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[Start Chapter]
Sometime earlier, Undyne was still frantically running around the hallways, searching for the little brat that had disappeared from her arms.
When suddenly, there was an explosion and the castle shook, parts of ceiling began falling down and hitting the floor. Undyne easily dodged the falling debris. She looked around her, everything was shaking, the group, ceiling, walls.
"What the hell?!" Undyne frowned. Did Beasts sneak into the Kingdom and were attacking the castle? Or worse, Humans. But that shouldn't be possible, nothing had ever managed to move past the great Walls before.
She looked at the crumbling walls. Well whatever it was, had to be something big, the castle walls had all been strengthened with at least rare grade Beast cores, it was not something easy to crush.
She shook her head, now it was not the time to ask questions, it was too dangerous inside the crumbling castle. Undyne began moving, she rushed to evacuate everyone out of the castle.
She ran around the hallways, searching for anyone that might be in danger, then.
Suddenly, Undyne felt herself falling, as if the ground below her had disappeared. She acted fast and maneuvered her body to land safely, expecting to fall somewhere in the lower levels of the dungeons underneath the castle, but as she looked down she was surprised to see grass.
There was a small instant where a line divided her surroundings.
Her head shot up, and her eyes went wide. It all happened in a second, if she had blinked, she would have missed it. A cut in the sky above her head closing shut before it vanished.
Undyne landed on the soft grass, and looked up to see the clear sky, there was no cut. "I swear I saw it-" Then she looked ahead, the castle was crumbling in front of her. She took a step back in shock.
Confused, Undyne looked around. Noisy groups of guards mumbled and looked around in confusion, some gasped while pointing at the castle.
It was chaotic, and more people gathered around and watched in horror as half the castle began crumbling down like it was made of sand.
But, something was strange, Undyne couldn't see any danger, there was no threat no matter where she looked. So what had destroyed the castle?
Undyne began asking around, to see if anyone had seen anything. Unfortunately, everyone was as confused as she was. Also, one thing she found out was that many of the guards here had experienced the same thing as her. They had been inside the falling castle but suddenly they began falling then landed outside.
"What the hell was that? Teleportation?" She shook her head. No, It was as if the ground below her feet had opened and swallowed her up, but instead of falling in the dungeons underground and be buried by debris, she landed safely in front of the castle gates. And it appeared like everyone else here were the same.
Undyne thought she should talk to Alphys about what just happened, she trusted that the smart scientist will certainly figure out a rational explanation.
But first she had to report to king Asgore.
A few minutes later.
Once again, the skeleton family was standing in front of the king, except this time they were not inside a big fancy throne room, but in front of an half destroyed castle...
Papyrus and Sans had already agreed on what to tell Asgore, they had talked about it before coming to meet him. They didn't just come to apologize, but also to resolve the misunderstanding about the murder case. - Of course they couldn't say that Bliss was the one who killed those Monsters, that would only give the king a reason to take the kid from them. So the two brothers agreed to twist the truth a little. They would say that Sans was ambushed by those kidnappers and acted in self defense and to protect Bliss. Although, it took quite the effort to finally convince Papyrus, who didn't like his brother taking the blame alone. Unfortunately, Papyrus could not share that blame since a lot of people saw him at the festival at the same time of the incident.
So instead, Papyrus insisted to confess about the damage to the castle, and say that he himself did it, even though they could very well feign ignorance and no one would be the wiser. Maybe Papyrus was feeling left out and wanted part in it. But he really didn't need to, they didn't have the money to pay for the damage...
Sans let out a tired sigh.
After listening to the skeleton brothers' excuses, queen Meliora just smiled gently, -her room was on the undamaged side of the castle so she didn't feel bad at all- She turned to look at Asgore, wondering what her friend would do now.
Asgore had a complicated expression, considering the current situation. He cleared his throat. "Since it was as you say, I cannot blame any of you for what happened to those bad Monsters." Honestly, he had already decided to let them all go after seeing that Bliss did not accidentally harm anyone even while angry, and this was a good opportunity. But, after what just happened to the castle, Asgore was once again very worried. It had happened right after Undyne lost the child, so he could only assume it was Bliss' doing. Since he could confirm that no dangerous Beast had entered the kingdom. Also, the child had already proven capable of causing explosions.
"Indeed." The queen agreed with a nod. 'After all, who hasn't killed someone by accident at least once in their life, right?' At times like those you just hide the evidence and move on with your life, it's not like Monsters leave corpses anyways.
Meliora didn't care much about the situation, she took a peek at her child through their bond, making sure her baby was still sleeping safety in his crib in her room. Before she brought her attention back to the conversation.
On the other hand, Asgore was conflicted. "I would also like to apologize for the troubles." Although he apologized, he was wondering if just letting them go like this was the right choice.
Sans felt relieved at seeing Asgore buying their bullshit. 'Good, now let's get out of here, fast.' Before someone decided to mention the destroyed castle.
"I also apologize!" Papyrus spoke feeling guilty. They had caused so much trouble to king Asgore, it was only right that they apologize. He then looked at the babybones in his arms. "And Bliss would also like to apologize for causing such a commotion. Right Bliss?"
Bliss stared back at him nonchalantly. 'No, not really.'
"Now Bliss say sorry. So-rry." Papyrus said slowly, he knew Bliss was already able to repeat simple words.
The Skeleton child looked Papyrus then glanced at Asgore with very little interest, but still did as he was asked, "Sowy." Bliss repeated without any emotion or sincerity.
"Good job!" Papyrus cheered brightly while lifting the babybones high up. Smiling up at him proudly, before bringing the baby back down into his arms.
For whatever reason, Papyrus's reaction made Bliss feel rather good. His usually stoic face became a bit shy.
Asgore blinked in silence then gave a small amused laugh. "No, it's quite alright." He smiled. It was indeed weird, this child was without a doubt dangerous, yet felt so innocent. Still, Asgore understood that the child only acted when he felt the Skeleton brothers were in danger, the kidnapping incident and when the brothers where imprisoned. As someone who swore to protect every single Monster in the kingdom, Asgore recognized Bliss' desire to protect the people he cared about. And he admired that in the small child. He nodded in approval.
Of course he was still worried. After all, if a child holding such destructive power acted on a whim, it could be quite dangerous. After seeing the child with his own eyes, he understood that Bliss was a smart kid and wouldn't attack innocents, still, violent actions will have consequences, innocent bystanders can get hurt accidentally. The half destroyed castle was a good example of that, it was a miracle no one was harmed amidst the chaos. As the king, Asgore had to make sure everyone was safe. He decided to keep Papyrus' child under surveillance, at least for a while. But this time, he will not make the same mistake.
"Also, about the castle-" Papyrus decided to mention the one thing Sans was trying to avoid.
Sans felt a headache coming.
"Ah, yes." Asgore looked behind at the half destroyer castle. "I had no idea sir Papyrus could also go wild sometimes. And right after breaking out of prison too." He decided to just play along with the two brothers.
Papyrus chucked nervously, he was only lying to protect his child, that's right, "As a father, of course I will do anything to for my child!" He spoke with confidence.
Hearing that, Meliora nodded in approval.
'What child?' Bliss mentality asked, momentarily forgetting his current form.
"But I promise this will never happen again!" Papyrus looked at Bliss while saying that last part.
Bliss averted his gaze, he did not feel guilty, and he will in fact do it again if necessary. He too would do anything for his Papyrus and Sans.
The baby's uninterested response was not very assuring.
Asgore turned around to look at the half destroyed castle. "It will take a long time to get everything rebuilt." He didn't sound displeased as he spoke, actually, a small smile sneaked on his face. "But I can't possibly ask you to pay for such damage. I'm confident to say that not even all your life savings will be enough." He chuckled humorously.
Sans nodded frantically. Remembering all the jobs he had to do as an orphan child to get a little bit of money and pull himself and Papyrus out of the streets. -After those hardships were finally over, he had sworn to live the rest of his life as the laziest Monster alive.
"Instead, why don't you pay me with a small favor?" Asgore proposed with a smile.
Although Sans was somewhat relived, he frowned suspiciously.
Papyrus tilted his head. "A favor? Are you sure that will be enough?"
Asgore nodded. "I would like if you all came to visit to at least once a week, to chat over a cup of tea. It's sad that I won't be seeing sir Papyrus much since you will have a long vacation. What do you two think?" That way, he could watch the child in person too, he also felt more comfortable with this method rather than sending guards to spy on the Skeleton family.
Asgore also remembered how Papyrus' child stopped being aggressive and became flustered after the little prince cried. He thought Bliss' reaction at seeing another baby was quite adorable. "Bliss could also play with the little prince, since they are close in age."
A bright smile bloomed on Papyrus face. "That would be my honor!"
Papyrus didn't understand how this could be payment for the damage to the castle, maybe after the tea break they were supposed to help with the repairs. Nevertheless he liked the idea. Also, Bliss always shows reluctance to get close to other people, it also took a long time for him accept his new family, so Papyrus had been worried that Bliss would have a hard time making friends when he grew up. But if two babies grow up together they will inevitably become friends!
Sans was quite surprised. "Really? That's it?" He was a little doubtful.
Asgore looked at the shorter Skeleton brother. Since earlier, he had noticed Sans' discomfort and caution. He could not blame him, after all Asgore did have ulterior motives indeed.
Asgore nodded. "It's such a big castle, it can make an old Monster feel quite lonely." He said with a sigh.
"Seems like a good opportunity to make it smaller now that it's destroyed." Sans chuckled, he couldn't help make a joke, but he soon regretted it. Force of habit...
Asgore looked at him a bit surprised, then let out a laugh. "Indeed, I can see this as an opportunity." He looked at the castle humorously. Papyrus' brother was smart and had good instincts, while Papyrus was strong and had a gentle soul. Asgore felt much more assured, there was no better people to take care of the little castle destroyer. Perhaps he had been too worried for no big reason. He felt like he could trust the these two boys.
Although the visits were meant for Asgore to keep and eye on the child, he would also like to watch him grow up. Asgore felt that this child Bliss would bring great change to their Monster kingdom. "Perhaps this could be a good change."
"That's right! Now we can also finally build a greenhouse, yout majesty always loved flowers and gardening." Papyrus spoke enthusiastically. He also thought the castle should have a bigger area for training, so he wouldn't need to hold back his attacks because the traning area was too small. He had so many other great suggestions and ideas for the new castle, he couldn't wait to help out.
"Drinking tea surrounded by flowers does sound delightful." Meliora commented at the idea.
Feeling encouraged, Papyrus kept sharing a few more ideas with enthusiasm.
Asgore was just smiling humorously at the chatting Skeleton, but ended up actually listening with some interest.
While Sans was slowly dozing off on the side, he had gone through too much stress for one day and felt drained.
Bliss was just satisfied that his family was safe with him again. After seeing how his actions could affect them, he decided to be more careful next time he kills someone. Wouldn't want Sans or Papyrus to take the blame again and get themselves in trouble. Bliss shook his head with a sigh while thinking that these two were hopeless.
The chat was interrupted when Sans eventually collapsed on the ground after finally falling asleep.
Papyrus casually picked up his brother, like it was a dayly occurrence. He was now holding both Bliss and Sans, without much effort.
Bliss didn't mind sharing his spot with Sans. 'Welcome aboard.' He patted the sleeping Sans on the back.
Papyrus said bye to the king and queen, then walked away. He said bye to a few other guards and Undyne before finally leaving.
As the skeleton family walked away. Asgore looked at the vew of the half destroyer castle. "I guess I deserved this."
"You seem quite satisfied, considering your room was located in the destroyed side if the castle." Meliora commented nonchalantly.
"Is that so?" Asgore hummed. Indeed, he was not feeling bad about it, actually, he felt relieved. He had been agonizing while trying to find a solutions to the dilemma, and he had been feeling guilty for having to separate Bliss from his family. He thought this was a good resolution.
Meliora looked at the big Goat Monster, who was smiling like a fool. "You know, if sir Papyrus hadn't come to confess, we wouldn't really know what caused this destruction." Even though sir Papyrus said he was the one who did it, who would actually believe such a thing? Not to mention that they were already aware that Papyrus' child was capable of exploding things. At first it was just a small suspicious but it became certain after Papyrus took the blame. It was a bit ironic really.
Asgore looked at his friend, he understood what she was implying. He didn't like the thought of the Skeleton family being the center of bad rumors because of the castle's destruction.
Asgore faked a cough. "Whatever do you mean? I was the one who asked for it to be demolished. I had been planning to reconstruct the castle for a long time now." He had decided to make use of some of sir Papyrus' ideas too, it would be a good change, for everyone.
The queen blinked, then chuckled and looked back at the half destroyed castle. "You know what, now that I think about it, that half wasn't very symmetrical, it really needed to be taken down, indeed." She nodded, deciding to play along with that nonsense.
As she looked at the castle, Meliora couldn't help wondering how a small child could be capable of such destruction. That little kid might be at the very least a half-Boss Monster, much like the her own child.
It was a miracle that no one had been hurt amdist the destruction, although, there were some weird reports from the guards, saying they had fallen out of the castle and landed outside. It sounded ridiculous, but it couldn't be just the guards' imagination, since so many experienced the same thing, including Undyne, the captain of the royal guards.
Asgore wondered how something like that could have happened. His first thought was teleportation. After all, just like Sans, Bliss was also very famous for his teleportation, but to teleported all those people outside, all at once, it didn't seem possible. Plus, Undyne herself said it was different from teleportation, she said it was like the world was cut open and for a short moment she saw something like numbers in thin air. For some reason, that she said gave Asgore an odd feeling, like he had heard of something similar from someone very close, yet, he could not remember what it was, as if it had been erased from his memories.
Asgore shook that feeling away, he decided to leave this complicated matter in the trusty hands of the Royal scientist.
Papyrus walked inside their house with only Bliss in his arms.
On their way home, Sans had suddenly woke up to the sound of ringing and then teleported away saying he had some business at the Guild.
It was still early and Papyrus was still planning to go shopping today, but he decided to first wait for Sans to come back and then they will all go shopping together. Also, since the misunderstanding about the incident was solved, the festival wasn't canceled anymore! So they can go out and have fun again tomorrow.
Papyrus also thought about buying toys for Bliss, since the babybones only had that weird doll, he thought the baby would like other dolls or any other kind of toy. When Papyrus was young they couldn't really afford toys, so he wanted to give his cute son many toys. Also, Bliss... really needed something to entertain himself. Sans says he still finds it creepy whenever Bliss silently stares at him for long periods of time, and when the baby is not being creepy, he is breaking furniture, disappearing the moment they take their eyes off him, falling down the stairs, there was also that time Bliss stabbed the weird doll with a knitting needle, how the baby had gotten ahold of those knitting needles they did not know. Lets just say, after that, all sharp objects in the house were very safely locked away.
Papyrus was sure Bliss will also smile more when he gets toys to play with.
"Let's wait for uncle Sans to return. Then we will all go shopping together!" He said as he walked towards the living room with the babybones and sat down on the soft carpet - they had bought very comfy carpets for the whole house, so the babybones could practice walking and not get hurt when he fell. It was also very nice to play or roll around on it.
He sat Bliss on the carpet, in front of him.
As soon as he was placed down, Bliss grabbed onto the softly carpet as to not fall on his back. This small body had an uselessly big skull, making it hard to keep balance. But he was slowly getting used to it, especially now that more of his magic had returned, although he still had only a pathetic amount considering his previous STATS as de destroyer of worlds.
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