High Spirits

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By the time Yuto, Yuri, and Yugo returned home for dinner that evening, Yuya had come back from his date with his boyfriends. He appeared to be in high spirits, sitting at the computer and editing the videos.

"How was your date?~" Yuri purred at Yuya. The tomato-head grinned. "Oh, it was so much fun! Shingo and I had a competition to see who could do the best tricks! Also, we discovered that Reiji is not very good at skating, so I helped him out a bit," he said with a giggle.

Yuri snickered, sitting down at the computer next to Yuya. "How long have you been back?"

"I just got home about ten minutes ago," Yuya replied. "I just sat down to edit the videos about two seconds before you guys walked in."

"Ah, so not very long," Yuto said. "Well, I edited most of the first video, if you wanna check it out."

Yuya was about to respond when Yoko's voice called out from the kitchen, "Boys dinner's ready!" Yugo lit up, eager for dinner. "We can check out the edits after dinner! C'mon!"

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