" Chapter 8 (Stranger)"

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Sahaya and dean was outside the room, talking about how to discover and find Hiraya's re-drema, but they didnt know that hiraya already woke up from her unconsciousness, and just sat up straight holding the back of her head, looking around confused on what's happening. "gosh..- my head still hurts-, i really got to stop fainting all of a sudden", and just stood up noticing dean and sahaya talking at the other room not wanting to disturb their conversation and just stood up from the couch and walked to an opposite room, despite her staying inside her childhood house she haven't explored some of the bits too, since the house had a massive space.

she was walking around and noticed the stairs leading to the second floor, and just took a glance of it thinking or hesitating if she should walk up stairs since she had just had a dream about the scary painting of their family, but jsut shrugged it off and went upstairs

as she arrived she was first met by 3 rooms leading to 3 hallways, she was curious on what was the hallways containing so she just explored them, the first hallway was her old room, the room was so coquette and pinkish, the second hallway was a room filled with books which is basically a library, but once she was about to step in the third hallway, she tripped on a loose floorboard, causing her to fall down and hit her head but lightly though not really taking any fatal damages, she was about to stand up but noticed a box under the floorboard

"huh..whats that.?-" hiraya mentioned crawling over and pulling out the box from under the floorboard, once she opened she was greeted by a shine blinding her eyes, and when she looked back she noticed a glimmering pendant, with a color of the galaxy, but the time where her eyes landed on it, she felt..magical, and filled with hope making her feeling lighten up a bit. she just held the pendant on her hands, and just softly smiled before standing up wanting to show her friends.

The pendant..:

"GUYS look what i found, it seems so beautiful." Hiraya mentioned to them reaching the pendant out to them to check themselves, once sahaya laid her eyes on the pendant she just awed in surprise, but deans reaction wasnt like the same, it was more like. Surprised and shocked

"where..did you found the pendant..?" dean asked hiraya to her and looked back at hiraya's face seemingly wanting to know where the pendant was found, and sahaya just reached for the pendant holding it before placing it back t othe box while hiraya replied back to deans question "i found it on a loosed floorboard, why? whats with a shocked tone?" hiraya said to dean confused, "Th-that pendant.. thats the pendant your mother whispered something to it before she died.!" once dean mentioned about one of her past again, she just held her head trying to gain control and finally fought over her head ache. "agh..- what-?" Hiraya mentioned feeling a slight dizziness wash over her, while the two of them were talking, sahaya just noticed something different. the pendant seemed to be incomplete "guys..look" sahaya said before walking back to them showing them the pendant again, not only did they noticed that the pendant was incomplete the pendant also had a an engraving on it but its in a different language again, but it was lucky enough that hiraya also know that the language was "Romanian"

"Vă rugăm să nu rupeți pandantivul cu orice preț"

"huh weird, it says that do not break the pendant at all cost" Hiraya read the engraved sentence in the pendant, and just looked back at the two of them but sahaya and dean just raised their shoulders indicating that they didn't know anything about it since they never knew the language or traditions of the Romania

Hiraya, Sahaya and Dean is now packing their things as they were going on an journey, the three of them were walking and continuing their journey Hiraya and her two friends, had gone into the '''mystery forest''' were there is a shortcut to were they going, as Sahaya got a creepie vibe at the forest she run to Hiraya and hold one of Hiraya's arm as she said, "hey are you not feeling creepy in the forest I mean I feel like someone is watching us". Dean look at Sahaya annoying as she say. "shush it scary cat your only making it worst". Sahaya hear as she turn around to Dean. "oh really and what are you mister outsider". Dean feel. offended as he got all red up by what Sahaya say to him. "what did you say!"

"yeah you hear me deaf your just an outsider!" Dean got angry to Sahaya as he say. "your just a cry baby that need her mother". Sahaya hear at she got angry and jump over to Dean, they start to fight as Hiraya see this she stop the two. "stop it right now!" as Hiraya going to say a word again, a gasp of a strong cold wind push them as the tree of them got separated.

"augh... what happen.?"Hiraya stood up to the ground as she look and observed the surroundings that she is in now, she notice her two friend is not there with her. "I think Sahaya and Dean is not with me, I need to find them before its to late." as she walk to the woods she feels a bit of uneasy.

Unfortunately, you soon find yourself lost amidst the many trees that all look the same. suddenly a voice came out behind her. "Are you lost, miss?" Hiraya turn around fast as she see A handsome stranger, dressed in black with a hood pulled over his head, approached her, a lit torch crackling away in his right hand. "I can show you the way, if you'd like."

.......To be continue.

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