Found (somehow this stopped being published)

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Daniel's eyes was widened in fear. He violently shook. He was so dead. Above him, stood a giant. The exact giant who he had been fending off of. Well, fending off his parents, the boy was their son, but you get the picture. Daniel winced. He was a nobody. Nothing in this giant world. Giants ruled over tiny humans like him. Giants were everything, humans nothing. wasn't a good fact that this human had been found fending off the giant's home.

The male giant was huge, they always were. Daniel was 15 years old, he parents died when he was 12...giants. He been able to fend for himself for the past 3 years, doing poorly. He's always been watching their son of the people he stole from...not in a stalker way. But, in a needing a friend way.

Daniel had snot drizzling down his face, his blue eyes widened, his pale skin getting whiter. His blonde hair fell messily around his head.He hated it. He hated being a human. Feeling so small, insignificant. The giant male had carmel brown skin, with dark brown dark eyes, black hair with a nice style.

His name was Jayden. Jayden was the giant who he was at the mercy of. Daniel winced. He hated this feeling, tears already left his eyes, as he trembled.
He slowly stood up, his legs feeling a tremendous amount of pain, from the fall he took previously, and tried to start running but was only met with a huge hand.

Words failed Daniel, as he shoved himself away from the hand but then they curled around him, and he felt his stomach stay on the ground. He was being by lifted higher and higher. I'm going to die. That was the last thing Daniel thought as he passed out in the huge hands.

Jayden was amazed. There was a human living in the walls of his home?? Sure he knew humans were much poorer than giants, but he never thought any would be living in his house. Jayden carefully put his hands around the trembling tiny, and picked him up, but the little one passed out.

Jayden was concerned at first, poking gently at the little one hoping he wasn't dead, but calmed down once he saw tiny uneven breaths. Sure, giants aren't the nicest to the humans, Jayden knew that. But he couldn't drop this unconscious human somewhere and hope for the best. Jayden was unaware of how scary he was to the human. He headed back to his room, and place the little one on his pillow, let him get some much needed rest.

When Daniel woke up, he was groggily, but adrenaline pump through his veins. He shakily got himself up. He was extremely scared, that giant could be back any minute. He screamed at himself, instead of running he screamed in his head as he had a panic attack. He shook violently, his hands never stoping, un even breathing. Just then, the door swung open. Shit. Jayden...

Jayden saw the tiny's panic attack, he looked petrified. He had to do something.
"H-Hey, Hey.." Jayden leaned down to the tiny, slowly petting his hair.
"Dude, it's okay, your okay."
Daniel calmed down a bit, his hair being petted made him feel better at least. But he really just wanted to leave, he did not want to be a pet. Just then, at the worst possible moment, Daniel's stomach started to growl, very loudly, his cheeks flushed embarrassed.

Jay smirked. "Is the little guy hungry?"
The comment only made the tiny more embarrassed.
"Y-your not mad?" Daniel asked, eyes wide.
Jayden stared in surprise.
"Course not."
He slowly wrapped his hands around Daniel. Daniel tensed, but it was a much better reaction then before. Jay smiled to this, as he placed Daniel on his lap.

"What's your name?"
"D-D..." his voiced failed him. "D-D-Daniel."
"Hi Daniel, I'm-"
"J-Jayden." Daniel cut off absentmindedly.
Jayden smirked.
He slowly tickled the little one, Daniel giggled nervously. He was still in shock, but Jayden seemed kind.
"I'm not gonna hurt you, ok?" Jay promised.
Daniel nervously smiled, as he wipe the sweat off his face. He slowly crawled to Jay's fingers.

Jay cooed at this.
"So, what bring you here little dude?"
It took a moment, but Daniel registered the question then his face burned.
"You found m-me..." he spoke embarrassed how he was caught.
Jayden chuckled from above.
"Yeah, I guess I did"
Daniel chuckled, maybe being friends with a giant wasn't so bad

Hii y'all this is just gonna be a book where I post one-shots for fun. To be therapeutic for me :)

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