3rd person POV
Ninja and Miko were running on the school roof, they were chasing a robot. They finally find it and stop.
"Where do you think you're going?" Ninja asked the robot
It was a lizard robot they were chasing and it was currently going onto another part of the roof.
"Oh, up the wall, yeah ok. Ninja Sprint!" Ninja said as he and Miko continued to chase the chameleon robot.
The robot was still trying to get away from the heroes.
"We don't think so!" Miko said as Ninja used his scarf to lasso the chameleon robot.
The robot landed onto the roof they were on and it rolled and landed on one of the walls of the roof. It is upside down and trying to claw at the two heroes.
Suddenly, the com link in Ninja's mask rings.
"Seriously, a phone call at a time like this? Who is it?" Miko asked Ninja
"It's Howard" Ninja replied
"Just one second, I'm so sorry" Ninja told the robot as he took the call.
"Status update, Howard" Ninja said to Howard on his com link. Miko is also listening to the phone call.
Cue to the school hallway
"Bash is giving out invites to his party right now" Howard told the ninja
Bash is punching students on their arms, giving them marks on their arms as a symbol of their invitation to the party.
*The bump on the kids arm is the Bash Mark*.
"Boom! Ha ha ha! Boom" Bash said as he punched a couple of students.
"Show your Bash mark at the door" Bash told a student after he punched him and went to punch another student.
Back to the rooftop fight
Ninja and Miko are dodging the robot as Ninja continues to talk to Howard.
"We cannot miss the Bash Splash! It's legendary! Though I heard last year, he filled the pool with McSquiddles!" Ninja said he and Miko continued to dodge the robot
"McSquiddles! Like the lighting!" Ninja and Howard said in unison
"I don't know why Bash just doesn't give out normal invitations like a normal person" Miko said to herself
"Miko and I on our way. Just gotta brain the lizard" Ninja told Howard
He and Miko then tackled the robot and spikes came out of the Ninjas fist and Miko summoned a pink magic orb around her hand. Both were ready to destroy the robot when suddenly it released a green gas in both of their faces. They both got off the robot and felt a sudden tingling sensation up their noses.
"We're gonna sneeze! Achoo!" Ninja and Miko exclaimed as they sneezed.
Boogers came out of both of their noses and the robot catches them and ate them, putting them into a tube attached to his back.
"Gesundheit!" The robot said to them
"Ah, Shnasty!" Ninja said in disgust
"Ew, gross! I think I'm gonna be sick" Miko said
They both look to see the robot had disappeared.
"What the juice?! He's gone!" Ninja said as he and Miko looked to where the robot was before.
"So is our shot at the Bash Splash if you two don't get down here!" Howard said on the phone
"No way am I going to let that lizard get away! That's more important than some pool party!Ninja, come on" Miko said
"Ninja and Miko, Bash Splash, Ninja and Miko. What to do? What to do?" Ninja asked himself
Ninja then decide to leave.
"He only ate a couple of boogers, there's no way that could come back to haunt us" Ninaj said
"No, we have to stop that robot now, who knows what he's going to do with our boogers!" Miko said to Ninja
She turns to see the Ninja already gone and then she sighs in frustration.
"Fine, I'll look for the robot myself" Miko said
She then flies around the school, scanning for the robot, but doesn't see it anywhere.
"Dang it, the robot is gone. Ninja, you're gonna pay for abandoning me for a pool party. I'll deal with you later. Right now, I have to go meet up with Julian, he's waiting for me in the hallway" Miko said to herself again.
She then leaves and then unmasked after hiding somewhere and then put on her butterfly hair clip and then went back into the school.
Still 3rd Person POV
Randy and Howard are both in the hallway and they were waiting in line to get their bash marks. Bash gives a few more students bash marks and goes up to Randy and Howard and looks at them and talks to them.
"You two are in my gym class. You wear them zip up kicks" Bash said
"Yeah, we do" Randy replied
"Check 'em out" Howard added
Randy then unzips one of his kicks and shows Bash as he wiggles his feet.
Bash glared at them and said "Zip ups is for shoobies, No Bash!"
Howard groaned
"Why do you have to be such a shoobie?" Howard asked Randy
Cue to Rihanna
Rihanna's POV
I went back inside then school and went into the hallway and found Julian by our lockers getting his stuff. I went up to him and greeted him.
"Hey Julian, I'm here" I said
He turned to me, smiled and then greeted me back.
"Hello Rihanna, it's great to see you. I take it you and Ninja already took care of the robot?" He asked me
"Not really. Me and the ninja were getting ready to destroy it, then it suddenly released a gas in both of our faces causing us to sneeze and then it ate both of our boogers and escaped" I explained to him
"Oh my gosh, that is definitely disgusting" Julian said
"I know, and then Ninja left me to get an invitation to the Bash Splash and I had to look for the robot by myself, but I couldn't find it anywhere" I continued to tell him
"Oh dear, I can't believe the Ninja did that" Julian said
"Me either, but I'm not gonna let that get to me. As soon as that robot is found, we're gonna destroy it" I replied
I opened my locker and started getting my stuff
"So, how are our other klub friends doing?"I asked Julian as I was getting my stuff and packing my book bag.
(She's talking about Theresa, Juggo, and Dave. They are part of der monster klub, I will get to that chapter eventually).
"They're doing great, they all got invited to the Bash Splash, but I didn't yet" he told me
"Oh I'm sorry about, I didn't get invited yet either, but if we don't get to go, then we can spend the afternoon together. No party is worth popularity or losing our friendship" I said
"Thank you, Rihanna" Julian thanked me
"No problem, Julian" I replied to him as in finished getting my stuff and closed my locker.
We were about to leave when suddenly I felt pain on my right arm.
"Ow!" I scream
I then hear Julian scream "Ow!" too.
"You ok, Julian?" I asked him
"Yes, I'm alright" he responded
We both heard someone laughing and turned to see Bash and his friend, Mick, standing in front of us. They both grabbed our sleeves and revealed marks on each of our arms.
"Bash Splash after school. Show your Bash marks at the door" Bash told us
"Hey you, pretty girl. I want you to sing some songs at the Bash Splash" Bash said as he pointed at me
I got confused because this is actually an awkward request asked by Bash.
"You want me to sing some songs at the Bash Splash?" I clarified
"Yeah, you got a pretty voice, so sing some songs at the Bash" Bash said
"Oh ok, I'll sing some songs that are summer themed and suited for a pool party" I agree
"Yeah, see you two at the splash" Bash cheered and he and Mick walked away.
"Oh boy, we just got invited to the most awesome pool party of all time. Come on Julian, let's go home and do our homework and then we'll meet up and go to the party together" I said excitingly
"Ok, let us be off" he said and then giggled
We both left the school and went home together.
Cue to Randy and Rihanna's house
3rd Person POV
Cue to Randy and Rihanna's House
Randy and Howard are in Randy's room. Both are in separate seats and they are bummed they can't go to the Bash Splash.
"The greatest party in the history of high school and we're not invited. My sister got invited but we didn't. This burns man, this burns deep" Randy whined
"Yeah, it's too bad we can't just sneak in. I mean it's not like one of us is the ninja or anything" Howard added
"Howard, I can't just ninja out because we want to be go to Bash's party. Now, if Bash's stepdad was mine and Rihanna's arch nemesis or-" Randy said but then stopped after he got an idea.
He took out the nomicon and told Howard "I'll be in the nomicon"
"And I'll be in Grave Punchers 4: Punchzilla's Revenge: Punch Master Edition" Howard said as he took out the video game
Randy opened the nomicon and his consciousness went inside the book. There, he saw the words "A ninja must master the art of stealth".
"Yes, okay. Yes! Reveal, conceal. Conceal, reveal" Randy recited
A chameleon leaped into the wall and disappeared through it and the ninja in the revealed himself in the darkness and sliced the darkness.
"Camouflage, oh that is so bruce!" Randy cheered
He then gets sent out of the nomicon.
Back to Randy's room
Randy is now back in his room and Howard is playing the game.
"Hey maker!" Howard suddenly said
"Howard!" Randy called to his friend
This scares Howard and causes him to fly out of his chair and fling the game controller against the tv.
"Congratulations, you are the worlds worstest grave puncher!" The game told Howard
"*groans in annoyance*, this better be good, Cunningham" Howard said
"Good? It's only the cheese! I got us two tickets to the Bash Splash! Throw the hey maker!" Randy said as he got in position for Howard to punch him
They pause the game to talk to each other.
"The nomicon told you to tell me to deck you? I've always liked that book. So, how are we getting into the Bash Splash?" Howard asked Randy
"This! This is how! Everybody in that party, even my sister, will have a bash mark, including us! Now if the world's worstest grave puncher would hurry up and-" Randy said but gets cut off in the end by Howard punching him
"No one jokes about my grave punching" Howard said in a serious tone
Randy lifts up his sleeve and sees a bump, indicating a fake bash mark was made on his arm and this made him happy.
"Oh, oh! Do me, do me!" Howard said as he jumped up and down on his feet.
Randy punched him and they both cheered "We're gonna crash the Bash Splash!"
Cue to Rihanna's room
Rihanna was getting ready for the Bash Splash while she was talking to Julian on her phone on speaker. She already had her bathing suit on and she was about to pack up her bag.
"So, Julian? You excited for this Bash Splash? I know I am!" Rihanna said in an excited tone.
"Oh, yes! This party will be a blast! I can't wait to get there!" Julian also cheered
"Me either, so are you ready for me to come get you or are you getting ready now?" Rihanna asked him
"Actually, could you look out your window?" Julian asked her
She gets confused but does as Julian asked her. She opens her curtains to see Julian in front of her house, he is looking up towards her window and is waving at her.
"You are just full of surprises, aren't you?" Rihanna asked Julian with a smile on her face.
Julian giggled at that.
"Alright, hold on, I'm coming down now" she told him
She hangs up her phone and then packed up her stuff: her towels, two plastic bags, sunscreen, her Miko mask, her phone, and her sandals.
She then put her clothes on over her bathing suit and goes downstairs and then opens the front door to see Julian there.
"Hey Julian, ready to party at the Bash Splash?" Rihanna asked him
"Oh yes, this party will be a blast, I can't wait to go swimming and hear you sing some songs" Julian cheered
Rihanna giggled and then said "Alright, let's get to the party and have lots of fun!"
They both left the house and then made their way to the Bash Splash.
Cue to the Mcfist mansion
The robo-apes were outside in the front and they were unloading a bunch of stuff from a couple of trucks for the Bash Splash and inside somewhere, Mcfist and Viceroy were in a room and the robot lizard from earlier went up to them, got in front of a cup and ejected a snot sample in it and went to another cup and ejected another snot sample into it. This disgusts Mcfist, but Viceroy is excited and claps his hands.
"Ha! Look at these beautiful Ninja and Miko slingers. Jelly, slightly ropey, and those colors!" Viceroy said as he observed the samples
"Focus Viceroy! Bash's party will be filled with the coolest kids at Norrisvill me High. Surely, two of them must be the Ninja and Miko. Thanks to these snot samples, we'll finally learn their true identities" Mcfist said
Cue to the Bash Splash
Randy and Howard were at the entrance of the Bash Splash and one of the Robo-apes were scanning them for the bash marks on them. It finds them and lets them in.
""You're a genius! We're in!" Howard cheered
The two boys were walking around and look up to see a huge diving board that goes all the way to the sky. And, there's a bird with a nest on it.
"Check it out. It's gotta be over 173 feet!" Howard geeked out
"Do you know what that means?" Howard asked Randy
"I do not" Randy responded
"It's the highest board in Norrisville. I can pull the ultimate belly whopper. Finally I'll show uncle Rod that I'm the king of Weiner-womp" Howard said
Randy suddenly looks in another direction room and yells "Bash alert! Something o'clock!"
He grabs Howard and they head to an ice sculpture of Mcfist and pose, pretending to be apart of it as to not get recognized. Then, Bash, Mcfist, and Marcy all walk in front of the sculpture and stop.
"Hannibal, Bashford refuses to reapply his SPF! Oh, my baby boys gonna get burned for jeepers sake!" Marcy whined
Mcfist grumbles in annoyance and makes a fist with his mechanical arm towards Bash and sunscreen comes out of it and goes onto Bash's arm. He starts to rub it on him, but Bash stops him.
"Hey! Cut it out, big jerk!" Bash yelled and then left as his parents continued to follow him.
Randy and Howard got off the ice sculpture.
"That was close and a little sad" Randy said
"If Bash recognizes us, we're booted, for real-sies" Howard said
"I'm with you. We need to make sure we blend in. Stay off Bash's radar, lay low- is that a choco fountain" Randy asked as he looked at it
"Yes! Yes it is!" Howard responded
The two boys go it and lick the chocolate. The two girls behind them are disgusted by what they're doing and suddenly water gets poured on them and they scream. It turns out Bash and his friends poured water on them.
"Bash splash! Woo hoo!" Bash cheered
One of the girls took the bucket of their friend and Randy and Howard swam out of the chocolate fountain in another direction and hid somewhere else.
"That was even closer, we were right under his nose and-" Randy said to Howard and then they hear a familiar voice
"Alright, I'm gonna go change into my bathing suit. I'll be right back"
They look to see Rihanna walking in their direction toward the inside of the mansion. They shriek and ran towards a statue and watches her as she goes inside.
"Oh man, my sister is here too, I forgot. If she sees us, she'll kill us" Randy said in a terrified voice
The boys get horrified looks on their faces and thought about what Rihanna will do to them if she sees them and finds out why there here.
"I do not wanna face your sisters wrath. We have to avoid both her and Bash at the same time" Howard said
"Right. Just stay out of her sight, be extra careful and-" Randy sudden stops talking as he and Howard look up in another direction.
"Sumo slide!" The boys yell in excitement
"Right behind you, Big H!" Randy said as he and Howard run to the water slide.
There turn comes up and they put on inflatable sumo suits and go down the slide together.
Before they reach the bottom, they see Bash and his friends in the pool. They quickly hide in the suits and Bash and his friends throw them towards three other people.
"Bash Splash!" Bash yelled as the group got splashed.
The sumo suits then land onto the surface of the roof floor. They were behind Julian and Theresa, who were waiting for Rihanna. Julian is taking to Theresa as Randy and Howard come out of their suits.
"Dude is it me or are totally pulling this off?" Randy asked Howard in excitement
As they are walking away, they see Rihanna coming back, but this time she's in her bathing suit. She is walking in their direction.
You are reading the story above: TeenFic.Net