A child's protector

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Minho was not usually an affectionate child. He was as a baby, but he grew out of it by the time he hit four years old. Until there was Jisung. It was somewhat worrying how quickly Minho became attached to the new child, especially since Jisung really did not need Minho's protection. And of course, Minho's new obsession with his youngest brother caused more than enough problems with the other two middle boys. Hyunjin especially.

"Hyungie's being mean!" Hyunjin ran into Chan's room, demanding his attention. Chan turned away from his work, letting his second youngest seek comfort in his arms.

"Which hyung?" Chan questioned, holding Hyunjin close. Having four boys now was harder than having two. 

"Minho-hyung. He won't let me play with Ji" Hyunijn whined, pouting with his arms crossed. Chan felt his heart melt at the cuteness of his third child. Hyunjin didn't even seem to notice, right away. When he did, his pout only grew. 

"It's not funny!" He complained. Chan changed his expression to something more serious.

"Your right, it's not. Let's go have a talk with your brother" Chan got up, carrying Hyunjin as they went out to the living room. 

"Minho, I want to talk to you" Chan set Hyunjin down, holding his hand out for his oldest instead. Minho looked back at Jisung and then at Chan's hand, contemplating.

"Leave the baby" Chan told him, making the decision for Minho. The seven-year-old got up, taking Chan's hand and following him to the kitchen. Chan lifted his oldest up and set him on the counter so they were at eye level.

"How do you feel about Jisung?" Chan wondered, keeping the child looking at him.

"I like him. He's my baby" Minho answered assuredly.

"Well, he's not your baby. He is your brother, but he is also Changbin's brother and Hyunjin's brother. They would like to love on him also" Chan explained.

"But what if they hurt him?" Minho worried.

"Then I will deal with it. Just the same if you hurt him or one of them, or if they hurt each other or you" Chan assured him. Minho looked down, thinking about that.

"I guess your right" Minho nodded. Chan kissed his head and helped him off the counter. 

"Now go play with your brothers. All of them" Chan added the last part, ensuring Minho understood. Minho just walked off, going back to the living room and watching his three younger brothers from the couch. Hyunjin fawned over Jisung, touching his hair and arms. It made the youngest giggle with intrigue so Hyunjin kept doing it. Minho watched, suspicious. Hyunjin started tickling Jisung, and Minho mistook the squeals of happiness as ones of fear.

"Don't touch him!" Minho smacked Hyunjin's hand away from the youngest boy. Hyunijn pouted at him. All he wanted to do was touch his baby brother, he'd never had one of those before. 

"Minho, don't be rude" Chan scolded, looking up from his computer at the kitchen bar.

"He can't touch Jisung! He'll hurt him" Minho insisted. Chan closed his computer, motioning his oldest child over. Minho still did not let go of Jisung until Chan took him and set the maknae down on the floor. Hyunjin sat down next to him and played with Jisung's hand. 

"Jisung will be just fine with Hyunijn. See? Hyunjin won't hurt him, he's being careful" Chan lifted Minho onto his lap, wrapping both arms around him as they watched Hyunjin and Jisung.

"He was scared" Minho stated, knowing he was right. Chan shook his head.

"Not scared. He was happy. He still is, don't you see?" Chan waited for Minho to notice. Jisung was smiling and happy, his cheeks red and his eyes shining as he looked at Hyunjin. Minho turned away, jealously. Chan noticed too and it occurred to him that this was more than just Minho being scared of Jisung getting hurt. 

"You will still have time with Jisung, I promise you. But Hyunjin and Changbin will want time with him too. He is their younger brother just as much as he is yours" Chan repeated. Minho didn't seem happy with that, but he knew that arguing would be useless. He would only have to keep a close eye on Jisung, to ensure his safety. Nobody would hurt his baby brother. Nobody. Not even Hyunjin or Changbin.



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