3rd Person POV
Ninja and Miko were at a huge clearing in the woods and they are in the middle of a battle near a huge pit and they both got hit and went flying.
Ninja screams as he hit a rocks and lands on his stomach and Miko also screams as she lands beside him on her back.
"That hurt" Ninja grunted as he crawled on the ground while grabbing the rock.
"No kidding" Miko grunted as she sat up and rubbed her head.
Then, something stomped towards the heroes and they look up
"Uh oh" Ninja said
"Here we go again" Miko deadpanned
There in front of them, there was a giant robot, sent by Mcfist, and it raised its shovel hands and roared at them.
The robot was about to stomp on them, but Ninja and Miko took out their smokebombs to get away from it.
"Smokebomb!" They exclaim in unison
They throw their smokebombs to the ground causing one red and one pink smoke to appear and they disappear as both colored smokes clear before the robot stomped its foot on them.
The robot looks down to see its footprint, but it doesn't see the Ninja or Miko. It looks around in confusion, wondering where Ninja and Miko could've gone.
Far from the robot, the two heroes go onto a rocky edge and take out their books.
"Ok Nomicon, a little help here" Ninja said as he opened his book
"Alright, let's see what you got for me, spellbook" Miko said as she opened her book too
The pages in both books flip fast and then stop at a certain page and the sucks the heroes consciousnesses into their books. They both look up to see what their books are telling them.
"When faced with a mighty enemy, counter with a mightier force" they both read
Then, their books take them back to their world. Ninja and Miko wake up and close their books. They start to think how they can defeat the robot.
"Mightier force? What's mightier than a killer robot?" Ninja asked himself as the robot finds him and Miko and runs toward them.
Miko notices and exclaimed "That's something we gotta figure out fast because it found us!" as she points at it
The robot jumps up and kicks the rock above Ninja and Miko, but they flip away the ledge before the giant boulder could crush them. Ninja took out his weapon and swung it around and Miko summoned her magic to create an orb.
"Ninja chain-sickles" Ninja called out as he and Miko ran toward the robot
They jump up and Ninja starts hitting the robot while Miko is blasting it, but their attacks have no effect on the robot. They both land on the robots left shoulder
"Uh oh" Ninja said
The robot goes to smash the heroes, but they leap off of it. They land on the ground as Ninja threw his weapon at it. The robot catches the robot in its mouth and then starts to eat it while pulling the Ninja along with it.
"Ninja! Let go of it!" Miko yelled at him in worry
He did and the robot finished eating the chain-sicle and then burps in both of their heroes faces. They both are disgusted by what just happened.
"Oh, robo-burp. I totally tasted it. It's in my mouth, I can't get it out of my mouth" Ninja said in disgust
He rubs his mask in disgust.
"That thing burped in my face! It is so toast!" Miko exclaimed in disgust as she fans her face
The robot tried to stomp on Ninja and Miko, it even tried to smash it with its shovel hand, but they dodge each hit and stop near the edge of huge pit.
They suddenly remember what their books told them.
"Counter with a mightier force" They recited
They look to see a shovel next to them on the ground
"Shovel, aw yeah!" Ninja cheered
"I got this one!" Miko declared she picked up the shovel
She surround the shovel with magic and hits the robot on its lower torso really hard. The robot becomes stunned and covers his lower torso and falls into the pit. Ninja cheers as it explodes and the pieces of the robot come falling down.
Ninja and Miko dodge each robotic limb falling from the air. Miko surrounds herself in a force field. But, Ninja is not so lucky as one of the robots hands fall on him.
"Ninja!" Miko yelled in worry
Just then, Ninja kicks a hole in the robot hand in order to get out.
"I'm okay" Ninja assured Miko
Miko sighed in relief and said "Thank cheese"
She makes the force field disappear and she and Ninja unmask and turn back into Randy and Rihanna. Rihanna puts her butterfly hair clip back on.
"Gravity, that's a mightier force! Or is it a wall? Man, I gotta be like Rihanna and start paying attention in science class" Randy said to himself
Then the siblings realize they are supposed to be in science class right now.
"Science class!" Randy yells in shock
"Come on Randy, we're late enough as it is" Rihanna said as she ran and then flew away
"Coming, Sis" Randy called to her
Then, something falls on Randy's head and lands on the ground. Randy looks to see a metal box with a huge red button. He picks it up and presses the button. The box makes a fart noise.
Randy laughs and says "Oh no! Fart box! Howard's gonna love this!"
He puts the box in his book bag and hears his sister yell for him again.
"Randy, come on! We gotta go!" Rihanna yelled at him as she flew towards the school
"I'm coming! I'm coming!" He responded to her
He then runs to the school as well.
Rihanna's POV
I fly back to the school as fast as I could, hoping that I didn't miss anything too important. Good thing, I asked Julian to make an excuse for me to Mrs. Driscoll.
But still, I need a late pass. I eventually make it back to the school and run to Principal Slimovitz' office. I knock on his door and then hear a voice telling me to come in. I open the door to see Principal Slimovitz at his desk. He looks up from his computer to look at me.
"Oh good morning Rihanna. What brings you to my office?" Principal Slimovitz asked me
"Good morning to you too, Principal Slimovitz, I need a pass to Mrs. Driscoll's class" I responded
"Oh of course, but may I ask why you're late to her class?" He asked me
"I was having a bit of tummy trouble but I'm feeling a bit better now" I answered
"I'm so sorry to hear that, I hope you'll feel much better soon" Slimovitz said
"Thank you, Principal Slimovitz" I said
He takes out a late pass slip, fills it out, and then hands it to me.
"Here you go" Principal Slimovitz said
"Thank you, Principal Slimovitz, have a nice day" I said as I took the pass
"And to you as well, Rihanna" he responded
I then walk out of his office and make my way to science class.
Still Rihanna's POV
I get to Mrs. Driscoll's class and open the door and go inside to see Mrs. Driscoll talking to Howard. Apparently, he and Randy are failing the class. Why am I not surprised?
I go up to Mrs. Driscoll and tap her shoulder. She turn to look at me.
"Sorry I'm late, Mrs. Driscoll. Here's my pass" I say as I hand her my pass and she takes it.
"Oh thank you, Rihanna. You can go ahead and take your seat" she responded to me
I nodded and make my way to mine and Julian's desk. He is already there and was waiting for me. I sit down and put my bag down on the floor.
"So, did I miss anything important?" I whisper to Julian
"Oh no, you didn't. Mrs. Driscoll was only telling Howard about how he and your brother are failing science" Julian told me
"Oh ok, I'm not surprised that they're failing this class because they're failing all their other classes too" I said
"Yes, that is not so surprising at all. So, what happened while you and the Ninja were fighting?" He asked
" *Sigh*, I'll tell you after class, okay? I'm still feeling a bit disgusted after the fight" I told him as I shivered in disgust because of the robot fight
"Oh ok" he responded as he patted my shoulder in sympathy
3rd Person POV
Then, Mrs. Driscoll goes back to telling Howard about how he and Randy are failing science class.
"Now, where was I? Oh yes, in other words Mr. Weinerman, if you were this bone, you'd be failing "Thigh School" science" Mrs. Driscoll explained as she gestured to one of Jerry's thigh bones.
She then giggled and elbowed Jerry.
Bucky then laughed and said "Thigh School, zing"
"Brown noser" Howard commented
*Imagine Rihanna and Julian sitting at the empty desk.*
Randy suddenly comes into the class and sits next to Howard
"Hey Howard, did I miss anything?" Randy asked Howard
"Nope" Howard bluntly responded
Mrs. Driscoll turns to see Randy next to Howard.
"Ah Mr. Cunningham, I was just telling your lab partner that the two of you are failing my class" she informed him
Randy turns to Howard
"So, I didn't miss anything" Randy repeated his question
"Oh yeah, we're failing science" Howard then told Randy
Randy put a "Really?" look on his face
Mrs. Driscoll then continued to speak
"And the only way you two will pass is if you win tomorrow's science fair" Mrs. Driscoll said and giggled in the end
"That is no problem. We have a totally awesome project" Randy told her
"You do?" Mrs. Driscoll asked skeptically
"Yes" Randy responded
"We do?" Howard asked him
"No" Randy whispered to him
He then put on a cheeky smile on his face
"Well, we'll see tomorrow, but I warn you..." Mrs. Driscoll said
"You won't find failing science very 'Humerus'" 'Jerry' finished for her
"Haha, 'Humerus', double zing" Bucky commented
"Brown noser" Randy called him
"That's what I said" Howard said to him
"Yes, we will defined see tomorrow, but surely your project won't be able to top Rihanna's and Julian's tomorrow" Mrs. Driscoll
Rihanna and Julian both blushed out of nervousness at that. Mrs. Driscoll then pointed to Jerry's head.
"Rihanna and Julian are both passing this class, so they are both the Brain, meaning they are at the top of this class" Mrs. Driscoll told Randy and Howard
Everyone (except Randy and Howard) clapped for both Rihanna and Julian. They're really impressed with both of them.
"The Brain. Triple Zing!" Bucky commented
Randy and Howard looked at them with blunt looks on their faces.
"Show offs" Randy muttered
"Oh it's nothing, Mrs. Driscoll. We just wanna do well in school, that's all" Rihanna told the teacher
"Really? Are you sure it's not because you're so smart?" A random boy playfully asked her
"No, we just don't want to fail school" Rihanna responded to him
"Really? Then what's the square root of 568?" The boy playfully asked her again (He's joking with her, just so you know)
"23.832..." Rihanna responded and then realized what he was doing
"Hey!" She playfully shouted as she looked at him
Everyone started laughing at the joke (not at Rihanna and Julian).
"I'll admit you got me good" Rihanna said with a smile on her face while shaking her head
Everyone continued laughing, then Rihanna and Julian joined in on the laughing.
This continued for about 2 more minutes until Mrs. Driscoll told everyone to settle down and then class continued.
Time skip to the end of school
Still 3rd Person POV
After the last bell rang, everyone left their last class of the day and some of them went to their lockers to get their stuff to go home while others just left. Rihanna and Julian went to their lockers together and started getting their stuff.
"So, all we have to do is put the finishing touches on our project and then we're done" Rihanna said to Julian
"Indeed. We put a lot of hard work into our project so we're sure to get a good grade" Julian responded
"Yep, and remember I'm coming over to your house in an hour because both of our parents said I can spend the night with you while finishing up our project" Rihanna reminded him
"Alright" Julian replied
They both finish getting their stuff out their lockers, left the school, and then walk to Julian's house first.
"Ok, I'll see you soon, Rihanna. I'll be waiting for you" Julian said to her
"Alright, see you in an hour, Julian. Just gotta pack some stuff for the night first" Rihanna replied
He nodded and then went inside his house. Rihanna then went to her house to get her the rest of her stuff.
Cue to Mcfist Industries
Mcfist is sitting at his desk, along with a tray full of meatballs, waiting for Viceroy to come in and tell him the news about destroying the Ninja and Miko. Just then, Viceroy, Marcy, Bash and Anna walk into the office.
"You better not be coming in here to tell me your robot failed to destroy the Ninja and Miko" Mcfist said
Viceroy turned around and grabbed Anna's hand while heading back to his lab.
"Nevermind" Viceroy said
"I'll catch up with you later, Marcy" Anna called out to her
Mcfist then put his hands in fists and got an angry look on his face.
"Get back here! I'm not done yelling at you" Mcfist yelled as he shook in anger
Marcy and Bash walked up to him
"Oh Hannibal, inside voice" Marcy said
"Yes Marcy, my little sugar knuckle" Mcfist obeyed in a bashful tone
Bash looks down to see the meatballs on Mcfist's desk.
"Meatballs! Sweet!" Bash cheered
He picked up the tray and stated eating the meatballs.
*Bash is loving those meatballs.*
Marcy then started talking to Mcfist
"Bash's science fair is coming up and I thought you two could do a little father, stepson bonding working on his project together" Marcy said as she squeezed Mcfist's cheek and then let go
"When is this science fair?" Mcfist asked
"It's tomorrow" Bash answered
"What's the matter couldn't wait until the absolute last minute" Mcfist grumbled, trying not to explode in front of his wife
"Haha dummy, there's like a ton of minutes between now and tomorrow" Bash said
He then went back to eating the rest of the meatballs.
Marcy then continued to talk to her husband
"Oh I know you're busy hatching evil schemes and so forth, but it sure would be swell" Marcy discussed
"Anything, my little butter face" Mcfist replied with a smile on his face
"Aw, look at my two big strong science fellas" Marcy said as she patted Bash's face and then left the office
Bash finished eating the meatballs at this point.
"Hey! Don't build me nothing stupid" Bsh told his stepfather
He threw the empty tray onto the desk and then left the office too.
Mcfist then pressed his answering machine and pressed the button on it and called Viceroy.
"Viceroy... get in here!" Mcfist yelled in the end
"Not if you're gonna yell at me" Viceroy replied
"I'm not gonna yell at you!" Mcfist still yelled
Cue to Randy and Rihanna house
It's is now night time. Rihanna was at Julian's house, they were wrapping up their project. Meanwhile, Randy and Howard were in Randy's room. They were about to get to work, but Randy had a little surprise for Howard first.
"Howard, this is it. We're gonna come with a first place science project, one that should be able to top my sisters, right after I do this" Randy said
He pulled out the fart box from earlier and pressed the button, which caused a fart noise to come out. The two boys started laughing.
"OM-genius! Where'd you get the fart box?" Howard asked him
"Took it off a Mcfist robot" Randy replied
Howard continued pressing the button, making multiple fart noises come out of the box. The boys continue laughing about it.
"Ok enough of that. Time to work" Randy said
Howard put a smug look on his face, he slowly raises his finger above the button (Randy is smiling too), and then Howard pressed the button again. The boys continue laughing and they fall to the ground. The fart box is now on the big wooden table in Randy's room. The boys keep pressing the button, making the fart noise come out of the box repeatedly, while they are continuously laughing.
Cue to Julian's house
Rihanna and Julian were in his home and they were upstairs in his room. They were working on the last part of their project for the science fair tomorrow. Rihanna was glueing on the last part of the project together while Julian was writing the title out. 5 minutes later, their project was complete.
"And, we are done" Rihanna declared
She and Julian both sigh in relief and collapse on top of the rug on the floor, next to each other. They were taking deep breaths from working so hard.
"That was exhausting, but at least we got all of our homework and the project done. Now we can relax" Rihanna said while still taking deep breaths
"Yes, I am most tired from working on the project for the past month" Julian replied while also taking deep breaths
"Well, at least we finally got it done and don't have to work on it anymore" Rihanna said
"Mm-hm" Julian hummed in agreeement
*30 minutes later*
Rihanna and Julian were now on Julian's bed watching a movie.
Julian was lying on his stomach while
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