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   Athena put down the book, "Who will read now?"

"Well, we've agreed that the demi-gods don't have to read, so it's between you all," Percy said unapologetically.

Amphitrite reached out to the book in Athena's hands, "Just give it to me, you're all going to be deciding for the rest of the day otherwise."

The goddess of wisdom handed over the book to the queen of the seas.

"I Become Supreme Lord of the Bathroom," she read out.

Once I got over the fact that my Latin teacher was a horse,

Chiron sighed slightly annoyed, "Child."

Percy turned toward him with his innocent baby seal eyes, letting it be known he was going to win this argument. "Yes, Chiron?" They heard a sigh from the thousand year old centaur and decided to just continue the reading.

we had a nice tour ... I did not trust Chiron's back end the way I trusted it's front.

Leo muffled his snickers, "You didn't?"

We passed the volleyball pit ... I felt like they were expecting me to do a flip or something.

Luke watched Percy sadly, he had been part of the problem but had been to blind to see that. A kid under his care had had to fight him.

I looked back at the farmhouse ... and I got the distinct impression I was being watched.

Apollo and Will perked up.

"What's up there?" ... "Not a single living thing."

Hermes grinned, "He's not lying."

I got the feeling he was being truthful. But I was also sure something had moved that curtain.

Will narrowed his eyes, "The 'feeling he was being truthful'?"

Percy shrugged, while Grover spoke up; "Percy can often tell if you're lying."

"Grover's right, he always knows when we're lying or trying to prank him," the Stolls complained.

Percy put up his hands while groaning dramatically, "Well, if you didn't lie to me, that wouldn't happen!" He winked at his friends to let them know he wasn't actually mad.

"Come along ... "But he did that!"

The campers all agreed.

"I might agree with you," ... I also felt really, really guilty.

"Perce, I don't blame you for anything, much less that," Grover whispered to his friend who had laid back down in his lap.

If I hadn't given Grover the slip at the bus station ... "Oh, twenty-eight."

The romans' eyes widened comically at that.

"What!" ... Was it really so bad?"

Thalia grimaced, "Yeah, but it wasn't Grover's fault at all." Jason looked at his sister questioningly, wondering how she knew about this first chance neither Leo, Piper or him knew about.

Chiron looked away quickly ... "Does that mean the Underworld is real, too?"

Hades and Persephone grimaced at the thought of Percy ransacking the Underworld to find his mom. "Please don't come there, it's for dead people only," the god of the dead said. When he saw his son and nephew look sheepishly at each other, he asked: "How many times has Percy been to the Underworld?"

Nico scrunched up his nose in thought – something Will thought was really cute – and replied, "Three times?"

"No, it was—" Percy trailed off. "One... Two, Three... Four." The number four came out with disdain.

"Four times, then." Nico reported back to his father, who looked like he was about to start crying. Persephone comforted her husband while Amphitrite went back to reading.

Chiron's expressions darkened ... "My own—?"

Even Triton looked confused, "His own sword or shield? Why would he have those? Also, you taught him the whole year and lent him riptide. You knew he didn't have anything."

"No," ... I decided to drop the subject.

"Example I-don't-even-know-anymore of people not explaining anything to me," Percy complained.

Finally ... And they were without doubt the most bizarre collection of building I'd ever seen.

The gods looked slightly offended, but didn't say anything.

Except for the fact that each had a large brass number above the door ... poking the coals with a stick.

Nico looked startled at that – not that anyone other than Percy knew why.

The pair of cabins at the head of the field ... like a mascot.

This time, the gods couldn't refrain from letting out indignant squawks. If you asked anyone there who sounded the most like a bird, no one would answer – except for Percy, who'd easily tell you that it was Apollo.

Twelve cabins for the twelve Olympians ... "Come along, Percy."

"Well, your cabins looks cozy now," Leo tried to cheer up Percy – the Percy in the book?

Most of the other cabins were crowded with campers.

Gwen looked up and asked, "Isn't that annoying?" When nobody answered, she continued, "You're stuck in a cabin with all of your siblings while there are more than enough empty cabins, but because of some rule, you cant go anywhere else." Most of the Greeks nodded; they loved their siblings, but having little to no space is annoying. Especially when there are cabins with no inhabitants.

Number five was bright red ... and brown instead of red.

Percy apologised before Clarisse could say anything, "I'm sorry, Clarisse. I shouldn't have made that comparison, I thought you looked like a bully, but that's not an excuse."

I kept walking ... shouldn't you be dead?"

Mostly everyone turned toward Percy. Hazel looked unimpressed when she said, "Very tactful, Percy."

Chiron paused ... "Annabeth is waiting for us."

"Yeah, Chiron is bad at changing the subject and Percy is just slightly oblivious," Dakota summarised.

"The blonde girl –"

"How long am I going to be 'the blonde girl'?" Annabeth asked, exasperated. Percy shrugged.

The blonde girl I'd met at the Big House was reading a book in front of the last cabin on the left ... like those in an architecture book.

"It probably was an architecture book," Piper remarked.

"Annabeth," ... A caduceus.

Hermes and his kids looked proud of their cabin, even with the not-so-flattering description.

Inside ... So naturally I tripped and made a total fool of myself.

Those that hadn't known Percy the first summer he'd been at camp couldn't connect that boy with the twice-over hero of Olympus.

"Naturally," Chris snickered.

There were some snickers from the campers ... some eyeing me as if they were waiting for a vhance to pick my pockets.

"See!" Travis cried out, pointing at the book.

"How long will I be here?" ... you have to do better than that."

Those of the sea looked pained, while most of Annabeth and Percy's friends looked like they were trying to solve a puzzle.

What?" ... I was getting angry now. "

"I mean, I would too," Thalia said.

"All I know is ... "To get killed?"

Hazel's voice was just above a whisper, "I think she means glory; recognition."

"To fight the Minotaur! ... That clears it up."

"The sarcasm is strong with this one," Leo reported.

"They don't have souls ... "You talk in your sleep."
Nico's tone was sarcastic as he spoke, "He drools in his sleep, he talks in his sleep; can he never catch a break?"

"No, I can't. Because I'm a 'loose cannon'," Percy quoted Hera bitterly. Grover patted his head and guided him back to his lap to braid his hair.

"You almost called her something ... waiting for me to get it.

Percy could be heard muttering insults he didn't mean – mostly to the gods.

"My mom is Sally Jackson," ... I never knew him."

"You know, props to you, Jackson," Clarisse spoke. "Normal people would've left you alone after that blunt response." She stressed the 'normal', making Annabeth unsure if she meant demi-gods in general or just her.

Annabeth sighed ... "How—"

The daughter of wisdom put her head in her hands, contemplating her life decisions. "I was so stupid," she grumbled.

"No you weren't," Piper defended her twelve year old self. "You were twelve, of course you weren't the most sensible." She tightened the hug, almost pulling the blonde onto her lap.

"Diagnosed with dyslexia ... A half-blood.

Piper, Leo, Chris and Percy grimaced at the terminology. "I like demigod better," Piper said quietly.

I was reeling with so many questions I didn't know where to start.

"The start is a good idea," Luke teased. A few of the demigods had forgotten he was there and jumped slightly at the sudden reminder.

Then a husky voice yelled, "Well! A newbie!"

Clarisse groaned and put her face in Chris' shoulder.

I looked over ... though I had a feeling it was a worse curse than it sounded.

"It is," Nico confirmed. "Basically 'go to hell."

"You don't stand a chance." ... Perhaps she wasn't sure she could follow through on the threat.

Clarisse muffled out something against her boyfriend's shoulder that sounded a lot like: 'Fuckin' Prissy and his magic abilities.'

She turned toward me ... the war god?"

Percy huffed, "I know."

Clarisse sneered ... "It explains the bad smell."

A few demigods grimaced at the war god hearing this.

Clarisse growled ... wise girl."

Mouths dropped open.


"He got that from Clarisse?"

Clarisse herself looked disgusted at unknowingly having contributed to Percy's nickname for Annabeth.

Percy clarified, "I started using it as an insult, which is why it's from Clarisse; she's got the best insults." Clarisse nodded gratefully.

Annabeth looked pained ... they should've been able to afford classier johns.

Jason furrowed his eyebrows, "You're getting dragged to the toilets for a swirly and you're thinking about how the gods have enough money to get more expensive toilets?" Percy shrugged unapologetically.

Clarisse's friends were all laughing ... he was so stupid looking."

"Not a great insult, but it's funny to think about," Dakota said, resulting in a betrayed look from Percy.

Her friends snickered ... I won't.


Then something happened ... staring at me in shock.

"Because you were dripping or because he was the one who had done it?" Frank asked.

Annabeth didn't have an answer, "I don't even know anymore."

I looked down and realised I was sitting in the only dry spot in the whole room.

"And you guys didn't know who his father was?" Thalia asked disbelievingly.

There was a circle of dry floor around me ... "I don't know."
Annabeth rolled her eyes good naturedly.

We walked to the door ... Close your mouth."
"You're right, you should've left it alone, but that was amazing to listen to," Leo said.

Her friends had to hold her back ... "that I want you on my team for capture the flag."

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