"Chapter 9 (Companion)"

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"Thank you for your concern but, I can do it my self." Hiraya said with cold words.

"Ah, a woman of independence, I see. That's good, that's good. "He looked Hiraya up and down. "You're not native to these woods, are you? If you were, you'd know how easily one can get lost, even with a guide. How about I go with you? Just as a companion?"

"look your a very good stranger but I can do it my self if you don't want to say something then I need to go." Hiraya spoke again with cold words, she wanted that stranger to go away, she felt that stranger is not a good thing to be with her.

the handsome stranger' face hardened. The cult leader was not used to be rejected by his prey, but the woman was quite pretty, which was making him more interested in her."No, no, miss. You're quite right. I insist on staying with you. How could I possibly let a woman with such exquisite beauty get lost in these woods? That would be a crime against nature, if you ask me ."His red eyes scanned her over again. "Say, what is your name, miss?"

"I insist, my lady. After all, I am the only one who knows the way out of these woods. Are you going to risk your safety by wandering off into the darkness alone, or are you going to let me accompany you, at least as long as your stay here? "He looked into her eyes, his gaze demanding and almost mesmerizing. When he spoke, his voice was soft and silky, like a cold knife slicing through flesh. "What is your name, sweet little thing?"

"I am sorry but a stranger will be a stranger I will never tell my name sir" Hiraya is still cold as her demeanor is serious and cold at the sometime as she keep walking finding the sound she hear earlier.

"Then I shall simply have to call you my little lamb, as I lead you away from this forest."Before Hiraya could make another response, he had his hands around her waist, pulling her in close to him. His grip was strong, but he didn't hurt her. Instead, he held her firmly, as if the two knew each other well. the handsome stranger kept his face close to her, his voice husky and commanding. "Would you care to answer my question now?"

Hiraya got surprise by a sudden event as she say "Y-you let go of me you stranger". as Hiraya shove away from the handsome stranger.

He chuckled. "My, my, you're a feisty one. I like that. "the handsome stranger approached Hiraya again, a cruel smile on his face. "Now, little lamb, are you going to tell me your name, or do I have to drag it out of you?" His hands were on his hips, like a father scolding a child. He looked at her with a raised eyebrow and a smirk on his face, waiting for a response.

Hiraya sigh as she look at the handsome stranger and say "look your not my father asking some question and I don't even know you, stranger or sir and why should I say my name to a stranger like you on the middle of the dark woods."

His smile grew even wider. "My dear, I am not a stranger, not by a long shot. I am Arakies, leader of the cult dedicated to the god Shiro." He paused for a moment, letting the words sink in. He took a step closer to Hiraya, his hands now on his hips. "Now, answer my question. What is your name, little lamb?" There was an air of authority and command in his voice, as if he were expecting an immediate response.

Hiraya think a better idea. "fine I will tell my name but. if tell my name you will leave me alone sir Arakies." Hiraya speak with a gentle cold voice.

An amused look crosses Arakies' face, and he raises his eyebrows, his amusement growing. "Deal." He looks at her expectantly, waiting for her to say her name.

"Hiraya. Hiraya Ka-mi." *she said it with a soothing gentle voice now with a bit of coldness in the end*

"A lovely name for a lovely little lamb." He took a step closer to her, closing the distance between them and gazing down at her with a gentle smile. "Now, what brings a lovely girl like you so far from home in these dark and dangerous woods? Do you not fear for your safety, considering there could be anything waiting around any corner?" He looked into her eyes, as if trying to get a sense of how much she truly knew about the mysterious forest.

"me and my two friends got separated in this woods and I don't know what is the cause of it need to find my friends, now you know." Hiraya start to walk again to find her two friends she separated a while a ago in the forest.

"Oh?"Arakies' amusement grew at this new information. He looked at her with a raised eyebrow. "And you, a lone girl with only her two friends, decided to venture through these woods, the forest of the gods, without a guide or even a proper map? That is... brave. "He looked her up and down again, his eyes filled with amusement. "Or should I say, foolish?"

Hiraya turn around to look at Arakies. "me and my friend our not foolish sir and we our not venturing in the woods. were just taking a shortcut to were we going". "Oh, my dear little lamb, do not misunderstand me." He approached her, his hands on his hips as he towered over her. He was so huge compared to her. "I am not saying you are foolish for coming here. I am saying you are foolish for coming here alone, without a guide, when you are very much so lost. A woman as beautiful as yourself should never put herself into such dangerous situations." He looked her over from top to bottom, letting his eyes linger on her figure. "You could easily be prey."

"I am already been preyed by you mister cult." Hiraya say it with a coldness on her words.

"Oh?" He looked at her with a raised eyebrow, amused at her words. Then he chuckled. "You think I'm trying to prey on you, little lamb? To consume you like wild beasts? What if I told you I was interested in something else far more delicious than meat? "He had his arms crossed now, looking her in the eyes with a dangerous look in his red eyes. "Would you like to be devoured by Shiro himself, little lamb? To be his bride and worship him alongside me?"

.......To be Continue

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