Chan was not sure who's idea it was to give a seven-year-old a spider, but he was going to despite that person for the rest of his life. Who in their right mind would do that, especially without a parent or guardian present? But still it happened. Minho came home from school one day with a pet shop box in his hand and a man carrying a glass case behind him. And since then, his obsession with having a pet cat was subdued somewhat.
"Don't touch Mars!" Minho yelled at Hyunjin, pulling the tiny white spider away from his brother's outstretched hands. Hyunjin withdrew his tiny hands, tears filling his eyes. He only wanted to see the little creature and hold it. He wasn't going to drop it.
"Minho, let Hyunjin see Mars" Chan peeked into the room.
"But he'll drop it and Mars could get stepped on!" Minho argued.
"Your brother will be careful, won't you Hyunjin? Maybe you could just hold Mars and let Hyunjin see her, without touching" Chan compromised. Hyunjin didn't seem pleased with that, he did want to hold the Albino spider, but he agreed anyway. Hyunjin gently pet the spider with one finger, careful not to go too near its eyes or mouth. He did not want to get bitten.
"Alright, that's enough now. Hyunjin, go get ready for bed" Chan gently pulled the youngest's attention away from the spider. Minho slipped Mars back into his glass box and closed the lid, making sure it was locked securely. Chan had made it strictly clear to him that the case must stay closed and locked when Mars was in there. Chan did not want a giant white spider crawling all over the house and reproducing. One spider was enough, little baby spiders would be unimaginable and a horror story unfolding.
"But I want to pet Mars!" Hyunjin whined. Chan led him out of the room.
"And you did. But now it's time for you and Mars to go to bed. Go brush your teeth" Chan repeated. Hyunjin huffed, stomping his foot as he stormed off to the bathroom and angrily brushed his teeth. Chan had never seen anyone angrily brush their teeth until he had Hyunjin. In fact he had never seen anyone angrily do a lot of things until there was Hyunjin.
"You too Changbin, Minho. It's getting late and I want you ready for bed soon" Chan added, peeking into the boys' room. He really needed to find a bigger house so the three of them weren't always sharing a room.
"But it's still early!" Changbin argued. Chan just sighed and gave the middle boy a warning look. Changbin finished his game and got up, taking over the bathroom as soon as Hyunjin walked out. Minho was right behind him, instructing his brother on taking proper care of his teeth and on how to wash his face. Chan decided to leave them to it and focus on getting his youngest son to bed. Hyunjin was holding Mars when he walked in, petting him with one finger.
"Come on Hyunjin, put Mars back. You know Minho doesn't like you touching her" Chan picked up the four year old to put the little arachne back. Hyunjin put the lid back on but didn't lock it and Chan didn't even notice. Soon, all the boys were in bed and Chan retired for the night as well. The next morning, he woke up to hurried little footsteps and urgent whispers. He got up, going to see what the issue was.
"She has to be here somewhere!" Minho scanned the floor, careful where he was stepping. He went right past Chan without even noticing. Changbin was walking around frantically too while Hyunjin was just sobbing on the couch. A lovely sight to wake up to.
"What is going on boys?" Chan crossed his arms. Whatever was happening, he was sure that one of the boys was going to be in trouble for it. Minho and Changbin both stopped moving and Hyunjin only cried harder.
"I forgot to lock Mars' case!" He sobbed, still sitting on the couch. Chan's face fell and dread filled his stomach. That little spider was loose. In the house.
"It wasn't his fault! I should have checked before going to bed! Don't punish him" Minho added, determined to save Hyunjin from being in trouble. Chan shook his head.
"No one is in trouble. Let's just find the little thing" Chan helped them look but it was no use. Of course, a few weeks later, Mars did show up with her thousand little spiders babies. Chan got as many of them outside and told Minho that Mars had died. It was for the best anyways, even if he did have a semi-depressed seven-year-old for the next two months.
Next chapter shall be Jisung joining the little family so if you have any ideas about how he does, feel free to share them. Also, Minho does get his cat eventually
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