Shinsou | Chpt 26

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Heyo peoples


(y/n)'s POV

I was stood outside with my suitcase. I was awaiting everyone else to make their way outside, fully glad that this would be the end of my trip. It wasn't at all what I was expecting and to be honest I was extremely relieved this was over. It had been...terrible to be honest.

"Head onto the bus while we wait for the rest," Aizawa said, shuffling towards the bus. I started towards the bus before feeling someone catch my arm. I glanced over at Kirishima, seeing he was red in the face.

"Hey, can I sit next to you for a second? I need to talk to you," he asked and I nodded, soon after realizing that he was about to ask me to go to the dance together. Judging by his red face he seemed nervous which made me feel guilty now that I was going to say no. I was beginning to confuse his demeanor of asking me was actually romantic, which made me even more guilty.

"Sit with whoever, I don't care," Aizawa said, collapsing into a seat. He almost immediately fell asleep and I stared at him, wondering how he did it.

"Uh (Y/n)?" I glanced over to Kirishima in the inside seat and I smiled embarrassingly. I sat down, letting out a sigh.

"What's up?" I asked, smiling at him.

"I just wanted to ask, since you don't have a date or anything, if you wanted to go to the dance with me? It wouldn't actually be a date or whatever, it would just be as bros, not that you're a bro, but you get what I'm saying. So you have someone to go with and hang around, unless you want to go in a group, but I know some of the other girls in class have dates, but those are romantic and this isn't! Not at all, if that's what you're worried about."

"Kiri?" he glanced at me, his rambling ceased. "You know I'm not really concerned about having a date right?"

"Uh, oh yeah."

"You don't have to accompany me, I'm okay," I said. "You coming to the dance and hanging out with me is enough."


"Yeah, just bros," I said, offering up a fist bump which he returned.


"We will most certainly dance together, that is a must," I said and he gave me a wide, shark tooth grin.

"Sweet! So wait who are you sitting with on the bus?" he asked.

"Well right" I asked.

"Oh right, I was going to sit next to Bakugo so he didn't blow anyone else up," he said.

"You know what, that's a good idea. I can sit next to someone else," I replied, smiling at him. He got up and sat in the row across from mine with a smile.

"Yo Bakubro!" he called, waving the blonde to his row. I snickered slightly at the look on Kacchan's face, watching him come down the aisle.

"Why the hell do I have to sit next to you?" he asked, slipping past Kirishima into the window seat.

"Well, you technically don't have to," Kiri replied. Kacchan made a face, but sat back with a pout.

"Do you have a seat mate?" I glanced up at Todo and shook my head no, letting him slip into the window seat. I turned away from Kirishima and Kacchan to look at Todoroki. He sat comfortably next to me and I slipped up the arm rest between our chairs for more space. I heard Present Mic announce that everyone was on the bus and we almost immediately began moving. "Did you like the trip (y/n)?"

"Uh, not really. I'm really glad to be heading back," I said.

"Why not?" Todoroki asked calmly.

"Well between Kaminari almost drowning, nearly breaking my wrist during volleyball, uh...fighting, and the obstacle course yesterday. I'd say that nearly breaking my wrist was the least bad."

"Oh. I see now it was not very enjoyable."

"No, not particularly."

"We are to return to our dorms this coming Monday," he said and I nodded. We were leaving a week later, on another Friday. We had Saturday and Sunday off to return to the dorms and readjust.

"Yeah, it'll be nice to get back to the dorms. I was really starting to hate going back and forth for school," I said.

"I too disliked it," he said. Once the bus got back on the main trail Todoroki and I sunk into a gentle silence. I was doodling small ladybugs on a piece of paper while Todoroki watched. I gave one a small top hat and smiled to myself. I offered up the pencil to Todoroki and he made his own ladybug. His lines were far more nervous than mine, as if he didn't really know what he was doing and I held back a grin. I took the pencil back and gave his a bow tie. "Why are they so fancily dressed? Are they Aoyama's pets?"

I giggled and shook my head.

"It's cute. Maybe they have a little gala to go to," I said.

"Ladybug galas?"

"You never know, maybe they have some," I said, sketching another. I gave her a fancy gown to which I heard Todoroki gently exhale as if he were laughing.

"You are a very good artist," he said.

"Nah, I just doodle a lot," I replied, distractedly shading in the ladybug's head.

"Well, I enjoy them, what else can you draw?"

"I'm okay at animals," I said.

"Can you draw a bear?" he asked and I peered at him strangely before nodding. I scribbled out a small, fat bear and he leaned up against me, watching carefully. "He is not invited to the ladybug gala."

"Why? Because he's under dressed?"

"He's far too big, how will he fit?" he asked and I smiled slightly. There were some sides of Shoto that I never really saw, like this one. He seemed very at peace watching me draw silly little doodles of animals. "My sister used to let me watch her draw."

"Is she a good artist?"

"Very," he said, breathing steadily.

"I'd like to see some of her art," I replied. "What else did you used to do with your sister?"

"Fuyumi is intelligent and she used to be the one who would read to me and help me with homework after training with my father," he said, placing his head lightly against my shoulder. "You remind me very much of her."

"I do?"

"Yes," he replied softly. "She and my brother were very much my only friends growing up, so when you and Midoryia befriended me I saw the similarities between each situation. It's nice to have friends outside your family. Very confusing however."

"Yeah, I understand what you mean," I responded. "I'm glad I can be that kind of friend to you. Everyone should have that kind of comfort, they deserve it." I watched his face contort into a bittersweet kind of expression.

"No one has ever said that to me."

"Well, that's what I believe. I feel wonderful when I get to be that friend. Everyone deserves to be happy with the people they love. Their own life."

"Yeah. They do," he agreed, letting out a breath. I glanced to the split hair on the top of his head and smiled. He was usually a pretty distant, upright kind of guy and to have him share and rest comfortably against me was really nice. It felt like when Izuku and I were kids, spending time hanging on his couch with an All Might video on the TV. He would always rest against my legs and I would count the freckles on his face to which he laughed. I felt the gentle pressure of Shoto's head on my shoulder as the bus rolled by. I placed my cheek against the top of his head, feeling the weight of his head get heavier as we went.

Eventually, I noticed that he was asleep and I smiled gently to myself, seeing the peaceful and adorable expression on his face. I pulled my phone from my pocket and snapped a picture, sending it to Izuku.

Me: Your boyfriend is sleeping on me ;)
Izuku🥦: GAH shut up
Me: Saved it?
Izuku🥦: How did you know?!
Me: Ugh I hate it when you guys are the cuter in this friend group. You, this dope, Ururaka, Tsu, Iida?? Y'all are just too cute it's ridiculous.
Izuku🥦: Iida says you shouldn't take unsolicited photos of classmates
Me: Tell Iida he shouldn't be spying on our convo, that's an invasion of privacy. He has no reason to be jealous, I listed his name too.
Izuku🥦: He says he doesn't like your tone

I aimed my phone towards where Izuku was sitting, Iida luckily on the outside. I snapped a blurry photo of the side of his face and sent it to Izuku.

Izuku🥦: (Y/n) stop!! He's doing the arm thing!!
Me: I know, I can see from here >:)
Izuku🥦: You're truly a little devil huh?
Me: Yes 😈

I felt Shoto shift slightly, placing a light hand on my arm and I sighed.

Me: He's holding my arm like a little baby, I'm going to cry. He's too precious.
Izuku🥦: You sure you're over that whole crush?
Me: He told me I reminded me of his sister. So yes.
Izuku🥦: Alright Iida is complaining that I'm not paying attention during a conversation, sorry!!
Me: Iida; bff stealer.
Izuku🥦: Bye (y/n)
Me: :'(

I glanced up, looking over to Kirishima. He smiled at me, pointing silently to Todoroki on my shoulder as to question my current situation. I pat Todoroki's head softly, craning my neck so he wouldn't hear me and wake up.

"He's tired I guess, we were just doodling," I said. "Don't worry, I didn't reject you to go to the dance with him."

"Oh," he said, smiling slightly. "I've been working on my dance moves by the way, so we better show off on the dance floor." I giggled softly and nodded. I watched Kacchan peek around Kirishima to look at me, his eyes darting to Shoto's relaxed face. I felt slightly bad for talking as I didn't see him relax too often. I wanted him to rest.

"For sure," I replied.

"Icyhot looks stupid," Kacchan said and Kirishima elbowed him lightly.

"I think it's sweet," I replied, listening to his soft breath. His hair was warm from the heat of his head and face, nestled gingerly in the crook of my neck.

"Course you do, you're practically in love with the guy," he hissed, settling back in his seat. I frowned, shaking my head.

"Not anymore," I murmured to myself so that Kirishima and myself heard. I didn't really have much to retaliate after that and I just turned away. Things were getting quite petty against each other at this point, more cheap shots than usual. I ended up lightly resting my eyes, not completely asleep, for the rest of the ride. I could easily tell when the bus stopped its comfortable roll against the street and I opened my lazy eyelids, gently shaking Todoroki by his shoulder. He awoke subtly, glancing around with his hetero-chromatic eyes. I could see his pupils shrink at the light and the difference of colors was more drastic. "Sleep well?"

"Oh, my apologies," he said, sitting upright. He was abrupt and slid away from my arm.

"That's okay," I said, watching people get up and exit the bus. I stood up and offered up a hand to him. Once outside, I grabbed my luggage from the compartment at the side of the bus. I was going to head into school for a few moments before Ai was going to pick me up. I was going home to gather up my stuff on Saturday and move back into the dorm on Sunday. They were finally done with security and renovations so we could return this weekend, as long as we were in the school Sunday evening. All the students, out of it from the week long trip, all started to disperse and I glanced towards Todoroki. "I'll see you on Monday, tell Fuyumi I say hello." His eyes widened slightly before giving me a curt nod and a gentle smile.

I headed towards the front doors where a pretty big group of students were residing. They were all waiting for rides or were planning on doing something on campus. The other classes had taken their own trips, so just about the whole grade level was wandering about UA. I squeezed through a few kids, heading to an empty part of the hallway, awaiting a text from Ai. I leaned up against the wall for a second, taking my phone out.

"Excuse me?" I glanced up, somehow just now noticing a tall, tired looking boy. His hair was messy, pushed back, and a deep purple color. His eyes were almost hypnotic, which reminded me a lot of Aizawa sensei. I recognized him from the sports festival and...somewhere else.

"Yes?" I replied, standing up straighter. The way he stood made him look almost judging and his resting face was in a slight frown. His chin was tucked slightly, looking down at me. I could tell however he wasn't judging me, but was almost...anxious. He tried hard to hide it by the familiar way Kacchan would shove his hands in his pockets.

"You're (y/n) right?" he asked and I paused before nodding. What was his quirk again? I tried to think back before I remembered that he went up against Izuku. He had some sort of brain washing quirk that if someone responded verbally he would have complete control over them. His eyes twitched slightly and he leaned back slightly. "You must know who I am then, by your lack of response."

"Uh, yes. I don't quite remember your name," I replied.

"Shinsou," he replied bluntly, his tongue quickly sweeping across his dry lips. "I'm not here to use my quirk on you, I just wanted to ask you a question."

"Uh, well ask away," I said.

"I was there during the villain attack 2 weeks ago, of which you lost your voice," he said. It suddenly clicked as I saw him watching from the side before I engaged in combat.

"Yes. I saw you," I replied. His lips quickly thinned and he glanced around, taking a small step closer. I pressed up against the wall at the gesture and his eyes locked with mine. "What do you know about the villain who attacked you?"

"What? Why do you want to know?"

"Because when he knocked you down I saw him slip a note in your pocket. I thought teacher's would be there by then so I tried talking to him to...brainwash him, but when I gained control of him you grabbed his ankle and pulled him down and I lost control. I want to know what is going on."

"So you were the noise before I passed out," I replied, recalling the gentle hum of voices before I tugged at his leg before I was unconscious. I glanced up to him, frowning slightly. "You probably know about as much as I do. From what I know he hasn't talked to anyone since and he's just willingly in custody. They can't decipher the note either."

"I see, I just wanted to see if I could try and get into his head again," he said.

"No, I doubt if he'll talk to you," I said. "I'm sorry."

"No, that's alright. I'm sorry I didn't step in earlier," he said, his elbows straightening to shove his hands deeper into his pockets. It was clear now he felt bad for being such a bystander in the situation, which was probably why he wanted to help now.

"I'm sure it was just some attack," I said.

"He knew all your moves," he said and my phone vibrated. I knew it was Ai, but what he had said peaked my interest.

"You saw that?" I asked, knowing that I was the only one who had even noticed until now.

"You haven't told anyone and I think you should," he said. I frowned.

"It was probably just a coincidence. Maybe he's just an excellent fighter," I replied, shaking my head. Things like this made me far more nervous than they should. "If you'll excuse me." I started to walk away when his hand caught my wrist.

"Trust me (y/n). Don't keep it to yourself. You know where to find me."

When I glanced back around he had already let go of my wrist and was headed in the opposite direction, his back turned to me. I grabbed my luggage quickly and headed for the door, slightly panicked. Something about Shinsou and the whole situation made me extremely uneasy. I didn't like it one bit.


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