Hola amigos
(y/n)'s POV
I stepped out of the shower, having thoroughly worked out for Saturday. I padded across the carpet, thinking about the leftovers from last night that I think I would very much like to enjoy tonight as well. Ai was heading out to dinner with one of her friends so I was home alone tonight, which meant I could eat and watch TV without Ai scolding me for testing the safety of our carpet from spills. I shut the door behind me, putting on some joggers and a tank top. I brushed out my hair, quickly rubbing my face down with moisturizer. I pulled my hair into a messy loop, the ends of my hair sticking up from the top of my head and the smaller pieces of my hair already beginning to dry. I brushed down my bangs, drying them with my towel for a few moments before brushing them dry. I heard Ai knock as I reached for deodorant. I opened the door with one hand to let her in, putting on some deodorant and spritzing once or twice with my perfume.
"What's up?" I asked.
"I just wanted to let you know I was going soon. Katsuki should be here in a moment," she said. I glanced over to her with an odd look. "I'm going out with Mitsuki and she suggested that you two eat together. I left money if you want to order something."
"Oh," I replied. "Well I'm going to start working on my hero costume and I'm going to be listening to music."
"Right, right. You know where to reach me."
I sighed as the door shut and I plopped down on the floor. I leaned up against my bed for a second before glancing around for where I put the stuff I ordered. I was planning on sewing on pouches to my costume's belt and I much preferred making alterations myself. The people who designed costumes were amazing, but I liked to do it myself. I tugged out my sewing machine, taking a glance at my current costume. I had just taken it in for some alterations so that it would retain more moisture in my skin. There wasn't much different to look at, but I wanted to add pouches to my belt for medical supplies.
I plugged in my earbuds, turning on soft music with a sigh. I propped up my knee, straddling the machine so I could thread the material through. I was going to have to difficultly hand-sew the pouches onto my belt. I drowned out all the external stimuli around me, focusing on the work at hand. I slipped the belt from my costume and into my hands, slipping a thimble over my finger so I could stab the thick material of the belt with my sewing needle. I was extremely focused, so much so that I didn't quite recognize the sound of rain beginning to slap at the walls and windows, the light in my room dimming. It was just a cloudy gray light filtering in between the slats of my blinds and a dying yellow glow from my bedside lamp. I also didn't recognize the voices or noise from downstairs.
Bakugo's POV
"(y/n)!" Ai called and she shook her head when she didn't respond. "She's got her earbuds in, just head up there and she can fix you up with a towel dear." Ai gave me a soft wave and left, shutting the door behind her. I stood on their front door mat, grumbling to myself. My hair was dripping from the soaking rain that I had briefly walked through to get to the front door. I sighed and I stomped up the stairs, miserable and wet. Why did I have to stay here? I should've just gone to the dorms early.
I turned the short way to her room, knowing she was certainly in there by the light. The rest of her house was pretty dark and I pushed open the door gently. She was propped on the floor, her back against the side of her bed. I watched her tear some thread with her teeth, methodically working to finish up the last touches to her suit. She had added some pockets it seemed.
My gaze shifted from her hands to her face, seeing that she was extremely focused and in the silence between her rustling there was a muffled beat coming from her earbuds. Her head swayed slightly, a stray piece of light, dry hair swaying with it. The rest of her hair was pulled up so that the ends of her damp hair stuck up to peek over the crown of her head. I watched her tongue dart out to lick her lips and I leaned up against the door frame, surprised she hadn't seen me yet. She looked very peaceful.
(Y/n)'s POV
I sighed, finished with the belt finally. I tore the thread with my teeth, my hands too worn from all the pressure I had to put on the dull end of the needle to get it to go through. I licked at my lips, gazing at my handy work before tugging an earbud out, hearing the rapid rain at the window. I glanced towards it, sighing slightly. I glanced towards my door as I attempted to stand, spotting Kacchan standing there. I yelped and slipped back down to my butt where I had been.
"Jeez! Don't scare me like that!" I called, hoisting myself up. I shoved my outfit away and pushed away my sewing machine. He laughed to himself and I glanced towards him. He was soaking wet and dripping on my carpet. His usual spiky hair was slick and curling at the ends, soft droplets of water dripping occasionally from them. He looked almost like Izuku with the curling tip of hair around his face. It made him look soft, except for the pissy, uncomfortable gaze he kept. "What did you walk here?"
"No, just to your dumbass door."
"You're one wet bitch," I said, brushing a stray hair behind my ear.
"You're one to talk."
"Ha ha, come on I'll get you a towel," I offered, heading along the hall to the bathroom. I opened up the closet, tossing him a towel. He stripped off his sweatshirt and I hurried back to my room. I pulled the sweatshirt he left in my room and a pair of sweatpants that Ai convinced me I would grow into. They were a little too long, though the waist fit fine. I thought back to when Kacchan had lent me his sweatpants for pajamas, snickering as I knew we would fit in the same pants. I headed back to the bathroom, seeing him running the towel across his hair. "Here, give me your clothes."
"I'll put them in the dryer with the rest of the stuff, you can wear these."
"Fine," he scoffed, shutting the door. I held his wet sweatshirt for a few minutes before he again came out, wearing the stuff I brought him. I took his wet clothes, heading down towards the laundry room. I didn't exactly know how to feel about the fact he was just following me. It was weird, like we were just...hanging out. He hung the towel around his shoulders as I threw in a dryer sheet and started the machine.
"We can watch some TV," I said.
"Sure," he replied, crossing his arms. The sweatpants I had supplied had shallow girl pockets, and I could tell Kacchan had nowhere to place his hands. I led him to the lounge, watching him plop on the floor, his back against the couch. Of all the places to sit. I sat myself on the couch, behind and adjacent to him. I flicked on the TV, seeing it was some random game show, the contestants getting ridiculously hurt. I glanced down at Kacchan's hair, seeing that it was still wet and mushed even more into a blonde Izuku. I laughed slightly and he glanced around at me. "What are you fucking laughing at?"
"You look like Deku."
"What? No I fucking don't."
"Your hair," I snorted and he scowled.
"Shut your damn mouth," he threatened and I rolled my eyes.
"Lemme fix it," I said, scooting over to seat myself behind him. I snatched the towel from his shoulders, spreading it out in my hands.
"Don't you fucking touch me," he hissed, leaning forwards and I just tugged him back by the sides of his head. I went to work drying it, my legs dangling on either side of his shoulders. I massaged his hair slightly with the towel and he was silent, his head bobbing slightly with my movements. I tossed the towel aside, running my fingers through his hair, spiking it up slightly. It was pretty easy as that was how his hair was naturally. His hair was ridiculously soft for how sharp it looked sometimes.
"Have you ever considered getting an undercut?" I asked, running my fingers through the hair at the nape of his neck. "Like right here would look very good on you."
"Oh piss off and quit petting me," he said, shoving me away. I frowned, standing up with the towel.
"Your welcome, you don't look like Deku. You just look like a bitch." He snarled at me, sharply gesturing towards me as if that would make me flinch.
"I'll be back." I tossed the towel in the laundry basket, hopping back upstairs for a blanket and my phone. I grabbed both, considering getting a blanket for Kacchan but I just ignored the idea, heading back downstairs. I headed back for the couch, seeing that he had moved up to the opposite end so the middle cushion would be between us. He was pouting, his chin against his fist and his elbow propped into the arm of the couch. I sat, swinging my legs up on the ottoman and draping the blanket over my legs and bare feet. We sat watching for a while before the ridiculous game show was over. The next one was a trivia show.
"Hah Marilyn Monroe," I said, answering the first question. Kacchan looked over at me incredulously.
"Do you ever stop talking?"
"No," I replied. "Besides, it's more fun."
"Tch," he scoffed and I just smiled, watching the TV.
"Are you hungry? I can order something," I offered and he shrugged.
"Whatever," he replied. I nodded, pulling out my phone.
"Sushi?" I asked and he again shrugged. I dialed up the closest place, standing up to pace around the kitchen as I ordered random platters of sushi. So much for those leftovers. I suppose I could have them before I leave to unpack in the dorms tomorrow afternoon. I hung up, glancing around the kitchen before spotting money clipped to the fridge for me. I pulled it down, counting through it, deeming that it was enough. I set it on the counter and headed back for the lounge. When I sat back down, Kacchan looked at me. I looked back over at him. "What?"
"So you're not going with shitty hair?"
"The dance you idiot," he said. I paused before nodding.
"Yup, I'm not. Lucky you, you get to stay by him and avoid me," I said, propping my feet back up. I stared at the TV for a few moments before glancing back to see him still staring at me. "What?"
"Well who the hell you going with?"
"...no one. Am I supposed to have one or something?" I asked. "What the hell is it to you?"
"It just doesn't make any fucking sense."
"What doesn't?"
"You work so stupidly hard for this stupid party and you don't even want to go with a date, it doesn't--"
"Why would going with a date make the dance worth it. I'll be happy about it either way," I said, smiling slightly at him. "Are you good?"
"What the hell is that supposed to mean?"
"You just seem a little weird Kacchan."
"I'm not fucking weird, you are," he retaliated and I sighed, sitting back.
"Okay," I agreed, bringing the discussion to an end. We sat, watching in silence, and I didn't answer anymore of the game show questions considering the fuss he had made earlier.
"That one is easy, baseball," he scoffed and I smiled slightly seeing as he was answering them himself all of a sudden. The doorbell rang and I stood up to grab our food and pay the delivery guy. I shuffled to the door, opening it up with a smile. It was a young guy, holding a heavy bag of sushi.
"Hi, (y/n)?" he asked and I nodded.
"That's me," I replied, taking the bag and counting out the money.
"Uh that's about 4,018 yen," he said and I nodded. "You're at UA right?"
"Uh, yeah?" I said, handing him his money and generous tip for being so fast.
"I saw you in the sports festival, you did amazing!" he said and I smiled, my cheeks going slightly pink.
"Well thank you."
"Good to know people like you are going to be the new heroes," he said. "Uh, if you might want to--" he paused mid sentence, his gaze shifting behind me. I glanced around at Kacchan who had taken a spot behind me, sizing up the delivery boy. I handed him the bag of food and he glared at the kid.
"Well thank you, for the food and the compliment. Stay dry," I said and he nodded, watching Kacchan nervously. It was obvious the poor boy was scared of him. I nudged Kacchan away and he grumbled, taking the food inside.
"Oh, uh no problem. Would it be weird if I asked for your autograph?" he asked and I paused, shrugging.
"No, of course," I replied. He tugged a pen out of his pocket and I signed an order pad sheet he had tucked away on the inside of his jacket. I signed it quickly and he thanked me again, bowing slightly before leaving. I shut the door, heading into the kitchen where Kacchan had put on the lights. I glanced over at the glass door to the backyard, seeing that it was dark. I jumped slightly, seeing a figure stood in the door my heart rate jumping. I tried to focus my gaze, seeing that it was only the reflection of myself from the yellow kitchen light against the glass. I swallowed nervously, feeling unsure. When I had first looked, it had looked like a black shadow, not what I was looking at.
"Compliment?" he asked, pulling boxes out of the bag. I glanced his way, shaking off the trembling feeling in my hands.
"Huh, oh yeah, he saw me in the sports festival," I said, smirking slightly. "Jealous?"
"What?!" he asked, his face went crazy red.
"Oh come on, just because he admired me in the festival and not you doesn't mean you have to death glare the guy," I said, pulling out a bowl of miso soup for myself.
"Ugh no, just shut up," he said, ducking his head so I couldn't look at his face.
"What's the problem?" I asked.
"Nothing, just fuck off," he scoffed again.
"Kacchan?" I asked, placing a hand on his shoulder and he roughly pulled away from me. "What is going on?"
"Drop it." I frowned again, turning back to the bag and burying myself in it to pull out the rest of the food. Kacchan was clearly a complicated guy and I couldn't quite get into his head. We continued emptying out the sushi and I sat down, pursing my lips. I brought a piece of makizushi to my mouth with a pair of chopsticks. I stopped, placing it back down.
"Hey Kacchan?"
"What?" he spat, watching his sushi in concentration.
"Uh, I'm sorry for whatever I did," I said, feeling guilty. Normally I wouldn't think so much about it, but I wasn't feeling at my best these past few days and I was still kind of shaken up after talking to Shinsou and seeing my reflection in the window. It was turning into an anxious evening, seemingly for no good reason. He paused, setting down his piece of sushi and looked up at me.
"You didn't do shit, don't apologize," he said and I chewed at my lip. I nodded and placed a piece of sushi in my mouth. He let out a sigh, noticing I very much did not believe him when he said it. I hated when people saw me like this, it was so unheroic. "Wet bitch."
"Hmm?" I asked, glanced up at him again, chewing at my sushi. He gave me a hesitant glare, setting down his chopsticks. He reached across the table, his hand lightly ruffling my hair. He thoroughly messed up my bangs and I just stared at his forearm. There was something so oddly comforting about the gesture and he sat back, picking up his chopsticks again.
"Tell anyone about this and--"
"You'll kill me?" I finished his sentence and he let out a soft 'tch', shaking his head. We finished our sushi and instead of going back to the TV we headed upstairs to my room. I picked up the rest of my hero costume stuff and placed it in my bag for tomorrow. I sat down on my bed, glancing at him stand near the door. "You can sit if you want." He only scoffed and sat down on the bed beside me. I laid back with a yawn.
"Why so anxious?"
I glanced up, craning my neck to look at his back. He didn't look at me, awaiting my answer.
"I don't know."
"Sure," he scoffed, propping up one foot.
"I just spooked myself with my reflection is all, it's been a long few weeks since the attack," I said, grasping a pillow to my chest.
"You got scared by your own reflection? Dumb bitch," he replied and I tossed the pillow at his head with a laugh. It hit him and his head whipped around to look at me laughing. "I'll blow you into next week!" His threat didn't seem to take and I threw another at him. He leapt at me, taking me down into the bed. "Try me freak!"
I was laughing like an idiot at this point and I glanced up, seeing that he had pinned me into the bed. I could clearly see and was reminded now that he wasn't wearing a shirt under the sweatshirt, why would he considering his shirt was in the dryer. He was holding back a slight smile and all I could think of was when he had told me he liked how I laughed. This abruptly suppressed my laugh and he locked eyes with me for a moment. There was something so friendly about the moment and yet so...unfriendly at the same time.
"Uhh, whatcha doin?" I asked and he sat up, getting off me with a heavy cough. I sat up as well, feeling my face turn red. I cleared my throat, staring at the back of his head before I laid back down. "So yeah, scared myself. Dumb huh?"
"I'm just going to..."
I shut my eyes, feeling the urge to scream in frustration and confusion. I felt the bed dip slightly and he laid back. I glanced over for a second before staring at the ceiling. We didn't say anything for a while, hearing the rain begin to pick up again.
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