Why Did That Have To Happen To Me? | Chpt 16

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Hello ppl
I'm so sick rn I hate it. My birthday is this Wednesday too so like frick me


(Y/n)'s POV

"So, we were thinking about a theme for the dance," Momo said. Jiro was walking alongside her but typing away at her phone, probably with the electric blonde on the other end of the conversation.

"Oh that's fun," I said, smiling.

"Well it would be if we had a theme," she sighed. She was leading me around the room that would be used for the dance. It was a sort of gym like a typical school would have. We only really used the arena for training and there was a weight lifting gym for after school. I had never been in here and it didn't seem like many people had either. It was kind of...gross.

"So we need a theme huh?" I reiterated and glanced around the gym. I kicked aside a set of mats and dust billowed up, causing the both of us to cough. Jiro glanced up and grimaced. "Well, with some work it could...happen."

"I suppose."

"I like renovation and cleaning up stuff so this will be fun. What about...like red carpet?"

"You want to get red carpet?" Jiro asked.

"I mean...yeah. But theme too. Heroes have red carpets sometimes so we could make it like a little red carpet themed thing. People could get fancy invitations and there could be lights and rope and they could wear fancy red carpet attire. It could be really fun!"

"That's a good idea!"

"I have more! Glow in the dark, that's a classic," I said.

"I actually really like the red carpet idea," Jiro said. "People could be really into that."

"Now that's why we wanted you!!" Momo said, placing a hand on my shoulder. I smiled and glanced around.

"We could put the DJ here, if we have a DJ," I said, gesturing to the spot soon to be cleared of mats.

"Mic?" Jiro said. "I've been talking to him about music."

"Yes, perfect. That's even one chaperone down!" I said. "This is going to be so fun. I'll work on the invitations when I get home and send you some ideas."

"Cool, just text us," Momo said, gesturing to Jiro. They left and I glanced around the gym one last time before shutting the door.

Today had been kind of a weird day. It of course picked up towards the end, but we had been doing mediocre work in class all day today. We were separate from our partners so I hadn't talked to Kacchan all day which had been odd since yesterday. I couldn't exactly figure out what yesterday had been so I just regressed it and let it be. I opened up my locker and pulled out my bag to take home, wondering if I should stop by my mom today. I glanced out the nearest window to see the trees rustling.

It had been raining this morning so it was a bit colder than normal since it was still overcast. I pulled my umbrella from my locker as well, setting it against my backpack for a moment. It was bound to be cold so I shed my uniform coat and slipped the orange hoodie around my arms, not before glancing around to make sure there wasn't anyone I knew. After shoving my uniform jacket in my bag, I tugged on my backpack and grabbed my umbrella before heading out.

It was probably a dumb decision to wear the sweater in school or even bring it in general because it was quite clearly not mine, but I couldn't help myself this morning. I had only made it down to the fence when I felt a soft droplet of rain. It had been off and on all weekend and now as a precaution I flipped open my umbrella.

I headed towards the train station, gaining the gaze of a few people. After the sports festival, a few people were keen on noticing me and other class 1-A students. I had placed fairly well, bested by Todoroki though I had put up a good fight. I was glad I didn't have to fight Kacchan and I had yet to. Now that I was wearing pieces of my uniform to visit my mom, I stood out even more to people keeping up with the new generation of heroes.

I shook out my umbrella and slid my card along the pay station and headed for my train. I was going out of my way to visit her, but I didn't have enough time to change and drop off my stuff before the train so I just let it be to catch the much earlier train. I stepped aboard and latched onto a hand rail. I was mindful of my back pack in case of pick pockets. Not like I had anything of too much value in there, unless they wanted my homework.

The train jostled and my body leaned into the stop before people started to flow out of the train. I was rushed up the steps and I headed for the hospital nearby. When I walked in, I grabbed a pass without asking, seeing as they recognized me, and headed up to my mother's room. I was excited to see what they had to say about her progress and tell her all that happened since I had gotten caught up in school and failed to visit her.

I knocked before calling out "hey mom I'm here—" I stopped, seeing that 3 people were in the room with my mother.

The Bakugos.


"Oh (y/n) dear, thank you for suggesting they visit," my mother said, gesturing that I come inside. Had I done that?

Oh I did. Yesterday. Idiot.

"Right," I said. Technically I had invited Mitsuki and Masaru only. So I assumed they dragged Kacchan along with them. I ventured further into the room, dropping my bag on the floor. I glanced at Kacchan to see he was staring at me intensely.

That was when I realized I was still wearing his jacket. I glanced down at it with wide, embarrassed eyes.

"Where'd you get that sweater?" My mother asked as I quickly shed it like it was on fire. I looked at Kacchan who was awaiting my answer.

"Someone lent it to me," I replied. "Need anything?"

"Oh yes please, could you tell the nurse the woman next door's call button is broken? It's been that way for an hour," she said and I nodded. "Here take Katsuki with you."

We were shoved out the door and I let out a sigh. I made note of which way the numbers on the doors went, up or down, so I could relay the nurse to the right room. I gave Kacchan an awkward look and started towards the nurse's station all the way down the hall.

"Wearing the jacket huh?"

"Visiting my mom huh?"

He snarled at me and I met his fierce gaze with one of my own.

"My dumb mom made me come."

"Your mom isn't dumb and don't you think you should appreciate her? Considering who you're talking to and who you're visiting I'd watch your words," I warned. He let out a soft 'tch' and that was the last of that. Kacchan always did that when he couldn't have the last word, as if that made up for it.

"Oh (y/n)!" I turned to see a familiar nurse that took me up in a hug.


"It's been a few days huh? Busy with studies?"

"Uh Yeah," I replied letting him set me down.

"Well you look good."

"It's only been a few days Makoto," I replied and he grinned at me. Makoto was a cheerful guy with a low power healing quirk. He had interned here for a little while before he was taken on to work here. I've gotten to know him recently and he was one of the most sincere guys I've met.

"Too long! Who's this?"

"Oh, this is Katsuki Bakugo," I replied, gesturing to the searing blonde beside me. "He and his family are visiting."

"Nice to meet you, the name's Makoto."

"Like I care extra," Kacchan hissed. I smacked Kacchan's arm and he whipped to glare at me. Perhaps that wasn't the best idea.

"We need you for the room next door. Their call button is broken," I said.

"Oh! Thanks! You and your mom are always helping out," he said, following us back. "Your mom is getting so much better! Really great progress. I'd say a month or two and she'll be out of here."

"Wait really?" I asked. He placed a hand on my shoulder and nodded and I grinned. My mom coming back home was something that I had never really considered in full. I hadn't had her home since I was 7 or 8 and now that I was 15, her release wasn't really something I had thought could happen. It had been too long.

"Thank you for notifying me, see you around (y/n)," Makoto said, giving me a side hug before knocking on my mother's neighboring door. I glanced over to Kacchan who was heavily sulking as he trailed behind to the door.

"What's your problem?"

"You really hang out with people like that?"

"What? Nurses?" I asked, crossing my arms.

"You're a hero, you shouldn't hang out with extras like that who will just mooch off you when you're successful," he said and I scoffed.

"You're joking. Makoto. Really? He's the most sincere guy I know and being a hero means helping people and that means being all inclusive Kacchan," I said.

"Whatever, don't come to me to scare him off if he ends up like trouble. He's just not right,"  he scoffed back at me. I gave him a look.

"I thought I made it clear that I don't need your help asshole," I said. "I can handle myself and you're just a jerk."


What was that supposed to mean? He grabbed the nob and opened the door for himself, barging in first. Why did my, of all people's, choices upset him the most. It didn't make any logical sense to me. Yet again he was trying to control every aspect of my life because he felt at a loss of control.

"Thank you (y/n), how's Ai?" my mother asked.

"Good as always," I said, putting on a smile.



"Perfect. Are the two of you excited about the trip soon?" she asked. I nodded and looked to Kacchan for him to answer.

"New place to train," he answered dully.

"And have fun," his mother said, jabbing her heel into the side of his shoe. He made a look of disgust as he stepped closer to me, away from his mother. "You're his partner for the trip right (y/n)?" My mother, who had not received this piece of information from me looked to me for confirmation. It was clear that she recognized the obvious tension between me and Kacchan, from all the stories I had told her and the obvious way I was standing.

"Oh, yes," I said, nodding along with my verbal answer.

"Thank you again for putting up with Katsuki," Mitsuki said, smiling at me. Kacchan gave her a dirty look to which I laughed slightly.

"No, thank you for putting up with (y/n)," my mother said and my head whipped to look at her.


"I'm just kidding, you're wonderful," she replied and I shared a glance with Kacchan who was now smirking devilishly at me. I eventually ended up standing awkwardly next to Kacchan for the evening, unable to leave. It was growing late and I was exhausted from school and the lack of sleep I had gotten yesterday after throwing myself in a distracting work out. I yawned and Mitsuki noticed, jabbing Masaru in the side.

"We'd better get going now, (y/n) can take the train with us so she gets home safely," Masaru said and I sighed. Great more awkward silent time with Kacchan.

"Oh right, thank you for visiting, I very much appreciate it. (y/n) I'll see you very soon raindrop," she said. My face and ears went all kinds of red at the use of my nickname in from of everyone while I hugged her goodnight.

"Night mom," I replied as she pecked my head, waving us off. I carried my backpack at my shoulders, it being much heavier now that it held my uniform jacket and Kacchan's jacket. I was beginning to wonder if his parents had recognized it and realized that he had given it to me. Knowing that their son did something that sweet for a girl was not a good thing for me. It was ridiculously cold now that the sun had gone down, but I was reluctant to put it on. The uniform blazer wouldn't be of any help seeing as it was lined and provided no warmth.

I glanced at Kacchan, seeing him walk like he normally did. His hands were shoved deep in his jean pockets, his top half slightly slouched. He looked agitated like always and didn't bother looking anywhere else but straight ahead of him. There was nothing to see. For once he wasn't wearing something with a skull, but had a white sweater top with a small logo on one side of his chest. The jeans he was wearing were ripped, something I had never really seen Kacchan in before. He looked kind of nice.

I shivered and walked in line with him, his parents chatting quietly in front of us. My legs were bare and clammy now with cold. My arms were covered, but only with the thin dress shirt they provided us. I was freezing to say the least, but my stubborn ass wasn't about to reach in my backpack and put on the sweater. We slowed slightly and trailed behind his parents so we could barely hear them.

"If you're so goddamn cold then why don't you put on the jacket water bitch?" he said. How in the entire walk with him staring straight ahead did he notice my shivering? I exhaled and unzipped my backpack and pulled out the orange thing. I didn't even like the color orange that much. I slipped it on and was slightly relieved of my lack of warmth. I zipped both items back up and slipped the second strap of my backpack over my shoulder. "I don't get you."


"You never ever do what I say--" Here we go again. "And yet you always have to seek approval to do something." I glared at the side walk. As a kid, having no father and a sick mother made it difficult for me in school. Obviously. After depression snuck its way into the mix, I grew quite socially anxious especially around adults. I never really wanted anyone to find out about what was going on inside my head and from that stemmed my lack of confidence in doing small things like being the person who turns in their test first or eats food that's offered to me.

At the same time, after my recovery I was much more resilient and defiant which is what normally took over when I was dealing with Kacchan. However, those little things always managed to sneak their way in there some times.

It was partly that, but also partly because I didn't want to associate myself with Kacchan like that or come off as weak. That was another issue I seemed to have, refusing to let myself be vulnerable. There wasn't really time for that when being a hero which is probably why some people don't seem to feel that close to me. Only Izuku has seen me cry.

"I just didn't want to put it on and when you mentioned it I figured I'd spare myself the argument since you'd clearly insist I wear it."

"I would not."

"You most certainly fucking would. Just yesterday you insisted I keep this damn thing. What's it to you if I have the sweater or not?" I asked.

Again we were fighting about a stupid sweater. It was growing old and I wondered exactly when this dumb argument was going to stop. I guess it was partly my fault for not just throwing it away the first time. Why I thought we might end up as at least acquaintances was beyond me.

"I don't care if you keep it, I just don't want it to go to waste."

"So you wouldn't care if I threw this away?"

"I just said not waste it dumbass."

"So if I gave it to Mina?" I said. He paused and grit his teeth.

"Do whatever you want, we both know you're going to keep it," he said, walking ahead of me and I let out a noise of frustration as I caught up to him. We slipped through the entrance and got on a train almost immediately. Since this part of town was a tad under-populated the train was mostly empty for this time of day. Kacchan and I snagged seats on the opposite side of his parents. We just sat next to each other as a few stopped rolled through, more and more people getting off. I scooted away slightly when the person next to me left, leaving about 2 inches of space between Kacchan and myself.

"I don't think I've stayed there that late in a while," I commented.

"Yeah my mom will do that to you," he replied and I laughed, feeling at ease. Like cars, trains always made me calmer. It was boats that I didn't enjoy. I yawned again and leaned my head up against the glass, calculating that I still had a little while longer. There were 4 more stops, but they were all pretty close together. 5 minutes a stop with time in between? That was maybe 20? 30 minutes? Maybe it was less I couldn't remember. I felt myself drifting off as I ran through the numbers. The train shifted to a stop and my body stayed with the momentum, pushing me further along the window, but I couldn't care less with how comfortable I suddenly was.

I hadn't slept that nicely in a long while, so warm and soft. I felt the gentle bounce of the train as we went along, coming back to consciousness. Bounce? Last time I checked trains didn't bounce. I half opened my eyes to see I wasn't in the train anymore. Oh that's why. I shut my eyes again before opening them abruptly. I was gently bobbing up and down, watching the cars go by from the sidewalk. The side of my face was pressed up against a firm upper back and hands along the back of my thighs warmed my legs through my skirt. My arms were slung over a pair of broad shoulders, my whole body laid against someone comfortably.

I was...on Kacchan's back?!

My mind was suddenly not drowsy and was running wildly. How had he manged to pick me up from the seat while I was wearing a skirt? Did my head land on his shoulder? Why didn't he wake me up? Was he using his quirk to warm me up right now? I wasn't wearing shorts right now and on a piggy back ride. Oh dear God. They were going to have to wake me eventually, why didn't they do it earlier.

I picked up my head and Kacchan's head perked up at my movement. It was too thoughtful of Kacchan to carry me, though it was probably his mom's idea. But using his quirk to carry me with warm hands was all him. I was...freaking out to say the least.

"Uhh," I croaked, before I was abruptly set down, my skirt falling to cover me. That was the most embarrassing part.

"Good, you were getting heavy."

I knew that was a lie as Kacchan could carry me easily. Hell he could probably carry Kirishima easily and they were pretty much the same weight. My face was unbelievably warm and obviously so, despite the fact it was night time.

"Why didn't you--I mean wh--I was--but you--"

"Would you shut up? I swear to go you never stop talking," he scoffed.

"But you were just..."

"I wish you would just shut up," he repeated and I stopped, giving him what he wanted. He was being extra rude considering what I had just woken up to. My heart pounded in my chest as we reached my house in time for my escape.

"Good night (y/n)," Mitsuki said, waving a goodbye to me and I looked to Kacchan who seemed unaffected by what had just gone down. He just stared back at me and I waved, glancing away my ears tinged red. Maybe I should just shut up. My hands shrunk into the sleeves of the jacket and I cursed, nervously asking myself:

Why did that have to happen to me?

Bakugo's POV

Her head fell solidly with the stop of the train and I glanced over in disgust seeing her resting against my shoulder now. She was sleeping soundly somehow, her lips curled up into a restful expression. I reached a hand over to move her head back before I heard my mother hiss and lightly slap my hand away as to not wake her.

"Don't touch her!" she said and I gave her an incredulous look. My mother was too much to deal with all the damn time. I sighed and placed my head against the window while I felt her breathing softly. It was terrible how often I had to deal with the moron and now this? I glanced at her again, sighing. She just always did whatever she wanted and it drove me crazy. How had a loser like her gained so many friends? There was an eyelash on her face and I brushed it off before scowling at my

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