had a problem with his bad sight in a fight. But reading books was impossible without his glasses. If he remembers correctly, his glasses where in his old jacket, that was probably still lost in the VOID. If the VOID can fix broken bones they could have fixed the glasses too and thrown them along with him, instead only the dammed puppet joined the ride, for whatever reason.
Bliss growled in annoyance as he stared down at the important looking book in his hands, eventually he shrugged and closed the book rather aggressively after losing interest in it. He should probably try to get his hands on some glasses when he has the chance.
Hearing the noise, Sans grumble and opened a lazy eye to take a peek, and was immediately faced with the babybones staring at him with those weirdly cute emotionless round eyes.
The kid was sitting down on the floor with the old diary resting on his lap, it looked extra funny because of how big the diary looked to the kid, only the tips of his small shoes peeked out from under it. Although Sans was still tired as hell, but his mood immediately became better and he could help but chuckle.
'It seemed that the kid likes books.' He thought, seeing how Bliss was even sitting down with the book on his lap, which was a nice surprise, since so far the kid rarely showed any kind of interest, unless it was chocolate of course. If Sans didn't know any better, it would have seemed like the kid was actually trying to read the book, but that is ridiculous, was it even interesting for a baby? the diary didn't have any pictures so it might have been a bit boring to look at the mad scientist's ugly handwriting.
That gave Sans an idea. He lazily got out of bed with a small smile and newfound energy. He walked towards his desk and opened one of its drawers, reaching his hand inside he took something out of it. It was a baby-blue colored book, with the picture of the cute little bunny on its cover. Sans' smile widened at the feeling of nostalgia.
Bliss had simply watched him with curiosity, and he grew more curious after seeing Sans sit in front of him holding a different book in his hands. This book also looked somewhat worn out, but not nearly as much as the old book he had found. While the old book looked like it had been left to rot in a corner, the light-colored book looked worn out from constant use and it was evident that it had been well kept. That alone was enough to awaken a little interest in Bliss.
Sans sat on the ground with his back resting on the bed. He reached out and took the old dusty diary from from the kid, replacing it the much nicer picture book.
"Here. I hope you'll find this more interesting than an old fart's ugly writing." He chuckled as he threw the old diary back under the bed, where someone as tall as Papyrus would probably never find it.
Bliss looked down at the book, he still couldn't read the the title, but the picture on the cover was enough information to get an idea of what the book was about. Obviously it was most likely a biography on a particular Bunny Monster. He wondered who this Monster was for Sans to keep the book stored so carefully.
Satisficed with the babybones' rare interest, Sans reached a hand and opened the book to the fist page, it had some writing in it, but it was mostly pictures, it was the type of story book that was perfect for children of all ages.
He smiled when the kid's eyes moved through the pictures with curiosity. It reminded him a little of Papyrus as a child, although small baby bro would have big sparkly eyes wherever he looked at the picture book, while Bliss only showed mild curiosity.
Sans considered if he should read the story, but the kid looked so endearingly focused that he didn't want to ruin the mood. 'Some other time maybe.' He decided, resting his head on the side of the bed, he was feeling sleepy.
The door was kicked open and Papyrus bursts into the room.
The tall Skeleton became quiet after seeing his missing child very well behaved standing in the middle of the room.
But the silence didn't last long. "Bliss!! Rule number 3! No teleporting away suddenly!" Papyrus scolded with a mix of relief and frustration. He had been running around the house looking for the baby, fortunately he found Bliss inside Sans room, otherwise he would have no choice but to tear the whole house down to look for him, what if the baby teleported inside the walls?!
Both the brother and the son stared blankly at the him.
Sans stood silent, then snorted. "Really?"
Papyrus huffed and crossed hid arms. "Well, we have to teach him to behave! Also we can't have him disappear all the time!" Every time it happens they can't help but get very worried. "It's extremely dangerous, we never know where he might appear."
Sans raised a non-existent eyebrow. "Wouldn't be easier to just put a tracking device on him." He said with obvious sarcasm, but soon stopped and considered the idea. It wouldn't be hard to get one from Alphys.
Bliss tilted his head. 'Can't they just use their magic senses?' He could locate them from a mile away through their magic signature, as long as something doesn't interfere with his senses that is. In the first place, he never even tried to conceal his presence, It'd be pointless even if he tried, since he didn't have nearly enough magic to hide his SOUL -the SOUL of an ex-god mind you, it was not something so easily hidden- and completely conceal the magic emanating from it. Bliss figured that at the moment his presence looked something like a small beacon to whoever knew how to search, and that was just because his magic was currently terribly weak.
Papyrus walked inside the room, still feeling disappointed in his brother and son duo. Sans didn't even tell him he had returned home! But his small frown was soon replaced by curiosity as he approached them. "But, what are you two doing?"
"Bliss seems interested in books." Sans replied with a lazy smile while pointing at the book in the kid's lap.
Papyrus tilted hid head and looked down at the book, then his eyes sparkled and he gasped. "That is! Fluffy bunny!" The bedtime story Sans would read to him every night when they were younger.
Sans shrugged. "Yeah, I thought we could read it for Bliss as a bedtime story some time. It will also help learning new words. What do you th-"
"ABSOLUTELY!" Papyrus interrupted, he excitedly picked up Bliss then ran out of the room, returning back in a flash, both him and the baby in his arms where already dressed in comfortable pajamas.
"Also, since we will sleep without dinner, I brought snacks!" The tall Skeleton said full of excitement, holding a plate of sandwiches.
How he had managed to do that in a few seconds was a mystery only the baby had witnessed.
Unsurprised, Sans moved to a corner of the bed and made himself comfortable, watching lazily as his brother jumped on the bed with the baby in his arms, not forgetting to place Bliss' creepy doll next to them.
After everyone was comfortable, Sans cleared his throat and with a nostalgic smile he opened the book, turning the open pages so the trio could see the pictures while he narrated the story from memory alone, even if it had been a long time ago, these were childhood memories he remembered very fondly and clearly as it it were yesterday.
"Fluffy, where are you? called mama..."
It felt so strange... It was peaceful, and it was comfortable, but it was all still so foreign to Bliss. But, he had come to decide that he wanted to protect it, these moments, these people, the whole AU even and all in it. No matter what is takes.
At the sound of Sans' relaxing voice, it didn't take long for sleep to embrace them all. Sans himself barely kept his eyes opened, resting his head on an arm, mumbling a few more words before finally dropping to the side, unfortunately, that was the wrong side and so his face landed on the carpet, but that didn't ruin his peaceful sleep.
After only a little while, they all had fallen asleep. Well, except for Bliss. And the puppet.
Bliss was mildly disappointed that Sans didn't finish the story. But he suspected he will have plenty of opportunities in the future, seeing how much Papyrus seemed to enjoy it.
Bliss couldn't complain about the situation, as he was very comfortably nesting in the sleeping Papyrus' arms. He didn't need sleep, but had considered forcing his body to shut down into slumber, but decided against it, he had quite a lot to do if he was to kick Ink's butt and protect his world. It was already pretty dark outside, and Bliss wanted to go to the forest to practice with his still recovering magic. Still, he decide to enjoy the peaceful moment for a little while before that. And so, he stayed there in the comfy nest for a little, quietly and still like a doll, and a few hours passed, a few more...
In the dark silent room, his one colorful eye was the only source of light as it glowed in the darkness, unblinking, staring into nothing or maybe everything.
And after a while, the eerily quiet baby finally moved.
Bliss slipped out from Papyrus arms, careful as to not wake him up. He did not whish to disturb their peaceful sleep. But despite his efforts, the sleeping skeleton frowned slightly and seemed to notice something missing from his arms.
He glanced at the sleeping Papyrus, then looked at the puppet laying next to
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