Mom Visits | Chpt 114

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Hey babies


(y/n)'s POV

"Are you really this nervous?"

"Yes Bakugo, I am," I replied. He glanced up at me, knowing I was fully serious. I was more than willing to mess around sometimes, but I didn't want to right now. My mother had been approved to come by the school. I wanted her to like my friends more than anything.

"Alright, well relax," he said, placing a hand on your shoulder. "This is only your mom we're talking about here."

"I know, it's just...Kaminari."

"What about Dunce Face?"

"Doesn't he always hit on your mom?" I asked. I watched Kacchan's face sour as he sighed.

"Bastard is lucky he's not dead yet."

"Just...keep him away from my mom," I pleaded. "Please?"

"Fine," Kacchan muttered.

"Thank you," I said, grasping his face. I kissed both his cheeks and his nose, through the hair covering his forehead, at his temples. His face scrunched up and he pushed me back after at least 10 pecks.

"Alright," he said, his cheeks warm and his face embarrassed and kind of dumb. I smiled at him warmly, taking his hand. He followed me into the common room where she was due, finding most of the class there.

"This is a very exciting opportunity to meet a former pro hero and the mother of a beloved classmate, but we cannot overwhelm her!" Iida instructed, trying to contain the bit of rowdiness going on.

"Beloved?" I asked, walking up behind Iida. "If I didn't know any better Iida, I'd say you have a crush on me."

"What?! That's preposterous!" he replied, fixing his glasses. A nervous sweat was forming at his brow.

"Who do you like Iida?" Mina chimed in.

"That is certainly inappropriate! We are training to be pro heroes! I cannot be mixed up in personal affairs of any romantic sort," he said, beating around the question. I stood beside Kacchan who placed an elbow on my shoulder, leaning on me ever so slightly. This was the first I had seen of Kacchan all day. He had been with Kirishima for the morning.

"Thank you."

Everyone glanced round to Aizawa showing my mother into the common room. She stopped and surveyed the scene, a soft smile on her face. Aizawa took an exhausted seat at the side. I took a step towards my mother, only to have a stressed Iida beat me there.

"Hello Cascade! Welcome to our school. I am class 1-A representative and friend of (y/n)'s." Iida held out a hand for her to shake and she took it softly. Iida calmed himself enough to keep from violently shaking the living daylights out of my mother.

"You have a lot of friends," my mother pointed out, turning to look at me.

"Right! Do not crowd her," Iida repeated, stepping off to the side. My mother thanked him for the welcome before coming to stand beside me.

"Hello Katsuki," my mother greeted, placing a gentle hand on his head. He shrank slightly and I saved him from his embarrassment.

"Right mom, so I'll just introduce you to everyone one by one," I said, taking her towards Izuku and Todoroki. She knew them already of course.

"Jeez Bakugo, you don't have just a raindrop charmed, you have the whole storm," Kaminari joked.

"Shut your face, damn extra," Kacchan scoffed before I stepped away.

"Izuku, you look so strong now," my mother said. "What happened to your hand?"

"Ahh, just a couple training accidents," Izuzku brushed off.

"And how are you?" she asked, turning to Shouto.

"Well, thank you," Todoroki replied.

"You know them and you know Iida now. This is Uraraka," I said, pointing her out to my mother.

"Hello dear."

"And that's Tsuyu," I continued.

"Tsu's fine," Tsu replied.

"Nice to meet you both, so adorable," my mother said.

"Thanks!" Uraraka replied, her face going slightly pink. We moved along, Jirou fighting Kaminari off her shoulder.

"This is Jirou," I said.

"You're the one with good music taste," my mother remembered.

"Yeah, thanks," Jirou replied.

"You know who I am?!" Kaminari asked.

"Hmm, would you be my daughter's least favorite?" my mother teased and Kaminari's face dropped in surprise. Jirou snorted and Kaminari shoved her.

"No, actually I'm her favorite. She likes me more than Bakugo so," Kaminari sighed, placing a hand around my mother's shoulders. I looked to Kacchan who sighed and made his way over. "You look very young you know, I--"

"Pikachu!" Kacchan called.

"What?! I didn't do anythi--" he took off, jostling my mother slightly. Kacchan went after him and I sighed, my mother turning to me with an amused expression.

"He's annoying, but...he's funny sometimes and he's a good guy. That was Kaminari," I replied.

"I supposed."

We met along with everyone before we got to Kirishima, Sero, and Mina.

"Heya!" Mina greeted first.

"You must be Mina then."

"Yes ma'am!"

"I've probably heard the most about you," my mother replied. Mina smirked at me.

"I am quite the conversation topic," Mina nodded and I rolled my eyes.

"Nice to see you again," Kirishima said, offering up a fist bump. My mother tapped it lightly, hearing Kaminari and Kacchan's return.

"I'm Sero," Sero greeted, shaking my mother's hand.

"So that's everyone then?"

"Well, everyone but Mineta," I stated. "But he's locked up somewhere."

"Locked up?"

"He's gross, don't worry about it," I shrugged. "Either way, yes that's everyone."

"You miss us?" Kaminari asked, leaning on Kacchan. Kacchan just rolled his eyes. My mother looked in Kaminari's direction before remembering one more friend.

"What about, uhm, Shinsou?" she asked, confirming his name. I felt Kaminari's gaze on me, having caught her train of thought.

"He's in class 1-C, I'll see if he's around."

"And that reminds me, you've got a girlfriend don't you Kirishima?"

"Yeah, she's in the support course," Kirishima piped up from behind us.

"I know about her too."

"How come you were reminded of--"

"Ah, would you look at the time," I stated. "We should go see the counselor."

"Right!" my mother replied, looking towards me to lead her. Aizawa stood up, his cue to follow us. I believed it was just because he wanted to see Joue.

"We'll back back later! Maybe do something fun," I said, heading out with my mother and Aizawa. I let out a breath, not wanting anyone to make the connection between Shinsou and Kaminari.

"How's the hero world?" my mother asked Aizawa. He gave some pessimistic, vague answer. They started talking about a few things in the past and I tuned them out, shooting a 'sorry' text to Kaminari. We got to the office where Joue was talking quietly with one of the ladies working at the desk.

"Hey Joue!" I called. She glanced up, picking up her papers.

"Hi (y/n), you must be Mizuko," Joue said, holding out a hand towards my mother.

"That I am," my mother replied. I started back towards Joue's office and Joue laughed ever so slightly at my eagerness. She gestured for my mother to go first and Aizawa shooed Joue in front of him. I let myself into her office, plopping down on the floor. Everyone else filed in and Aizawa made himself comfortable in the corner. He was close to falling asleep just walking in here.

"So, is there anything you want to know?" Joue asked.

"No, no, I'm just glad that (y/n) has someone good to talk to," my mother said. I smiled.

"Oh, well that's my job and I'm happy to," Joue said.

"So you've worked other places before this?" my mother asked. They started talking about my mother's hero things and Joue's past and current career. "I've tried to get (y/n) into ballet lessons."

"Ugh," I scoffed.

"See," my mother said. Joue laughed.

"Well, maybe she'll take up some interest. I take Mina to ballet lessons in a studio nearby," Joue said.

"You do?" Aizawa asked. We all jumped, forgetting he was here and not realizing he was awake.

"Yes," Joue replied. "There's a studio that lets me use their space sometimes. Mina likes to take ballet for strength, balance, fluidity, all that stuff. I've been meaning to offer it up to everyone."

"I guess I could come watch," I said. Eventually we had to leave so that my mother could talk more with my classmates.

"I'll see you later this week," Joue stated to me and I nodded. My mother stood, brushing off her pants.

"I like you," my mother stated simply.

"Oh, well thank you. Its an honor to meet you," Joue replied. My mother tugged her into an unexpected hug. This sort of behavior was expected out of Ai, but for my mother this was an oddity.

"Thank you for taking care of my daughter."

"'re welcome."

"You too Eraserhead. I appreciate everything you do," my mother said, letting go of Joue. Joue just looked at me, confused.

"Well I wouldn't say I'm--"

"Thank you both," my mother interrupted. "We're going back for chatting?"

"Uhm, yeah mom," I replied, letting her out first. Aizawa sensei just shrugged and laid back down in his spot. Joue looked down at him, shaking her head as she went to sit at her desk. I guess he was staying. I shut the door, joining my mother in the walk back. "Mom, what was that all about?"

"I'm just thankful you have so many wonderful people looking after you Raindrop," she said. "I wasn't able to, so I'm grateful they could. Whoever and whenever."


"Besides, who knows what'll happen. I'd rather say what I want to say than never get the chance to speak to that person again," she said.

"Right, it's just're talking like you're about to die."

"What? I'm not about to die."

"It just sounded like it."

"I'm not dying (y/n). Don't stress yourself so much honey," my mother said. "I was just thinking about all the things I didn't get to do before I was hospitalized, that's all. I want to do what I can."

"Okay. I guess that's a good way to think about it," I said. We stopped by to see Jenny and Shinsou. I hadn't seen them in a while, so it was nice to catch up. Jenny and I planned another double date. Talking with Shinsou, my mother complimented his hair and for his acceptance into the hero course next year. We finally made it back to the common room.

"Hey!" Kaminari called as we arrived. "Everyone thinks you can beat me in arm wrestling."

"I can," I stated.


"Yes, I so can."


"How much?"

"10 bucks."

"You're on," I replied. We set up and my mother stood beside Izuku, watching for a moment. I obviously kicked Kaminari's ass and he coughed up the 10 dollars.

"We were holding hands," he joked.

"I'm going to buy ear plugs so I don't have to listen to you," I teased. After a while, people were just asking my mom questions about being a hero, things like that. People were beginning to sound just like Izuku with all their questioning. I smirked slightly at the thought of it.

"You look so much like your mother (y/n)," Hagakure said.

"Oh thanks, I know. It's kind of like a slightly off photo copy," I replied. She laughed ever so slightly. I glanced up to see my mother was gone. I furrowed my brow, wondering where she had gone. "Where's--" She returned with Kacchan, placing a hand on his arm as a thank you of some sort. I eyed her, wondering what that was all about. Kacchan left her again with Izuku, who began questioning her. Even after all these years he still had something to be curious about. Kacchan plopped down next to me. "Where were you guys?"

"Needed the bathroom."

"Oh, okay," I replied, leaning against him slightly. "Hey Kacchan?"


"I love you."

"I, uh, love you too. Loser."



"Why do I love you?"

"No why are you saying it now?"

"I don't know, my mom was talking about how she wanted to do everything she wanted because she didn't before the care facility. It's...a good thing to live by I guess," I said.

"You sound like you're dying."

"That's what I said."

"Well, I love you too. Even though you're annoying as fuck."

"Awe Kacchan~" I cooed. He shoved me playfully and I ended up dozing off ever so slightly on his shoulder. My mother woke me and I walked her to the front of the building and through the gate. There was a cab waiting for her.


"Yeah mom?"

"I wanted to let you know that if you ever want to go for a tour at the Karanuro lab, that I'd like to go with you."


"It's just that I expected you to and I don't want you to alone."

"Kacchan offered to go with."

"Oh good. I'd just feel better knowing you had one of us, or better yet both of us, with you."

"I don't know if I want to go," I said. "I'll decide soon."

"Don't worry about it."

Now that she had been talking so adamantly about doing things in case she couldn't in the made me think that maybe I should. I had been leaning towards not going, it seemed like something that would probably turn unpleasant. If I could avoid that I would. But it was something new. Something that might help me make sense of stuff.

"Bye mom, I'll call you later," I said.

"Bye Raindrop," she said, kissing my forehead before she got in the cab to head home. It had all seemed very fast paced, so when I returned inside, I stopped again by Joue's office. I wanted to get her opinion on what I should do, this time without my mother here.

I knocked quietly on her door before opening it, finding the lights dim and the office quiet. She was there, sat in the most full bean bag so that she was relatively upright. She was going through some papers, with her free hand. The other hand was partially detained by Aizawa. He was in his sleeping bag, fast and deeply asleep. He was seated perpendicular to Joue, sat between her legs with the tail end of his sleeping bag over her right leg. He was resting against the left side of her chest, his head on her left shoulder. Her left arm, the one not free, was holding around his back so his face was almost buried in her neck. For once, he had the top part of his sleeping bag down. She glanced up at me, her eyes widening.

"Oh hey," she whispered. I pointed to Aizawa. "Yeah, he's kind of a big baby." She shrugged her open shoulder.

"I can...come back later."

"No, he's practically dead," Joue said, hand reaching up to scratch the back of his head. She was still talking quietly tho. His breath was steady so that every time he exhaled onto Joue neck she squirmed slightly. Before she had been distracted with the papers. "Just don't go mouthing this to your friends, he might give you detention."

I smirked. So they were getting along well.

"Well I just wanted to get your opinion is all."


"My mom, after she opened up about my dad, was willing to give me the name of his old workplace when I asked. Karanuro labs. They give tours and I don't suppose it's all too bad over there, but it's where my dad used to work. You know? Kacchan and my mom both offered to come with if I went for a tour. On one hand it would be so relieving to finally learn more about my dad, seeing as I've forgotten everything about him. But I'm so nervous I kind of don't want to go."

"So you're trying to decide whether to go or not?"


"Well (y/n). We've talked before about how you're allowed to se limits for you. When something seems like too much at the current time, there's always more time to let it sit and face it later. Not to push it off of course. Is this something that's too much right now? I know there was an attack at the license re-exams very recently."

"I don't think it's too much...I'm just nervous. I have no idea if it's going to be bad or not."

"That's just the thing sweetheart. It's going to make you nervous no matter what. We can work on stuff to make you feel less nervous, like breathing," Joue said. "Is this something you want to do?"


"Alright, we'll focus in on derailing that anxiety so you can not feel so nervous going to those labs," Joue stated.


"No problem, happy to help." I glanced at Aizawa who shifted to hold around Joue waist. I could see her face getting warm.

"Mom and dad, sitting in a beanbag. K I S S I N—"

"No way, I don't think so," Joue said.

"I'm just saying," I said. She shook her head, though I wasn't all that convinced. I neared her, looking closer at Aizawa. I didn't get all too close to him to just look at him. He wasn't all that intimidating when he was asleep.

"I'm glad he doesn't snore." I stifled a laugh, placing my hand over my mouth. "This reminds me of when I'd have kids so nervous for the ballet classes I was teaching. I'd have to hold them a majority of the time."

"He's like a little baby."

"You're going to tell people aren't you?"

"Yeah, honestly detention can't stop me," I sighed with content. Normally, Aizawa would wake up by now. He could probably feel the gaze and hear the gentle talking. But he was still out like a light when I stood up. Must me something about Joue. "I'll see you later Joue, thanks again."

"No problem," she said, picking up her papers again. As I shut the door, I managed to catch a glimpse of her tilting her head to the side and resting her cheek on his head. I headed back to Kacchan, half happy and half smug. I figured I would stay in Kacchan's room today. "Hey baby, guess what Aizawa sensei was doing?"

Kacchan glanced up from his bed, hands in his lap as he sat up.


"He was asleep on Joue, it was so cute," I said. "Our teacher is literally a big baby."

"Is he?"

"Yeah he was like—" I moved him, seating myself between his legs and turning so my side was against his chest. I nestled into his neck and his arm wrapped around my back. "Can you believe that?"

"No, I can't."

"It's so funny," I stated, looking at him. I smiled sweetly at him and he broke down slightly, smiling instead of glaring back. I gave him a solid smooch on his cheek and he complained, wiping it off as I grinned.


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