Pretty | Chpt 72

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Heyo. So the counselor Joue is an OC I based off myself. She's...basically just me with a quirk so now you know I'm just a simp for Aizawa. Thanks for liking her, that boosts my self esteem lol. I'm not licensed therapist but if y'all need someone to talk to, I'm here to listen and I do know a few things about psychology.

But yeah, I basically just exposed my personality as Joue. You'll be seeing more of her in the future.


(y/n)'s POV

By the time I got back to Kacchan's dorm, I was getting pretty tired from how early I got up to see my mother. For once, Kacchan had stayed up past 8:30 while I was there. Guaranteed it was only 9:30, but I still felt tired from the 2 things I had already done today. Not to mention the fact I spilled my guts to the counselor, which was exhausting as it was. I knocked on his door, remembering I technically have a key but not wanting to barge in. I heard a shuffle and the door opened.


"(y/n)!" Kirishima called, roughly slinging himself on Kacchan's shoulder.

"How many fucking times do I have to tell you to not do that?!" Kacchan scolded.

"Ah relax Kacchan~" I peered inside at Kaminari approaching. How was he not dead at this point?

"Don't call me that you fuckhead," Kacchan hissed.

"Well what are you doing here?" Kaminari asked, suggestively. It was at that moment that I realized it was suspicious to be approaching Kacchan on his own territory when we weren't dating. Not dating to Kaminari's knowledge.

"Oh! Well...I'm here because...Kirishima invited me. Right Kiri?" I said, glancing his direction.

"Yes! That is true. I did that," Kirishima said, giving me a shark toothed grin. I just nodded, stepping inside.

"He invited you to come steal your bras with us?" Kaminari said.

"You're doing what?!"

"Aha! Gotcha! Nah we were just chilling," he said and I let out a breath.

"Yeah, you're just so funny," I retorted, sarcastically.

"We did that earlier, that's why," Kacchan said, smirking in my direction. My eyes narrowed and he held up his hands in surrender.

"As if we'd need (y/n)'s bras, I mean what about Bakubro's," Kirishima teased.

"I'll literally melt your fucking face off," Kacchan threatened and I smirked back at him. I sunk down to sit on the floor, my back propped up against the bed. Kaminari roughly flopped over my lap and I let out a groan. He rolled over to look up at me, his shoulder pressed into my stomach.

"Can I help you?"

"Nope," he said, him snuggling up and I, sighing. Out of the corner of my eye, I could see Kirishima placing a tightly gripped hand on Kacchan's shoulder, most likely to keep him from beating the shit out of Kaminari. I looked up at him and smiled, only for him to pout back at me. He did visibly relax, however.

"We should probably head out anyways, right Kaminari?" Kirishima suggested.

"But (y/n) just got here? Why would you invite her and then leave?" Kaminari asked. "Plus I just got comfy!"

"Because! I invited her a while ago, she was just busy."


"Let's go," Kirishima said, tugging Kami up by his arm. Kirishima ruffled my hair, pulling him from the room.

"Oh wait! I get it, you're trying to get them alon—"

"Dude, shut up," Kirishima scoffed and Kaminari zipped his lips, as if Kacchan and I hadn't obviously heard what he said. They left and I heard Kacchan let out a sigh.

"They're so fucking stupid," he said, offering up a hand to me. I took it, letting him help me up onto his bed from the floor. "How was today?" He asked.

"It was—" I stopped, straining my eyes to look up at his hand fixing up my hair for me. "Fine."

"Well talk about it dummy," he said. His right hand cupped my face, his thumb running underneath my eye. "You look tired, maybe tomorrow."

"Uh no, I can talk now," I said, causing him to take my right hand in both of his. My hands were a little cold, and he sat warming them up with his own. "Well I asked my mom about my dad and she didn't have much. Just that he was not really an emotive person, worked in a science lab, got really excited about me being born, and...that's it."

"That's all?"

"Yup, apparently he wasn't all that much of a conversation topic," I said. "I hate making my mom uncomfortable anyways."

He hummed and switched to warm up my left hand, the pads of his fingers kneading into my palm slightly. He seemed sort of worn out too, probably from hanging around Kirishima and Kaminari.

"You know we never checked to see if they really left," I murmured and he stopped, hopping up and opening his door to check. He shut it again, nodding that they had left. "Oh okay, well I went to see the counselor and she's really nice. I think you should go meet her."

"Why?" He asked, pausing his action to recapture my hand in his.

"Well she seemed pretty interested in meeting you when I mentioned you," I said.

"You mentioned me?"

"Oh how can I not? You're just all I talk about Kacchan," I said. "Yeah, talking about this whole attacker situation called for talking about you." I wasn't about to tell him I just relived our whole relationship to the guidance counselor. "It really helped, just to talk to her."

"Hmm," he hummed again.

"Hey," I said, squeezing his hand so he'd look at me. "I can tell you've been hard on yourself lately and I'm supposed to be more direct and honest. I want you to know that you're not abandoning me when you can't be with me physically."

"Well—" he started, but he just died out.

"I just want you to know that I always feel your support and I hope you know I'll always support you. You don't always have to hold my hand, if I need your help I will most definitely tell you. You don't have to feel bad about not being able to leave campus with me. I'd know a thing or two about being there in spirit, I mean have you met my mom?" He nodded at me. "We can be more honest for when we need help, right? Trust each other if we don't?"


"Good," I said, placing my cool hands on his warm face. I lightly placed my forehead against his. "Sorry about my cold hands."

"It's fine," he said, quietly. I could feel his soft breath and I felt his hands rest hesitantly on my knees, his fingers twitching slightly. Alright (y/n). Rip the bandaid off, Izuku would be here soon.

"I have one more thing I want to talk about," I said, lifting my head. He looked at me. "I don't mean to dump all of this on you now, but you know I went to see my mom with Izuku."

"Yeah?" I let go of his face, placing my hands on top of his so they laid more solid on my knees.

"He was worried about me pursuing a relationship with you," I said and Kacchan's eyebrows furrowed. "He mentioned something you said to him last year, about taking a swan dive off the roof of the school." I watched Kacchan's face grow pale almost immediately upon the words coming out of my mouth. "Izuku is an important person to me, and I know you respect that. I would just need to know that—"

"I'm sorry?" He finished and I nodded.

"Yeah, he's concerned you might hurt me and I know you won't. I just need to know you've moved on from that and tell him that. That way he knows it too," I said.

"You want me to apologize to him?"


"Okay, I will," he said, nodding solidly. His face was still pale, and I wondered if it was because I scared him. There were many ways I could've taken this. "I have to admit, I might not like Deku, but I do...feel bad about saying those things."

"You do?"

"I've told you something similar and trust me, it's not something I'm proud of," he said. "I'm just glad you two didn't take my suggestion."

"Oh Kacc—"

"Don't feel bad for me, I said it. It was just too far and Deku deserves to know that too," he said, making eye contact with me.

"He's coming by soon," I said. "I hope you don't mind."

"I don't," he said. I took his hand, shifting to sit beside him. I nestled my head into the crook of his neck.

"I can tell you've changed," I said, "it's just that Izuku hasn't seen it like I have. That's why he's a little concerned, now." I felt Kacchan nod as I shut my eyes.

"I get it."

"I like you a lot KitKat," I said, stifling a yawn.

"Me too, Raindrop."

"So what did you do with Kirishima and Kaminari today?" I asked, snuggling up. He began to explain that Kirishima had dragged him shopping for the class. I didn't make it to the part where Kaminari came into the story, before falling asleep on Kacchan's broad shoulder.

Bakugo's POV

"Kirishima is literally the worst person to fucking shop with. I mean, he needs to touch literally everything! Takes things off the goddamn shelf and then doesn't put them back, he's such a dumbass. Finally, we get back and Kaminari's up our goddamn asses about what we got. The amount of times the word 'haul' came out his mouth made me want to punch him more than usual," I scoffed. "I'm never doing shit like that with those fuckers ever again—"

I glanced over, seeing that my story had lulled (y/n) to sleep. Her face was relaxed and her head rested heavy on my shoulder. I should've figured that when her fingers relaxed from holding my hand, she had fallen asleep.

"Jeez, am I boring you?" I asked. She of course didn't respond, her mouth parted slightly. "Baby?" I tested out the nickname, quite liking it myself. She didn't hear me, so it was alright to use it for now. I brushed the hair from her face with the back of my fingers. "I'm, like, the least relaxing person ever. How are you so out?"

I waved a hand in front of her face, but she was completely passed out. I watched her face twitch slightly, smushing her face further into my collar. The beginning of my sweatshirt hood was trapped under her cheek, which was smushed inwards. She looked kind of silly with her face all squished on one side.

"I'm dating a dumbass," I said, simply. "Oh gross, are you drooling on me?" I shook my head, keeping the rest of my body still so she didn't wake. "God that's so nasty."

I glanced back at her, grimacing. I brushed back more hair that had gotten caught in her drool. She looked happier when she was asleep, I had to admit.

"You're so pretty, even if you're drooling. Which is nasty."

I nuzzled my nose into the top of her hair. It made me kind of sick to think I might be holding her back. She had said earlier that I wasn't, but...She shifted slightly, forcing my face away from her head.

"I feel like I don't tell you that enough," I said, staring at her. "Maybe it's like one of those things where you'll hear me in your subconscious. I don't tell you enough, just how beautiful you are."

I could feel my heart race, her weight heavy against me. I lightly squeezed her hand, but she still slept soundly.

"You're so...good. And I—" I reached a hand to her face when I heard a knock at the door. The thought died out in my throat.

"Uh, Kacchan?" Deku called through the door.

"Just come in," I scoffed, shaking my head to relieve myself of this heavy feeling. Deku peeked his head in, spotting (y/n) at my shoulder. I let go of her hand, it falling to her lap.

"Oh, sorry. I can come back la—"

"She just fell asleep. I know she probably wanted to be here for this, but do you want to go somewhere else? I can just let her sleep here or whatever?" I asked.

"Sure Kacchan," he said. I had grown so accustomed to (y/n) calling me Kacchan that it was almost weird hearing Deku say it. Deku had even been the first to say it, so it only made sense he would say it. I glanced to (y/n), wrapping my arms around her so she fell into my grip. I laid her down carefully, mindful of cradling her head, and her body sank into the sheets as I draped a blanket over her. I stood up, nodding my head towards the door. "That was really nice."

"Yeah well I'm not going to just wake her up like an asshole," I scoffed, shoving my hands in my pockets. I locked the door, following Deku towards his room. The common room was probably too public. I had also neglected to consider how I was going to go about this.

I looked at Deku. He looked significantly less nervous or paranoid than I expected him to be. His room was still full, wall to wall, with All Might things. By the time he sat down it was obvious he was growing more nervous by the second.

"You can relax Deku."

"Ahh, I know," he said, holding back a mumble. I let out a sigh, seating myself at his desk and he sat down on his bed.

"About what I said."


"We...have our differences, but I should've never told you to kill yourself Deku," I said. My voice was low and humbling, Deku staring at me as I spoke. "That was way too far and I hope there is something I can do to prove that I actually mean it. I'm not just apologizing because (y/n) asked, I think about it all the time. Both of you. So...I'm sorry."

When I looked up, Deku's eyes were wider than I had ever seen and they were watering. Was he...crying?


"Thank you Kacchan," he said, his voice trembling.

"Are you crying?"

"No!" He called, wiping at his eyes. I frowned slightly, glancing away.

"Look, I'm just glad you didn't listen to me," I said. "There's a lot of things I've done wrong, that being the main one. I don't want you to feel like I'm bad for (y/n)."

"Right," he said. "Never in a million years would I ever expect an apology from the past you, so I think it's pretty obvious you've changed a lot."

"Well, I'm sorry."

"I know, I forgive you," he said. I felt a weight lift from my chest. If Deku could forgive me and (y/n) could too, then maybe I wasn't all that bad of a person. Maybe I was wrong. I could stop putting up that obnoxious confidence front and show an actually, true confident one. "I just have one question."

"Uh, sure?"

"I know she's not telling me, but are you two actually dating now?" He asked. Why he would ask me of all people that question, was beyond me. I paused, considering telling him. It was against the rules, but people were figuring out anyways right? He was a suspect in the case still, but since when did we want to listen to those shit police officers? "Kacchan?"

"Look, we're not supposed to tell you if we are or not because of rules placed by the police," I said.


"But that doesn't mean you can't figure it out," I suggested.

"Oh if someone like Kaminari asked (y/n) out she would say no?"

"Well duh, he's fucking stupid," I scoffed.

"Yeah but she would say no because she's with someone," he hinted.

"Yeah, she would," I said. I hoped she would.

"And this person she's with is blonde and has known her for a long time?" I nodded.

"Alright then," Deku said, nodding. "I feel like I knew anyways."

"Right, of course you did nerd," I scoffed.

"Jeez, When was the last time we hung out? When we were 5?" Deku asked.

"Yeah and you sucked back then," I scoffed and he smiled slightly.

"But Kacchan...we were 5. We barely knew each other." (I'm so sorry.)

"Didn't have to. I knew you'd turn out to be a nerd," I scoffed. His face shifted to that dumb inspirational expression he liked to wear and held out a hand to me. I rolled my eyes and roughly grasped it, shaking it once. Both our heads whipped to the door, however, when it whipped open, (y/n) out of breath and panicked in the doorway.

"Please don't fight each ot—" she glanced up to look at us and I ripped my hand from Deku's grip, wiping it on my shirt. "You're not fighting?"

"No, as if," I scoffed. She gave me a knowing glare and I just huffed back as if that would end the argument.

"(Y/n), it's okay. Everything's worked out now," Deku said, giving her a smile. Normally, that smile would make me want to punch Deku, but now I was just generally miffed about it. I glanced back over at (y/n), who looked all kinds of relieved.

"Where the fuck are your shoes?" I asked. She glanced down, having run here in her socks.

"No wonder I almost slipped and fell," she said and I placed a hand over my mouth to stifle my laughter.

"You're so stupid," I scoffed.

"I am not!" She called back, brushing herself off. She looked to Deku who was wearing a ridiculous grin on his face. "Why are you looking at me like that?"

"I may or may not have led him to the conclusion that we were dat—" I didn't get to finish before she placed a hand over her eyes.

"Between both of us, why was it you that told Izuku?" She asked and I just shrugged. "Sorry I didn't tell you."

"It was the rules, don't worry about it. I was already pretty sure about it," Deku said.

"You were?" She asked.

"It's pretty obvious," he teased and I watched (y/n)'s face get red. "Oh yeah Kacchan and I are just friends, the type of friend that I would get an anklet charm for." She gasped, tucking her anklet behind her leg.


"Mmhmm," Deku sassed back, slipping from the room. She began to follow him out, arguing with him. "You might want to put on some shoes to go with that denial!"

(Y/n) stopped, bewildered at the sass Deku was throwing her way. She nearly exploded, arguing twice as hard with Deku as I followed them out. It was strange, the atmosphere of this moment. Deku gave me a look, which I could only read as 'you're turning her into you'. I glanced at (y/n), noting that her mannerisms were quite similar to mine. It made me smirk.

"Chill Slip and slide," I said.

"Oh you of all people telling me to chill?!" She asked, meeting my smirk with a flustered stare. I just chuckled lowly and she pout. "Ugh I regret making you kind of friends, now you guys just gang up on me." I just watched her and Deku go back and forth some more, admiring her for a moment.

She was so pretty.

"Wow Kacchan, that's so nice," Deku said and when I focused back on them, I could see (y/n) with her cherry red face in her hands. I must've been speaking out loud. My own face turned a gentle pink.

"Whatever, it's true."


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