Jacket | Chpt 15

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(Y/n)'s POV

I arrived at the Bakugo household with a bag in my hand and a heavy feeling in my chest. From what it seemed, they might not even be home which boded well for me. I could just leave it on the porch.

I knocked anyways and I heard a shuffle, stomping on that advantage straight away. Mitsuki opened the door and I watched her face light up when she saw me.

"Oh (y/n)!!! Here to see my brat son?!" She squeezed me in a hug so that my cheek smushed against her collar bone. "So good to see you!"

It was evident to me that Kacchan didn't bring friends home often and since his mom had taken such a liking to me, my presence was very welcomed.

"Oh come in come in!" She said, pulling me inside.

"Oh no I just came to return some things," I said, hoping she would just let me leave them with her.

"Katsuki is training in the park right now, he'll be back soon so you can give it to him. Tea?" She asked and I could only nod at the sweet gesture and offer up a measly thank you. She sat me at the table and started a kettle to which a tall man, who I could only assume to be Kacchan's father entered. "Oh Masaru! This is (y/n), one of Katsuki's friends. Mizuko's daughter!"

"You're...Katsuki's friend?" He asked, looking at me. It was even more evident how secret Kacchan's life was.

"Uh...yes?" I answered, though I would never consider us to be acquaintances, let alone friends.

"Nice to meet you then (y/n), I'm Masaru," he said. For being Kacchan's dad, the guy seemed way too timid. He must get a lot of his traits from his mom. "How's your mom?"

"Oh fine," I replied. "Always looking for new visitors."

"Oh really? I'd love to come visit!" Mitsuki said, pouring a cup of tea for me. How did she make that so fast? I gave out her hospital name to Mitsuki who promised to visit her soon and by the time I finished my cup of tea the front door opened and closed without the accompanying 'I'm home' or any sort of human noise at that. "BRAT. Come here!"

I jumped slightly at the outburst and Masaru gave me a knowing look. I had a feeling I was more similar to Kacchan's father than Kacchan was. That must be why Mitsuki likes me so much.

"What the hell do you want?" He asked, slumping into the kitchen. He spotted me first and his expression fell. His skin was glossy with sweat and his earbuds hung around his neck like a towel would over shoulders. His chest rose and fell further and faster, clueing that he had probably walked home from the work out and was worn.

"Go ahead dear," Mitsuki said, pushing me slightly and Kacchan gave me a look of disgust. I followed him up the stairs to his room in silence, waiting to get out of earshot of his parents.

"What the fuck do you want? Why are you here?" He asked, picking up a small towel strewn over the back of his chair and wiping his face.

"I just came to return these," I said, holding out the bag to him.

"So you hung out with my parents? Why didn't you leave it idiot?"

"Because your mom wouldn't let me idiot," I retorted and he snatched the bag from me. He looked inside before glancing back up at me, irate.


"I just don't want them. You seriously drive me crazy and I can't stand having your clothes in my house. That's all," I said, shoving my hands in my pockets. I gave him a stern look.

He sighed and pulled the orange, zip-up hoodie out of the bag. His weight shifted to put the bag aside.

"I already told you this hoodie is too small for me, so you might as well just take it instead of me throwing it away," he said, staring at it. I studied his figure for a moment, trying to read his body language.

"It reminds me of how pissed I am at you right now," I said, "so throw it away or donate it or something."

"Pissed at me? What the hell do you think the shorts were for?" He asked, gesturing towards the bag.

"Oh don't act like you're not fucking pissed too," I said. "I don't want some stupid pity gesture."

"It's not a pity gesture you fuckhead, it's an apology!" He argued.

"Well I don't want one, ever consider that genius?!" I asked and he took a step towards me, gripping the jacket in his fist. I glowered at him and he returned a similar expression.

Kacchan never apologized, so why had he admitted it twice?

"You're so goddamn ridiculous, it's just a goddamn jacket."

"It's not about the jacket! It's about you! I can't stand you! All I came to do was return them to you and we're having the same argument we had yesterday. Whether it's Todoroki or clothes, you just can't stand the fact I don't do what you say! And I'll say what I said yesterday. I am not your groupie. You're a narcissistic jerk and you have no right to expect anything from me, so take the jacket back!"

His hand quickly snatched the collar of my t-shirt and tugged me up to my toes, but I couldn't care less. I would give anything just to punch him.

"Ever consider that you're the one who's full of themselves? You can't even stop to think that maybe I'm trying to fucking help your pathetic ass and you think you're so much better than me that you never listen?!" He asked.

"If I'm so pathetic then why are you trying to help me, huh?" I asked. We both stopped and I realized we were nearly nose to nose. I could see very clearly into his usually shaded, crimson eyes. We were both baring our teeth at each other through scowls, his hand gripped so tightly around my shirt that his knuckles were white. I had my hand poised behind my back, ready to hit him if I needed. We stared at each other for a moment before he let go of my shirt.

"I won't anymore. Happy? It looked like no one else was going to step up and set you straight," Kacchan said, huffing.

He really though I was just a bumbling mess until he came along? And he was calling me the narcissistic one?

"I don't need your help," I replied, brushing off my shirt and crossing my arms over my chest. He glanced at me with a dull expression. He didn't look so mad anymore, just his usual bored expression.

"So you don't need my help, Fine. I don't care anymore, not that I even did before," he hissed.


He glanced at me again, sneering slightly.

"Why are you still here then?" He asked. I realized that I hadn't left yet. I then turned and swung open his bedroom door. I headed for his front door.

"Leaving now? KATSUKI COME SAY GOODBYE!" Mitsuki called and flashed a smile at me.

"Oh no, we already did," I said, shaking my head. Kacchan was already making his way downstairs. It seemed that he only really listened to his mom. By the time he made his way down the stairs he had already snatched my wrist roughly and dragged me out the door, closing the door on his mother. "Let go."

I yanked my arm away and shot Kacchan a warning look. He still had the sweater gripped in his hand and he was shaking slightly.

"You know you could've just let me leave," I scoffed and I watched him stare at the ground. He didn't answer me. "Hello?"

"Just shut up."

"Bye to you too?" I asked. I was really over it at this point. I was mad and tired, but not physically. It was a mental kind of tired. In one swift motion he had suddenly wrapped the jacket around my shoulders, effectively tugging me closer. My eyes shot open and I watched with wide eyes at his face. He wasn't looking my direction, his hands on either side of the zipper which trapped me. His head turned and we locked eyes for a brief moment, shock running through my body in startling whispers, the gentle smell of caramel set between us. My lips parted slightly before he shoved me away and I stumbled slightly.

"You really want to know why you pissed me off the other day?" He asked. His eyes met mine and I couldn't think of how to breathe. "When I saw you sucking IcyHot's face, you had just given into him again and he doesn't appreciate you, so why even be friends with him. It just didn't make sense and you were once again ignoring me."

Ignoring him or his advice? Was he jealous or something that I wasn't fighting with him?


"Just forget it okay? Everything aside, it's just jacket. It looks better on you anyways," he muttered, his hair in front of his eyes by the way his head was tilted. He turned and opened the front door, shutting it firmly behind him.

I stood there for a moment, staring straight at the spot he had been. I shrugged the jacket from my shoulders, looking down at it my hands. I could barely process what had just happened.

Why in the world would he do that? I told him I didn't want his help. Was this helping me? Was he being nice? Was it really just a jacket?

Did he say it looked better on me?

I looked at his front door for a second before looking back at the jacket.

Do I leave it?

If I left it I would be asserting my place. He would get the message that I truly didn't want any help from him or to do anything with him. I didn't want help from him.

I didn't.

But...standing here I was beginning to realize that I had been subconsciously repressing the fact that I was a groupie.

I wasn't an outright groupie and I never really looked up to Kacchan in the conventional way. I knew he would be a good hero and I respected that, but I always thought he was the worst. But throughout it all there was always a small piece of me that I just couldn't ignore. He had only wanted that Todoroki...appreciate me?

It didn't make sense.

I've always wished that Kacchan and I could be friends.

No matter how mean he could be, I always wished that somehow we might be friends someday. Hope that he would change and everything would be alright. It was such a faded hope, but I still did have hope.

Why? I don't know. It seemed pointless.

But maybe the jacket meant...

I slipped my arms in the sleeves of the jacket, curling the cuffs up into my palms. I sighed, realizing that I was grasping at straws now. I turned and walked away from the door, heading home with shock still settling over me.

I guess I'll take it.

It was just a jacket after all.


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