Reading chapter 21

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Spider man carried Athena in his arms

Kitty:aww she's so cute

Jessica:aww she's so small

Julia:she's like Rachel when she was a baby

Humming and holding her close

Diana:this city and your home feel great but with you it's better....I might miss the place when we go home

Spider man:who says we have to go home

Diana:What do you mean

Spider man:weren't you the one to say that you want to see the world...explore see what it offers....the world we live in is big and bigger there is so much that you should see and need to see and Athena should see as well

Doom:latveria open

Sable:symkaria is open

Black panther:Wakanda is open

Then news lit up

Thanos:Were is spider man

Everyone looked confused

Spider man:he knows me how

Iron man:know what

Falcon:he knows something we don't

Reed:what else does he know there shouldn't be nothing thanos knows about him

Diana:Peter do you know that creature

Spider man:In a way...He almost destroyed the universe

Diana:are you going to stop him

Spider man:he's fighting to get to me....I must go....spiders you are all staying here


Spider man grabbed his axe and walked to see him

At the streets of New York

Thanos had brought all his mightiest weapons he beat up the avengers knowing all there secrets

Thanos:are all wasting your time

Red skull:how do you fail to stop him you stop me the moment I step in

Doctor doom:and when I'm in the hair

Kitty pryde came out of the ground and went launch her fist his head but thanos caught her hand

Thanos:you cannot phase through me

Kitty was tosses and was free falling

Kitty:oh my god ahhhh

Then she was caught by spider man


Kitty:wow he has really strong arms

Rouge:yea he caught you easily

Emma:can he really pick you like that

Kitty:I mean he did good


Peter put her on her feet and keep walking


He keep walking

He passes by the defenders

Luke:Peter no he is gonna kill you

Elektra:watch out

Luke:he juts going there

Iron fist:remember when Proxima midnight broke your ribs

He then saw spider women falling spider man fired a web net for her to land

Spider women:Peter stop don't go to him

He jumped aside seeing colossus get smacked back


Jean:Thank god your here

Peter passes them

Storm:Where are you going

Psylocke:GET BACK

spider man passed many heroes

Cyclops:he's not talking to anyone or looking at them

Colossus:what in the world without any hesitation

Seeing them get pushed back

Then seeing thanos release an energy blast to The fantastic 4

We're taking cover

Susan made a wall with her powers and he passes them


Johnny:Bro stops

Susan whispered

Susan:look at me

Reed:what was that


Peter saw most of the avengers

Iron man and captain America fighting thanos

The he passed captain marvel who was on the floor

Spider man grabbed her and put her to the side

But as he left her captain marvel grabbed his hand

Captain marvel:Peter....don't go....he knows us well

Peter:so do I

Spider women:anyone feel warm seeing home like that

Captain marvel:yea I know

Black widow:I feel it too

Peter walked and saw thanos

Thanos saw him

Iron man:Peter get out of here

Thanos;finally you are

Captain America:Don't......stop him

Thanos:after all theses years you are finally here.......spider man

All the heroes came out and saw him

Spider man:you know me

Thanos:I do....I always remembered you....and I been building my revenge for this moment

Iron man:he knows him

Reed:after years

Xavier:how's there must be answer

Reed:well maybe they meet in a different universe

Spider man:no more gauntlets

Thanos:Good bye

Spider man swung his axe at him and the duo began there rematch

The avengers saw them and there fight that was long over due what was the meaning of this

Reed:what is the meaning of this

Yuri:for a smart guy you sound dumb

Reed:then by all means figure it out

Yuri:well no one knows so that lead that maybe it was something that was erased something like a Time Machine

Thanos was launching his lazer beams and fighting to the end

Thanos:not again spider man

Spider man webbed his eyes and smacked him with his axe

Thor:The battle of the century

Then the axe lit on fire and swung making a wave of heat

Then thanos fired his lazer at his hand and made him lose the axe

Spider man rushed and used his training to punch him

Spider man:I thought I was the only one

Thanos:NO....I'm curse to remember how you defeated me

Yuri:see something like that

Reed:lucky guess
Thanos fought him increasing his rage increasing his power

Spider man unleaded his strength thinking of what matter to him his wife his child

Then thanos got the best of him and grabbed his head and smacked him to the ground


the his axe came and hit thanos off

Spider man saw who it was

It was his wife

Valeria:the wife had come to take his king

Franklin:a beautiful story

Peter saw the women who feel he feel in love with

Seeing how beautiful she was and she came to rescue him

Spider man got up and went up to her

Spider man:Diana you shouldn't have come

Diana:Peter Parker....when you slid that ring in my finger...we united our protect my home and my world.....I em a warrior and I will fight as well....even if it is not my problem I will fight by your side and love you

Mj:just like that

Black cat:without caring who he is

Peter lifted his mask and pulled her in for a kiss

Carlie:and without telling lies

In the moment everyone saw Peter kiss the most beautiful women they have ever seen

The moment separated thanos came out

Thanos:Spider man!!!

Diana aimed her sword at him


Spider man charged at him but thanos grabbed him

Thanos was trying to pull the axe up But he couldn't

Thanos:If i can't hit you with the axe....Then I'll hit the axe with you

Thor:that does not make sense yet it is so effective

Then Diana kick thanos hard in the face

Spider man came and punched his stomach and grabbed the axe and swung it to hit him up in the air

The Moment thanos feel Diana kicked him down

Thanos:I will not lose

Peter launched his axe his chest smacking him to the ground

Thanos:funny....You won twice now.....but lost twice....your friends and that poor aunt

Everyone looked at each other

No one said a word

Yuri:well say something

Laura:I mean yes we messed up

Spider punched him hard to the ground

Diana came from behind him and held his hand

Peter hugged her tightly this women was more than a god...this women was the whole world

Most of the women awwed it was cute and some rubbed there arm feeling a bit empty and cold

They wanted a hug from Peter

Iron man:ehem sorry to ruin the to explain how he knows you

Peter:really wanna know

Everyone nodded

Peter:ok years ago we fought thanos and he almost won

Captain America:This was his 3rd time

Peter:It was 4 times....he almost one

He was destroying the earth and almost killed everyone

I remember the group who went to stop him

Me.. doctor doom....Carol with her old suit....hulk....Wolverine

We made it and fought him

But he had us trapped

Then we broke free and fought him

In that moment i went to fight him and I took the gauntlet

While I had it in my hands...he was beating the group up

So I thought quick and put it on

I felt the ultimate power in my hand and it was overwhelming and I thought of everything

The people dying....the world ending .....the villains taking

I thought one things

I wish thanos never had the stones

The when I wished it it was 2 weeks ago

No one know about it and I had to restart my day

I just had that information in my head all that time

And I thought I was the only one with the information

I guess I wasn't the only one

Emma:Why didn't you tell us

Yuri:see solved it easy

Reed:so he keep that to himself

Iron man:that his fault for not telling us he could have had been recognized

Franking:but being a hero is not about recognition

Spider man:it was something no one could believe me but it doesn't matter he is done and's over

Iron man:yea thanks

Spider man:good bye stark

Peter carried Diana bridal style seeing Diana smiles big

Many women were a bit turned on on how he had strong arms

This made some women envious on how Peter treated a women like a queen and this one was a princess

Then walking away and taking her home

Iron man:Wait Peter

Captain America:No no no stark...Let him go....he deserves it....More than us

Johnny:wow Pete lucky you didn't get a women you got the whole package

While they walked home

Peter:I love you princess Diana

Diana:I love you prince

The duo kissed
Mj touched her lips remembering Peter lips that they shared
Diana:so when do we leave to see the world

Peter:soon....I wonder how Athena will react seeing the world

Diana:oh I can't wait to tell the amazons about the world

Everyone was silent for a while

Susan:so um he's happy


Mj:do you think he thinks of us

Kitty:you say her right just making sure your not blind


Black cat:so how many of us miss him or just jealous of him

Most women raised there hand

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