Want to Know | Chpt 113

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Hello there. I'm back!

I was at my wife's b day party sorry it's so late!!!


PLEASE let me know what you guys want to see from me! I can make a side story of your choosing, make a Bakugo one shot, anything you guys want!! Suggest and I'll pick some things to come out soon for 500k and eventually Bakugo's birthday 🥳

I'm so thankful for every last one of you that follows me here and elsewhere. You guys are truly one of the most amazing things in my life!


Your Mother's POV (someone asked for a mom POV I'm not sure who but I hope this works!!)

"Be safe!" I said, sending Katsuki and my daughter on her way. Mitsuki was clutching her chest when she spotted them grasp hands. She shut her front door, saying something about how she was in a reorganizing mood. Ai peeked in from the kitchen, eyeing me. It was obvious she wanted to talk about something.

She followed me up to the room we were sharing during our stay. It was rather large anyways, and she and I had stayed together when we were kids. This time it was without childish bunk beds.


"So," I replied.

"How was the house? You haven't been there in like 8 or 9 years," Ai said.

"Its a little dusty and the plants are dead, but--"

"No Mizuko, I mean after Yoru," Ai said. We had conversed for a long while after (y/n) left a few weeks ago. After I had explained her father's abusive tendencies, Ai wanted to chat about my discrepancy with her.

"I know it's probably bad to say, but I'm glad I didn't have to live in that house for very long," I said, seating myself on my bed. Ai picked up the mail I had brought back with me. She made her way to get the mail every day or so, but since I was already there I had picked it up.

"Why is it bad?"

"Because I know how hard it was for (y/n)."


"I've been meaning to thank you again for all you've done," I said. Ai glanced around at me, her face softening. "I don't know what to...do to make it up. I can't ever get back the time away from (y/n)."

"Well...I mean that's hard enough. I doubt what I did was more difficult," Ai said, shaking her head. The guilt I would die with was immense, leaving (y/n) in her youth to essentially fend for herself. After all I had kept from her.

I was the worst mother.

And yet she was ecstatic I was back, and so I had to play the part. I would be an even worse person if I put any more on (y/n)'s shoulders. I was just glad (y/n) wanted me around and wanted me to be in her life now that I was back home.

"She's a good kid," Ai replied. "She's not done growing either, you can still do a lot. You've done a lot already."

"I know, thank you," I agreed. Ai smiled at me.

"But the house."

"Yes, the house," I replied. "I suppose it's not all that...great of a place. Being there reminded me so much of Yoru. They really never found him? No body or trace?"


"Need anything?"

"No, thank you," I said, accepting Yoru's outstretched hand. "Going into work?"

"Yes, but Ai will be here," he said, gesturing to the kitchen. "I'll be back as soon as possible if labor starts."

"Right," I said patting my belly. He offered a thin lipped smile before heading out, Ai calling from the kitchen to ask if I wanted to eat.

"It's a good home and I do have many memories of (y/n). It's just she probably doesn't remember many of those," I said.

"You talk to the neurologist (y/n) is seeing?" Ai asked.

"A few times. I still don't understand how that could've happened to (y/n)," I stated. "I distinctly remember when her memory problems began, the neurologists she saw didn't see anything."

"Well her brain has developed since then. It's probably changed a ton," Ai replied, handing me a piece of mail.

"She's way too young for preschool," I said. "She's only 2 and needs to spend more time with us."

"That would be the case if you weren't working all the time. What does it matter? You're gone half the time and she likes you better anyways," Yoru said. (y/n) bumbled along the kitchen floor with a stuffed tiger in her hand, the legs of it dragging on the floor.


"I bring her to work, spend time with her at home, have her around all the time, and she still likes you better," he interrupted.

"I don't know what to tell you. She likes you."

"Oh really?" he asked.

"Perhaps if you weren't so rough. Kids pick up on those things," I pointed out. He pressed me aside rather harshly, ignoring my advice. He headed to pick (y/n) up and she wailed before he could touch her. I picked her up instead, Yoru watching me with cold eyes.

In my hand now was another invitation to a hero luncheon, trying to welcome me back into the community. Towards the beginning of my hospital stay, I had received lots of things and notes from fellow heroes. After a while, they all dissipated until recently. News of my arrival home had reached them, obviously.

"That's like the 3rd one this week, you going?" Ai asked.

"Possibly," I replied. "I don't know what I would say. I don't think I could particularly handle talk of (y/n) now that she's in the hero course."

"I'm sure it'd be alright," Ai reassured.

"Let go please," I murmured. (y/n) peered up, watching the scene unfold. She was upset, but remaining calm. She didn't quite understand what was happening.

"She's got to go to therapy, she can't remember anything," Yoru insisted. After a while of seeing constant doctors, I didn't want that life for (y/n) anymore. Yoru being the one she forgot was more insistent.

"Let go of my arm, it was nearly broken last week during a battle," I reiterated. He held my arm tightly still before letting go of it with a shove. He picked (y/n) up roughly and her eyes widened, panic making tears fill her eyes. "Where are you going?!"

"Anywhere that will fix our daughter," he scoffed before disappearing. I looked to the text from Ai, asking if I would bring (y/n) for dinner.

"How you doing after the whole attack on (y/n)?" Ai asked.

"She can handle herself, handled the situation well," I said. "I know I haven't been around much, but I can tell she was acting oddly."

"I guess," Ai said. "She mentioned something about her and Katsuki bickering a little. Maybe that's why."

"They did?"

"Well, I mean it seems kind of expected when something like that happens. Villain kissing him," Ai said, seating herself on a bed. She let out a sigh.



My eyes drooped as (y/n) placed her own drawing on the bottom of the fridge. I truly needed a nap, relying too heavily upon Ai for support. Yoru had disappeared yet again, without explanation. Even calling his office, they had no idea where he was. Only that he was working remotely. I forced myself up from my chair, wincing.

"Mommy?" I glanced down towards (y/n). "I'm tired."

"Me too Raindrop, why don't we nap?" I asked. I picked her up gingerly, but with much struggle. I made our way to my room, seating myself on the bed. She crawled off, flopping on one of the pillows.

"How come you have a big bed all for yourself?"

"It's for me and dad," I said. She peered at me strangely, but just brushed it off not really knowing who I was talking about. She curled up against me and I let out a sigh as my body relaxed against the pillows. The door to the bedroom opened, Yoru having finally returned after 3 long weeks. I looked to him and he peered back. He didn't look very sorry.

I didn't know that would be the last time I see him.


"Hmm?" I glanced up, Ai breaking my train of thought.

"What did you want to say?"

"Oh...right. (y/n) was asking me what the name of Yoru's lab was," I stated.

"What? Why?"

"I think she want to read up on it," I said. "I told her they were shut down, but there's bound to be articles about it."

"Doesn't that woman Yoru used to work with...doesn't she work at the newer lab across town?"

"Yes, I believe so."

"I'm sure (y/n) will figure that out," Ai said. "You sure you want her to go find her or anyone else that worked at that lab?"


"And she might go for one of those tours. They shut down that lab and turned it into a little center for research holdings and old science things," Ai continued.

"Perhaps...I should go with her if she decides to go."

"You probably should," Ai said. "Knowing (y/n) she's going to dig this up."

"I'll talk to her again when I go in next weekend. I'm supposed to meet people in her class and her teachers. That counselor she sees as well."

"Good luck."

(y/n)'s POV

I scrolled through a few more articles about Karanuro. They had gotten caught up in a ton of animal experimentation issues. It was said that they even conducted experiments and research about people with animal quirks. I thought for a moment about Froppy and Tokoyami. It made my stomach hurt slightly to think about.

I was brought to a directory from years past, scrolling through the names. I copied it down, looking to research some of them up. More specifically the ones in my father's department. Yoru Hatanaka worked in the molecular science department, obviously. His quirk was made for it. It wasn't very difficult to find that most of his team had moved onto molecular distillation in a fancy new research center across town.

Karanuro, after several scandals, was disbanded and turned into a research holding center for other laboratories across Japan. Karanuro is now open for small school field trips and other tours for architecture and science history.

I wrote down the address and saved the tab, figuring I could attend one of the tours. I paused, staring at the official website. Did I even want to go? I had been so against getting myself into more trouble. I should just let it go. But I really did want to know more about my father, even if it was bad news. I let out a sigh, figuring I could continue looking for a little while longer.

I wondered if my mother would take me to see some of the therapists I had seen before. Figure out exactly what was happening when I was a kid. I had a lot of things in front of me to investigate and I really wanted to. Finally figure out my past, knowing it was there but not within my mental grasp.

It wasn't a party knowing you can't remember.

I went to click out of the website when my door opened and I shut it quickly, the address pinned between my laptop screen and keyboard. I spun around to see Kacchan returning from his shower. He still had a towel around his neck, a tank top and sweats covering his body. His eyes immediately went to my laptop, having seen me shut it.

"What are you doing?" he asked, shutting my door.


"Sure, that's convincing," he replied. "What were you looking at?"



"Of you, I was staring at pictures of you from the sports festival," I lied.

"You were looking at pictures of me on your laptop. Really?" he asked, voice dripping with skepticism.

"Yeah, I just think you're really hot is all," I said, standing up in front of my laptop. "And you're so brave, and sweet to me, and so very very handsome."

"Well obviously," he scoffed as I approached him. "But you're not going to distract me."

"Wh--" he darted for the laptop and I leapt in front, wrestling him away. "No! It's my business you can't!"

"The fuck? Is it inappropriate or something?" he asked, grasping me tightly around the waist.

"No! Don't touch--" he pulled me aside, a strong arm trapping my waist against his side. He opened up the laptop and I stopped struggling, the webpage still up. He peered at it, letting go of me. I let myself out of his grasp, feeling stupid and guilty. I knew he was going to scold me for getting myself into stuff I didn't have to deal with. I knew he hated my father more than I did, though I barely knew him so it wasn't all that surprising. It clicked in his head that this was what I was diving into and he looked towards me, half surprised. His eyebrows furrowed and I stared at him, my throat tight.

"This where your dad worked?"


"You going?" he asked.

"Maybe. I don't know," I replied, tugging on my arm with a nervous hand. I glanced down, only hearing Kacchan's breath leaving his nose.

"If you are, I'll come with you."

"What?" I asked, picking my head up.

"I'll go with you dumbass. Not about to let you wander around your deadbeat dad's old office water bitch," he said, stepping away from the laptop.

"I just thought..."


"Eh, never mind," I shrugged him off, sitting back down in my office chair. He took the towel off his neck, hanging it on a door hook to put in the laundry later.

"Thought I was going to be mad?"

"A little," I said. "I know just about everyone doesn't really condone me obsessing over him."

"Why do you want to find out stuff about him?" Kacchan asked.

"I'm just sick of not knowing anything. I have a chance now that my mom is telling me things, so I asked for his lab name," I said. "It's so frustrating knowing that I've forgotten an entire person. Maybe they've got pictures of him or something."

"There's none on the internet?"

"No, a lot of that stuff was unpublished or taken down because of the lab. His missing persons report too," I said.


"Yeah," I replied.

"Well...I want to be supportive," Kacchan said. I looked up at him, leaning up against the wall. "I've been thinking about yesterday about us fighting or whatever."


"You're my strongest ally and I like you around too much to argue," he stated. I felt my stomach flutter as he helped himself up off the wall. "So if you need to know, I'll help you figure it out."

"Thanks KitKat."

His face went pink almost immediately and I tilted my head, slightly confused.


"You just haven't said that dumbass nickname in a while. Stupid," he scoffed and I smirked, realizing that he had been keeping track. He just didn't want to ask me to call him that. He approached and I held my arms up for him to pick me up. He wrapped his arms around, underneath my arms, picking me up from the chair. I wrapped my legs around his hips, laying my head comfortably on his shoulder. I felt his face in the hair at the back of my head, breath at the nape of my neck.

"It's too bad you think KitKat is dumb, I love to use it," I said.

"Ugh, whatever. I can't stop you," he replied. I was playing along, but it was entertaining. He swayed back and forth, still holding me.

"Hey, can we go to the common room? I want to hang out and play video games," I said.


"Okay then let's go," I stated. He let out a sigh, sagging slightly. He complied however, taking me to the common room as is. I glanced up as we passed by Izuku who was also making his way to the common room. I gave him a smirk as Kacchan hurried past him, embarrassed. Izuku smiled slightly, holding back a laugh. Kacchan stopped at the common room, dropping me on the couch. "Ow."

"Too bad," he said, plopping down next to me. I pout slightly. As if they sensed we were here, the Bakusquad made their way to us to play as well.

"No, fuck your patriarchy, I want to play!"

"It's nothing about you being a girl Mina," Kirishima said.

"You always win!" Kaminari whined.

"Get better then," she said, taking his controller to sit beside me.

"Can I play?" Izuku asked.

"No, fuck off nerd," Kacchan said.

"Shut it KitKat," I said and Kacchan blushed fiercely, Sero nearly cracking up with Kaminari. "Izuku you can play."

"After (y/n) and I kick ass," Mina said. She offered me an elbow to bump and I did, accepting my character as we began. Kacchan just eyed Deku with a soft glare, Kirishima holding his phone out to show Bakugo something. Kacchan settled up against my side as I played and I smiled, feeling his warm side.

"You bitch!" Kaminari called.

"Awe, sucks to suck Pikachu," Mina taunted and I laughed.


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