The Counselor | Chpt 71

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Hey kids

I see tons of comments about Kaminari, so if you haven't already, you can check out Loud Blondes on my page if you want. It's a Kaminari x reader.


(Y/n)'s POV

"Well that wasn't much," I said, tugging my phone from my purse. Izuku and I passed by an empty nurses station. I noted that there was a vase of flowers next to the name tag station. Makoto's was still up and would probably make its way to his family. I sighed.

"It really wasn't."

"You'd think with however many years they were married, she'd have a little bit more," I said. "She didn't even get into the part about me disliking him since I was like, born. You'd think that would be important, but I hate to make my mom uncomfortable."

"You'd think," Izuku repeated. I was going to ask him what was up, I saw the massive amount of calls from Mina.

"Oh my—look," I said, showing Izuku the phone. He stared at it and then back up at me.

"How come she didn't leave a voicemail?"

"I don't know," I sighed, clicking the call back option as we dropped off our lanyards. I placed it to my ear, letting it ring. "I hope nothings wrong with Sero—Mina!"

"Oh hey! (Y/n)."

"How come you called me a billion times? Is there an emergency? What's happening?"

"No, no, I just butt dialed you a bunch! How crazy? Right?" She said and I glanced at Izuku, though he couldn't hear Mina's side of the conversation.

"So nothing's wrong with Sero?" I asked.

"Nope! Right babe?" She said.

"Uh, what?" Sero asked.

"You're fine!"

"Thanks?" He replied and I raised an eyebrow in confusion.

"You really but dialed me all those times?" I ensured and there was a brief silence on the other end of the line.


"Uh, okay Mina. Just making sure you're alright," I replied.

"Yeah I hope you're doing alright too," she said.

"It wasn't bad with my mom, you don't need to worry about that," I said.

"Right, your mom," she commented.

"You know what I'll see you later, right?" I asked and she hummed in agreement. "Cool, love you Mina."

"Love you too," she said, her voice squeaking slightly before hanging up. It was obvious that something was up with her, but not something too immediately dangerous.

"She's hiding something," I commented, shutting off my phone.

"Sure," Izuku said. I glanced at him.

"Now what are you keeping from me?" I asked and he glanced my way.

"When you stalled talking about your dad, you weren't serious right?" He asked.

"What do you mean? Serious as in wanting to ask Kacchan out?" I asked. He nodded. "Sorry Zuku, I already tried that once."

"I just don't...want you to pursue that anymore." I raised an eyebrow at him. His hand ran up the nape of his own neck, fingers parting his hair. "I don't think it's right for you to be with Kacchan."

"You think that me and Kacchan being together is not 'right'?" I reiterated, making sure I knew exactly what he was saying. "Why?"

"I mean...I've known Kacchan for as long as you, longer actually. I couldn't even manage to make a friend out of him and—"

"You don't think he's any different do you?" I interrupted.

"Well...not that. Sure he's changed a little, but he's still the guy that used to bully you," Izuku said.

"Yeah used to," I said. "And he's since apologized and made it up to me."

"That doesn't mean you should date him," Izuku said. I opened my mouth to retort back, but shut it. I didn't want to get angry nor could I tell Izuku that we actually were dating.

"I don't know if you want to protect me or something, but if I believe that Kacchan has changed for the better then who's to say I shouldn't date him. I like him and he likes me, just because he's doesn't want to date right now doesn't mean I'll stop trying," I said.

"You should."

"Just because he's not buddy buddy with you doesn't mean he hasn't changed Izuku. Notice how he hasn't said a mean thing to me in so long. Sure we tease, but that's not mean. He hasn't tried to kill you, doesn't that count for something? He actually wants to play nice with you because you're important to me."

"Well I don't understand why he's only changing for you, not because it's the right thing to do."

"The way things ended up, we just bettered each other. Maybe I'm a special person to him, is that so wrong?"

"I know Kacchan and he doesn't want to have a person like that, it scares him."

"People can change their minds! Weren't you the one who talked to him after the dance? Sent him my way?"

"Yeah and I don't think it was the right choice," he said.

"Well maybe you don't know Kacchan like you used to. I know you think you've got everything figured out in your notebooks, but people change and you can't go off of that stuff all the time."

"You don't get it."

"Clearly I don't."

"You have a lot going on," Izuku said, sighing. "I just don't want you to get hurt." I felt my heart squeeze in my chest.

"I won't."

"You don't know that."

"I do. Kacchan actually gives me a break from some of that stuff, believe it or not. He makes me feel safe," I said and Izuku looked at me. "It's not like I never had that, my friends make me feel safe too, but right now...I need Kacchan."

"I guess if he makes you feel safe...It's just hard for me to believe, having experienced the things I have with Kacchan."

"All the bad things. I've experienced good too."

"I just can't picture one of my best friends with the guy who told me to kill myself."

I felt my blood run cold, my hands curling up into tight fists. Izuku glanced up, seeing that I had stopped on the sidewalk we had been walking on. Izuku realized what he had said and my stomach grew sick.

"He–he said what?" I watched Izuku swallow and grow paler as the silence continued. "Izuku."

"He told me to take a swan dive off the room of the building in 8th grade," he said, so quiet I almost couldn't hear him. I let out a breath, running a hand over my mouth. I could recall some instances that Kacchan had taunted me like that. I remembered him insinuating my disappearance would lack any impact.

"I'm sorry. Maybe you're right." Izuku's eyes grew wide. I turned away and began walking again, forcing him to catch up with me. "I can't believe he said that to you."

There were so many good things about Kacchan and he never intended to hurt me now. He made up for all those thing he said and did to me, but not Izuku. Izuku was a piece of my life, and if it remained the same how was I supposed to justify my relationship with Kacchan. In that moment, I was finally glad I didn't have to tell Izuku. I think our official relationship would hurt him.



"I would never—"

"I know." He stared at me with a pitying expression. He struggled slightly to walk and look at me, tripping over his own feet as he tried to keep up with me.

"I didn't want to ruin your safe space."

"What kind of safe space is it, knowing what he did?"

"What if he just apologized to me for it," he suggested.

"Why are you defending him now?" I asked, finally stopping.

"Because...I might not get it, but you're right. It's different with you," he said. "I can just get him to apologize! Yeah! Then you can still try and be with him."


"No, no, I was wrong."


"I mean sure Kacchan can be mean sometimes, but everyone deserves a chance to grow and he's no exception! Just because I haven't experienced it totally, firsthand, doesn't mean he hasn't grown! He even has changed a little with me, you're right! You can make your own decisions and I'll be right there, because that's what you do for me! If you get hurt, that's just a chance to come back twice as strong! All Might would be so disappointed in how I was going about this! I'm so sorry!" He said. When he looked up he saw me staring at him, awaiting his grand finish. "Sorry, I was rambling."

"Yeah, you kind of were."

"But I should've never said that."

"No, you were concerned. Thank you," I said. "I just...don't know what to do about this whole swan dive situation."

"I'm sure he'd apologize if he really does like you!" He said.

"Yeah, but what is a measly apology that I'm forcing him to give to you."

"Hearing the words 'I'm sorry' out of Kacchan's mouth speaks more than you think," he says. I let out a soft sigh.

"I guess you know more about Kacchan than I thought," I said.

"Don't you have an appointment with the counselor?" He asked and I grasped his arm. Upon looking at his dorky All Might watch, I noticed I had about 10 minutes, which was not enough time.

"Shoot! Agh! Come to my room later and I'll have talked to Kacchan about this! We have to run."

"Oh! Okay," he said, taking off into a sprint with me. We ran to the school and I could hear Izuku out of breath, but laughing, as we ran. "We haven't jogged together in a long time!"

"Good! Better now than never!" I called and he smiled at me. We made it to the school and we stopped at the door. "I'll see you later Zuku, love ya!"

"Love you too (y/n)," he said, letting out a tired breath. I could still feel the new and sickening information settling uneasy in my stomach. I hoped this wouldn't be a big deal, not to mention I still needed to find Mina after her string of calls. 'Butt dialed' calls. I hurried to the office, checking in and collapsing into a chair. I finally caught my breath, finding that I was oddly nervous. It was sort of like the twisting feeling before a presentation, which caused me to anxiously bounce my right leg. My appointment time passed and I grumbled. Had I seriously run for the counselor to be late?

"(Y/n)?" I glanced up. There was a tall woman calling my name. The top half of her hair twisted into a knot, held in place with a pencil. The rest of it was too short to even go into a ponytail. She looked at me through glasses with a gentle smile.


"Come on back," she said. She turned and began walking without me so I stumbled to get up and follow her, as to not lose her in the office. Upon reaching her, I noticed she had large dangling earrings of which the wire was twisted to look like faces Picasso might paint. She reminded me of the counselor at the class trip site, the one that had completely embarrassed me in front of Kacchan. I felt my lips curl up though, as I remembered that was when Kacchan forcibly admitted that he enjoyed my laugh. I entered her office, taken aback slightly by the look of it.

One wall was plastered with hero merch, more specifically Aizawa sensei's. It was all illegitimate or self made of course m, because Aizawa sensei didn't have any actual stuff he endorsed, and it was what caught my eye. The wall was completely gray and black with his figure, which was distracting compared to the rest of the pale room, and my eyes widened. I spotted the same Aizawa figure that I had given Aizawa. Of course it wasn't the exact same one, but instead her own.

" like Eraserhead?" I asked and she glanced up.

"That I do! Don't tell him this is here, he'll make me take it all down," she said, laughing to herself. "Go ahead and sit down!" I glanced around for a spot to sit, seeing that her office was a little too small to cram with chairs so she had several large beanbags. I plopped down in one, noting how much higher up she seemed from sat at her desk. "Sorry, I'll be down in a sec."

"You're going to sit down here?"

"I have beanbags for a reason, that's one of the best ways to sit," she said, marking some paper on her desk. "You can call me Joue. I only started working here this year."

"Uh okay," I replied. I studied her further, which I thought was impressive considering the Aizawa wall looming over me. I glanced to my left seeing a gray scarf hung on her wall and a small pillow with his yellow goggles painted all over it. I noticed now that all these things and the wall faced her desk too, which meant she looked at it all day. I stifled a smile, realizing that she really...liked him. I shuddered, thinking what her apartment here must look like.

She was a pretty intense person, I could tell already. She seemed really into her job as well, which was both good and bad for me. I shifted awkwardly in my beanbag. Her lips scrunched from one side to the other as she thought. She seemed nice enough and I thought she was pretty, but her obvious awkwardness sort of drew attention away from both of those. It made me feel a little more comfortable though, knowing she was relatable in that sense.

The rest of the room was a pale purple, which made the light from the lamps around her room purple too. She had a couple interesting gifts and things upon a bookshelf. There was a little Winnie the Pooh bear there and a few other Disney things. She must be a fan. There were also a couple small labeled boxes with stress toys and other things for students to use. It looked like a weird kind of hang out spot with a weird...obsession wall. The door opened with a soft knock and an office woman popped her head in.

"Joue, I put the papers in your mailbox and I'll make sure to put the do not disturb sign on your door," the woman said.

"Oh, uh, thank you," Joue stuttered, watching carefully until she was gone. Joue let out a breath, seemingly more comfortable when she was gone.

"Do you not like her?" I asked she stood up.

"Ah, no I just tend to fit in better with you kids," she said. "Sometimes I really just can't talk to people." Interesting. It seemed she seemed rather comfortable with me, so maybe she was just a shy kind of person around people her age. Odd trait for a counselor, but I guess it made sense considering she worked with kids. "Thank goodness she didn't see this."

"What?" She gestured to the wall, walking over. She pulled down a screen to cover it, like a window had blinds, and I placed a hand over my mouth.

"I usually cover it up. Freaks some kids out to have him staring at you," Joue explained. She placed a hand beside her mouth, whispering to me. "I'm not supposed to have it."  She covered it completely, peeking at it once more before plopping down across from me. She sat cross-legged with a blanket strewn over her legs.

"You should, Uh, talk to him. He's my teacher," I said.

"Aha, no way kiddo. I'd make an embarrassment of myself. That's why I haven't even introduced myself," she said, her face growing pink and her voice skittish. "I just started really getting to work here recently so I haven't really met any of the teachers outside this main office anyways. I'm supposed to make my rounds to the classes and introduce myself as the replacement soon. I'm alright in my office, that's all, but let's not get into that. We're supposed to talk about you!" I felt considerably less nervous now that I had sat in her office for a short while.


"What seems to be troubling you? I mean we don't have to get right into it if you don't want to, but I don't want to waste your time of course," she said, smiling gently at me.

"There's a lot of things."

"We don't have to get to all of it today, I'm pretty much always here," she said, leaning back slightly to stretch her back. "You could always just tell me what they are and pick one that seems to be bothering you the most."

"That sounds alright," I said. She reached up, tugging a clipboard down from her desk.

"You feel a little stressed huh?" She asked.

"I didn't...say anything."

"Oh, I'm sorry! I'm an emotional reader," she said. I watched as Joue pulled her collar to the side to reveal a cartoon heart just below her collar bone. It was a deep crimson color and faded to white. "That red color means you're stressed. I of course would like to help, it doesn't feel very good does it."

"No it doesn't."

"I can feel that too," she said, patting her chest. She focused in on me, awaiting what I had to say. So that was why she was a counselor.

"Well. I'm being targeted by a villain who wants to date my boyfriend. I'm not allowed to leave school alone or with my boyfriend. My boyfriend used to be my bully up until like a few months ago. My dad left when I was 3 years old and my aunt has to look after me because my mom has an injury from being a hero so she stays in a care facility. My boyfriend also still doesn't like my best friend because he used to bully my best friend too. I'm supposed to talk to both of them about it after this. I also have to keep the fact we're dating a secret because of my attacker. They think they're getting intel from the school so if they found out, that would be bad. It really upsets him and me too. Everyone around me and myself seem to be bummed out most of the time," I ranted, without batting an eye. I glanced over at the messy scribbles on her clipboard and when I looked up at Joue she was wide eyed, not knowing where to begin.

"Uh.." she drawled, glancing at the clipboard. She awkwardly pressed up her glasses. "Well. Let's...we could talk about today."

"Well I got more information on my dad from my mom when I went to go visit her. I learned my boyfriend told my best friend to kill himself last year and I'm sure my boyfriend would apologize for it. That's what's going to happen this afternoon. Although my best friend doesn't know we're officially dating because of the rule."

"Oh my...why don't you, Uh tell me about these 2 boys." I felt almost compelled to spill my entire life story to this woman, as if I hadn't already. I hadn't felt this comfortable in weeks, maybe it was the bean bag.

"My best friend's name is Deku. Or Izuku Midoriya. I call him Izuku. I met him when we were 5 and I protected him from my boyfriend Katsuki Bakugo, or as Izuku and I call him, Kacchan."

"So you're dating Kacchan, Izuku is your best friend. Kacchan used to bully both of you until you changed your mind and he still doesn't like Izuku?" I nodded. "And what was Kacchan doing when you met Izuku."

"He was making fun of him for not having a quirk. Izuku is a super late bloomer, he got his quirk right before this school year."

"Really?" Joue said, placing her pen at her lips. "I'd love to speak with him, but continue."

"Well this year, Kacchan and I were partnered up for a ton of stuff. Aizawa-sensei—" I watched her perk up at the mention of his name. "He thought it would be a good idea so we'd learn to at least get along. There was some drama along the way and I realized that I liked him. He's changed a lot in my opinion and while him and Izuku are at odds, he tries to play nice with him for me. He knows Izuku is really important to me. Recently, I learned that Kacchan started feeling different towards me in middle school. One of the reasons why is because I was one of the few people who actually stood up to him. He finally realized he liked me this year and so did I. Well visa versa. Now we're dating and I like him very much, I'm just worried about Izuku now."

"And Izuku knows this?"

"Yeah, we talked about it literally right before I showed up here."

"What about Kacchan?"

"No, that's for later."

"Well, if you'd like some advice, I can offer some," she said. She looked me up and down. "Something tells me that you attract a lot of trouble."

"What gave it away?" She smiled.

"My advice with later today. Make sure you have complete control over the situation. If the 2 boys in your life start

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