Overwhelm | Chpt 110

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(y/n)'s POV

"Yeah Ai, it's fine," I replied, leaned up against a railing outside the cafeteria. "I'm just about to head to lunch, what is it?"

"Your mother has been acting strange all morning, I don't know what's up with her," Ai stated.

"Just ask her what's up."

"I did, but she's not saying anything," Ai insisted.

"What am I supposed to do about it? She didn't tell me about my dad for like 12 whole years, why would she tell me what's wrong now?"

"Because you two had your whole pow wow thing. She's more open to you," Ai replied. "Can't you come by later today?"

"Fine, after I talk with the counselor I'll come by," I agreed.

"Thank you!" she called back, hanging up quickly. She probably had something else to do. I let out a sigh, pinching the bridge of my nose as I headed into the cafeteria. I made my way to the usual table, reserved for the Bakusquad. I sat down between Kirishima and Kacchan.

"What was that all about?" Mina asked.

"Eh, just Ai asking me to come see my mom. Something is up with her," I replied.

"Like...medically?" Kirishima asked and I felt Kacchan's hand at the base of my back.

"Ah no, she's just been acting strange," I answered, though I wasn't entirely sure that she wasn't having medical problems. It had been quite okay ever since she got released from the care unit, a place I haven't been back to since. They continued up their conversation about the art history homework assigned.

I ended up eating half of my lunch, eventually making my way to Aizawa sensei's class with Kacchan. I walked beside him, my lunch box still half full. I had to part ways and head to the front of the school to meet up with Shoji. The class was visiting our agency today, to meet Wash and see what we do. There were just a few more after that, including Fatgum. I was excited to meet him and see what it was like for Kirishima and the 3rd year Tamaki. Kacchan nudged me with his elbow before we reached our separating point. I looked to him.

"I'll see you after school, we can take the subway back to my house," he said.

"Thanks," I replied, simply. I squeezed his wrist, heading off to the front. We had around 30 minutes to get there and get set up, which I was nearly cutting into by the time I reached the front door. Shoji was already waiting there patiently. I quite liked Shoji, he was a very nice guy. He was rather loyal as well, someone you could really rely on. I worked really well with him also. That said a lot but also a little. We had a good work chemistry, but Shoji was agreeable with everyone. I stood on the train beside Shoji, resting my head on my hand which was gripping a hand rail.

I was actually kind of tired today, which made the fact I had to return to see what was up with my mom rather undesirable. After the absolute drama fest, dumping all that information on me, I was practically praying for the universe to give me some normal time with my mom. I had been rather adamant about it all and having fun with my mom wasn't really a big issue anymore. At first it was awkward, but now it seemed even easier than before.

The agency was how it always was, clean and slightly bustling. Per the receptionist's request, we headed downstairs instead of up. The training room maze was set up and Aki was already there. She wasn't setting up her ear pieces like she normally did, Wash nodding to a woman as she left with some papers. He spotted us, perking up slightly.


"Afternoon," I greeted back, Shoji nodded from where he stood beside me. His gaze shifted over to Aki, per the usual.

"Today for the visit, you'll be showing your classmates the maze! However, this time you'll take Aki with you," Wash explained. That made sense as to why she wasn't making ear pieces. We had never taken her with, but it seemed most plausible that I would serve as defense while Shoji and Aki kept lookout. With both of them in the loop, directing me, it would be easy for me to successfully protect the pair. Aki could ride on Shoji's back as well, which was why his mask shifted uncomfortably. It was fairly obvious how much he actually liked her.

We were sent to warm up, and eventually I heard my classmates arrive. Aki followed my stretches, peering over at the class filing in.

"Those your classmates?"


"How cool is it to be in a hero class?" she asked. I couldn't really tell if her question was rhetorical, so I answered it anyways.

"Pretty cool I won't lie," I replied. She smiled at me for a moment.

"Welcome! As you all can see, we have a maze set up. It sort of simulates a real city and because we have the opportunity to work with a navigation quirk, the maze comes out every once in a while," Wash explained. When he was done, he started up the maze. Shoji hesitated slightly, before offering up a hand to Aki. She took it, settling on his back only to disappear from my view and everyone else's. Shoji covered her up as effectively as he could. I could still hear her speaking.

She led us through the maze, my water taking out the small enemies along the way. It wasn't until we faced a villain with a win quirk did things start to go wrong. Fans blew around us, rather strong ones. We were separated and I paused, setting up a defense where I was. Aki would figure out where I was soon enough. Something came flying at me and I blocked it with a shield of water. A couple more came at me as I awaited Shoji to use his navigator to find me. I ducked, the flying thing missing the shield. I blocked another before I felt something pelt me in the head. I dropped to a squat, protecting myself with a bubble of water. Staying put was the best option, it would be easier for Aki to find me. I placed a hand on my head, feeling rather dizzy.

"Unfortunately not now sweetie. You father is working," my mother said. I frowned, unable to vocalize exactly what I wanted. I just mumbled, remembering that my mother was wearing her hair up. She never did that. Why did she look so different when she did?

My father walked in, his footsteps heavy in the hall leading towards the kitchen.

I looked up at him.

"(y/n), come on!" Aki called, visible from where Shoji was stood above me. I just let the water crash down from where it was protecting me, building it up so it would protect all three of us. I got up quickly, not thinking too hard about what had just happened. A few rights and lefts later, we were out of the maze. Wash awarded us with the fastest time yet, a rather good impression to be made on our classmates. Dazed and achy, I walked beside Kacchan back into school. I had to speak with Joue before leaving to see Ai and my mother.

"What's up with you?" Kacchan asked.

"I hit my head," I said. "Or something hit it."

"What? You okay?"

"Yeah, I'm fine."

"You remember everything?"


"Oh good," he breathed, half scared that I had forgotten and half scared I was being so nonchalant if I had.

"I have this weird memory at the front of my brain," I said. "I've never...remembered it before. I just was with my mom and she said my dad was working. And she had her hair up, which she never did and still never does. And then my dad walked in and I looked up to see him, but that's it. I still don't remember what he looks like or anything."

"Wait, woah," Kacchan said stopping me with his arm. "We should talk to the neurologist."

"For what? She's just going to say that maze thing knocked a few screws loose. I can tell you that right now," I scoffed dismissively. He just looked at me, partially disapponted. "We can see her tomorrow."

"(y/n) you need to take this more seriously."

"No I don't Kacchan."

"Yes you do," he insisted.

"Why should I? At this point, I'm tired from stressing about nothing because I can't do anything about it. It's what it's going to be from now on, my lack of control is too much," I sighed, exhausted just from the conversation.

"You're getting tired again, just like you did before."


"When everything was getting to be too much with Chouka. You were so exhausted. It's happening again," Kacchan pointed out. I just shrugged. "I unfortunately worry about you too much."

"Whatever, I'll talk to Joue about it. Would that appease you?"

"Yes, but you should do this stuff for yourself," he pointed out. I just turned back to face where I was headed. Just a few days before had been Valentine's and I had been so happy. Everything was great and Kacchan was great. Why had my mood soured in a mere few days. "(y/n)."


"I love you a lot," he said and I just nodded. He stopped the both of us in the hallway again, swallowing me up in a hug.

"I love you too," I mumbled. I felt his mouth press against the top of my head and he let go of me abruptly. Seeing kids at the beginning of the hall heading towards us. I parted ways with him again, going for Joue's office. I made my way back, finding her office void of anyone but her. I plopped down in a beanbag with a heavy and pitiable sigh. She peered over her desk at me, wondering why I hadn't greeted her like I normally did.

"Anything on your mind?" she asked, getting up to seat herself in a beanbag.

"I just...I wish I had no brain."


"Then I wouldn't have such a screwed up one and I could just live my life like a thoughtless blob," I whined. I sank down in the beanbag.

"I'm sorry you're feeling that way. What seems to be the issue?"

"I just keep going to see that neurologist, who is clearly wasting her time. She can't figure out why the hell my brain is so...weird. Things keep going wrong anyways," I scoffed.

"With your brain?"

"Yeah, I guess. Today I got hit in the head and I had this weird recollection of my dad walking into the kitchen to me and my mom. Doesn't even matter, I couldn't picture him in the room anyways. Or at all. Just his heavy ass feet," I said, shaking my head. I slumped down further, rolling over so my head flopped into Joue's lap. She glanced down at me, half surprised. "Kacchan wants me to see the neurologist which I guess makes sense, but she's just going to tell me what she predicted. Physical head trauma is going to be more strange for me than the average person. Go figure why that happened today."


"And Kacchan just, I know he means well and he's really smart but I need him to just leave stuff be sometimes. He so nice and he's so sweet, but if he tells me what I should do one more time I might flip."

"Have you mentioned that to him?"

"Kind of?"

"Let him know. He's not unreasonable, especially not with you, is he?"


"Plus, it seems to me that I think you should consider that you and Bakugo are not all that different," Joue said. "Neither of you like to be babied and yet you baby each other."

"I guess." Joue placed a hand on my head, stroking my hair. I relaxed as she laid back, sighing to the room.

"We both know calming down and talking works best for you and most other people," Joue stated. "As for your noggin, there's nothing wrong with you having issues. You're still very much you, not a victim or helpless like you seem to think. Hell, I get migraines all the time. I can still do my job and be me, even with the restriction. At least...when I'm not trying to sleep it off, but you get the point. I'm just saying no one is perfect. You have to have at least one weakness."

"You're right. As always."

"Is that sass I hear?" Joue gasped, her hand pulling from my hair to gesture in an offended way.

"Of course, who else would?" I replied. I shifted, hugging around her lower leg while my head rest sideways on her lap. "We going to talk about how to cry in front of Bakugo?"

"Well if you want to," Joue agreed. "I do have some news about Chouka."


"If you don't want to know, you don't have to. I know it's overwhelming, I just thought I'd offer."

"What's up?" Joue paused, fixing up my hair before going into her explanation.

"Tsukauchi has been taking me out to see her, explain debriefing, things like that," Joue said. "I think he really needs a detective partner, he texts me a lot. But yesterday he gave word that Chouka remembers something about that boy's quirk. Uh...Reo."

"The sound quirk guy? What does it matter? He passed away in prison."

"Yes, but identifying him is something that could greatly open up a few things," Joue said. "Apparently Reo didn't come into Chouka's life until a little later, right before he attacked UA. She remembers interacting with him once, learning his name, and that he was planning on doing something with sound. We thought he just pulled sound waves together and used them, but it seems he just moves them around. Rather fast. Chouka said he was there to help once. Apparently he was expecting to get caught."

"Probably because no one knows who the hell he is," I said. "Chouka say that to you? She like attack you again?"


"She...didn't attack you?" I confirmed, turning my head to look up at her.

"She didn't. First time since I started going."

"That's so...weird. If he was just trying to help Chouka, why...did he want to get caught or at least be okay with it?"

"Perhaps he had some sort of relation to Chouka, we don't know yet. So long as we continue to help Chouka along, we'll be able to string some pieces together," Joue said. I settled back against her legs.

"How come Tsukauchi wants you there again?"

"He thinks I can really pull some info from her. There aren't really that many counselors our there who would be willing to do this," Joue stated.

"I don't know, just sounds like Tsukauchi likes you," I muttered, shutting my eyes.

"What? No."

"He texts you all the time and you're out with him all the time too," I pointed out.


"You better not forget about dad. You can't leave him for Tsukauchi."

"I still don't know about you calling Aizawa and I 'mom and dad'."

"You basically are."

"You have a mother."

"And?" Joue let out a soft sigh. "Come on, I saw the Valentine's dance. I don't want to talk about me anymore, lets talk about you and father."

"Now that I think about it, I think it's nearing your time to go." I snuck a glanced at the clock.

"No, I still have 15 minutes."

"Maybe I'm busy."

"You're not."

"I don't know what you want me to talk about."

"How you two are getting married in the near future."

"Absolutely not."

"What wedding colors?"

"We're not getting married any time soon. And if we were, grey and purple. That should've been obvious," Joue scoffed. I let out a laugh.

"Come on, he's falling madly in love with you."

"See alright, there's where you're incorrect (y/n). You don't know that and I prefer to keep my hopes low. Less disappointment," she replied.

"But he danced with you! And I saw, you guys train together."

"He's just teaching me how to use my quirk."


"He is!"

"2 days ago I was walking to the library and I saw him helping you back to the apartments," I pointed out. When I didn't receive an immediate response, I opened my eyes to look towards Joue. Her face was slightly flushed, avoiding my eyes. "Wait, what happened?!"

I sat up to get the full scoop, seeing her look at me half embarrassed and half reluctantly annoyed. She shuffled in her beanbag as I awaited what she had to say. Joue pursed her lips.

"He just...kicked me is all," Joue said. She lifted up the hem of her shirt to reveal a purple bruise on her side. "Took me back and that's it."

"No it's not."

"Yes it is."

"Show me your heart." She stopped, not doing it. "What happened? I'm having a rough time, you have to tell me."

"Oh that is so cheap," Joue said, standing up to sit back at her desk.

"Please!" I pleaded, peeking over the desk at her. She looked at me before sighing, giving in to my pestering.

"He left and I cleaned up after working with him. He showed up a little later, apologizing again for kicking me." Joue pressed her lips together in a thin line to hide her smile. It wasn't very effective. "He seemed afraid that I'd be mad at him or something."

"And?" I urged. She seemed more into telling me, now that her story gained momentum. She probably hadn't told anyone about this. I grinned.

"He just...okay a while ago he let himself in and scared me so bad I punched him in the face."

"Oh...Oh my god! That's why he had a black eye."

"Yeah..." Joue said, tugging at her neck. "Anyways, I let him stay in my apartment to ice his eye. He even let me put a face mask on him and braid his hair."

"The wavier hair..."


"OH MY GOD, you're married, I called it." Joue rolled her eyes playfully, shrugging me off.

"He ended up falling asleep at my place, his head right here," Joue stated patting her breast bone.

"This is so cute, why?" I squealed and she smiled, letting out a gentle laugh. "Okay so that was a while ago, what about recently?"

"Well I let him in after he apologized for kicking me. He wanted to come in and he was really...hesitant? He usually isn't like...almost nervous, but he mentioned falling asleep at my house. He basically told me he sleeps better when I'm around," Joue said, chewing at her lip.

"Oh, the way you guys are in love," I swooned and Joue again brushed it off.

"Well I offered to let him stay on the couch or in the guest room since he said he couldn't really sleep. He was pretty obviously hinting he wanted to sleep at my apartment, but he wasn't really too excited about the couch or the guest room."

"Wait..." I glanced up at Joue, knowing what she was about to say next.


"He slept in your bed?!"

"Yeah, he did. I just laid there for a little and it was really...odd. He just broke the silence, like 'I sleep better when I'm actually in contact with you' and so I moved over to touch arms or something. Then when I rolled over to face him I was like, way too close right? And he just, boom, pulled me into his chest. He smells really good by the way, and he kind of rolls back onto his back. He's still holding me though, so I'm just pressed up against his side with my head on his chest and oh my god, I was so afraid he'd hear my nervous heartbeat from a mile away. But he was so warm and cozy and he actually wanted to initiate some serious contact with me. Not like I do with him. I think I bring out the conversation in him and he just shows his friendship by allowing me to touch him or he touched me. Like he's not the most touchy person in the world, but he actually lets people he likes, physically close to him. It was just so--"

Joue looked up to me staring at her, baffled. She stopped, closing her mouth and clearing her throat. Her face was a gentle hue of pink and she avidly began protecting the heart on her chest with her hand.

(All that Jozawa stuff is in Jozawa - 10)

"Anyways, that was what you wanted yes?"

"And you say...you're not married...and that he doesn't like you," I recapped and she deadpanned, annoyed I was still on that fact. "I can't with you sometimes. I'm telling Aizawa sensei to ask you out."

"Wh--no!" she called, placing a hand over her mouth. "Don't...do that."

"It needs to happen and you know it," I said. "Bottom line is you need to stop hanging with

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